Intermezzo Patches (obsolete) ================== {ERIS}INTERMEZZO>PATCHES>Obsolete>FLOPPYSYSOUTPATCH.DCOM;1 Included in 19-Mar sysout. Fixes AR 3507: Can't copy sysouts to floppies because floppy sysout file closed when first floppy removed {ERIS}INTERMEZZO>PATCHES>Obsolete>LFUNPACKPATCH.DCOM;1 Included in 19-Mar sysout. Fixes AR 3508: Passing unparsable filename to local file causes MP halt; does \GETBASE on NIL {ERIS}INTERMEZZO>PATCHES>Obsolete>PRESSPATCH.DCOM;1 (superceeded by PRINTPATCH) Fixes AR ??: Complex press files (w too many pieces in a single object) give "too complex" to Press printer and crash Fullpress printer 1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) 1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) ‘‘zą