XEROX TTY 2 4 1 TTY 1 4 By: Mark Stefik ( The TTY package is a set of functions for interacting with the TTY. It is much simpler to use than ASKUSER. The input functions also provide a technique for suppressing prompts that makes it easy to create programs that respond to "commands" or sequenced entry with a varied amount of prompting for input. These functions were originally written by Mark Stefik and Peter Friedland in 1978 for use with the UNITS package. They have been renamed and documented here. (INTTY promptStr goodList helpStr noShiftFlg initialAtom) [Function] INTTY interacts with a user at the TTY and returns an atom. In its simplest usage, it prompts the user using the promptStr. The user then types a response followed by a carriage return. INTTY returns the user's response which is a member of goodList. If initialAtom is given, it is "unread" into the TTY buffer, and so becomes the default response. If there is a sequence of calls to INTTY, the user can separate the responses by spaces and follow the last one with a carriage return. More formally, the arguments to INTTY are as follows: promptStr. A prompt typed to the TTY when INTTY is invoked. This prompt is suppressed if the user has typed ahead. goodList. Optional argument. This is a list of acceptable answers. If the characters typed by the user correspond to the first characters of any element of goodList, that member is returned as the value of INTTY. If the leading characters are ambiguous, then user is warned. If goodList is supplied and the user's reply matches no entry, INTTY attempts spelling correction. On failure of spelling correction, all type ahead is flushed and the user is warned and reprompted. If goodList is NIL, no checking is performed. helpStr. A secondary prompt if the user types a ? to INTTY. Intended to allow short prompts, and longer more explanatory prompts as needed. noShiftFlg. Normally, INTTY converts the user's response to all upper case. If noShiftFlg is T, then the user's response is passed along as typed. initialAtom. The default answer. If this is nonNIL, it is "unread" into the TTY (using BKSYSBUF). The user can accept this default (by hitting ), append to it, delete it, or whatever. Example The following statements: (SETQ name (INTTY "Name: " NIL "Please type your first name")) (SETQ age (INTTY "Age: " NIL "Your age in years")) (SETQ hairColor (INTTY "Hair color: " NIL "Please type your hair color, or NONE if bald" NIL 'BLACK)) (SETQ color (INTTY "Paint color: " '(RED BLUE YELLOW WHITE))) could yield the following dialog (prompts in boldface): Name: John Age: 17 Hair color: BLACK Paint color: Green Response not recognized. Type ? for help. Paint color: ? Expecting one of (RED BLUE YELLOW WHITE) Paint color: blue which illustrates the help facility, or the following dialog Name: John 17 black yell which illustrates the suppression of type ahead and name completion. Note that no actual reading of the typing takes place until the is typed. Successive calls to INTTY suppress the prompt, and read through the separating spaces. At the conclusion of execution, the LISP variables name, age, hairColor, and color have all been set to JOHN, 17, BLACK, and YELLOW respectively. (INTTYL promptStr goodList helpStr noShiftFlg initialList) [Function] Similar to INTTY except that it always returns a list of the items typed. INTTYL reads successive entries until a carriage return is typed. (WRITE arg1 arg2 ...) [Function] Prints the arguments arg1, arg2, etc. to the TTY (using PRINT1). Prints a carriage return at the end. Output goes to the primary output device. (PrintStatus arg1 arg2 ...) [Function] Similar to WRITE except that PrintStatus allocates its own window and prints to that. The window is titled "Status Window" and is made to scroll as writing proceeds. 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