--  EmForgotDefs:  

--  Revised for Star 3.0q by Lui:	    5-Nov-82 10:56:04
--  Owner:  Lui

--  Overview:
--  (this is a temporary defs since no defs can be changed in Star3.0 as of 3.0o. EmForgotDefs should be merge into Em3270Defs or dtwmdefs in Star4.0)


  --  Public Types

  --  Signals and Errors
  emulatorIconError: SIGNAL;   -- this signal will be raised in at end Em3270Pack.Open rountine so that Em3270Pack.Open does not return a SchemaDefs.lschemaNil and cuase dtwmpack.Open to display the message "Can't open that icon on the herald window". 
  --  Public Procedures
  --  Modules
  END.	-- of EmForgotDefs
 5-Nov-82 10:59:07 - Lui  - Created.