// Lisp0.bcpl  Inital entry point is StartLisp
// Last change September 27, 1981  10:56 PM by Bill van Melle
// Tone change March 17, 1981  4:56 PM by Beau Sheil
// Last change February 24, 1981  1:55 PM by Beau Sheil
// Phrase change November 24, 1980  12:13 PM by Beau Sheil

	get "LispBcpl.decl"
	get "SysDefs.D"

external [
	SavedUFP; SavedSCP; @ContextQ; TopLevelFrame
	@lvNIL; @lvKT; @lvVPtr; @VPtr0; @VPtr1; @RMSK	// useful values

	BcplDisplay; MkSmallPos			// procedures used
	Iresume; RAIDCode; CloseStats; uPCTracing
	AllocVec; MainInit; ShortStack		// from maininit.bcpl
	AllocPtr				// allocater static
	StartPup				// Lisp Pup
	Enqueue; Max; MyFrame; Junta; Block	// OS procs
	InitializeContext; CallContextList

	lvUserFinishProc; lvSwatContextProc	// Statics used
	@SubrArgsOffset; SubrArgsVector; @uPCTraceAddr

				// statics defined

	LispFinish; SysErr		// procedures defined

static [
	@TopLevelFrame; @ContextQ; SubrArgsVector
	@lvNIL; @lvKT; @lvVPtr; @VPtr0; @VPtr1; @RMSK = #377

manifest ScreenScanLines = 808	// vertical screen size 

let StartLisp() be Junta(levStreams,InitLisp)		// main entry

and InitLisp() be
// EventualEndOfStack is an estimate of how much stack space we will need
// after the call to MainInit.  MainInit assigns the rest (including its
// own stack) to the display, which we turn on.
   [ let EventualEndOfStack=ShortStack(256)
     @StackEnd=EventualEndOfStack		// sets end of stack
   BcplDisplay(ScreenScanLines-15)	// give Bcpl dsp all the screen space save
					// a few lines to protect against overscan
   StartPup(PupZoneStart, PupZoneLength)	// Start the Pup world
   // Init the TopLevel context and put it on ContextQ
   CallContextList(ContextQ!0) repeat		// Start the contexts running

and TopLevel() be
   TopLevelFrame = MyFrame()
   SubrArgsOffset = (SubrArgsVector-1)-TopLevelFrame  // -1 adjusts indx orig
   Iresume(lvKT)				// never returns - T=>startup

and SysErr(p1, eCode) be
    RAIDCode(selecton eCode into
               [ case 1101: "Hard disk error"
                 case 1102: "Disk full"
                 case 1103:  case 1104: "Bad disk command"
                 default:   "SysErr" ],

and LispFinish() be
   @lvSwatContextProc = SavedSCP	// restore Swat proc
   @lvUserFinishProc = SavedUFP		// restore finish proc
   if uPCTraceAddr then uPCTracing(false)	// turn off any uPc logging
   CloseStats()				// turn off stats
   BcplDisplay(0)			// turn off any displays