DSKTEST Filed as {eris}library>dsktest.* Not for customer release Designed and written by Richard Burton With modifications by Tayloe Stansbury DSKTEST is a package designed to test the reliability of file systems. Given a file device to test, it writes, deletes, and changes files. DSKTEST files consist of some header information followed by a sequence of characters which can be computed from the header. After each operation, DSKTEST checks the length and contents of all its files. The simplest way to run DSKTEST is to call (DSKTEST host&dir) That will cause DSKTEST to run indefinitely. There are also options to make it stop after a certain number of iterations, to make it keep a log, and to make it replay such a log. After DSKTEST has run long enough, stop it by hitting control-E. To get rid of the test files, call (DELETETESTFILES host&dir) That will delete only those files created by DSKTEST.ÔNILNIL HELVETICAGACHA ÔNILNILGACHA ÔNILNIL(CLASSIC ÔNILNILCLASSIC ÔNILNIL'CLASSIC ÔNILNIL'CLASSIC NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA ÔNILNIL\CLASSIC ÔNILNILCLASSIC ÔNILNIL+CLASSIC ÔNILNILGACHA ÔNILNIL GACHA GACHA GACHA ÔNILNILGACHA ÔNILNILCLASSIC ÔNILNILGACHA ÔNILNILGACHA GACHA GACHA ÔNILNILGACHA ÔNILNIL5CLASSIC ¥+z¸