Release notes for FLOATARRAY to CMLFLOATARRAY conversion The package FLOATARRAY has been rewritten. It has more complete documentation and many bugs have been fixed. Several top level functions have changed their names to move closer to Common Lisp conventions (eg, from MAPELT to MAPARRAY). WARNING FOR USERS OF THE DANDETIGER A batch of delivered floating point chips have been found to contain a bug. The bug occurs when two small numbers are multiplied and the result is an unnormalized number. The chip generates floating infinity as the result. The function CHIPTEST, supplied in the CMLFLOATARRAY package, can be used to test if this bug is present in your DandeTiger. If your machine has this problem, please contact your Xerox Sales Representative for information on how to obtain either a replacement or service. This bug does not occur in the function FTIMES, as the chip is used in "slow mode" there.