--  Em3270UserInputPack:  3270 Emulation Window

--  Revised for Star 3.2IKlamath  by Irani:	20-Dec-83 10:46:19
--  Owner:  Lui
--  Overview:

--  This module handles all user initiated actions coming into the Emulator from the Notifier. 

  AreaDefs USING [Posn],
  CharDefs USING [Char, Roman],
  Em3270CmdProcessDefs USING [setBufferAddress],
  Em3270ComDefs USING [DoStreamPut],
  Em3270BufferDefs USING [
    BackSpaceKey, BackTabKey, ClearBuffer, DeleteKey, DisplayBuffer, DuplicateKey,
    EnumFields, EraseEOFKey, EraseInputKey, FieldMarkKey, GetCursor, HomeKey,
    NewLineKey, Release, Reserve, PutChar, SetCursor, TabKey, WriteError],
  Em3270CharTransDefs USING [EBCDICFromOISChar, ExpandLegalDeadchar],
  Em3270StatusDefs USING [ClearStatusArea, DisplayCode],
  GateStream USING [readModified3270, testRequest3270],
  MessageSwnDefs USING [DisplayMessage],
  McDefs USING [SetDefaultShape, SetStandardShape],
  NfrDefs USING [CancelMCS],
  RgnDefs USING [Aqrgn, FreeRest, Rgn, Sc],
  SchemaDefs USING [
    AqrgnBkgdUtilStd, CancelMCS, GetRootCs, Lschema,
    lschemaNil, NewTrackUtilStd, PBRequest, ProcessButNopAbortMCSOnButtonUpStd,
    Pvprocessbut, Resolveresult, ResolveToChildExactly, Sel],
  SchemaUtilDefs USING [AddScs, AddScToPosn, ScInRgn],
  SelectionDefs USING [DeselectCs, selNil, SetCs],
  StandardDefs USING [Bv, Ch, Cv, String],
  TraitDefs USING [MyData],
  TreeEltDefs USING [ctxtNil],
  TxtDefs USING [Flow, flowNil, seldescNil, TextSegment, textSegmentNil],
  TxtEditDefs USING [
    AdjustDeleteSpan, AlterCurrentSelection, Aqrehilitespec, AqTxtCtxt, BeginEdit,
    CopyTextSegment, Delete, DestroyTextSegment, EndEdit, LptSelDescription, Rehilite, 
    SelectionDescription, Seldesc, seltypeText, TxtCtxt],
  TxtFlowDefs USING [AdvanceCharacter, CharacterCurrent, Create, Destroy],
    CharPos, GetCursorShape, LschemaVDT, SetCursorShape, TrackButton],
  WSCharDefs USING [Character],
  WSStringDefs USING [
    Aqscanctxt, BeginForwardScan, CharCur, EndScan, ScanForward, Substring],
  ZoneMgrDefs USING [GetPredefinedZone];

Em3270UserInputPack: PROGRAM
    CharDefs, Em3270BufferDefs, Em3270CharTransDefs, Em3270ComDefs,
    Em3270PrivDefs, Em3270StatusDefs, McDefs, MessageSwnDefs, NfrDefs, RgnDefs, SchemaDefs,
    SchemaUtilDefs, SelectionDefs, TraitDefs, TxtEditDefs, TxtFlowDefs, VDTDefs, WSStringDefs,
  EXPORTS Em3270UserInputDefs
  SHARES SchemaDefs =
  BEGIN OPEN Em3270Defs, Em3270PrivDefs, Em3270UserInputDefs, StandardDefs;

  --  Types

  --  Signals and Errors

  --  Constants

  --  Global Variables
  bvStreamOn: Bv ← TRUE;  -- for testing purposes without a stream connection +++
  spredefinedZone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← ZoneMgrDefs.GetPredefinedZone[short];

  -- Set up 3270-unique key processor for all instances of the 3270 Emulator
  keyProcessor: KeyProcessor ← [
    special3270Alpha: NoImpl, special3270AltCursor: AltCursor,
    special3270BackSpace: MoveCursor, special3270BackTab: MoveCursor,
    special3270Click: NoImpl, special3270Clear: Aid, special3270Copy: NoImpl,
    special3270CursorBlink: NoImpl, special3270CursorSel: Aid,
    special3270Delete: Delete, special3270Duplicate: Duplicate,
    special3270Enter: Aid, special3270EraseEOF: EraseEOF,
    special3270EraseInput: EraseInput, special3270FieldMark: FieldMark,
    special3270Home: MoveCursor, special3270Ident: NoImpl,
    special3270InsertMode: InsertMode, special3270NewLine: MoveCursor,
    special3270NumericDown: NoImpl, special3270NumericLockDown: NoImpl,
    special3270NumericLockUp: NoImpl, special3270NumericUp: NoImpl,
    special3270PA1: Aid, special3270PA2: Aid, special3270PF1: Aid,
    special3270PF2: Aid, special3270PF3: Aid, special3270PF4: Aid,
    special3270PF5: Aid, special3270PF6: Aid, special3270PF7: Aid,
    special3270PF8: Aid, special3270PF9: Aid, special3270PF10: Aid,
    special3270PF11: Aid, special3270PF12: Aid, special3270Reset: Reset,
    special3270ShiftDown: EnableShift, special3270ShiftLockDown: EnableShift,
    special3270ShiftLockUp: DisableShift, special3270ShiftUp: DisableShift,
    special3270SysReq: Aid, special3270Tab: MoveCursor, special3270TestReq: Aid];

  -- Binary to EBCDIC Buffer address conversion table
  convertAddr: PACKED ARRAY [0..64) OF CHARACTER ← [
    100C,  -- 40 Hex
    301C, 302C, 303C, 304C, 305C, 306C, 307C, 310C, 311C,  -- C1 to C9 Hex
    112C, 113C, 114C, 115C, 116C, 117C, 120C,  -- 4A to 4F, 50 Hex
    321C, 322C, 323C, 324C, 325C, 326C, 327C, 330C, 331C,  -- D1 to D9 Hex
    132C, 133C, 134C, 135C, 136C, 137C, 140C, 141C,  -- 5A to 5F, 60, 61 Hex
    342C, 343C, 344C, 345C, 346C, 347C, 350C, 351C,  -- E2 to E9 Hex
    152C, 153C, 154C, 155C, 156C, 157C,  -- 6A to 6F, Hex
    360C, 361C, 362C, 363C, 364C, 365C, 366C, 367C, 370C, 371C,  -- F0 to F9 Hex
    172C, 173C, 174C, 175C, 176C, 177C];  -- 7A to 7F, Hex

  --  Private Procedures    Define all the types of key processors here

  Aid: KeyProc =  -- set up AID stream, inhibit input, send stream to host
    -- 	PROC[lschema:SchemaDefs.Lschema, key:NtDefs.Special3270Key];
    lptPutBuf: LptBufOfChar ← GetMDTStream[lschema].lptbuf; 
    buffer: LptBufferData ← GetBufferHandle[lschema];

    SetInputStatus[lschema, inputInhibited];  -- all AID keyes (except CLEAR) lock up the emulator
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: time, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on wait status

      --special3270CursorSel=> DoCursorSel[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf];
      special3270Enter => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[enter]];
      special3270PA1 => DoShortRd[lschema, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PA1]];
      special3270PA2 => DoShortRd[lschema, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PA2]];
      special3270PF1 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF1]];
      special3270PF2 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF2]];
      special3270PF3 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF3]];
      special3270PF4 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF4]];
      special3270PF5 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF5]];
      special3270PF6 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF6]];
      special3270PF7 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF7]];
      special3270PF8 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF8]];
      special3270PF9 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF9]];
      special3270PF10 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF10]];
      special3270PF11 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF11]];
      special3270PF12 => DoReadMod[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[PF12]];
      special3270SysReq => DoTestReq[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf];
      special3270TestReq => DoTestReq[lschema, buffer, lptPutBuf];
      special3270Clear => {
        DoShortRd[lschema, lptPutBuf, AIDCodes[clear]];
      ENDCASE => ERROR;  -- should never get here; this is a non-AID key

    SetAIDStatus[lschema, FALSE];   -- set the AID. Can only be reset if the next WCC byte from host is unlock keyboard, or when user hit the RESET key. (use for Read modified commnads)

    -- Note that we do NOT clear input inhibited here because we assume the host will respond to the AID with a WCC bit set to clear it.
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: insert, bvOn: FALSE];  -- turn off insert status (if present)
    END;  -- of Aid

  AltCursor: KeyProc =  -- toggles cursor between rectangle and underscore
    display: VDTDefs.LschemaVDT ← GetDisplayHandle[lschema];
      (SELECT VDTDefs.GetCursorShape[display] FROM 
         underscore => box,
	 box => underscore, 
	 ghostunderscore => ghostbox,
	 ghostbox => ghostunderscore,
	 invisible => invisible,
	 blinkunderscore => blinkbox,
	 blinkbox => blinkunderscore,
       ENDCASE => box)];  -- toggle shape
    END;  -- of AltCursor

  Delete: KeyProc =
    -- Delete the character pointed to by the cursor.
    -- If cursor is on an unprotected character
    --    THEN delete char, shifts left, fills with nulls, sets MDT, cursor does not move
    --	ELSE inhibit keyboard and issue message
    bufstatus: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError ← Em3270BufferDefs.DeleteKey[GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  --  do Delete
    IF bufstatus # okay THEN {SetInputInhibited[lschema];  DisplayBufferError[lschema, bufstatus]; };
    END;  -- of Delete

  Duplicate: KeyProc =
    -- puts a "unique code" into buffer at current cursor, performs Tab, sets MDT.
    --	Dup char displays as "*" (with an overscore if 3278 is dual-case).
    --	If cursor in protected field or attribute char, THEN inhibit keyboard and issue message
    bufstatus: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError ← Em3270BufferDefs.DuplicateKey[GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  --  do Dup Key
    IF bufstatus # okay THEN {SetInputInhibited[lschema];  DisplayBufferError[lschema, bufstatus]; }; 
    END;  -- of Duplicate

  EraseEOF: KeyProc =
    -- if cursor is on an unprotected character
    --    THEN clear from cursor to end of field, cursor doesn't move, MDT is set
    --	ELSE inhibit keyboard and issue message
    bufstatus: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError ← Em3270BufferDefs.EraseEOFKey[GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- do Erase Field
    IF bufstatus # okay THEN {SetInputInhibited[lschema];  DisplayBufferError[lschema, bufstatus]; };
    END;  -- of EraseEOF

  EraseInput: KeyProc =
    -- If formatted buffer
    --	THEN IF all protected fields,
    --		THEN only put cursor in home position
    --		ELSE clear ALL unprotected fields, reset all MDTs, put cursor in 1st unprotected location
    --	ELSE (unformatted) clear all buffer, put cursor in home position
    BEGIN Em3270BufferDefs.EraseInputKey[GetBufferHandle[lschema]]; END;  -- of EraseInput

  FieldMark: KeyProc =
    -- puts a "unique code" into buffer at current cursor, sets MDT.
    --	FM char displays as ";" (with an overscore if 3278 is dual-case).
    --	If cursor in protected field or attribute char, THEN inhibit keyboard and issue message
    bufstatus: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError ← Em3270BufferDefs.FieldMarkKey[GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- do Field Mark Key
    IF bufstatus # okay THEN {SetInputInhibited[lschema];  DisplayBufferError[lschema, bufstatus]; }; 
    END;  -- of FieldMark

  InsertMode: KeyProc =
    -- Sets Insert mode.
    -- IF cursor is in a field with at least one null in it,
    --	THEN pressing any subsequent alphanumeric key inserts that character at the cursor and sets the MDT.  Chars at cursor are shifted to the right one place and the field's ending null is removed.
    --	ELSE (no nulls or on a attribute) inhibit keyboard and issue message.
    -- Reset or any AID key exits insert mode.

    SetInputStatus[lschema, insertMode];  -- set global emulator status to Insert Mode on
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: insert, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on insert status
    END;  -- of InsertMode

  MoveCursor: KeyProc =
    -- This routine is resonsible for positioning the cursor on the display according to the key value.
    -- Note that backspace, newline,and tab will not really come through MoveCursor but will given to 3270 through SkipCursor ala ProcessFunRepeat.  They are left here for safety sake in case the keyboard interrupter decids to give us these notification thru Process3270Keyes
      special3270BackSpace =>
        Em3270BufferDefs.BackSpaceKey[my: GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- process BACKSPACE
      special3270BackTab =>
        Em3270BufferDefs.BackTabKey[my: GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- process BACKTAB
      special3270Home => Em3270BufferDefs.HomeKey[my: GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- process  HOME
      special3270NewLine =>
        Em3270BufferDefs.NewLineKey[my: GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- process  NEWLINE
      special3270Tab => Em3270BufferDefs.TabKey[my: GetBufferHandle[lschema]];  -- process TAB
    END;  -- of MoveCursor

  NoImpl: KeyProc =  -- This key value is not currently supported
    BEGIN MessageSwnDefs.DisplayMessage[keyNotImplemented]; END;  -- of NoImpl

  Reset: PUBLIC KeyProc =
    -- Resets Input Inhibited.  Won't execute if:
    --	1. polled AID till poll is done.  Otherwise cancels AID.
    --	2. a command is being executed.
    SetInputStatus[lschema, systemAvailable];  -- set emulator globle status to available
    -- Reset the status area normal symbols Ready, Online, and MyJob
    Em3270StatusDefs.ClearStatusArea[lschema];  -- clear any status which could Inhibit Input
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema, Ready3276];
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema, onlineA];
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema, myJob];
    -- Reset the AID status. (use for Read Modified)
    ResetAIDStatus[lschema];   -- => reset AID and free block
    END;  -- of Reset

  EnableShift: KeyProc =  -- Enters upper case mode.  Clears shift lock.
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: upshift, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on shift status
    END;  -- of Shift

  DisableShift: KeyProc =  -- Sets shift lock.
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: upshift, bvOn: FALSE];  -- turn off shift status
    END;  -- of ShiftLock

  --  Private Procedures    Define all the indivigual "Do" processors here

    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, buffer: LptBufferData, lptPutBuf: LptBufOfChar,
    aidCode: Ch, accessMode: AccessMode ← keyMode] =
    -- This routine will enumerate through all the modified fields in the 3270 Buffer and build the output stream in lptPutBuf.  It first puts the given AID code in followed by the current cursor address into the stream, then proceeds to enumerate all the modified fields.  It assumes the Buffer has been Reserved previously.
    putBuf: MDTStream ← [lptPutBuf, 0];  -- initialize output stream block descriptor
    curAddr: VDTDefs.CharPos ← Em3270BufferDefs.GetCursor[buffer];  -- current cursor address

    -- First put the AID code for ENTER followed by the current cursor address into the output stream
    putBuf ← StoreByte[putBuf, aidCode];  -- EBCDIC AID header code
    putBuf ← StoreByte[putBuf, convertAddr[curAddr/64]];  -- convert and store cursor high-order address
    putBuf ← StoreByte[putBuf, convertAddr[curAddr MOD 64]];  -- convert and store cursor low-order address

    -- Enumerate through all the modified fields
    putBuf ← Em3270BufferDefs.EnumFields[
      my: buffer, pvFieldHit: BuildFieldStream, clientData: putBuf, bvAll: FALSE, accessMode: accessMode];
    -- enumerate all modified fields only
    -- Send entire "Read Modified" stream to host
    IF bvStreamOn THEN  Em3270ComDefs.DoStreamPut[
      my: GetComHandle[lschema], mdtStream: [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx],
      sstType: GateStream.readModified3270];
    SetMDTStream[lschema, [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx]];
    END;  -- of DoReadMod

  DoShortRd: PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, lptPutBuf: LptBufOfChar, aidCode: Ch] =
    -- This routine will perform a "Short Read", which means it will sent just the AID to the host.
    putBuf: MDTStream ← [lptPutBuf, 0];  -- initialize output stream block descriptor

    -- Put given AID in stream buffer
    putBuf ← StoreByte[putBuf, aidCode];  -- EBCDIC AID header code
    IF bvStreamOn THEN  Em3270ComDefs.DoStreamPut[
      my: GetComHandle[lschema], mdtStream: [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx],
      sstType: GateStream.readModified3270];
    SetMDTStream[lschema, [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx]];
    END;  -- of DoShortRd

  DoTestReq: PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, buffer: LptBufferData, lptPutBuf: LptBufOfChar] =
    -- This routine will perform a "Test Request Read", which means it will sent just the modified data fields excluding the three-byte header (AID + cursor address)
    putBuf: MDTStream ← [lptPutBuf, 0];  -- initialize output stream block descriptor
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: test, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on wait status (WCC to turn it off)

    -- Enumerate through all the modified fields
    putBuf ← Em3270BufferDefs.EnumFields[
      my: buffer, pvFieldHit: BuildFieldStream, clientData: putBuf, bvAll: FALSE];
    -- enumerate all modified fields only
    -- Send entire "Read Modified" stream to host
    IF bvStreamOn THEN  Em3270ComDefs.DoStreamPut[
      my: GetComHandle[lschema], mdtStream: [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx],
      sstType: GateStream.testRequest3270];
    SetMDTStream[lschema, [lptPutBuf, putBuf.blkIx]];
    END;  -- of DoTestReq

  --  Utility Procedures

  BuildFieldStream: PvFieldHit =
    -- PROCEDURE[mainBuffer:VDTDefs.LptCharSeq, startPos:VDTDefs.CharPos, fLength:CARDINAL, clientData:MDTStream, bvIsNewField:Bv, lptToTransFile: BaseOISToEFile]
    -- RETURNS[MDTStream];
    -- This routine is called once for each "run" of text in a modified field.  A "run" is all text between two attributes and/or nulls.  Therefore, it may take several calles to BuildFieldStream to aquire one modified field, depending on how many nulls are imbedded in it.  Typically, however, the run will be all text between the attribute character and the first null.  If bvIsNewField is TRUE, THEN we must put the SBA/FWA-of-field header in the stream (startPos is pointing at a attribute+1), ELSE, it points to the next non-null portion of the current field and we just keep on processing non-null text.

    -- Process order and attribute portion of the output stream
    IF bvIsNewField THEN  -- if called with the start of a new field
      clientData ← StoreByte[clientData, Em3270CmdProcessDefs.setBufferAddress];  -- store Set Buffer Address Order
      clientData ← StoreByte[clientData, convertAddr[startPos/64]];  -- convert/store attribute+1 high-order address 
      clientData ← StoreByte[clientData, convertAddr[startPos MOD 64]];  -- convert/store attribute+1 low-order address 

    -- Process text/field portion of the output stream
    UNTIL fLength = 0 DO
      clientData ← StoreByte[
        clientData, Em3270CharTransDefs.EBCDICFromOISChar[lptToTransFile, mainBuffer[startPos]]];
      -- store text
      startPos ← startPos + 1;  -- increment source pointer
      fLength ← fLength - 1;

    END;  -- of BuildFieldStream

  SetInputInhibited: PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema] =
    -- This routine will set the global emulator status to inputInhibited and display the systemLock sysbol.
    SetInputStatus[lschema, inputInhibited];
    Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: systemLock, bvOn: TRUE];
    -- turn on input inhibited status
    END;  -- of SetInputInhibited

  StoreByte: PROCEDURE [to: MDTStream, byte: Ch] RETURNS [MDTStream] =
    -- This routine take care of storing the given byte into the output stream of bytes in ComBufIndexCt size chunks.  When more storage is needed it calls GetNextBuf to get another ComBufIndexCt chunk and link it up.

    IF to.blkIx >= maxComBufCt THEN {
      to.lptbuf ← GetNextBuf[to.lptbuf]; to.blkIx ← 0; };
    to.lptbuf.hostData[to.blkIx] ← byte;  -- store the byte
    to.blkIx ← to.blkIx + 1;
    END;  -- of StoreByte

  GetNextBuf: PROCEDURE [putBufOld: LptBufOfChar]
    RETURNS [putBufNew: LptBufOfChar] =
    -- This rotuine will allocate another "PutBuf"'s worth of storage and link it into the given buffer chain
    putBufNew ← spredefinedZone.NEW[BufOfChar];
    putBufNew.nextBuf ← NIL;  -- this new block now terminates the block chain
    IF putBufOld # NIL THEN putBufOld.nextBuf ← putBufNew;  --link new buffer-block at end of chain
    END;  -- of GetNextBuf

  FreeBuf: PROCEDURE [putBuf: LptBufOfChar] =
    -- This routine will free the entire Put Buffer Chain.
    -- This code duplicates the routine Em3270ComDefs.FreeBuffer.
    nextBlk: LptBufOfChar ← putBuf.nextBuf;
    spredefinedZone.FREE[@putBuf];  -- free first block unconditionally
    UNTIL nextBlk = NIL DO
      putBuf ← nextBlk;
      nextBlk ← putBuf.nextBuf;
    END;  -- of FreeBuf

  --  Public Procedures 
  DoProcessBut: PUBLIC SchemaDefs.Pvprocessbut =
    --	PROC[lschema:Lschema, pbrequest:PBRequest]
    --Handle legal button selections

    MYdata: Lpttrt3270schemadata ← TraitDefs.MyData[lschema, trt3270schema];
    lptdata: LONG POINTER TO EmHandle ← MYdata.lptEmState;
    charpos: VDTDefs.CharPos;
    posnSelf: AreaDefs.Posn = pbrequest.posnSchema;  -- save my own tracking region
    rgnTrackSave: RgnDefs.Rgn = pbrequest.rgnTrack;  -- save my own position
    resolveresult: SchemaDefs.Resolveresult;
    aqrgnBkgd: RgnDefs.Aqrgn ← [NIL, NIL];

    bvBkgdComputed: Bv ← FALSE;
    bvDoneTracking: Bv ← FALSE;
    IF (pbrequest.button.buttype = butCopy OR pbrequest.button.buttype = butMove)
      AND SchemaDefs.GetRootCs[].sel.seltype # TxtEditDefs.seltypeText
        THEN {  --we won't be able to process this ourselves
          SchemaDefs.ProcessButNopAbortMCSOnButtonUpStd[lschema, pbrequest];
    -- While the button is in my interest region send it to a child or track in background
    UNTIL bvDoneTracking DO
      SchemaDefs.ResolveToChildExactly[lschema, pbrequest, @resolveresult];  -- is button in my schema?
      IF resolveresult.lschemaHit # SchemaDefs.lschemaNil THEN
        BEGIN  -- send button to children
        pbrequest.rgnTrack ← @resolveresult.aqrgnTrackHit;  -- tracking region for lschemaHit
        SchemaUtilDefs.AddScToPosn[resolveresult.scSchemaHit, @pbrequest.posnSchema];
        -- position of lschemaHit (upper left hand corner)
        pbrequest.rgnTrack ← @resolveresult.aqrgnTrackHit;  -- tracking region for lschemaHit	
        pbrequest.button.sc ← resolveresult.scBut;  -- but. pos. rel to lschemaHit
        IF resolveresult.lschemaHit = lptdata.display THEN
          BEGIN  -- handle button in VDT area.  Assumes VDT is my only child - all else is background!
          [charpos, pbrequest.button.sc, pbrequest.processbutctrl] ←
            lptdata.display, pbrequest.posnSchema, pbrequest.button.sc];  -- let VDT handle button while inside it
          IF pbrequest.processbutctrl = buttonup THEN
            DoButUpInDataArea[lschema, pbrequest, charpos]  -- handle button up within main data area
          END;  -- handle button in VDT area
        -- restore posnSchema, rgnTrack and scBut for parent (lschema)
        pbrequest.rgnTrack ← rgnTrackSave;
        pbrequest.posnSchema ← posnSelf;  -- restore position of lschema
        pbrequest.button.sc ← SchemaUtilDefs.AddScs[
          pbrequest.button.sc, resolveresult.scSchemaHit];  -- make scBut lschema-relative
        END  -- of send button to children

      ELSE  --lschemaHit = lschemaNil; button processing in background (we're in the boarders)
        BEGIN  -- processing background
        IF NOT bvBkgdComputed THEN
          BEGIN  -- need to calculate backgroung region before testing
          bvBkgdComputed ← TRUE;
          aqrgnBkgd ← SchemaDefs.AqrgnBkgdUtilStd[
            lschema, rgnTrackSave, posnSelf];
        IF SchemaUtilDefs.ScInRgn[pbrequest.button.sc, @aqrgnBkgd] THEN
          BEGIN  -- tracking in my background
          pbrequest.rgnTrack ← @aqrgnBkgd;
          SchemaDefs.NewTrackUtilStd[lschema, pbrequest];
          SELECT pbrequest.button.buttype FROM
            butMove => SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, funMove];
            butCopy => SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, funCopy];
            butSameAs => SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, funSameAs];
            ENDCASE => NULL;  -- ignore select, adjust, convert, drawthrough
          pbrequest.rgnTrack ← rgnTrackSave;
          END  -- of tracking in my background
        ELSE bvDoneTracking ← TRUE;  -- neither in child nor in background
        END;  -- processing background

      bvDoneTracking ← (pbrequest.processbutctrl = buttonup)
        OR (pbrequest.processbutctrl = cancel)
        OR NOT SchemaUtilDefs.ScInRgn[pbrequest.button.sc, rgnTrackSave];

    IF bvBkgdComputed THEN RgnDefs.FreeRest[aqrgnBkgd.rteFirst];
    END;  -- of DoProcessBut

  DoButUpInDataArea: PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, pbrequest: SchemaDefs.PBRequest,
    charpos: VDTDefs.CharPos] =
    bvprocessOK: Bv ← TRUE;
    SELECT pbrequest.button.buttype FROM
      butSelect => {
        SelectCharPos[lschema, pbrequest, charpos];
	SelectionDefs.DeselectCs};  -- pop the current selection
      butCopy, butMove => {
        SelectCharPos[lschema, pbrequest, charpos];
        bvprocessOK ← DoMoveOrCopy[lschema, pbrequest.button.buttype = butMove]};
      ENDCASE;  --??? do anything here ????
    IF bvprocessOK THEN  -- set current selection to type 3270 if button processing ok
      VDTDefs.SetCursorShape[GetDisplayHandle[lschema], GetPrevCursorShape[lschema]];
      SelectionDefs.SetCs[lschema, GetSelType[lschema], TreeEltDefs.ctxtNil];
    END;  -- of DoButUpInDataArea

  SelectCharPos: PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, pbrequest: SchemaDefs.PBRequest,
    charpos: VDTDefs.CharPos] =
    BEGIN OPEN Em3270BufferDefs;
    buffer: LptBufferData ← GetBufferHandle[lschema];
    Reserve[my: buffer];  -- lock for destructive function
    SetCursor[my: buffer, newCursor: charpos, bvDisplayCursor: FALSE];  -- set
    Release[my: buffer];  -- unlock buffer interlock
    END;  -- of SelectCharPos
  DehiliteSeldesc: PROCEDURE [seldesc: TxtEditDefs.Seldesc] =
    aqrehilitespec: TxtEditDefs.Aqrehilitespec;
    lptSelDescription: TxtEditDefs.LptSelDescription;
    [lptSelDescription: lptSelDescription] ←
    -- de-hilite trial selection
    aqrehilitespec[primary][before] ← lptSelDescription.textSegment;
    aqrehilitespec[primary][after] ← TxtDefs.textSegmentNil;
    aqrehilitespec[secondary][before] ← TxtDefs.textSegmentNil;
    aqrehilitespec[secondary][after] ← TxtDefs.textSegmentNil;

  DoMoveOrCopy: PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, bvMove: Bv]
    RETURNS [ok: Bv ← TRUE] =
    --process COPY and MOVE into the 3270 window.  If the operation fails due to some problem with the source, the MC is cancelled, the current selection is restored to the source, and ok is returned FALSE.  If the operation fails due to a problem with the 3270 buffer, input inhibited is set, the appropriate status is displayed, and ok is returned TRUE; ie, the MC is considered successful from the Star point of view.
    bvTextSelectionExists, bvWellFormed, bvAdjustmentMade: Bv;
    lschemaRoot: SchemaDefs.Lschema ← SchemaDefs.lschemaNil;
    seldescCS: TxtEditDefs.Seldesc ← TxtDefs.seldescNil;  --of MC selection
    selRoot: SchemaDefs.Sel ← SelectionDefs.selNil;
    ts: TxtDefs.TextSegment ← TxtDefs.textSegmentNil;
    lptSelDescription: TxtEditDefs.LptSelDescription;

    -- If inputInhibited, ignore all input characters
    IF GetInputStatus[lschema] = inputInhibited THEN {
      SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, funCopy];
      Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: what, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on WHAT "?+" status

    [lschema: lschemaRoot, sel: selRoot] ← SchemaDefs.GetRootCs[];
    bvTextSelectionExists ← lschemaRoot # SchemaDefs.lschemaNil
      AND selRoot.seltype = TxtEditDefs.seltypeText;
    seldescCS ← LOOPHOLE[selRoot.seldesc.lptr];
    IF ~bvTextSelectionExists THEN {  --nothing to Copy or Move
      SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, IF bvMove THEN funMove ELSE funCopy];
    [lptSelDescription: lptSelDescription] ←
    ts ← TxtEditDefs.CopyTextSegment[@lptSelDescription.textSegment];

    McDefs.SetStandardShape[idHourGlass];  -- this may take a second or two
    IF bvMove THEN
      [bvWellFormed, bvAdjustmentMade] ← TxtEditDefs.AdjustDeleteSpan[ts]
    ELSE {bvWellFormed ← TRUE; bvAdjustmentMade ← FALSE};
    IF NOT bvWellFormed THEN
      BEGIN  -- cancel move or copy, restore old selection
        IF bvMove THEN keyCSCantMove ELSE keyCSCantCopy];
      SchemaDefs.CancelMCS[lschema, IF bvMove THEN funMove ELSE funCopy];
      BEGIN  --actually do the copy or move.
      status: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError ← okay;
      flow: TxtDefs.Flow ← TxtFlowDefs.Create[
        ts.blockaddrFirst, ts.blockaddrLast];
      buffer: Em3270PrivDefs.LptBufferData ← Em3270PrivDefs.GetBufferHandle[
      lptToTransFile: BaseOISToEFile ← Em3270PrivDefs.GetTransHandle[lschema];
      IF flow = TxtDefs.flowNil THEN status ← okay
          noChar: CharDefs.Char ← CharDefs.Roman[unused177B];
          newChar1: CharDefs.Char ← CharDefs.Roman[unused177B];
          newChar2: CharDefs.Char ← CharDefs.Roman[unused177B];
          [newChar1, newChar2] ← GetNonTileCharFromFlow[lptToTransFile, flow];

          IF newChar1 = noChar THEN EXIT;  --no more characters
          IF (status ← Em3270BufferDefs.PutChar[buffer, newChar1]) # okay THEN GOTO reject;
          IF newChar2 # noChar THEN  --it's the second part of a deadkey sequence
            IF (status ← Em3270BufferDefs.PutChar[buffer, newChar2]) # okay THEN GOTO reject;
          IF ~TxtFlowDefs.AdvanceCharacter[flow] THEN EXIT;
            reject => DisplayBufferError[lschema, status];
--      DehiliteSeldesc[seldescCS];
      IF bvMove AND status = okay THEN
        BEGIN OPEN TxtEditDefs;  --delete the (possibly) adjusted source segment
        txtCtxt: TxtCtxt ← @aqTxtCtxt;
        aqTxtCtxt: AqTxtCtxt;
        BeginEdit[txtCtxt, TRUE];  --consult user for things like anchors &c.
        Delete[txtCtxt, ts];

    END;  -- of DoMoveOrCopy

  GetNonTileCharFromFlow: PROCEDURE [lptToTransFile: BaseOISToEFile, flow: TxtDefs.Flow]
    RETURNS [char1, char2: CharDefs.Char] =
    --Returns with the next non-tile character in the flow, starting at the current position, or the news (char1 = Roman[unused177B]) that the flow is exhausted.  ADD CODE to return a second CharDefs.Char # Roman[unused177B] if the character.aqplaincharacter.char is one that must decompose into a dead accent followed by a host; and to return a Roman[hyphen] if the character.aqplaincharacter.char is one that doesn't exist in the EBCDIC set under consideration at all.
    character: WSCharDefs.Character;
      character ← TxtFlowDefs.CharacterCurrent[flow];
      SELECT character.aqplaincharacter.representation FROM
        bit16 => { --here's where we'll have to check for decomposing dead characters (whew!) and transforming unrecognized NS characters to Roman hyphens.  Note that when this is done we will NOT advance the flow, as it has no idea that we might have turned one character into two.
	  [char1, char2] ← Em3270CharTransDefs.ExpandLegalDeadchar[lptToTransFile, character.aqplaincharacter.char];
	  RETURN[char1, char2]; }; 
        ENDCASE =>
          IF ~TxtFlowDefs.AdvanceCharacter[flow] THEN
            RETURN[CharDefs.Roman[unused177B], CharDefs.Roman[unused177B]];
    END;  --of GetCharFromFlow

  DisplayBufferError: PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, error:Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError] =
  -- This routine will take the given buffer error and translate it into a meaningful status character to be displayed in the lower Status area of the 3270 window.
  Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, bvOn: TRUE, code:
	       SELECT error FROM
	         attribute, protected => goElsewhere,
		 noRoomInField        => moreThan,
		 alphaInNumericField  => nonNumeric,
    		 ENDCASE              => what];
  END;  -- of DisplayBufferError
  ProcessInputChar: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, string: String] =
    -- Process a normal alphanumeric characters from the main keyboard array.
    aqscanctxt: WSStringDefs.Aqscanctxt;  -- scan context for reading string
    bufstatus: Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError;  -- buffer status returned while putting a char into the buffer
    BEGIN  -- just needed for scope-of-definition on aqscanctxt/bufstatus
    status: InputStatus ← GetInputStatus[lschema];  --  get current emulator status
    -- If inputInhibited, ignore all input characters
    IF status = inputInhibited THEN {
      Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: what, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on WHAT "?+" status

    -- Initialize the scanctxt.  Will then point to first character
    IF WSStringDefs.BeginForwardScan[
      WSStringDefs.Substring[string], @aqscanctxt, characters] THEN  -- string is not empty
      buffer: LptBufferData ← GetBufferHandle[lschema];      

      -- Start reading characters for input and putting them into the buffer (usually this is only one character long)
      bufstatus ← Em3270BufferDefs.PutChar[my: buffer,  -- display first char. unconditionally
          aChar: WSStringDefs.CharCur[@aqscanctxt], inputMode: status];
      IF bufstatus # okay THEN GOTO buffererrors;  -- handle any buffer errors 
      WHILE WSStringDefs.ScanForward[@aqscanctxt] -- advance to next char
	bufstatus ← Em3270BufferDefs.PutChar[my: buffer,  -- display all subsequent characters
            aChar: WSStringDefs.CharCur[@aqscanctxt], inputMode: status];
        IF bufstatus # okay THEN GOTO buffererrors;  -- handle any buffer errors
    WSStringDefs.EndScan[@aqscanctxt];  -- clean up scanctxt house
      buffererrors => {SetInputInhibited[lschema];
		       DisplayBufferError[lschema, bufstatus];	};
    END;  -- scope-of-definition on aqscanctxt
    END;  -- of ProcessInputChar

  Process3270Keyes: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, key: NtDefs.Special3270Key] =
    -- Process a 3270-unique character fron the virtual keyboard

    -- If inputInhibited, only look at the RESET key, ignore all others
    IF GetInputStatus[lschema] = inputInhibited
      AND key # special3270Reset THEN {
      Em3270StatusDefs.DisplayCode[lschema: lschema, code: what, bvOn: TRUE];  -- turn on WHAT "?+" status
    keyProcessor[key][lschema, key];  -- call 3270 key processing routine
    END;  -- of Process3270Keyes

  ProcessFuntion: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, fun: NtDefs.Fun] =
    -- Process Star function keyes 
      funCopy, funMove, funSameAs => {
      funHelp => MessageSwnDefs.DisplayMessage[keyNotImplemented];
      ENDCASE => NULL;  -- ignore all other function keyes

    END;  -- of ProcessFuntion

  ProcessFunRepeat: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [
    lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema, cvFunrepeat: Cv, funrepeat: NtDefs.Funrepeat] =
    -- Process Function keyes which can repeat
    THROUGH [1..cvFunrepeat] DO
      SELECT funrepeat FROM
        funTAB => MoveCursor[lschema: lschema, key: special3270Tab];  -- process TAB
        funBS, funBW => MoveCursor[lschema: lschema, key: special3270BackSpace];  -- process BACKSPACE
        funNewLine => MoveCursor[lschema: lschema, key: special3270NewLine];  -- process NEWLINE
        ENDCASE => EXIT;  -- ignore all other repeat function keyes
    END;  -- of ProcessFunRepeat
  Create: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema] =
    MYdata: Lpttrt3270schemadata ← TraitDefs.MyData[lschema, trt3270schema];
    emdata: LONG POINTER TO EmHandle ← MYdata.lptEmState;
    emdata.putMDTStream.lptbuf ← spredefinedZone.NEW[BufOfChar];
    emdata.putMDTStream.blkIx ← 0;

  Destroy: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema] =
    MYdata: Lpttrt3270schemadata ← TraitDefs.MyData[lschema, trt3270schema];
    emdata: LONG POINTER TO EmHandle ← MYdata.lptEmState;
    firstPutBuf: LptBufOfChar ← emdata.putMDTStream.lptbuf;
    IF firstPutBuf.nextBuf = NIL THEN    
      spredefinedZone.FREE[@firstPutBuf]  -- free the first block only
      FreeBuf[firstPutBuf];  -- free all blocks
    emdata.putMDTStream ← [NIL, 0];

  ResetAIDStatus: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [lschema: SchemaDefs.Lschema] =
    --  reset the AID and free all blocks except for first block which is permanent till end of session.
    MYdata: Lpttrt3270schemadata ← TraitDefs.MyData[lschema, trt3270schema];
    emdata: LONG POINTER TO EmHandle ← MYdata.lptEmState;
    firstPutBuf: LptBufOfChar ← emdata.putMDTStream.lptbuf.nextBuf;
    IF firstPutBuf # NIL THEN
      FreeBuf[firstPutBuf];   --  free all but the first block.
    emdata.putMDTStream.lptbuf.nextBuf ← NIL;
    SetAIDStatus[lschema,TRUE];  -- no-AID-generated

  END.	-- of Em3270UserInputPack
March 14, 1982 - Kernaghan - Created Em3270UserInputPack.
March 20, 1982 - Kernaghan - Fix bug in BuildFieldStream whch was storing the attribute address instead of the attribute+1.
March 26,1982 - Kernaghan - Removed keyboard interrputation stubs now that the actual 3270 virtual keyboards & Code are available.
March 30 - Kernaghan - Rplaced SchemaDefs.CancelMCS with NfrDefs.CancelMCS inside of ProcessFuntion to properly handle the "ignoring" of *funCopy, funMove, funSameAs*.
March 30 - Kernaghan - Added DisplayBufferError to handle buffer errors better and replaced code in various places that gets Em3270BufferDefs.WriteError returned to it.
23-Jun-82 18:11:50   - Lui    -   fixed abug in DoReadMod, was calling Em3270ComDefs.DoStreamPut with last buffer instead of pointer to head of chain.
24-Jun-82  9:47:50   - Lui    -   Added SchemaUtilDefs.
13-Jul-82 13:08:40   - Lui    -   removed TextHiliteDefs.
 4-Aug-82 15:16:41   - Lui    -   fix buffer not reserved/released bug. removed Em3270BufferDefs.Reserve/Release from AID PROC.
 4-Aug-82 15:30:11   - Lui    -   Added dded codes to DoButUpInDataArea for implementing ghost cursor. changed ALTCursor to incorporate all various cursor shape.
31-Aug-82 15:15:46   - Lui    - Modified DoMoveOrCopy, and PvFieldHit to provide support multiNational. 
 9-Sep-82 17:53:11   - Lui    - changed hostLang to lptToTransFile
29-Sep-82 15:08:32   - Lui    - replaced seltype3270 with GetSelType.
14-Dec-82 17:05:24   - Lui    - replaced NfrDefs.CancelMCS with SchemaDefs.CancelMCS
16-Dec-82 11:40:53   - Lui    -  undo previous action
18-Feb-83 12:19:55   - Lui    -  moved posting of message after called to NfrDefs.CancelMCS instead of before.
22-Feb-83 13:27:58   - Lui    -  removed called to DehiliteSeldesc in DoMoveOrCopy. AR 10780
 9-Mar-83 11:06:19   - Lui    -  edited DoMoveOrCopy. AR #1354
30-Jun-83 14:09:16   - Lui    -  support for Read Modified.
 5-Oct-83 16:52:02   - Lui    -  replace session zone with short zone.