(FILECREATED "29-Aug-85 11:22:43" ("compiled on " {PHYLUM}IDEASKETCH.;3) "19-Mar-85 14:34:17" recompiled changes: SK.WRITING.MENU in "INTERLISP-D 19-Jun-85 ..." dated "19-Jun-85 10:24:28") (FILECREATED "29-Aug-85 11:22:33" {PHYLUM}IDEASKETCH.;3 7685 changes to: (FNS SK.WRITING.MENU) previous date: "27-Aug-85 16:36:46" {PHYLUM}IDEASKETCH.;2) WRITEW.CREATE D1 (P 0 SKW I 6 INITIALGRID I 5 BRINGUPMENU I 4 INITIALSCALE I 3 TITLE I 2 SCREENREGION I 1 SKETCHREGION I 0 SKETCH) /@ABCDF Hg Hg Hg Hg H(53Q SK.SET.TEXT.VERT.ALIGN 44Q SK.SET.TEXT.HORIZ.ALIGN 35Q SK.SET.LINE.ARROWHEAD 26Q SK.SET.LINE.LENGTH.MODE 14Q SKETCHW.CREATE 7 SK.WRITING.MENU) (50Q TOP 41Q LEFT 32Q LAST 23Q NO) () SK.TOGGLE.DEFAULT.ARROWHEAD D1 (I 0 W) '@g HHgð“g‚g(6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (42Q LAST 36Q NEITHER 31Q LAST 3 SKETCHCONTEXT) () SK.WRITING.MENU D1 (I 0 MENUTITLE F 5 ALLOWSKETCHPUTFLG) Ø`oooAHµ‚±ŒIoooU´oU´oo HdI¿di ¿dg¿` HdI¿d@¿dg ¿dg¿jdnÿdhHdI ¿g\dɲÉLdÉh»JµKhZY¿HX±ÿEK&Z°ö(161Q FONTNAMELIST 156Q FONTCREATE 122Q \APPEND2 117Q \APPEND2 114Q \APPEND2 111Q \APPEND2 106Q \APPEND2 103Q \APPEND2 100Q \APPEND2 75Q \APPEND2) (273Q SKETCHTYPE 264Q SKETCHTYPE 255Q SKETCHTYPE 247Q SKETCHTYPE 213Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 204Q CLRPROMPT 153Q BOLDFONT 145Q SKETCHW.SELECTIONFN 2 MENUTYPE#) ( 72Q ((Redisplay REDISPLAYW "repaints the sketch image.")) 66Q ((Get SK.GET.FROM.FILE "gets a sketch from a file.")) 57Q ((Put SK.PUT.ON.FILE "saves this sketch on a file")) 50Q ((HardCopy HARDCOPYIMAGEW "sends a copy of the current window contents on the default printer." (SUBITEMS ("To a file" HARDCOPYIMAGEW.TOFILE "Puts image on a file; prompts for filename and format") ("To a printer" HARDCOPYIMAGEW.TOPRINTER "Sends image to a printer of your choosing") ("Whole sketch" SK.LIST.IMAGE "Sends the image of the whole sketch at the current scale to the printer." (SUBITEMS ("To a file" HARDCOPYIMAGEW.TOFILE "Puts image on a file; prompts for filename and format") ("To a printer" HARDCOPYIMAGEW.TOPRINTER "Sends image to a printer of your choosing"))) (Hardcopy% Display SK.SET.HARDCOPY.MODE "Makes the display correspond to the hardcopy image on the default printer.") (Normal% Display SK.UNSET.HARDCOPY.MODE "Changes the display to use display fonts.")))) 44Q (("Move view" SKETCH.ZOOM "makes a new region the part of the sketch visible." (SUBITEMS ("Move view" SKETCH.ZOOM "changes the scale of the display.") (AutoZoom SKETCH.AUTOZOOM "changes the scale around a selected point.") (Home SKETCH.HOME "returns to the origin at the original scale") ("Fit it" SK.FRAME.IT "moves so that the entire sketch just fits in the window") ("Restore view" SK.RESTORE.VIEW "Moves to a previously saved view." (SUBITEMS ("Restore view" SK.RESTORE.VIEW "Moves to a previously saved view.") ("Save view" SK.NAME.CURRENT.VIEW "saves the current view (position and scale) of the sketch for easy return.") ("Forget view" SK.FORGET.VIEW "Deletes a previously saved view."))) ("Coord window" ADD.GLOBAL.DISPLAY "creates a window that shows the cursor in global coordinates." (SUBITEMS ("Coord window" ADD.GLOBAL.DISPLAY "creates a window that shows the cursor position in global coordinates.") ("Grid coord window" ADD.GLOBAL.GRIDDED.DISPLAY "creates a window that shows the grid position nearest the cursor in global coordinates."))) (New% window SKETCH.NEW.VIEW "opens another viewer onto this sketch")))) 40Q (("font LARGE" (SK.SEL.AND.MAKE (QUOTE (TEXT LARGER))) "Makes the font larger.") ("font small" (SK.SEL.AND.MAKE (QUOTE (TEXT SMALLER))) "Makes the font of selected items smaller.") ("BOLD" (SK.SEL.AND.MAKE (QUOTE (TEXT BOLD))) "makes selected text bold." (SUBITEMS ("Default BOLD" (SK.SET.DEFAULT.TEXT.FACE (QUOTE (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR))) "makes the default text bold.") ("Default unbold" (SK.SET.DEFAULT.TEXT.FACE (QUOTE (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR))) "makes the default text unbold."))) ("line size" (SK.SEL.AND.MAKE (LIST (QUOTE SIZE) (READBRUSHSIZE))) "sets the line size of selected elements." (SUBITEMS ("Default line size" (SK.SET.DEFAULT.BRUSH.SIZE (READBRUSHSIZE)) "sets the line size of any newly constructed lines."))) ("More Menu" SK.SKETCH.MENU "pops up the normal sketch command menu.")) 17Q (TEXTBOX) 13Q ((Change SK.CHANGE.ELT "Changes a property of a piece.")) 7 (("Move points" SK.MOVE.POINTS "Moves a collection of control points."))) (PRETTYCOMPRINT IDEASKETCHCOMS) (RPAQQ IDEASKETCHCOMS ((FILES SKETCH) (COMS (* stuff for creating a writing specialized sketch window. ) (FNS WRITEW.CREATE SK.TOGGLE.DEFAULT.ARROWHEAD SK.WRITING.MENU)) (COMS (* stuff to add writingtool to background menu) (ADDVARS (BackgroundMenuCommands ("IdeaSketch" (QUOTE (WRITEW.CREATE NIL NIL ( GETREGION) NIL NIL T T)) "Opens an idea sketch window."))) (VARS (BackgroundMenu))))) (FILESLOAD SKETCH) (ADDTOVAR BackgroundMenuCommands ("IdeaSketch" (QUOTE (WRITEW.CREATE NIL NIL (GETREGION) NIL NIL T T)) "Opens an idea sketch window.")) (RPAQQ BackgroundMenu NIL) (PUTPROPS IDEASKETCH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) NIL