{Eris}<LispCore>BusMasterNotes DANDELION BUSMASTER INTERNAL PROJECT NOTEBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Who's Who of BusMaster 4 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Goals Marketing Objectives Engineering Response PC Bus Description Multibus Market Size Service Action Items Management Summary PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 5 Engineering Assessment of Product Readiness Hardware CPE (Central Processor Expanded) Optional Processor Card 5 BusExtension Port Schematic 6 BusExtension Port Timing Logic Analyzer connector 8 Optional Rework BusMaster Card 9 Schematic 17 Priciples of Operation 19 Part list 23 Assembly Instructions and Rev levels 27 PC Expansion Unit Interface 30 Receiver Card Schematic 32 PC Memory Expansion Schematic 34 Multibus Signals 36 UFO Color Card Schematic 47 Conrac 7211 Color Display Manual Firmware 62 DandeTigerManual microcode and architecture 70 Interlisp-D Cedar Mesa Software (Interlisp-D) 75 BusExtender 77 BusMaster 85 BusMasterTest 85 MultiBus 85 TestBus 91 TestBlt 111 DandelionUFO Color Card 116 PCDAC 140 RTSD Real Time Speech Demo PRODUCT SUPPORT Customer Documentation 156 BusExtender 158 BusMaster 172 Diagnostics: BusMasterTest, TestBus, TestBlt 173 PCDAC 181 DandelionUFO 182 Users Manual Hardware/Software Check List and Installation Instructions 182 BusMaster-PC 184 BusMaster-Multibus 183 BusMaster-Diagnostics 185 Color 186 Speech 187 Customer List Internal Parc Venture 187 Inventory 189 Vendors Bid Package 190 Service 190 Product Engineering SPG/ED FCC Testing UL Cirtification Engineering change control Packaging 191 MARKETING Sales Literature Product Literature Presentation Slides Sales Manual Selling guide Price and Availability Demonstrations 192 Speech Demo Script Trade Shows Customer Presentations Interest List Forcasts People Directory Xerox Corportation Research Group Bill Spencer, manager PARC Norb Beyer, controller Bill Winfield, manager technical services Frank Vest, manager "Garage" production Robert Hernadez John Seeley Brown, manager PARC Intelligent Systems Lab Kris Halvorsen lisp speech researcher Bob Richie, manager PARC Computer Science Lab Jim Gasbarro researcher: Cedar BusMaster, IEEE-488 Instrument Bus Webster Research East Rochester Research Ctr ... Don Tripp, Circuit designer BusMaster, prototye production manager Bob Adams, Xerox Systems Group (XSG), ES Arnold Miller, manager Electronics Division (ED), ES ... James Leung, manager Special Projects Group (SPG) Engineering, ES Tom Henning, AISBU/SIS projects manager/Liason Ruby Turner BusMaster project Bob Nishimura BusMaster packaging, drawings Gary Porter, manager SPG Manufacturing, ES Elliot James, manager Information Systems Division Lou Karagianis, manager, Special Information Systems (XSIS), PASA Bill Norton, manager field service WASH DC Reggie Herod PASA Gary Moskovitz, general manager AI Systems Business Unit (AISBU) Gary Moskovitz, acting manager Product Management Mike Fisher, hardware product manager, PA Beau Sheil, manager Product Development, PA Steve Purcell, manager System Architecture Area Mike Herring, Lisp programmer: BusExtender, BusMaster, PCDac Herb Jellinek, Lisp programmer: DandelionUFO (pc color card), RTSD (speech) Kelly Roach, Lisp programmer: image processing: 2-D FFT, area fill Celeste Chapman, Hardware designer Dennis Dunn, manager Marketing Operations PASA Bob Chesloe mgr System Support Engineers Marcel Pahlavan, manager Product and Customer Support Operations PASA Tom Heron, manager BusMaster product Norm Shuster SPG/ED liason Clay Agadoni procurement, burn-in, shipping, inventory John Unlap technical trouble shooter Gordon Stith, manager Financial Administration UFO Systems Inc Ken Henderson (Don Tripp, consultant) Microlytics Inc Mike Weiner, pres Chuck Waldham? engineer, Multibus Scanner interface University of Edinborough Henry Thompson, BusMaster alpha tester PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Goals The Xerox 1100 Series product needs an industry standard bus for customer initiated hardware expansion. All three AI workstations of the 1100 family have Xerox proprietary busses which unnaturally raise the cost of adding new hardware features. A common sales "knock-off" is our lack of some significant or insignificant peripheral: e.g. color displays, IEEE-488 intrument bus, touch panel, graphics tablet, telephone interface, scanner, etc. Our answer has been limited to interfacing through RS232 or Ethernet; these approaches are a mismatch for many medium to high performance peripherals. Designing a new hardware interface typically costs $200,000 to $500,000. Thousands of peripherals are available "off the shelf" for industry standard busses with prices between $500 and $5000. All of our competition support some industry standard bus which gives them a competetive edge even for customers with no immediate need for new peripherals. Engineering Response Product Development proposes the 1108X "BusMaster" option to meet the customer need for hardware expansion and configurability. BusMaster allows the 1108X Workstation to drive an industry standard bus in an expansion chassis outside the 1108 enclosure. Two busses are to be initially supported: PC-bus and Multibus. Engineering Assessment of Product Readiness 23-May-85 AIS Product Development hereby reports that the BusMaster-PC design is ready for 50 unit production. The first build of about 25 units has demonstrated basic producibility. The product functionality has been proven by field tests of 6 machines by the user interface designers of the Venture copier program in Herrietta under Jerry Boesel. The first unit has been in service for 6 months. Don Tripp has provided "field" support and reports only one service call that uncovered a bad display controller card. Three projects in ISL/PARC utilize the BusMaster for speech, telephone control and instrument control. BusMasters have been in service about 5 months. One unit developed occasional failues after a hardware revision change. Flux was cleaned from the board and a suspicious wire replaced and the board has not failed since. Installation procedures were confusing at first but have improved with better documentation. Two BusMaster cards have been in use in XAIS Development for 6 months for color software work and speech demos. Block transfer test running overnight with no transfer failures confirms DMA arbitration circuit. XAIS System Support Engineers attended a half day class in Pasadena in BusMaster capabilities and hands-on installation. SPG/ED has independently installed color demo hardware and software in preparation for FCC testing. The BusMaster design is under review by a third engineer in SPG/ED, and suggestions may be incorporated in the next week before the second printed circuit layout begins. While new improvements or patches may be found in the next two months of layout and production it is expected that only half a dozen wiring changes might be introduced in the assembly of the next build of 50 units. Such rework would be minor and delay of production now does not seem justified. The following is the TIMING TABLE for DLion BX (Bus eXtension) port. Min Max Name Parameter ---- --- ---- ------- 137 ns tCY min BxClk period 39 ns tCH min BxClk high 98 ns tCL min BxClk low 36 ns tS min BxData output Setup time before (active falling) clock edge. 0 ns tH min BxData and BxAddr output Hold time after clock edge. 90 ns tDO max BxData Valid after previous clock edge. 10 ns tVO BxData Valid after clock edge 25 ns tAddr min BxAddr Setup time before clock high (inactive edge) Here are the times by card and by bus. Some cards have some margin beyond the bus times. Name CPE SAM MPB DL-Bus Dove-Bus BMaster AIS Option ---- ---- --- --- ------ -------- ------- ---------- tCY 137 160 125 137 125 <125 <125 tCH 39 ?? 31 40 40 20 40 tCL 98 ?? 94 40 40 20 40 tS 36 43? 43? 36 43 28 43 tDO 92 90? 80? 90 80 83 80 tAddr >25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Timing Calculations: 91 "A LRotn" path to Xbus 8 LS245 data in to data out -137 clock period ---- --------- 36 tS CPE 35 WTL 1032 Setup ---- --------- 35 tS CPE 40 LS74 clk to output 5 gate 30 LS244 en to output or 25ns LS373 en to data out 8 LS245 data in to data out ---- --------- 83 tDO BM 45 Xbus in to MDR -137 clock period ---- -------- 92 tDO CPE 15 LS374 min clk 17 LS273 min clk 40 WTL1032 min clk ---- ------- 40 tCH BM 8 LS245 Data to data 20 LS273 or LS374 Setup ---- -------- 28 tS BM 5 LS240 5 LS20 12 LS138 -- ------- 22 tAddr BM MARKETING Sales Literature Product Literature Presentation Slides Sales Manual Selling guide Customers don't think they need BusMaster; they just need hardware features that we don't manufacture. Many requests for new hardware can be met by third party products interfaced to the 1108X through BusMaster. System Support Engineers should be able to qualify and provide first level of response to customer requests for new devices. Customers should be prepared to write Lisp software drivers for new devices or rely on LispUser contributed software. Price and Availability Suggested Sale Price is $3500. BusMaster Card w/ribbon cable Demonstrations Trade Shows AAAI Austin Texas, August 1984 ACM San Francisco, Sept 1984 IJCAI Los Angeles, August 1985 Customer Presentations ESL Hughes (which led to sale) Harvard U Fluke U Hawaii AI Ltd University of Edinbourgh (crucial to sale) CSLI Stanford University CCRMA Stanford University Statistics Dept Stanford University MIT Sloan EDS/General Motors Forecasts Domestic sales forecast (Dunn to Fisher)is 30-55 units in 1985 ----------- Date: 25 Apr 85 14:34:49 PST (Thursday) From: Purcell.PA Subject: BusMaster Sales Projection To: Cheslow.pasa, Fisher, Dunn.pasa, 1100MarketingSupport↑.pasa cc: Heron.pasa, Pahlavan.pasa, Sheil, Purcell Bob, In our phone conversation we came up with this market analysis for 55 BusMaster orders for 1985. I think this is conservative and would like feedback from anyone who disagrees. I enjoyed meeting the System Support Engineers in their BusMaster class Tuesday. Steve ----------- 1 Hughes (has symbolics color) 1 Ratheon (streaming tape) 1 Lockheed lost sale to LMI for lack of IEEE-488 6 Schlumberger SDR (1 followed by 5 SDR (half of 11 DLions) 5 Schlumberger Well services Houston 1 followed by 4 (half of 8 DLions) 1 Science Applica LaJolla (ops 5) 1 1 Rockwell (Iris interest) 1 TRW (has symbolics color) 1 ESL image process Ed Richardson 1 Univ Grant (Harvard 1) 1 Hawaii 1 3 U of Edinbourgh 2 Stanford CCRMA (2) 30 other new orders in 1985: 5% of 600 = 30 -- -------- 55 TOTAL Busmaster USERS MANUAL for Xerox 1108 How to Select and Purchase How to Install and Test How to Demonstrate Color Display How to Demonstrate Digital Sound Lab How to Program new Peripheral Cards How to Trouble Shoot and Service BUSMASTER-PC HARDWARE CHECK LIST 1108X Dandelion with CPE Expanded Processor Option BusMaster card (7 x 12 inches) mounted in Dandelion bottom tray. BusMaster Power wires (black and red 3 feet which connect to Bus Master card) BusMaster Ribbon cable (37 pin D male connector to CPE and 37 pin D male(or female) to BusMaster) IBM Expansion Unit (looks like a PC but no processor or keyboard) IBM Expansion Unit Receiver card. IBM Cable for Expansion Unit (62 pin connectors on 3 ft x 1/2 in cable) PC peripheral cards as needed (see Application Installation Instructions below) Tools required are screwdriver and wrench or hex nut drivers. BUSMASTER-PC HARDWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Tools required are screwdriver and wrench or hex nut drivers. The BusMaster is mounted on the bottom of the Xerox 1108. The BusMaster card is shipped attached to a replacement bottom tray ("Oil Pan") which replaces the original one as follows: For IBM-PC operation, install only jumpers: E1, E4, E7, E9 (See page 7 of BusMaster Schematics) Exit from running software. eg use (LOGOUT) to exit Interlisp. Power off and unplug Dandelion (Xerox 1108) and Expansion Unit Remove front and right side covers of Dandelion by screws at floor level. Install or verify presence of CPE Processor Option in front slot 3. Locate power supply at rear (side) of Dandelion +5V RED: Connect Red BusMaster power wire to +5V screw Loosen lower screw terminal labeled +5V (with orange wires) Connect Red power wire terminal lug around +5V screw. Tighten +5V screw to Red (and orange) wires. 5V RTN BLACK: Connect Black BusMaster power wire to 5V RTN screw Loosen upper screw terminal labeled 5V RTN (with purple wires) Connect Black power wire terminal lug around 5V RTN screw. Tighten 5V RTN screw to Black (and purple) wires. Red and Black BusMaster power wires are connected to BusMaster card. Red to connector J6 pins 4,5, or 6 Black to connector J6 pins 1, or 2 Identify the BusExtender connector 3-2 (card 3 from right! connector 2 from top), which is the lower female 37-pin D-connector of CPE Expanded Processor Card in slot 3 in front of the 1108X Dandelion. Plug one end of the Ribbon cable into this connector. Plug the other end of Ribbon cable into the 37-pin female (some engineering models use male) D-connector of the BusMaster card. Either before or after testing complete the installation of the BusMaster card as follows: Clamp Disk if possible Gently lay Dandelion on its left side. Remove the original "Oil Pan" by loosening 4 screws and replace it with the new BusMaster "Oil Pan". The "Oil Pan" can be mounted with the external connector facing either forward or back. Return the Dandelion to its normal upright position. Remove cover of PC Expansion Unit Plug in IBM Receiver card in first slot nearest power supply Plug in each end of 62-pin IBM Cable to IBM Receiver card in expansion unit and to the BusMaster at the external connector of the Oil Pan. Install IBM-PC peripheral cards in Expansion Unit as per IBM instructions or per Application Hardware Instructions below. Check Expansion Unit for duplicate boards (normally there are no duplicates). If there are duplicate boards be sure to understand addressing conflicts. Check connections. Power on Dandelion and Expansion Unit in either order. Load and run the Diagnostics as described below section "BUSMASTER DIAGNOSTICS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS". BUSMASTER DIAGNOSTICS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Inside [Eris]<Lisp>Intermezzo>Basics>Lisp.sysout Insert "BusMaster Library Packages" (5/23/85 or later) floppy into drive and type: CONN {FLOPPY} or to load from the Xerox Internet: CONN '{Eris}<LispCore>BusMaster> Then type: (LOAD 'BUSEXTENDER.DCOM) (LOAD 'BUSMASTER.DCOM) (LOAD 'BUSMASTERTEST) (LOAD 'TOGMENU.DCOM) (LOAD 'TRUEHAX.DCOM) (LOAD 'BUSUTIL.DCOM) (LOAD 'TESTBUS.DCOM) (LOAD 'TESTBLT.DCOM) (BUSMASTERTEST) This automatic diagnostic serves as a simple confidence test of BusMaster cards and istallation set-up. This function performs a dozen loop back tests automatically to test the set up and basic functioning of BusMaster, PC Receiver card and PC memory card. If all is well the message "BusMaster, Receiver and bank 1 memory OK except as printed." will be typed and the function will terminate. If there is no memory with switches set to bank 1 then messages like "Expected: 0, Found: 255, Error in test: Remote Bank 1 Memory: zeros at ones" will be printed. Color Displays for example do not need Bank 1 memory. Speech does. If other messages are printed trouble shooting is required. (BUSDMA.INIT) (Re)initializes the dma controller and memory refresh. This command is necessary before dynamic RAM memory will retain data for more than a fraction of a second. (MakeBusBox) This test is an interactive test for localizing 'stuck bit' type faults, the major fault type in board building. A interactive test window is created surrounded by an action menu on the left and small parameter windows above. Parameters that can be controlled are Memory address, port address, data, quiet boolean and loop boolean. Parameter values can be cycled through the defaults with the left button over the center of the small parameter windows. Center button over a parameter window gives an active menu of parameter choices. Left buttoning the menu items on the left cause read or write cycles and the action is recorded in the major window unless the "Quiet" parameter is "yes". The "Loop" parameter allows endless looping of any test for oscilloscope triggering and trouble shooting. The looping is halted typeing control-E (prop's and E). (MakeBusmasterTest) This function creates in a window a block transfer memory tester, the most severe stress test for BusMaster. Many parameters can be set, and tests are started by the start menu. This tester collects data on intermittent errors in block transfers. It tests the arbitration between the DMA controller performing refresh and the 1108 processor accessing the remote bus. BUSMASTER-MULTIBUS HARDWARE CHECK LIST 1108X Dandelion with CPE Expanded Processor Option BusMaster card (7 x 12 inches) removed from Dandelion bottom tray. BusMaster Ribbon cable (37 pin D female connector to CPE and 37 pin D male/female to BusMaster) Multibus Card Cage with power supply (BusMaster requires 3 Amps of 5 volts.) Multibus peripheral cards as needed (see Application Installation Instructions below) Tools required are screwdriver and phillips screwdriver. BUSMASTER-MULTIBUS HARDWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Exit from running software. eg use (LOGOUT) to exit Interlisp. Power off Dandelion (Xerox 1108) and Expansion Unit Remove front cover of Dandelion. Install or verify presence of CPE Processor Option in front slot 3. Identify the BusExtender connector 3-2 (card 3 from right! connector 2 from top), which is the lower female 37-pin D-connector of CPE Expanded Processor Card in slot 3 in front of the 1108X Dandelion. Plug one end of the Ribbon cable into this connector. Remove the BusMaster card from metel mesh tray if it is so mounted. Discard or return tray. Prepare Multibus card cage with Power supply. For single BusMaster card MultiBus operation, install jumpers: E1, E4, E5, E7, E9, E17 (See page 7 of BusMaster Schematics) If BClk is to be provided by the BusMaster card install jumper E15. If BClk is provided by the backplane or another card remove jumper E15. Insert BusMaster card into any card slot. Plug other end of the Ribbon cable into the 37-pin BusMaster connector. Install other peripheral cards in the Multibus cage. Check connections. Power on Dandelion and Multibus Card Cage in either order. Use the loopback Diagnostics in Lisp to check the path to and from the BusMaster. UFO COLOR DEMO HARDWARE CHECK LIST 1108X DandeTiger with BusMaster-PC (See Check List and Installation Instructions above) UFO Color Board, Part# 0017991, IBM-PC/XT, Hi Res. Color Board, 640x400, non- interlaced 3 phono pin to BNC adapters 3 medium BNC jumper cables 1 short BNC jumper cable Conrac model 7211 Color Monitor UFO COLOR DEMO HARDWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Power Off Expansion Unit Set UFO Color Board jumpers: odd jumpers from E1 to E47. Set UFO Color Board jumpers: E50, E53, E55, E57, E59 Verify that the UFO Color Board has a 22 MHz crystal (looks like a metel can on board) Insert UFO Color Board into PC Expansion Unit. Locate 3 phono pins at edge of UFO Color Board. Connect UFO TOP phono thru adapter to jumper cable to RED IN connector at back of Conrac Display. Connect UFO MID phono thru adapter to jumper cable to GREEN IN connector at back of Conrac Display. Connect UFO BOTTOM phono thru adapter to jumper cable to BLUE IN connector at back of Conrac Display. Connect Display GREEN OUT to H.DRIVE/SYNCH IN. Set RED termination switch to 75 OHM position. Set GREEN termination switch to HIGH position. Set BLUE termination switch to 75 OHM position. Set H.DRIVE/SYNCH termination switch to 75 OHM position. Power On Expansion Unit Power On Conrac Display Install and start color software (see below) Adjust Conrac Display Horizontal and Vertical Synch if necessary Power Off Conrac Display Remove Conrac Cover Locate Scan Board on left side as you face Display see Section "Conrack Display Manual" above. In center of Board J25 is a large jumper plug with several wires Set P25 to the middle position to select mid range of H Freq. Power On Conrac Display Adjust HORIZ FREQ potentiomiter R123 for horizontal hold. Adjust VERT HOLD R2 if necessary UFO COLOR DEMO SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Inside [Eris]<Lisp>Intermezzo>Basics>Lisp.sysout load BusMaster and BusExtender according to BUSMASTER DIAGNOSTICS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above Insert "BusMaster Library Packages" (5/23/85 or later) floppy into drive and type: CONN {FLOPPY} or to load from the Xerox Internet: CONN '{Eris}<LispCore>BusMaster> Then type: (LOAD 'DANDELIONUFO.DCOM) (LOAD 'READNUMBER.DCOM) (LOAD 'LLCOLOR.DCOM) (LOAD 'COLOR.DCOM) (LOAD 'COLORDEMO.DCOM) (\DANDELION\INITCOLORS) This fuction returns immediately after initializing the color controller card. The image frame buffer is not initialized and may contain random data. The Monitor should present a steady picture since the card should generate valid synchronization signals. (COLORDEMO) The function presents a grey rectangle moved by the cursor until left button is pressed and a menu appears. Now various demos will run automatically or as selected from the menu. For scanned images do: (LOAD {Eris}<Lisp>Intermezzo>Library>READAIS.DCOM) (THREECOLORMAP 1 2 1) which prepares the color look up table. (SHOWCOLORESAIS '{cyan}<AIS>Baboon '(1 2 1) ) (SHOWCOLORESAIS '{cyan}<AIS>Peppers '(1 2 1) ) The Array of Intesity Samples (AIS) is a large file (three files for color) SPEECH WORKBENCH DEMO HARDWARE CHECK LIST 1108X DandeTiger with BusMaster-PC (See Check List and Installation Instructions above) DT2801-A Data Translation (Marlborogh, MA) 27KHz 12bit 2DAC 16ADC Data Acquisition Card IBM PC 64/256K Memory Expansion Option (stuffed with 64KBytes of DRAM). Special DAC Cable built from folloing parts according to assembly diagram on following page: 3M number 3425 50-pin female connector (similar to Radio Shack 276-1525) Radio Shack 42-2352 72" Shielded Stero cable to Phono Plugs Radio Shack 271-1335 10KOhm resister Radio Shack 33-990A Microphone Radio Shack 32-1115 Frequency Equalizer (Microphone pre-amp plus low pass filter) Radio Shack 270-1455 AC Adapter for Equalizer Radio Shack 31-1982B Stereo Amplifier Radio Shack 40-2039A Speaker Radio Shack 42-2370 Shielded cable for speaker, phono plug to stripped leads Radio Shack 42-2365 Shielded cable phono plug to phono plug for Equalizer SPEECH WORKBENCH DEMO HARDWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Set IBM PC Memory Expansion Jumpers for bank 1: On: 1,2,3,5; Off: 4,6,7,8 Insert IBM PC 64/256K Memory Expansion Card into PC Expansion Unit Set DT2801-A jumpers to the Factory configuration: W1,3,4,7,9,11,13,15,19,23,26,27 Insert DT2801-A card into PC Expansion Unit Connect AC ADAPTER to EQUALIZER DC 9V connector. Connect MICROPHONE to EQUALIZER MIC-IN connector. Connect EQUALIZER LINE OUT to AMPLIFIER TAPE/TUNER L with audio cable. Connect Special DAC Cable Grey Phono Plug to AMPLIFIER SPEAKER L. Connect Special DAC Cable Black Phono Plug to AMPLIFIER TAPE/TUNER R. Connect Special DAC 50 pin connector to DT2801-A card in expansion chassis. Connect AMPLIFIER SPEAKER R to SPEAKER with audio cable with stripped lead. Set EQUALIZER GAIN to center. Set EQUALIZER IN/BYPASS to EQ IN. Set EQUALIZER ON/OFF switch to ON Set EQUALIZER Frequency Slide Controls up to +12 dB except 10KHz. Set EQUALIZER 10KHz Frequency Slide Controls down to -12 dB. Plug in AC ADAPTER . Set AMPLIFIER SELECTOR switch to TAPE/TUNER. Set AMPLIFIER MODE switch to STEREO. Set AMPLIFIER TONE knob to center. Set AMPLIFIER LEFT VOLUME to center (mic input level). Set AMPLIFIER RIGHT VOLUME to center (speaker output level). Plug in AMPLIFIER to 110 volt wall outlet. SPEECH WORKBENCH DEMO SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Inside [Eris]<Lisp>Intermezzo>Basics>Lisp.sysout load BusMaster and BusExtender according to BUSMASTER DIAGNOSTICS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above (SETQ HASHFILERDTBL) this variable is unbound in Lisp.sysout Insert "BusMaster Library Packages" (5/23/85 or later) floppy into drive and type: CONN {FLOPPY} or to load from the Xerox Internet: CONN '{Eris}<LispCore>BusMaster> Then type: (LOAD 'NEWRTSD.DCOM) (LOAD 'NOBOX.DCOM) (LOAD 'PCDAC.DCOM) (LOAD 'BUSUTIL.DCOM) (LOAD 'DSL.DCOM) (LOAD 'BUSUTIL.DCOM) (LOAD 'RTSDPATCH) DSL Speech Demo Script CAUTIONS The promptwindows seem to be disappearing on me (Purcell 4/29). When nothing is happening Lisp may be waiting for input try a digit and return. (NewShow (MakeSSForFile 'oscil 'XX NIL 1024 27000)) Making the window about 1/3 of a screen width and height looks good to me, but you can try other sizes. (WINDOWPROP IT 'DontWrite T) Mid-but "Record" Adjust amplitude to fill region between hash-marks - if this is not possible by tweeking your amplifiers etc. then try (WINDOWPROP <the window> 'InputGainCode 1) to double the amplitude. You can go as far as 3 - the default is 0. Note that you have to stop recording (with STOP) before you can do anything else. Try changing the compression by mid-but in the compression window -- 10 looks good. (Note that because of a bug the new value will not be displayed therein until you next hit Record). Mid-but Play and you will get the last 1.2 seconds of what you said - use this to adjust the output amplification. Use Quiet (right of Play) to shut it up. You can scroll around a bit after recording , but you will fall off the end very quickly, which cause a break (↑ is (here and nearly always) a safe recovery). Better to show off scrolling with a file. You can leave the original window up, and bring up a new one: (NewShow (MakeSSForFile 'f1 '{CORE}F1.SPEECH NIL 1024 10000)). Make this one a bit longer - maybe half the screen. Mid-but Record. Answer the prompt with something on the order of 5 or 10. It starts recording with no pause after displaying "Type STOP to stop", so be ready to say something witty. It is a good idea to include pauses fairly frequently in what you say, so that subsequent segmentation is easier. Say your piece and hit STOP. Increase the compression, to 10 or even 30, so that most of the utterance is visible. Scroll around (include thumbing) to show off. Mid-but Zoom (right of Link) to bring up a 10-to-1 expanded window below (this may require moving the whole ensemble - don't worry, they travel together). Using the compressed window, extract a word or phrase by mid-but NewSS, giving it a name when prompted (or not if prompt window should get lost), e.g. the word you think it is, then respond to the cursor with "ss" in it by selecting first the left, then the right hand ends of the segment. As long as you hold the left-but down, you can move the cursor around - the display shows time at the bottom and value and name at the top. DO NOT try to scroll while placing marks. Mid-but Toggle Marks, the right-but Redisplay to clean things up. Now mid-but Play Subss (right of Play) and grab one end of the segment with the "ss" jaws cursor to hear the sub-segment (look for feed back. If you haven't got the boundaries right, then ToggleMarks in the lower, expanded window, Jump to the named mark, and use ChangeMark to drag a mark to a better position, then replay. If you have several marks close together, you mayu get a menu to arbitrate a selection - don't ever take the 'all' option- it's not implemented yet. That's enought to be getting on with - all the menu items and sub-items have explain strings, so just hold on and you will get some help, I trust. NEWRTSD Real time Speech Spectrum Demo Welcome to the Xerox booth. We are showing our new expanded processor with floating point hardware, expanded control store, and array processor library running on larger memory. Attached to the processor is an expansion unit for controlling industry standard peripheral cards -- in this case, IBM PC compatible peripherals. To demonstrate this new power, we have chosen a speech application, the processing of digitized speech and the computing of the spectogram display that you see in the center of the screen. I would like to emphasize the vertical integration, the bringing together for the first time of an array processor with a highly productive software environment and excellent user interfaces. (RTSDINIT) A large window with attached menus will appear at bottom of screen. Left-but Sample rate and Left-but 5(KHz). Left-but "Real-time spectrum" and graphical speech spectrogram will appear in window and process microphone input in real time. Adust the (left) volume control higher until grey background appears or until patterns are pleasing. Whistling up and down in frequency will produce a stripe that rises and falls with sound pitch. STOP key to stop. Left-button Height and 2 will double the presentation size. (Play and Record are disabled). We sample the speech 10,000 times a second, every hundred microseconds. The primary structure that we want to display is the frequency content of this segment of speech. To do that we are going to treat this segment of speech as a repeating periodic wave form. To do that accurately means that the left-hand side of the wave should meet the right-hand side, and it really doesn't. We have discontinuities because the frequency content is always changing. But for purpose of analysis, we're asking our algorithms to pretend that the frequency content of the speech is holding still across 25 milliseconds. Now I want to see energy as a function of frequency, not of time. So I perform a fast fourier transform. I display in the window a plot of frequency vs time. Each stripe of the speech is a picture of the frequency content within just 25 milliseconds, some one-fortieth of one second. I'd like to compute this a hundred times a second. I'd like to move down the speech wave form and compute the frequencies 10 milliseconds later, and 10 milliseconds after that and so on. Here you can see some of the structure of speechthe horizontal stripes you see are harmonics of the vocal cords' fundamental frequency. You see them particularly in the first KHz range, the bottom 20% of the scale. There you see the structure of vowels. This is a recognized form of printing speech that is used in speech research, in speech therapy, and a lot of speech disciplines. This demo is not meant to be a polished speech workbench, it's a sample of what can be done with the floating point performance of this machine. Just to remind you, every vertical stripe required some 10,000 floating point operations. To do this kind of speech work requires about a million floating point operations per second of speech, something that the DandeTiger, the 1108X, is able to do in real time. It's worth speaking about the potential applications that this technology enables. For the first time, one can combine sophisticated Interlisp programs, expert systems as well as numerical front ends and number crunching to build intelligent signal-processing applications. Our next new product is our expansion unit where we can drive industry standard peripherals, in this case, IBM PC cards. We will be demonstrating the analog to digital conversion of speech in this chassis. We can manipulate almost any peripheral using Lisp functions for reading a single address of the remote bus or writing a single address of the remote bus. We also have block transfer primitives to transfer blocks of data between remote memory and local memory at bus bandwidth. The bus master control is capable of running four DMA channels for driving high-speed devices. We will be reading a speech sample every 100 microseconds, transferring it into the remote memory by means of the DMA channel. Periodically we will be transferring blocks of data from the remote memory to the local memory, using the block transfer. This will be integrated with the continuous real time display of the speech spectrogram. The peripheral expansion chassis is motivated by the desire to open more peripherals to our customers than we provide in our product line. We have the means for customers to create their own peripherals or add some of the hundreds or thousands of existing peripherals, and integrate them from Lisp. This way we can add color displays, special communications equipment, data acquisition kinds of things, even video disk controllers, optical memory. Now, as I speak into the microphone, you see the picture of my voice appearing on the screen. It's a lot of noise. The structure is a little more clear if I were to whistle (do so). As the sound goes up, you see the plot go up, and as the sound drops, you will see the plot line drop. If I were to sing, you will see a more structured version of music. That wraps up our demonstration. Customer List Internal PARC Venture External Inventory Vendors 1- Conrac model 7211c19 w/ LPP option Supplier: Omega Video 14326 Iris Lawndale, CA (213) 643-9021 contact:Buzz Evans Delivery 8weeks, net. 30 Price Qty (10 units/year volume) =$3230 RGB cables in stock or producible 2. Sigma Designs, IBM Expansion Chassis,Mod# SIGEWS-000, w/ driver board & cable. Supplier: WMD Micro Distributors 17351 Murphy Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 660-1770 Price Qty 1=$655 contact: Mark Biewers $655 The driver board and cable are not useable as per Purcell. Purcell indicates that The Sigma Designs Expansion Chassis is adequate as far as power supply is concerned, but the receiver card and cabling should come from IBM. 3. Dantiger Board w/ CPE option Gary Porter Xerox SPG/ED Manufacturing El Segundo, CA 4. BusMaster Board Robert Hernandez PARC Garage 2400 Hanover St Palo Alto, CA 94304 5. RECOMMENDED 8-bit Color Board: Number Nine 1108 Graphics Board with 1038 24-bit color lookup option $2045 Supplier: Attn LLoyd Bloom (617) 492-0999 Number Nine Computer Corp 691 Concord Ave Cabridge, MA 02138 OBSOLETE 4-bit Color Board, Part# 0017991, 640x400 non-interlaced UFO Systems, Inc. 300 Main St. East Rochester, NY 14445 tel: (716) 248-3372 Attn: Barbara Price qty 1=$995 6. IBM Expansion Unit Cable part no. 8529253 7. IBM Expansion Unit Receiver Card part no. ??????? Supplier: IBM Parts Dist. Center Greencastle, Ind. (317) 658-2050 Service Service would be handled by a BusMaster card replacement policy. Lisp based Diagnostics can give a good confidence test of the BusMaster card, cables, and PC Expansion memory. The customer is responsible for aquiring the peripherals to which the BusMaster card is connected and therefore for obtaining service for them. Xerox would only be responsible for what Xerox provides: (1) 1108X with CPE card, (2) Ribbon cable connecting CPE and BusMaster Card and (3) BusMaster Cards. Since it is anticipated that sales of the BusMaster will be to knowledgeable customers, it is expected customer response to this level of service will be positive. Additional service would be provided on a time-and-materials basis Product Engineering by SPG/ED FCC Testing UL Cirtification Engineering change control Packaging Design 1 Don Tripp Design 2 Bob Nishimura Similar to Tripp design. Moved the card back from external connector. Added a 8 inch extension cable for the 62 pin cable.