Title[LFloat.mc, February 23, 1983 2:54 PM, Masinter];
* Lisp floating point operations
InsSet[LispInsSet, 1];

350];* FPLUS
352];* FTIMES




* Local R-register usage:
* Overlay BitBlt registers
RVN[ExpSign1];* Exponent and sign of argument 1
RVN[Frac1H];* Fraction of argument 1 (high part)
RVN[Frac1L];* (low part)

RVN[ExpSign2];* Argument 2 ...

RVN[FTemp0];* Temporaries


regOP1[351, StackM2BR, opFDIFFERENCE, 0];


T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddZeroR]; * Flip sign of arg 2 and add
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddNonZero];

regOP1[355, StackM2BR, opUNBOXFDIFF, 1]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];

T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNPACK];
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddZeroR]; * Flip sign of arg 2 and add
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddNonZero];
350, StackM2BR, opFPLUS2, 0]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];

T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];
PD← (Stack&+2)+(Stack&+2), Branch[FAddZero];

Difference between exponents is the amount of unnormalization required. The low 7 bits of ExpSign1 contain either 4 or 5, whereas the low 7 bits of ExpSign2 contain 0, 1, or 2. Thus subtracting ExpSign2 from ExpSign1 cannot cause a carry out of the low 7 bits. Furthermore, the low bit gets the xor of the two signs, useful later when determining whether to add or subtract the fractions.

T← ExpSign1;
ExpSign2← T← T-(Q← ExpSign2);
FTemp1← A0, Q RSH 1;
T← T+T, DblBranch[UnNorm1, UnNorm2, Carry’];

regOP1[354, StackM2BR, opUNBOXFPLUS, 1]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];
T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNPACK];
PD← (Stack&+2)+(Stack&+2), Branch[FAddZero];
T← ExpSign1, branch[FAddNZ2];

* Un-normalize operand 1. T[0:7] has negative of right-shift count.

ExpSign1← (B← Q) LSH 1, Branch[.+2, R even]; * Result exponent is Exp2
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1;* But preserve Sign1
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C);
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm1le20, Carry];
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm1le40, Carry];

* Exponents differ by more than 40.
* Just zero operand 1, but be sure to set the sticky bit.
Frac1L← 1C;
Frac1H← A0, Branch[UnNormDone];

* Exponent difference IN [1..20]. Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 40 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 20-n] = RCY[T, R, n]
T← Frac1L, ShC← T;
PD← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];* PD← RCY[Frac1L, 0, [1..20]]
T← Frac1H, FreezeBC;
Frac1L← ShiftNoMask[Frac1L],* Frac1L← RCY[Frac1H, Frac1L, [1..20]]
Branch[.+2, ALU=0];* Test bits shifted out of Frac1L
Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C);* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit
T← A0, Q← Frac2L;
Frac1H← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H],* Frac1H← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]

* FAdd/FSub (cont’d)

* Exponent difference IN [21..40]. Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 60 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 40-n] = RCY[T, R, n-20]
T← Frac1H, ShC← T;
T← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];* T← RCY[Frac1H, 0, [1..20]]
PD← T OR (Frac1L);* Bits lost from Frac1H and Frac1L
T← A0, FreezeBC;
Frac1L← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H],* Frac1L← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]
Branch[ZeroFrac1H, ALU=0];
Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C),* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit

* Un-normalize operand 2. T[0:7] has right-shift count, and T[8:15] is IN [0..12].
T← (12S)-T;* Negate count; ensure no borrow by ALU[8:15]
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNormDone, Carry]; * Branch if exponents equal
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm2le20, Carry];
T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm2le40, Carry];

* Exponents differ by more than 40.
* Just zero operand 2, but be sure to set the sticky bit.
Frac2L← 1C, Branch[ZeroFrac2H];
Frac2L← 1C;
Frac2H← A0, Branch[UnNormDone];

* Exponent difference in [1..20]. Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 40 - n, i.e., in [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 20-n] = RCY[T, R, n]
T← Frac2L, ShC← T;
PD← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];* PD← RCY[Frac2L, 0, [1..20]]
T← Frac2H, FreezeBC;
Frac2L← ShiftNoMask[Frac2L],* Frac2L← RCY[Frac2H, Frac2L, [1..20]]
Branch[.+2, ALU=0];* Test bits shifted out of Frac2L
Frac2L← (Frac2L) OR (1C);* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit
T← A0, Q← Frac2L;
T← Frac2H← ShiftNoMask[Frac2H],* Frac2H← RCY[0, Frac2H, [1..20]]

* Exponent difference IN [21..40]. Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 60 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 40-n] = RCY[T, R, n-20]
T← Frac2H, ShC← T;
T← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];* T← RCY[Frac2H, 0, [1..20]]
PD← T OR (Frac2L);* Bits lost from Frac2H and Frac2L
T← A0, FreezeBC;
Frac2L← ShiftNoMask[Frac2H],* Frac1L← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]
Branch[ZeroFrac2H, ALU=0];
Frac2L← (Frac2L) OR (1C),* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit

* Now decide whether fractions are to be added or subtracted.
Q← Frac2L;
T← Frac2H;
ExpSign2, DblBranch[SubFractions, AddFractions, R odd]; * Subtract if signs differ

* FAdd/FSub (cont’d)

* Signs equal, add fractions. T = Frac2H, Q = Frac2L.
Frac1L← (Frac1L)+Q;
Frac1H← T← (Frac1H)+T, XorSavedCarry;
PD← (Frac1L) AND (377C), Branch[FRePackNZ1, Carry’];

* If carry out of high result, must normalize right 1 position.
* Need not restore leading "1", since rounding cannot cause a carry into this
* position, and the leading bit is otherwise ignored during repacking.
Frac1H← (Frac1H) RSH 1;
Frac1L← RCY[T, Frac1L, 1], Branch[.+2, R even];
Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C);* Preserve sticky bit
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C), Branch[FRePackNonzero];

* Signs differ, subtract fractions. T = Frac2H, Q = Frac2L.
Frac1L← (Frac1L)-Q;
T← (Frac1H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry;
Frac1H← A0, FreezeBC, Branch[Normalize, Carry];

* If carry, Frac1 was >= Frac2, so result sign is Sign1.
* If no carry, sign of the result changed. Must negate fraction and
* complement sign to restore sign-magnitude representation.
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1;
Frac1L← (0S)-(Frac1L);
T← (Frac1H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[Normalize];

* Add/Subtract with zeroes:
* One or both of the operands is zero. ALU = (high word of arg1) LSH 1. This is
* zero iff arg1 is zero (note that we don’t need to worry about denormalized numbers,
* since they have been filtered out already).
* StkP has been advanced to point to high word of arg2.
T← (Stack&-1)+(Q← Stack&-1),* T← (high word of arg2) LSH 1
Branch[FAddArg2Zero, ALU#0]; * arg1#0 => arg2=0
Cnt← Stack&-1,* Cnt← low word of arg2
Branch[FAddArg1Zero, ALU#0]; * arg2#0 => arg1=0

* Both args are zero: result is -0 if both args negative, else +0.
Stack← (Stack) AND Q, branch[.storefloat];

* Arg 1 is zero and arg 2 nonzero: result is arg 2.
* Note: must re-pack sign explicitly, since FSub might have flipped it.
T← RCY[ExpSign2, T, 1];* Insert Sign2 into high result
Stack&-1← T;
Stack&+1← Cnt, branch[.storefloat];

* Arg 2 is zero and arg 1 nonzero: result is arg 1.
StkP-1, branch[.storefloat];* Result already on stack

352, StackM2BR, opFTIMES2, 0]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];

T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNPACK];
T← ExpSign2, Branch[MulArgZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero
T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C), branch[MulNormal];

regOP1[356, StackM2BR, opUNBOXFTIMES, 1]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];

T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];
T← ExpSign2, Branch[MulArgZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero

* XOR signs and add exponents. Subtract 200 from exponent to correct for doubling bias,
* and add 1 to correct for 1-bit right shift of binary point during multiply
* (binary point of product is between bits 1 and 2 rather than between 0 and 1).

T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C); * Subtract 200 from ExpSign2[0:8]
T← T+(LShift[1, 7]C);* And add 1 (can’t combine the constants, alas)
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+T;

* Now do the multiplications. Initial registers:
* Frac1H = F1H (high 16 bits of arg 1)
* Frac1L = F1L,,0 (low 8 bits of arg 1)
* Frac2H = F2H (high 16 bits of arg 2)
* Frac2L = F2L,,0 (low 8 bits of arg 2)
* Intermediate register usage:
* Frac1L and FTemp0 accumulate sticky bits
* FTemp2 is the initial product register for the Multiply subroutines.

* Do 8-step multiply of F1L*F2L, with initial product of zero.
Frac1L← T← RSH[Frac1L, 10];* Frac1L← 0,,F1L
Frac2L← RSH[Frac2L, 10],* Frac2L← 0,,F2L
Call[MultTx2L8I];* Force 8 iterations,initial product 0

* Low product is FTemp2[8:15],,Q[0:7]. FTemp2[0:7] = Q[8:15] = 0.
* Do 8-step multiply of F2H*F1L, using high 8 bits of previous result as initial product.
FTemp0← Q;* Save low 8 bits for later use as sticky bits
T← Frac2H, Cnt← 6S, Call[MultTx1L];

* Cross product is FTemp2[0:15]..Q[0:7]. Q[8:15] = 0.
* Do 8-step multiply of F1H*F2L, with initial product of zero.
Frac1L← Q;* Frac1L← low 8 bits of cross product
T← Frac1H, ShC← T,* ShC← high 16 bits of cross product
Call[MultTx2L8I];* Force 8 iterations,initial product 0

* Cross product is FTemp2[0:15]..Q[0:7]. Q[8:15] = 0.
* Add cross products, propagate carries, and merge sticky bits.
T← (Frac1L)+Q;* Add low 8 bits of cross products
Frac1L← (FTemp0) OR T;* Merge with sticky bits from low product
T← ShC, Branch[.+2, ALU=0];* Collapse to single sticky bit in Frac1L[15]
Frac1L← 1C;
FTemp2← (FTemp2)+T, XorSavedCarry; * Add high 16 bits of cross products

* Do 16-step multiply of F1H*F2H, using high 16 bits of previous result as initial product.
* Frac1H← (-1)+(carry out of sum of low and cross products).
T← B← Frac1H, Cnt← 16S;
Frac1H← T-T-1, XorSavedCarry, Call[MultTx2H];

* Final result is T,,Q. Merge in the sticky bit from low-order products and exit.
Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR Q, DispTable[1, 2, 2];
T← (Frac1H)+T+1, Branch[Normalize], DispTable[1, 2, 2];

* One or both of the arguments is zero. Return zero with appropriate sign.
* T = ExpSign2
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) XOR T, Branch[FRePackZero];

* Unsigned multiply subroutines
* Entry conditions (except as noted):
Cnt = n-2, where n is the number of iterations
T = multiplicand
FracXX = multiplier (register depends on entry point);
leftmost (16D-n) bits must be zero.
FTemp2 = initial product (to be added to low 16 bits of final product)
* Exit conditions:
Product right-justified in T[0:15],,Q[0:n-1]
Q[n:15] = 0
FTemp2 = copy of T
Carry = 1 iff T[0] = 1
* If n = 16D, caller must squash Multiply dispatches in the 2 instructions
* following the Call.
* Timing: n+2

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac1L
Q← Frac1L, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac2L.
* This entry forces 8 iterations with an initial product of zero.
FTemp2← A0, Cnt← 6S;
Q← Frac2L, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac2H
Q← Frac2H, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Execute first Multiply purely for its side-effects (dispatch and shift Q)
PD← A0, Multiply, Branch[FM0];
PD← A0, Multiply, Branch[FM1];


* here after Q[14] was 0 (no add) and continue
FTemp2← A← FTemp2, Multiply, DblBranch[FM0E, FM0, Cnt=0&-1];
* here after Q[14] was 0 (no add) and exit
FTemp2← T← A← FTemp2, Multiply, Return;

* here after Q[14] was 1 (add) and continue
FTemp2← (FTemp2)+T, Multiply, DblBranch[FM0E, FM0, Cnt=0&-1];
* here after Q[14] was 1 (add) and exit
FTemp2← T← (FTemp2)+T, Multiply, Return;


357, StackM2BR, opUNBOXFQUO, 1]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];
T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNPACK];
T← ExpSign2, Branch[DivArgZero];
T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C), branch[FDivNormal];

353, StackM2BR, opFQUOTIENT, 0]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];
T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];

T← ExpSign2, Branch[DivArgZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero

* XOR signs and subtract exponents.
* Add 200 to resulting exponent to correct for cancellation of bias.
T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C); * Subtract 200 from ExpSign2[0:8]
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-T;

* First, transfer dividend to Frac2H ,, Frac2L and divisor to T ,, Q,
* and unnormalize both of them by one bit so that significant dividend bits
* aren’t lost during the division.
Frac1H← (Frac1H) RSH 1, Branch[.+2, R odd];
T← (Frac1L) RSH 1, Branch[.+2];
T← ((Frac1L)+1) RCY 1;* Know Frac1L is even
Frac2L← T, Q← Frac2L;
T← A← Frac2H, Multiply;* T,,Q ← (Frac2H ,, Frac2L) RSH 1
* Know Q[14]=0, so can’t dispatch

* Now do the division.
* Must do total of 26 iterations: 24 for quotient bits, +1 more significant
* bit in case we need to normalize, +1 bit for rounding.
Frac2H← Frac1H, Call[DivFrac];* Do 16 iterations
Frac1H← Frac1L, CoReturn;* Preserve high quotient; do 10 more iterations

* We may have subtracted too much (or not added enough) in the last iteration.
* If so, adjust the remainder by adding back the divisor. Since the remainder
* got shifted left one bit, we must double the divisor first.
T← A← T, Divide, Frac1L, Branch[NoRemAdjust, R odd]; * T,,Q ← (T,,Q) LSH 1
Frac2L← (Frac2L)+Q;
Frac2H← T← (Frac2H)+T, XorSavedCarry, Branch[.+2];

* Left-justify low quotient bits and zero sticky bit.
* Then, if the remainder is nonzero, set the sticky bit.
* Then normalize if necessary. We should have to left-shift at most once,
* since the original operands were normalized.
T← Frac2H;
PD← (Frac2L) OR T;
Frac1L← LSH[Frac1L, 6], Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
Frac1L← (Frac1L)+1;* Set sticky bit
T← Frac1H, Branch[Normalize];

* One or both of the arguments is zero.
* Trap if divisor is zero; return zero with appropriate sign otherwise.
Frac2H, Branch[MulArgZero, R<0];
Branch[.floatfail];* Division by zero

* Divide fractions
* Enter: Frac2H ,, Frac2L = dividend (high-order bit must be zero)
T ,, Q = divisor (high-order bit must be zero)
* Exit:
Frac2H ,, Frac2L = remainder, left-justified
Frac1L = quotient bits (see below)
T and Q unchanged
* When first called, executes 16 iterations and returns 16 high-order quotient bits.
* When resumed with CoReturn, executes 10 more iterations and returns 10 low-order
* quotient bits right-justified (other bits garbage).
* Timing: first call: 66; resumption: 41

Cnt← 17S;

* Previous quotient bit was a 1, i.e., dividend was >= divisor.
* Subtract divisor from dividend and left shift dividend.
Frac2L← ((Frac2L)-Q) LSH 1;
Frac2H← (Frac2H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry, DblBranch[DivSh1, DivSh0, ALU<0];

* Previous quotient bit was a 0, i.e., dividend was < divisor (subtracted
* too much). Add divisor to dividend and left shift dividend.
Frac2L← ((Frac2L)+Q) LSH 1;
Frac2H← (Frac2H)+T, XorSavedCarry, DblBranch[DivSh1, DivSh0, ALU<0];

* Shifted a zero out of low dividend (ALU<0 tested unshifted result).
Frac2H← (Frac2H)+(Frac2H), DblBranch[DivQuot1, DivQuot0, Carry];

* Shifted a one out of low dividend (ALU<0 tested unshifted result).
Frac2H← (Frac2H)+(Frac2H)+1, DblBranch[DivQuot1, DivQuot0, Carry];

* If the operation generated no carry then we have subtracted too much.
* Shift a zero into the quotient and add the divisor next iteration.
Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(Frac1L),* Shift zero into quotient
Branch[DivAddStep, Cnt#0&-1];
Cnt← 11S, CoReturn;
Frac2L← ((Frac2L)+Q) LSH 1, Branch[DivAddStep1];

* If the operation generated a carry then we have not subtracted too much.
* Shift a one into the quotient and subtract the divisor next iteration.
Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(Frac1L)+1,* Shift one into quotient
Branch[DivSubStep, Cnt#0&-1];
Cnt← 11S, CoReturn;
Frac2L← ((Frac2L)-Q) LSH 1, Branch[DivSubStep1];


364, StackM2BR, opUNBOXFGTP, noNData]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];
T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];
T← Stack&+2, Branch[FGT2];* +1: at least one arg is zero
T← Stack&+2, Branch[FGT2];* T← high arg1
362, StackM2BR, opFGREATERP, noNData]; KnowRBase[LTEMP0];
T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];
T← Stack&+2, Branch[FGT2];* +1: at least one arg is zero

* First compare the signs
T← Stack&+2;* T← high arg1
PD← T XOR (Q← Stack&-1);* Q← high arg2
T← Stack&-1, FreezeBC, Branch[FCompSignsDiff, ALU<0]; * T← low arg2

* Signs equal, compare magnitudes. Q = high arg2, T = low arg2, StkP -> high arg1
PD← (Stack&-1)-Q, Branch[.+2, ALU#0]; * Compute high (arg1 - arg2)
PD← (Stack)-T;* High parts equal, compute low (arg1 - arg2)

* Carry = 1 if arg1 >= arg2 when treated as unsigned numbers.
* The sense of this is inverted if the arguments are in fact negative, since
* the representation is sign-magnitude rather than twos-complement.
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[FCompE, ALU=0];
ExpSign1, DblBranch[FCompL, FCompG, R odd];

* Signs unequal. Unless both arguments are zero, return "less" if arg1 is negative,
* else "greater". Q = high arg2.
PD← T-T, StkP-1, Q LSH 1;* Carry← 1
PD← (Frac1H) OR Q, Branch[FCompTest]; * ALU=0 iff both args are zero

Stack← -1C, branch[.fgtpret];* arg1 < arg2
Stack← A0, branch[.fgtpret];* arg1 = arg2
Stack← 1C, branch[.fgtpret];* arg1 > arg2

.fgtpret: branch[.floatfail];

* Pop and unpack two floating-point arguments.
* Call:

* memBase← StackM2BR;
* T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNBOX2];

* Exit:
ExpSign2, Frac2H, Frac2L set up with argument 2 (right); ExpSign2[13:14]=00
ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L set up with argument 1 (left); ExpSign1[13:14]=10
StkP addresses high word of arg 1 (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)

* Returns +1: at least one argument is zero
+2: both arguments are nonzero
* Returns only for normal numbers or true zero.
* Traps if denormalized, infinity, or Not-a-Number.
* Clobbers Q

LTEMP2← Md, T← (fetch← T) - (3c);
LTEMP3← Md, T← (fetch← T) + 1;
T← LTEMP0← Md, fetch← T;
* T, LTEMP0← XHi
LTEMP1← Md, memBase← tyBaseBR;

T← rcy[T, LTEMP1, 11];
* T ← type table pointer for X
fetch← T;

T← Md, memBase← ScratchLZBR;
* T ← ntypx(X)
pd← (T) - (floatptype);
branch[.+2, alu=0], BrHi← LTEMP0;
branch[.FLOATFAIL];* nope, not fixp

T← (2c);
StkP← T;


T← (FETCH← LTEMP1) + 1;
Stack&-1← MD, fetch← T;
Stack&+3← Md;
* push unboxed X


T← LTEMP2, memBase← tyBaseBR;
* T← YHi
T← rcy[T, LTEMP3, 11];
* T ← type table pointer for Y
fetch← T;
T← Md, memBase← ScratchLZBR;
pd← (T) - (floatptype);
branch[.+2, alu=0], BrHi← LTEMP2;
branch[.FLOATFAIL];* nope, not floatp


T← (FETCH← LTEMP3) + 1;
T← Stack&-1← MD, fetch← T;


Stack← Md, RBASE← RBASE[FTEMP0], branch[FunPack2];


* unpack two floating-point arguments.
* Call:
* memBase← StackM2BR;
* T← (fetch← TSP) + 1; LEFT← (LEFT) + 1, SCall[.FUNPACK];
LTEMP0← (2c);

Stack&-1← Md, T← (fetch← T) - (3c);
Stack&+3← Md, T← (fetch← T) + 1;
T← Stack&-1← Md, fetch← T;
Stack← Md, RBase← RBase[FTEMP0], branch[FUnPack2];

ExpSign2← T AND (177600C);
T← RCY[T, Stack, 10];* Garbage bit and top 15 fraction bits
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2) AND (77777C), * Exponent in bits 1:8, all else zero
Branch[.+2, R<0];* Branch if negative
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+(200C),* Positive, add 1 to exponent, B15 ← 0
DblBranch[Exp2Zero, .+2, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+(201C),* Negative, add 1 to exponent, B15 ← 1
Branch[Exp2Zero, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
Frac2H← T OR (100000C),* Prefix explicit "1." to fraction
Branch[Exp2NaN, ALU<0];* Branch if exponent was 377
T← LSH[Stack&-1, 10];* Left-justify low 8 fraction bits
Frac2L← T;
T← Stack&-1;* Now do arg 1
ExpSign1← T AND (177600C), Branch[FUnPack1a];

Frac2H← (Stack&-1) OR T;* See if entire fraction is zero
Frac2L← A0, Branch[Arg2DeNorm, ALU#0]; * Branch if not true zero
T← Stack&-1, Q← Link, SCall[FUnPack1]; * Zero, unpack other arg
Link← Q, Branch[.+2];* Return +1 regardless of what FUnpack1 did
Link← Q;
ExpSign2← (ExpSign2) AND (1C), Return;


Branch[.floatfail];* Denormalized number
Branch[.floatfail];* Not-a-Number

* Pop and unpack one floating-point argument.
* Enter: T = top-of-stack, StkP points to TOS-1
* Exit:
ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L set up with argument
StkP addresses high word of arg 1 (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Call by: SCall[FUnPack1]
* Returns +1: argument is zero
+2: argument is nonzero
* Returns only for normal numbers or true zero.
* Traps if denormalized, infinity, or Not-a-Number.
* Timing: 7 cycles normally.

ExpSign1← T AND (177600C), Global;
T← RCY[T, Stack, 10];* Garbage bit and top 15 fraction bits
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) AND (77777C), * Exponent in bits 1:8, all else zero
Branch[.+2, R<0];* Branch if negative
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(204C),* Positive, add 1 to exponent, [13:14]←10, [15]←0
DblBranch[Exp1Zero, .+2, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(205C),* Negative, add 1 to exponent, [13:14]←10, [15]←1
Branch[Exp1Zero, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
Frac1H← T OR (100000C),* Prefix explicit "1" to fraction
Branch[Exp1NaN, ALU<0];* Branch if exponent was 377
T← LSH[Stack&+1, 10];* Left-justify low 8 fraction bits
Frac1L← T, Return[Carry’];* Always skip (carry is always zero here)

Frac1H← (Stack&+1) OR T;* See if entire fraction is zero
Frac1L← A0, Branch[Arg1DeNorm, ALU#0]; * Branch if not true zero
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) AND (1C), Return; * Zero, return +1


Branch[.floatfail];* Denormalized number
Branch[.floatfail];* Not-a-Number

* Normalize and re-pack floating-point result.
* Enter: ExpSign1, T, Frac1L contain unpacked result
T = ALU = high fraction.
StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Timing: for nonzero result: 11 cycles minimum, +3 if need to normalize at all,
+2*(n MOD 16) if n>1, where n is the number of normalization steps,
+3 if n>15, +5 if need to round, +2 if rounding causes a carry
out of Frac1L, +1 or 2 in extremely rare cases.
For zero result: 6 cycles

* See if result is already normalized or entirely zero.
* Note that we want the cases of no normalization, one-step normalization,
* and result entirely zero to be the fastest, since they are by far the most common.
* Therefore, do the first left shift in-line while branching on the other conditions.
PD← T OR (Q← Frac1L),* ALU← 0 iff entire fraction is 0
Branch[NormAlready, ALU<0]; * Branch if already normalized
Frac1H← A← T, Divide,* (Frac1H,,Q) ← (T,,Q) LSH 1
Branch[NormalizeZero, ALU=0]; * Branch if fraction is zero
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[1, 7]C), * Subtract one from exponent
Branch[NormBegin, ALU#0]; * Branch if high fraction was nonzero

* If the high word of the fraction was zero, we discover that after having left-shifted
* the fraction once. Effectively, left-shift the fraction 16 bits and subtract
* 16D from the exponent. Actually, undo the first left shift and subtract only 15D
* from the exponent, in case the first left shift moved a one into the high fraction.
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C); * Can’t encode the constant I really want!
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[20, 7]C);
Frac1H← Frac1L;* Left-shift original fraction 16 bits
Q← T, Branch[NormLoop];* Q← 0

* In this loop, the exponent is in ExpSign1[0:8] and the fraction in Frac1H ,, Q.
* Left shift the fraction and decrement the exponent until the high-order bit
* of the fraction is a one.
T← A0, Frac1H, Branch[NormDone1, R<0]; * Branch if one shift was enough
Frac1H← A← Frac1H, Divide, Branch[NormDone, R<0]; * (Frac1H,,Q) ← (Frac1H,,Q) LSH 1
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[1, 7]C), Branch[NormLoop];

* When we bail out of the loop, the exponent is correct, but we have left-shifted
* the fraction one too many times. Right-shift the fraction and exit.
Frac1H← (Frac1H)-T, Multiply;* (Frac1H,,Q) ← 1,,((Frac1H,,Q) RSH 1)
Frac1L← Q, Branch[FRePackNonzero]; * Multiply dispatch pending!!

Frac1H← T, Branch[FRePackNonzero]; * Placement (sigh)

* Result was exactly zero: push +0 as answer.
ExpSign1← A0, Branch[FRePackZero];

* Re-pack nonzero floating-point result.
* Enter: ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L contain unpacked result, which must be normalized but
need not have its leading "1" so long as rounding can’t carry into this bit.
StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Timing: 9 cycles minimum, +5 if need to round, +2 if rounding causes a carry
out of Frac1L, +1 or 2 in extremely rare cases.

* Prepare to round according to Round-to-Nearest convention. Frac1L[8:15] are fraction
* bits that will be rounded off; result is exact only if these bits are zero.
PD← (Frac1L) AND (377C), DispTable[1, 2, 2];
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) OR (176C),* Put ones in all unused bits of ExpSign1
Branch[NoRounding, ALU=0];

* Inexact result. Round up if result is greater than halfway between representable
* numbers, down if less than halfway. If exactly halfway, round in direction that makes
* least significant bit of result zero. Adding 1 at the Frac1L[8] position causes
* a carry into bit 7 iff the result is >= halfway between representable numbers.
PD← (Frac1L) AND (177C);
Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(200C), Branch[.+2, ALU#0];

* Exactly halfway. But we have already rounded up.
* If the least significant bit was 1, it is now 0 (correct).
* If it was 0, it is now 1 (incorrect). But in the latter case, no carries
* have propagated beyond the least significant bit, so...
Frac1L← (Frac1L) AND NOT (400C); * Just zero the bit to fix it

* Now set the sticky flag and trap if appropriate.
* Note we have not propagated the carry out of the low word yet, so we must
* perform only logical ALU operations that don’t clobber the carry flag.
T← B← Frac1H;
T← T+1, RBase← RBase[FTemp0],* Prepare to do carry if appropriate
Branch[DoneRounding, Carry’];

* There was a carry out of Frac1L. Propagate it to Frac1H.
* If this causes a carry out of Frac1H, the rounded fraction is exactly 2.0, which
* we must normalize to 1.0; i.e., set fraction to 1.0 and increment exponent.
Frac1H← T, Branch[.+2, Carry’];
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C);
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), DblBranch[ExpOverflow, .+3, R<0];

* Done rounding. Check for exponent over/underflow, and repack and push result.
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), DblBranch[ExpOverflow, .+2, R<0];
ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), * Subtract 2 from exponent
Branch[ExpOverflow, R<0]; * Branch if exponent > 377B originally
T← LDF[Frac1H, 7, 10],* Extract high 7 fraction bits, exclude leading 1
Branch[ExpUnderflow, ALU<0]; * Branch if exponent < 2 originally

* At this point, ExpSign1[1:8] = desired exponent -1, and [9:15] = 176 if the
* sign is positive, 177 if negative. Thus adding 2 (if positive) or 1 (negative)
* will correctly adjust the exponent and clear out [9:15].
T← (ExpSign1)+T+1,* Merge exponent with fraction and add 1
Branch[.+2, R odd];* Branch if negative
Stack&-1← T+1, Branch[.+2];* Positive, add 1 more to finish fixing exponent
Stack&-1← T OR (100000C);* Negative, set sign bit of result
T← Frac1H;* Construct low fraction
T← RCY[T, Frac1L, 10];
Stack&+1← T, branch[.storefloat];


* Push a result of zero with the correct sign
* Enter: ExpSign1 has correct sign
StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)

T← LSH[ExpSign1, 17];* Slide sign to bit 0
Stack&-1← T;* Push true zero with correct sign
Stack&+1← A0, branch[.storefloat];

PD← ID, memBase← StackBR;
branch[.storeflunbox, alu#0], RBase← RBase[LTEMP0];
T← (TSP) - (4c);
T← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← SmallHi;
T← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← Stack&-1;
T← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← SmallHi;
TSP← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← Stack;
NARGS← 2c;

T← (TSP) - (4c);
T← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← Stack&-1;
TSP← (store← T) + 1, dbuf← Stack, NextOpCode;
