CMLCONVERT By Kelly Roach. Last revised 20-MAR-86. CMLCONVERT is an internal LISPCORE^ hack to convert CMU Spice Lisp sources into file packages. {ERIS}LIBRARY>CML.DCOM must be LOADed for CMLCONVERT to work. The files {ERIS}CURRENT>*.SLISP are converted into files {ERIS}FPKG>* by the function CMLCONVERTALL. (CMLCONVERTALL) [Function] Convert Spice Lisp sources {ERIS}CURRENT>*.SLISP to Interlisp sources {ERIS}FPKG>*. (CMLCONVERTONE SPICEFILENAME) [Function] Convert one Spice Lisp source {ERIS}CURRENT>FOO.SLISP to one Interlisp source {ERIS}FPKG>FOO. An intermediate file {CORE}CMLCONVERT;1 is also generated in the process. (CMLCONVERT SPICEFILENAME) [Function] Convert one Spice Lisp source {ERIS}CURRENT>FOO.SLISP to one Interlisp source file coms FOOCOMS. The functions, macros, etc for FOO will be in core (in the usual Interlisp file package way). The CMLCONVERT package has been written to do a reasonable but not perfect job on a particular set of sources and can be guaranteed to break badly on Spice Lisp files CMLCONVERT has not been tried on. The CMLCONVERT user--if there is anything at all useful in the converted source--will have to use DEDIT extensively to make the converted code work. I myself was able to import most of the implementation for Common Lisp sequences and strings on to {ERIS}LIBRARY>CMLSEQ and CMLSTRING using an early version of this package.