// VMemExtra.bcpl. virtual memory package debugging
// Last modified March 20, 1985  10:27 AM by Bill van Melle
// Last modified May 25, 1983  11:21 AM by Bill van Melle
// Last modified June 25, 1982  2:42 PM by Bill van Melle
// Last modified March 29, 1982  2:56 PM by Bill van Melle

	get "LispBcpl.decl"
	get "VMem.decl"

external [		// defined here
			// Other procs used
			// Raid procs
	Ws; Wo; Wn; Wc; CRLF; RaidReset; PrintPtr; RAIDCode; GetFXP

			// Statics
	LastRealPageNo; @RMSK

			// Other external VMem procs (from VmemA.asm)
	ReadFlags	// (VP) -> oldflags

let PrintPageTable() be
let oldstate, start = 0, 0
let n = RPoffset
let bp = Bpt+1				// start of page table: dummy entry
Ws ("Real pg  virtual page    flags")
	n = n+1
	bp = bp+3			// 3 words per entry
	let vp = BGetBase(BptSegment, bp)
	if oldstate & ((vp ne oldstate) % (n ge LastRealPageNo))
	   then	[
		Wo (start)		// show range of pages
		if start ne n-1
		   then [ Ws(" thru "); Wo(n-1) ]
		Ws (oldstate eq EMPTY? " empty", " unavailable")
		oldstate, start = 0, 0
	if n ge LastRealPageNo
	   then break
	test (vp eq EMPTY) % (vp eq UNAVAIL)
	   ifso [			// no vp here, collapse maybe
		if oldstate eq 0
		   then [ oldstate = vp; start = n ]
	  ifnot [
		Wo(n); Wc($*S)
		Wo(vp); Ws (" (");
		Wo(vp rshift 8, true); Wc($,)	// translate to seg, page#
		Wo(vp & RMSK, true); Ws (") "); Wc(9)
		if BGetBase(BptSegment, bp-1) ls 0
		   then Ws (" locked")
		let flags = ReadFlags(vp)
		if (flags & REFbit) ne 0
		   then Ws (" ref")
		if (flags & DIRTYbit) ne 0
		   then Ws (" dirty")
    ] repeat