The Crypt package Henry Thompson File: {eris}crypt.tedit Revised: September 29, 1984 Simple Encryption/Decryption of blocks of data This package provides a quick and dirty encryption and decryption facility for blocks of quad-words. It is strictly (I hope) identical with the algorithm implemented in /indigo/cedar5.2/top/desdummy, using serial XORs plus a checksum. See that file for details. The main entry point is CryptData(key nBlks from to direction mode seed) Key and seed are 8 elt. arrays of SMALLPs, to be used in (encrypt/decrypt)ing (per direction) nBlks quad-words from from to to (which must either be disjoint or identical raw pointers). mode is one of ecb, cbc, or cbcCheck. There are other entries for generating random keys/seeds and encrypting/decrypting single blocks more simply - see the file. Messages to +Ø +Ø +Ø +Ø HELVETICA GACHA  HELVETICA € HELVETICA  HELVETICA ?. 0G = ~Z*zº