By Kelly Roach.  Last revised 30-Jul-85.  THIS PACKAGE IS FOR INTERNAL RELEASE ONLY.
     INTRODUCTION.  The MESATOLISP package converts Mesa and Cedar code into Interlisp.  MESATOLISP does not offer 100% translation  and the the output of this package will have to be edited considerably with an Interlisp editor such as DEDIT.  MESATOLISP is VERY much still in the development phase.  At this time, MESATOLISP is only being recommended to expert volunteers that have a small to medium sized Mesa or Cedar package they would like to convert.  
     The following functions are defined by MESATOLISP:   
     (1) (PARSE.MESA FILE)  Converts a Mesa source file FILE into Interlisp code.  The output is a file package filecoms which is bound to the value of PARSE.FILECOMS.
     (2) (PARSE.CEDAR FILE)  Converts a Cedar source file FILE into Interlisp code.  Again, the output is a file package filecoms which is bound to the value of PARSE.FILECOMS.
     (3) (PARSE.SMURF N)  This is my principle debugging function.  If the MESATOLISP parser breaks, (PARSE.SMURF) will show you the text around the point in the source file where the parse got stuck.  Send me the name of the source file if this happens.  A workaround is to edit out the offending Mesa/Cedar expression using Tedit on your source file, then try again.