:Title[LTraps.dmc, June 27, 1982 2:48 PM, Masinter];

* this file is a modified version of:

* Title[ATraps.mc...August 15, 1981 10:20 PM...Taft];
* This file contains emulator-specific microcode for:
S-group opcodes that ordinarily trap;
Default disk region;
Map parameters.
* This is the version for the strictly Alto emulator.
* It should be renamed and edited for other emulators

Set[XTask, IP[EMU]];
InsSet[AEmuInsSet, 1];

* Returns in T some emulator-specific information for setting up the map:
* T[0] = 1 to write-protect page 377, for XM Alto emulation;
0 to emulate a non-XM Alto.
* T[4:15] = the VA[4:15] to be used to define the main 64K memory
* region for Alto emulation (i.e., loaded into the high
* part of MDS). Should be 0 in all emulators except Lisp.
T← LEmuBrHiVal, Return;* Lisp AEMU region


VERS: * Alto Version instruction
* structure VERS:
eng bit 4// engineering number
build bit 4// build number
microcode bit 8// microcode version
* For Dorado, the engineering number is 5.
* The build number (use of which has been discontinued on the Alto) is
* taken over to indicate the emulator(s) included in the current microcode:
0Alto emulator only
1Alto + Alto Mesa
2Alto + PrincOps Mesa
3Alto + Cedar Mesa
4Alto + Lisp
5Alto + Smalltalk 76
6Alto + Smalltalk 78

Stack← add[lshift[5,14],* eng# 5
lshift[4,10]* build# 4
]C, At[SD400, 14], IFUJump[0];

* Parameterless Alto instructions (NOPAR group) that are
* undefined on the Dorado

IFUJump[0],At[SD400, 7];*61007, StartIntervalTimer
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 10];*61010, JumpRAM
Stack← A0,
IFUJump[0],At[SD400, 11];*61011, ReadRAM
IFUJump[0],At[SD400, 12];*61012, WriteRAM
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 15];*61015, Double Read
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 16];*61016, Double Write
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 17];*61017, Double Exchange
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 22];*61022, Diagnostic
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 23];*61023, Diagnostic
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 27];*61027, SET DISPLAY RATE
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 30];*61030, not used
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 31];*61031, not used
Branch[NPTrap],At[SD400, 35];*61035, not used

* S-Group opcodes that trap
* Note: Trap## uses dispatch word at 530+##+ID (## = 00, 17, or 36).
* Trapx uses dispatch word at 400+T.
* All of these trap routines expect RBase = rbAEmRegs.

* EmIFUTrap[opcode, IMaddress, N]
M[EmIFUTrap, IFUPause[#1, 2, MDS, rbAEmRegs, #2, #3, 0, 0]];

EmIFUTrap[141, Trap00, 01];
* 60400-60777
EmIFUTrap[143, Trap00, 03];
* 61400-61777
EmIFUTrap[144, Trap00, 04];
* 62000-62377
EmIFUTrap[145, Trap00, 05];
* 62400-62777
EmIFUTrap[146, Trap00, 06];
* 63000-63377
EmIFUTrap[147, Trap00, 07];
* 63400-63777
EmIFUTrap[150, Trap00, 10];
* 64000-64377
EmIFUTrap[153, Trap00, 13];
* 65400-65777
EmIFUTrap[154, Trap00, 14];
* 66000-66377
EmIFUTrap[155, Trap00, 15];
* 66400-66777
EmIFUTrap[157, Trap17, 00];* 67400-67777
EmIFUTrap[160, Trap17, 01];
* 70000-70377
EmIFUTrap[161, Trap17, 02];
* 70400-70777
EmIFUTrap[162, Trap17, 03];
* 71000-71377
EmIFUTrap[163, Trap17, 04];
* 71400-71777
EmIFUTrap[164, Trap17, 05];
* 72000-72377
EmIFUTrap[165, Trap17, 06];
* 72400-72777
EmIFUTrap[166, Trap17, 07];
* 73000-73377
EmIFUTrap[167, Trap17, 10];
* 73400-73777
EmIFUTrap[170, Trap17, 11];
* 74000-74377
EmIFUTrap[171, Trap17, 12];
* 74400-74777
EmIFUTrap[172, Trap17, 13];
* 75000-75377
EmIFUTrap[173, Trap17, 14];
* 75400-75777
EmIFUTrap[174, Trap17, 15];
* 76000-76377
EmIFUTrap[175, Trap17, 16];
* 76400-76777
EmIFUTrap[176, Trap36, 00];
* 77000-77377
EmIFUTrap[177, Trap36, 01];
* 77400-77777

IFUPause[157, 2, MDS, rbAEmRegs, LTrap, noNData, 0, 0]; * 67400-67777

* Dummy BCPL runtime routines, if BCPLRuntime.dib not loaded.
* These labels are redefined if BCPLRuntime is actually loaded.
* This code is here because it gets bound too early if included in
* AEmu assembly. It must be loaded before BCPLRuntime.
JSRz300: Q← PCX’, Branch[JSRx];
JSRiz340: Fetch← T, FlipMemBase, Branch[JSRix];