Internal Memorandum To CommonLisp Developers Date March 21, 1986 From John Sybalsky Organization XAIS/Palo Alto Subject Minutes of the Commonlisp Technical Meeting on March 20, 1986 XEROX Attending: Bobrow, Masinter, Van Melle, Sybalsky, Fischer, Daniels, Jellinek, Gregor, Murage, ?? Meeting Minutes Bob Bane: There is an index to all the ArpaNet commonlisp mail, on his directory on VAXC (/user/xais/bane/clmail and /use/xais/bane/clmsgs/). Bob accomplished this by separating all the mail messages from the primary Common Lisp mail list into individual files. All occurances of all words in those file is then recorded in a massive master index. This index is then to be culled of useless common words and mail header keywords. It will then be separately converted into a facility for use by the implementors in Xerox Lisp. Masinter: Has an idea for how to set up the silver book sources for keyword retrieval; solicits a volunteer to do it. Bob Bane volunteered and will report next week. Sybalsky: Sami Shaio, who worked with Doug Cutting on early DINFO, has been approached to work here this summer. He'd mostly work on TEdit enhancements that would give su some SCRIBE-like facilities. Int. Documenter: Resume for one candidate is on Pam's desk; the req for this got lost between Prod Dev & Prod Eng. Possible Candidate: Pavel mentioned Marion Sturtevant (an XDE person from OSD?). JDS to check with Pam Kristy on protocol, since she's already and employee. SUN/Lucid: A purchase req is in the signature cycle for a Sun & Lucid CML, to serve as a benchmark implementation. THaney is tracking it. VAX Lisp: Ron Cude is ordering VAX CML (per LMM) Packages: Ron Fischer cedes them to VanMelle, for lack of time. DEFSTRUCT: LMM working on it, but has no ETA. Andy Daniels will be hung on it by 3/24; he will use PCL's NDEFSTRUCT pending a working defstruct. Product Plan: Exists; John Sybalsky has a copy which may be borrowed for viewing. Error System: The Pitman proposal still has problems (proceed cases and much vagueness), but Andy is working toward implementing it with additional interpretations from the the Common Lisp error DL. Andy described KMP's proposal for the group. Recompile: JDS will try to recompile the system again, and will report on 3/27. Any problems will be taken then as action items, to be cleared up by the succeeding Thursday. The whole system will need to be recompiled because of changes to the error system, e.g. Doc. Note: The error system will need extensive work for the user documentation to make sense and be helpful. User Interface: Proceed Types (from the error system) will affect the user interface in the break package. Disk Space: Gary Rhoades reports no progress on getting more disks. Testing: GRhoades reports no progress on obtaining external test suites. CML Standards: ANSI X3J13 has been proposed to the X3 secretariat. Dan Bobrow will be the Xerox delegate. Future Meetings: Will be on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3:30pm. Action Item Summary Due Date Person Responsible Description (* = new this time) 3/27 John Sybalsky *Will have tried to recompile the system, and will have reports of any problems encountered. These problems will be future action items, due 4/2, to permit bulk recompiling. + .``7$7 $++4<,4<<HD MODERNMODERNMODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN MODERNMODERN LOGO ?  Y    b  ' 6  E  c[ 8 @\*> Uz