(FILECREATED "31-Jul-85 17:04:10" ("compiled on " {ERIS}TEXTOFD.;15) "28-Jul-85 01:39:50" recompiled changes: \CREATEPIECEORSTREAM \TEXTBIN \TEDIT.TEXTBIN.FILESETUP in "INTERLISP-D 28-Jul-85 ..." dated "28-Jul-85 01:53:53") (FILECREATED "31-Jul-85 17:00:19" {ERIS}TEXTOFD.;15 125111 changes to: (FNS \CREATEPIECEORSTREAM \TEXTBIN \TEDIT.TEXTBIN.FILESETUP) previous date: "29-Jul-85 15:31:38" {ERIS}TEXTOFD.;13) COPYTEXTSTREAM D1 (P 5 NEWTEXTOBJ P 4 NEWSTREAM P 3 PCLST P 2 PCTB P 1 TSEL P 0 TEXTOBJ I 1 CROSSCOPY I 0 ORIGINAL) @ aHZHYhdddHF \d ]IkIHk IH HIAgHM [MkKHhdA MHMH8jkj^8NjhL(146Q \TEDIT.INSERT.PIECES 125Q TEDIT.SELECTED.PIECES 47Q TEXTOBJ 42Q OPENTEXTSTREAM 3 TEXTOBJ) (172Q TEXTOBJ 166Q TEXTOBJ 156Q TEXTOBJ 152Q TEXTOBJ 135Q TEXTOBJ 117Q \TEDIT.COPYTEXTSTREAM.PIECEMAPFN 105Q TEXTOBJ 101Q SELECTION 67Q TEXTOBJ 63Q SELECTION 54Q SELECTION 34Q TEXTOBJ 21Q TEXTOBJ 12Q TEXTOBJ) () OPENTEXTSTREAM D1 (P 32Q PARALOOKS P 31Q CLEARGET? P 30Q PROP P 27Q OTEXTOBJ P 26Q TEXTSTREAM P 25Q PC P 24Q PCTB P 23Q SEL P 22Q FONT P 21Q TEXTOBJ.WINDOW.VALID P 20Q PROPS P 3 TEDIT.GET.FINISHEDFORMS P 2 TEXTOBJ I 4 PROPS I 3 END I 2 START I 1 WINDOW I 0 TEXT F 33Q BXCARET F 34Q \CARETRATE) @d`5`(@`H dmdmdjt@``@ dmdmdjP`dj:d`:dj8`nghj HdIngjd HdIngjd HdIdjHdI8dj,dh,dj*dj(dj&dj$`dndndjdjdghhHdIhhHdIdjdjHdI"`dnwwdjdkdjdghhHdIhhHdIdjdjHdI `dmdndjdjdghhHdIhhHdIdjdjHdI`dkdkdndjdghhHdIhhHdIdjdjHdI`dkdkdndjdghhHdIhhHdIdjdjHdIdgdodhdj dj dmdhdjD` JF AJ JAg JAdhJh@`@.bO g'`O g',O g'O g'O g' O g'`hJ _$O g'_4JO4 `` _4J :@`@_.`@_,JJJ JJ"h,dO.LLJLjjLjO,JJO,.Jh0J,jJd, Jj,O$JO$J @J`` `dM(`dNdJ_.O_,J@JBCO$O4O g' _(O(ll_*Kd JO(dkkk_OOkJO FJJdO$J _@O J 4J`Ad _dOdiW6 _dOdW8 dW6 dil_dOl_dO2JO g'kj_:OjhJO g'_0d0." 34Q "TEdit consistency-check failure [RETURN to continue]: ") \DELETEPIECE D1 (P 12Q HIBASE P 11Q LOBASE P 7 LO P 6 HI P 2 PCLIM P 1 PCLEN P 0 PCNO I 2 PC# I 1 PCTB I 0 PC) B@A @@3j@Akk#HJHlH3 O!OjVOO JjOJNNJ=AOO_ANN_OOINl_ԾOl_AJlٻkkKAdkؼL@@@ @ @ @h(106Q \FZEROP 7 \FINDPIECE) (350Q PIECE 344Q PIECE 337Q PIECE 327Q PIECE 316Q PIECE 312Q PIECE 305Q PIECE 275Q PIECE 263Q ARRAYP 251Q ARRAYP 232Q ARRAYP 147Q ARRAYP 131Q ARRAYP 31Q ARRAYP 23Q PIECE) () \FINDPIECE D1 (P 1 I I 1 PCTB I 0 PC) pAkklJ5JjKJJ AjJIAkkIAkk@AIIIkوIlZԹh o@ (155Q ERROR 40Q \FZEROP) (113Q ARRAYP 73Q ARRAYP 53Q ARRAYP 3 ARRAYP) ( 151Q "Piece not found: ") \INSERTCH D1 (P 52Q I P 33Q NLOOKS P 32Q PLOOKS P 31Q NEWFLAG P 30Q REPLACING P 27Q EVENT P 26Q PREVPC P 25Q NEWPC P 24Q CHNO P 23Q PCNO P 22Q PC P 21Q IMARKCH P 20Q IMARKPC P 17Q TEXTLEN P 16Q PCTB P 15Q \INFIRSTCH P 14Q \INPC P 13Q \INSTRING P 12Q \INLEFT P 11Q \INLEN P 10Q \INEXTCH P 7 FATP P 6 LEN I 3 INSERTMARK I 2 TEXTOBJ I 1 CH# I 0 CH F 54Q \MAXTHINCAR) ,@l@ k@dlQCjhiI@QHkٻHKHغHCjhiKk[JMLKLKYWXIihhhlBB B BBBBBCC (BjdAOjCVO OGO"j?NOL@lOOk@ OOk@+OBON_8 O8BON BONB_&OOkO `ng _:dO:O _dO>djdkdjdjdh_*BO*_@lOk@ Ok@+O*NBO*OgB B_BO*_BnN BN BABANi_2BHdNCAO _&O OO&k_@O@O@_$OpNOj`OOk _BdOBB4_DdOD O_FdOFdjdkdjdjdh_*OOkO BOp`Bn _HOH_JdOJB4_LdOL OOB: B _NdONdjdkdjdjdh_*BnN BO*_O*NBO*_@lOk@ Ok@+BN BAi_2AOAOO&O&jOO$BhO&OO$AB BhO&l _&OXO O _4OO_6OO4O6B:O6O4 B:O4BO&B_O* O$_,O*B4 O*OjlOaO_,O _,dO,BH_.g AO.j_0AOj&O.gO.O.N; B:BO0gggOAOO0O.hdh O2O&AkO _&OkkO&l+OV>OVjjOVOV ^jOVOTOkkOTOkk4OOTOOTOTNHIIJOTl_V_TBNO_BANBkkjhB,jhiBd,i Bk,kjhOOjOkj_POPjhh(2641Q \TEDIT.WINDOW.TITLE 2636Q \TEDIT.ORIGINAL.WINDOW.TITLE 2411Q \FZEROP 2335Q \CHTOPCNO 2313Q \TEDIT.HISTORYADD 2225Q \FZEROP 1622Q \INSERTPIECE 1607Q \SPLITPIECE 1506Q RPLSTRING 1353Q \TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS 1347Q COPYALL 1263Q ALLOCSTRING 1240Q SUBSTRING 1115Q SUBSTRING 1026Q \CHTOPCNO 703Q \INSERTPIECE 635Q RPLSTRING 474Q ALLOCSTRING 454Q SUBSTRING 345Q RPLSTRING 11Q NCHARS) (2667Q PIECE 2662Q PIECE 2614Q TEXTOBJ 2576Q TEXTOBJ 2565Q TEXTOBJ 2521Q ARRAYP 2476Q ARRAYP 2452Q ARRAYP 2430Q ARRAYP 2345Q ARRAYP 2262Q PIECE 2255Q RIGHT 2252Q Insert 2246Q Replace 2233Q TEXTOBJ 2201Q Insert 2143Q Delete 2133Q TEXTOBJ 2122Q PIECE 2114Q PIECE 2103Q PIECE 2070Q PIECE 2047Q PIECE 2035Q TEXTOBJ 2031Q PIECE 2013Q PIECE 2001Q TEXTOBJ 1770Q TEXTOBJ 1754Q TEXTOBJ 1736Q TEXTOBJ 1723Q PIECE 1711Q PIECE 1704Q PIECE 1673Q PIECE 1661Q PIECE 1654Q PIECE 1643Q PIECE 1632Q PIECE 1547Q ARRAYP 1462Q PIECE 1450Q PIECE 1342Q TEXTOBJ 1332Q PIECE 1307Q TEXTOBJ 1253Q PIECETYPE# 1230Q PIECE 1152Q PIECE 1132Q TEXTOBJ 1103Q PIECETYPE# 1051Q ARRAYP 777Q TEXTOBJ 761Q TEXTOBJ 751Q TEXTOBJ 712Q TEXTOBJ 677Q LASTPIECE 670Q PIECE 661Q TEXTOBJ 651Q PIECE 611Q PIECE 532Q PIECE 512Q PIECE 471Q % 462Q PIECETYPE# 444Q PIECE 427Q TEXTOBJ 364Q PIECE 300Q PIECE 241Q TEXTOBJ 220Q TEXTOBJ 207Q TEXTOBJ 201Q TEXTOBJ 173Q TEXTOBJ 165Q TEXTOBJ 157Q TEXTOBJ 151Q TEXTOBJ) () \INSERTCR D1 (P 0 INPC I 2 TEXTOBJ I 1 CH# I 0 CH) AB:j@ljB l AB @l jBkBjh(37Q \INSERTCH 27Q \TEDIT.CONVERT.TO.FORMATTED) (71Q TEXTOBJ 60Q PIECE 53Q TEXTOBJ 6 TEXTOBJ) () \INSERTPIECE D1 (P 26Q I P 21Q \INTERRUPTABLE P 6 BASE2 P 5 BASE P 4 NPCTB P 3 OLIM P 2 PCNO P 1 PCTB P 0 PLEN I 4 PC# I 3 DONTUPDATECH#S I 2 TEXTOBJ I 1 OLD I 0 NEW) y@BDAI ZIkk[jHo@ sAg<@h@h JlWIJk_OOb@@A0@A@A A A @A@ Jlj@h@IJk_OO I_jOsO lI l I I _dOOghj I]jLjI MdI k Ld I _OBLYI]Kk_O^hNhMJdMJdlKJk MJhIJIJl_OOO$O&O&O(MJkhIJk_OO@IKl_kkOIdk_ O CnKlJlO.+O.jYO.O. MjO.O,KlO,Kl6IO,IO,O,HO0O2O2O4O,l_._,J(1050Q \FZEROP 603Q \MOVEWORDS 477Q ARRAYSIZE 473Q ARRAYSIZE 465Q \ZEROWORDS 456Q ARRAYSIZE 447Q \MOVEWORDS 442Q ARRAYSIZE 416Q ARRAY 371Q ARRAYSIZE 365Q ARRAYSIZE 356Q ARRAYSIZE 350Q \FZEROP 60Q ERROR 26Q \FINDPIECE) (1134Q ARRAYP 1110Q ARRAYP 777Q ARRAYP 763Q ARRAYP 743Q ARRAYP 714Q ARRAYP 653Q ARRAYP 631Q ARRAYP 530Q ARRAYP 507Q ARRAYP 433Q ARRAYP 423Q ARRAYP 411Q POINTER 324Q ARRAYP 303Q ARRAYP 271Q PIECE 262Q PIECE 240Q PIECE 230Q PIECE 223Q PIECE 214Q PIECE 203Q PIECE 177Q PIECE 167Q PIECE 160Q PIECE 150Q PIECE 131Q ARRAYP 105Q PIECE 75Q PIECE 66Q LASTPIECE 33Q ARRAYP 11Q TEXTOBJ 3 PIECE) ( 54Q "Negative Piece Length") \MAKEPCTB D1 (P 2 PCTB P 1 FREE P 0 LEN I 1 MINLEN I 0 PC1) AlllAl2Hghj Z@>dIJkklJllkJllgJJIkٻKJkklJllkJll@J@kؼllLJllgJ(33Q ARRAY) (300Q LASTPIECE 265Q ARRAYP 245Q ARRAYP 235Q PIECE 214Q ARRAYP 174Q ARRAYP 155Q ARRAYP 143Q ARRAYP 127Q LASTPIECE 114Q ARRAYP 74Q ARRAYP 55Q ARRAYP 43Q ARRAYP 26Q POINTER) () \SETUPGETCH D1 (L (1 TEXTOBJ 0 CH#))  AA. Ih@dM@@JJ3IJIjIjIjIjI(jIKhA_kOOko ,@H HKk_OO@HKK^IJIkkjhJN_I(NIKJ\NOIL ,J]JNOIMJjh J]1oJ I(JJA IJ JA 2hg _lNkO IjIjINIJIjINIjI(O(IO22hIkIkIkIjIkIj?(526Q \SETUPGETCH 505Q IMAGEOBJPROP 473Q \TEDIT.APPLY.STYLES 455Q \TEDIT.APPLY.PARASTYLES 430Q ERROR 411Q \TEDIT.TEXTBIN.FILESETUP 354Q \TEDIT.TEXTBIN.STRINGSETUP 207Q \CHTOPCNO 200Q ERROR) (726Q STREAM 716Q STREAM 667Q STREAM 655Q STREAM 650Q STREAM 637Q TEXTIMAGEDATA 632Q STREAM 625Q TEXTIMAGEDATA 620Q STREAM 610Q STREAM 600Q STREAM 562Q PIECE 544Q STREAM 533Q STREAM 521Q STREAM 502Q SUBSTREAM 463Q STREAM 446Q PIECE 442Q TEXTIMAGEDATA 435Q STREAM 376Q PIECE 334Q STREAM 325Q TEXTIMAGEDATA 320Q STREAM 306Q PIECE 270Q STREAM 261Q STREAM 242Q ARRAYP 222Q ARRAYP 151Q TEXTOBJ 140Q STREAM 130Q TEXTIMAGEDATA 123Q STREAM 113Q STREAM 103Q STREAM 61Q STREAM 22Q STREAM 11Q TEXTOBJ 3 TEXTOBJ) ( 424Q "Piece is neither a file nor a string??" 175Q "TRYING TO \SETUPGETCH BEYOND END OF TEXT") \TEDIT.REOPEN.STREAM D1 (I 1 PIECESTREAM I 0 TEXTSTREAM) ?AAg @ Il(ZdHAJHJZ(22Q TEXTOBJ 16Q OPENSTREAM) (70Q PIECE 60Q PIECE 47Q PIECE 25Q TEXTOBJ 13Q INPUT 3 STREAM) () \TEDIT.TEXTBIN.NEW.PAGE D1 (P 1 CH P 0 FILE I 0 STREAM) @ !HRjjHHg g HHH Y@H@H@H@@HdJJ@@@I(52Q \GETSTREAM 44Q OPENFILE) (205Q STREAM 177Q STREAM 173Q STREAM 154Q STREAM 146Q STREAM 142Q STREAM 132Q STREAM 126Q STREAM 116Q STREAM 112Q STREAM 102Q STREAM 76Q STREAM 63Q STREAM 57Q STREAM 47Q INPUT 41Q INPUT 31Q STREAM 14Q STREAM 3 STREAM) () \SPLITPIECE D1 (P 4 \INTERRUPTABLE P 3 NEWLEN P 2 CHNO P 1 NEWPC P 0 PCNO I 3 PC# I 2 TEXTOBJ I 1 CH I 0 PC) C @B `@ "ABHHZdjdd o @jjdh@%I@Jk I@J@dkJ 0@1I@Idj@Jd؃@JI@J@JI@gBiHl BHBHHIMNNOBjjdhI(271Q \INSERTPIECE 153Q SUBSTRING 126Q SUBSTRING 70Q SHOULDNT 60Q \FZEROP 20Q NCREATE2 11Q \FINDPIECE) (347Q TEXTOBJ 327Q ARRAYP 304Q ARRAYP 257Q LASTPIECE 200Q PIECE 75Q PIECE 32Q ARRAYP 14Q PIECETYPE#) ( 65Q "Splitting a piece at the start.") \TEDIT.COPYTEXTSTREAM.PIECEMAPFN D1 (P 2 COPYFN P 1 NEWOBJ P 0 OBJ I 3 TOOBJ I 2 FROMOBJ I 1 TEXTOBJ I 0 PC) 0`@ dkbdw@Xg Z6HB.C.lJYdgAoi g @IH@H Hg ZHCB.C.lJ@(162Q IMAGEOBJPROP 150Q COPYALL 124Q RETFROM 115Q TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT 46Q IMAGEOBJPROP 11Q NCREATE2) (207Q TEXTOBJ 201Q TEXTOBJ 172Q TEXTOBJ 157Q WHENCOPIEDFN 144Q PIECE 133Q PIECE 121Q TEDIT.COPY 100Q DON'T 64Q TEXTOBJ 56Q TEXTOBJ 43Q COPYFN 35Q PIECE 25Q PIECE 5 PIECETYPE#) ( 111Q "COPY of this object not allowed.") \TEXTINITA0015 D1 (I 2 DIMENSION I 1 BITMAP I 0 STREAM) ABdgh@ A gh@ A Bd@ A h@ A  (76Q \ILLEGAL.ARG 70Q BITMAPHEIGHT 64Q DSPSCALE 56Q BITMAPWIDTH 52Q DSPSCALE 40Q BITMAPHEIGHT 34Q DSPSCALE 20Q BITMAPWIDTH 14Q DSPSCALE) (25Q HEIGHT 4 WIDTH) () \TEXTINITA0019 D1 (I 1 CHARCODE I 0 STREAM) Ah@ (10Q CHARWIDTH 5 DSPFONT) NIL () \TEXTINITA0021 D1 (I 2 RDTBL I 1 STR I 0 STREAM) Ah@ Bd (12Q STRINGWIDTH 5 DSPFONT) NIL () \TEXTINITA0028 D1 (I 0 STREAM) @ @l lHNIL (3 STREAM) () \TEXTINITA0032 D1 (I 2 Y I 1 X I 0 STREAM) +@&@AlH@&@BlHNIL (35Q IMAGEOPS 30Q STREAM 10Q IMAGEOPS 3 STREAM) () \TEXTINITA0036 D1 (I 0 STREAM) @ @l lHNIL (3 STREAM) () \TEXTINITA0070 D1 (I 5 STREAM I 4 FDEV I 3 OTHERINFO I 2 RECOG I 1 ACCESS I 0 FILE) Eg E(6 \SETACCESS) (3 BOTH) () \TEXTINIT D1 (P 2 OLDERRORINFO F 3 ERRORTYPELST) `dgdgdgdg dgdgdg,dgHdgFdgDdgBdg@dg>dg Next piece in this textobj.) (PREVPIECE FULLXPOINTER) (* -> Prior piece in this text object.) PLOOKS (* Formatting info and formatting events in this piece) POBJ (* The OBJECT this piece describes) (PPARALAST FLAG) (* This piece contains a paragraph break) PPARALOOKS (* Paragraph looks for this piece) (PNEW FLAG) (* This text is new here; used by the tentative edit system, and anyone else interested.) (PFATP FLAG) (* T if the characters in this piece are FAT -- i.e., are 16 bits each.)) PSTR _ NIL PFILE _ NIL PFPOS _ 0 PLEN _ 0 PPARALOOKS _ TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC) (DATATYPE TEXTOBJ ((* * This is where TEdit stores its state information, and internal data about the text being edited.) PCTB (* The piece table) TEXTLEN (* # of chars in the text) \INSERTPC (* Piece to hold type-in) \INSERTPCNO (* Piece # of the input piece) \INSERTNEXTCH (* CH# of next char which is typed into that piece.) \INSERTLEFT (* Space left in the type-in piece) \INSERTLEN (* # of characters already in the piece.) \INSERTSTRING (* The string which the piece describes.) \INSERTFIRSTCH (* CH# of first char in the piece.) (\INSERTPCVALID FLAG) (* T if it's OK to use the cached piece. Set to NIL by people who require that the next insertion/deletion use a different piece.) \WINDOW (* The window where this textobj is displayed) MOUSEREGION (* Section of the window the mouse is in.) LINES (* -> to top of chain of line descriptors for displayed text) DS (* Display stream where this textobj is displayed) SEL (* The current selection within the text) SCRATCHSEL (* Scratch space for the selection code) MOVESEL (* Source for the next MOVE of text) SHIFTEDSEL (* Source for the next COPY) DELETESEL (* Text to be deleted imminently) WRIGHT (* Right edge of the window (or subregion) where this is displayed) WTOP (* Top of the window/region) WBOTTOM (* Bottom of the window/region) WLEFT (* Left edge of the window/region) TXTFILE (* The original text file we're editing) (\XDIRTY FLAG) (* T => changed since last saved.) (STREAMHINT FULLXPOINTER) (* -> the TEXTOFD stream which gives access to this textobj) EDITFINISHEDFLG (* T => The guy has asked the editor to go way) CARET (* Describes the flashing caret for the editing window) CARETLOOKS (* Font to be used for inserted text. ) WINDOWTITLE (* Original title for this window, of there was one.) THISLINE (* Cache of line-related info, to speed up selection &c) (MENUFLG FLAG) (* T if this TEXTOBJ is a tedit-style menu) FMTSPEC (* Default Formatting Spec to be used when formatting paragraphs) (FORMATTEDP FLAG) (* Flag for paragraph formatting. T if this document is to contain paragraph formatting information.) (TXTREADONLY FLAG) (* This is only available for shift selection.) TXTTERMSA (* Special instructions for displaying characters on the screen) EDITOPACTIVE (* T if there is an editing operation in progress. Used to interlock the TEdit menu) DEFAULTCHARLOOKS (* The default character looks -- if any -- to be applied to characters coming into the file from outside.) TXTRTBL (* The READTABLE to be used by the command loop for command dispatch) TXTWTBL (* The READTABLE to be used to decide on word breaks) EDITPROPS (* The PROPS that were passed into this edit session) (BLUEPENDINGDELETE FLAG) (* T if the next insertion in this document is to be preceded by a deletion of the then-current selection) TXTHISTORY (* The history list for this edit session.) (SELWINDOW FULLXPOINTER) (* The window in which the last "real" selection got made for this edit; used to control caret placement) PROMPTWINDOW (* A window to be used for unscheduled interactions; normally a small window above the edit window) DISPLAYCACHE (* The bitmap to be used when building the image of a line for display) DISPLAYCACHEDS (* The DISPLAYSTREAM that is used to build line images) DISPLAYHCPYDS (* The DISPLAYSTREAM used to build line images of lines that are displayed in "hardcopy" simulation mode) TXTPAGEFRAMES (* A tree of page frames, specifying how the document is to be laid out.) (TXTNEEDSUPDATE FLAG) (* T => Screen invalid, need to run updater) TXTCHARLOOKSLIST (* List of all the CHARLOOKSs in the document, so they can be kept unique) TXTPARALOOKSLIST (* List of all the FMTSPECs in the document, so they can be kept unique)) ( ACCESSFNS TEXTOBJ ((\DIRTY (ffetch (TEXTOBJ \XDIRTY) of DATUM) (PROGN (IF (NEQ (FETCH (TEXTOBJ \XDIRTY ) OF DATUM) NEWVALUE) THEN (* update the title to reflect the change) (\TEDIT.WINDOW.TITLE DATUM ( \TEDIT.ORIGINAL.WINDOW.TITLE (ffetch (TEXTOBJ TXTFILE) of DATUM) NEWVALUE))) (freplace \XDIRTY OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE))))) SEL _ (create SELECTION) SCRATCHSEL _ (create SELECTION) MOVESEL _ (create SELECTION HOW _ EDITMOVESHADE HOWHEIGHT _ 32767 HASCARET _ NIL) SHIFTEDSEL _ (create SELECTION HOW _ COPYSELSHADE HASCARET _ NIL) DELETESEL _ (create SELECTION HOW _ BLACKSHADE HOWHEIGHT _ 32767 HASCARET _ NIL) \INSERTNEXTCH _ -1 \INSERTPC _ NIL \INSERTLEFT _ 0 \INSERTLEN _ 0 \INSERTSTRING _ NIL \INSERTFIRSTCH _ 1000000 TEXTLEN _ 0 WRIGHT _ 0 WTOP _ 0 WLEFT _ 0 WBOTTOM _ 0 TXTFILE _ NIL \XDIRTY _ NIL MOUSEREGION _ (QUOTE TEXT) THISLINE _ (create THISLINE) MENUFLG _ NIL FMTSPEC _ TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC FORMATTEDP _ NIL) (DATATYPE TEXTIMAGEDATA (TICURPARALOOKS (* The current paragraph looks) TICURIMAGESTREAM (* The image stream for this hardcopy transduction) TILOOKSUPDATEFN (* The function to call to update looks for this stream) TIPCOFFSET (* The offset into the current piece, as of the last page cross.))) (ACCESSFNS TEXTSTREAM ((REALFILE (fetch F1 of DATUM) (REPLACE F1 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The real, underlying file behind the current piece) (CHARSLEFT (fetch F2 of DATUM) (REPLACE F2 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The # of characters that will be left in the current piece the next time its file crosses a page boundary) (TEXTOBJ (fetch F3 of DATUM) (REPLACE F3 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The TEXTOBJ that is editing this text) (PIECE (fetch F5 of DATUM) (REPLACE F5 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The PIECE we're currently fetching chars from/putting chars into) (PCNO (fetch FW8 of DATUM) (REPLACE FW8 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The position of that piece in the piece table) (PCSTARTPG (fetch FW6 of DATUM) (REPLACE FW6 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The underlying file page# that this piece starts on ) (PCSTARTCH (fetch FW7 of DATUM) (REPLACE FW7 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* The char within page of the underlying file that this piece starts on -- for backbin & co) (PCOFFSET (fetch TIPCOFFSET of (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM)) (REPLACE TIPCOFFSET OF (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM) with NEWVALUE)) (* The offset into the current piece, as of the last page cross.) (CURRENTLOOKS (fetch F10 of DATUM) (replace F10 of DATUM with NEWVALUE)) (* The CHARLOOKS that are currently applicable to characters being taken from the stream.) (CURRENTPARALOOKS (fetch TICURPARALOOKS of (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM)) (REPLACE TICURPARALOOKS OF (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM) with NEWVALUE)) (* The FMTSPEC that is currently applicable to characters being taken from the stream.) (CURRENTIMAGESTREAM (fetch TICURIMAGESTREAM of (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM)) (REPLACE TICURIMAGESTREAM OF (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM) with NEWVALUE) (* The image stream that this text is being put onto; used for scaling decisions)) (LOOKSUPDATEFN (fetch TILOOKSUPDATEFN of (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM)) (REPLACE TILOOKSUPDATEFN OF (fetch IMAGEDATA of DATUM) with NEWVALUE)) (* Function to be called each time character looks change.) (FATSTREAMP (fetch F4 of DATUM) (REPLACE F4 OF DATUM WITH NEWVALUE)) (* T if the current piece is 16 bit characters.)) (CREATE (create STREAM using \TEXTOFD IMAGEDATA _ (create TEXTIMAGEDATA)))) (/DECLAREDATATYPE (QUOTE PIECE) (QUOTE (POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FULLXPOINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG POINTER FLAG FLAG)) (QUOTE ((PIECE 0 POINTER) (PIECE 2 POINTER) (PIECE 4 POINTER) (PIECE 6 POINTER) (PIECE 8 POINTER) (PIECE 10 FULLXPOINTER) (PIECE 12 POINTER) (PIECE 14 POINTER) (PIECE 14 ( FLAGBITS . 0)) (PIECE 16 POINTER) (PIECE 16 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (PIECE 16 (FLAGBITS . 16)))) (QUOTE 18)) (/DECLAREDATATYPE (QUOTE TEXTOBJ) (QUOTE (POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG FULLXPOINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG POINTER FLAG FLAG POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG POINTER FULLXPOINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG POINTER POINTER)) (QUOTE ((TEXTOBJ 0 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 2 POINTER) ( TEXTOBJ 4 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 6 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 8 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 10 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 12 POINTER) ( TEXTOBJ 14 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 16 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 16 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (TEXTOBJ 18 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 20 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 22 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 24 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 26 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 28 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 30 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 32 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 34 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 36 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 38 POINTER) ( TEXTOBJ 40 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 42 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 44 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 44 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (TEXTOBJ 46 FULLXPOINTER) (TEXTOBJ 48 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 50 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 52 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 54 POINTER) ( TEXTOBJ 56 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 56 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (TEXTOBJ 58 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 58 (FLAGBITS . 0)) ( TEXTOBJ 58 (FLAGBITS . 16)) (TEXTOBJ 60 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 62 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 64 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 66 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 68 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 70 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 70 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (TEXTOBJ 72 POINTER) ( TEXTOBJ 74 FULLXPOINTER) (TEXTOBJ 76 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 78 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 80 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 82 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 84 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 84 (FLAGBITS . 0)) (TEXTOBJ 86 POINTER) (TEXTOBJ 88 POINTER))) (QUOTE 90)) (/DECLAREDATATYPE (QUOTE TEXTIMAGEDATA) (QUOTE (POINTER POINTER POINTER POINTER)) (QUOTE (( TEXTIMAGEDATA 0 POINTER) (TEXTIMAGEDATA 2 POINTER) (TEXTIMAGEDATA 4 POINTER) (TEXTIMAGEDATA 6 POINTER) )) (QUOTE 8)) (PUTPROPS TEXTPROP MACRO (ARGS (CTEXTPROP ARGS))) (\TEXTINIT) (PUTPROPS TEXTOFD COPYRIGHT ("John Sybalsky & Xerox Corporation" 1983 1984 1985)) NIL