(FILECREATED "15-May-85 12:04:29" {ERIS}<LISPCORE>SOURCES>LISPTAJOPATCH.;1 3361 changes to: (VARS LISPTAJOPATCHCOMS)) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LISPTAJOPATCHCOMS) (RPAQQ LISPTAJOPATCHCOMS ((FNS \PFRemoveDirectoryID \PFFindRootDirEntry \PFAddRootDirEntry \PFRemoveRootDirEntry \PFFindRootDirEntryNum))) (DEFINEQ (\PFRemoveDirectoryID [LAMBDA (vol type) (* mjs "15-May-85 11:52") (PROG ((rootDir (create RootDirectory))) (if (\PFGetRootDirectory vol rootDir) then (\PFRemoveRootDirEntry type rootDir) (if (LESSP (fetch (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir) 1) then (\PFPurgeRootDirectory vol rootDir) else (\PFPutRootDirectory vol rootDir]) (\PFFindRootDirEntry [LAMBDA (type rootDir) (* mjs "15-May-85 11:54") (* * Find the directoryFileID that corresponds to type, if any.) (LET ((entryNum (\PFFindRootDirEntryNum type rootDir))) (AND (SMALLP entryNum) (fetch (RootDirEntry file) of (MESAELT (fetch (RootDirectory entries) of rootDir) RootDirEntryArray entryNum]) (\PFAddRootDirEntry [LAMBDA (type directoryID rootDir) (* mjs "15-May-85 11:56") (* * Add specified (type directoryID) pair) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (PROG ((entryNum (fetch (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir))) (MESASETA (fetch (RootDirectory entries) of rootDir) RootDirEntryArray entryNum (create RootDirEntry type ← type file ← directoryID)) (replace (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir with (ADD1 entryNum))))]) (\PFRemoveRootDirEntry [LAMBDA (type rootDir) (* mjs "15-May-85 11:57") (UNINTERRUPTABLY [PROG ((nuke (\PFFindRootDirEntryNum type rootDir))) (if nuke then (bind directories first (SETQ directories (fetch (RootDirectory entries) of rootDir)) for entryNum from (ADD1 nuke) to (SUB1 (fetch (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir)) do (MESASETA directories RootDirEntryArray (SUB1 entryNum) (MESAELT directories RootDirEntryArray entryNum))) (replace (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir with (SUB1 (fetch (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir])]) (\PFFindRootDirEntryNum [LAMBDA (type rootDir) (* mjs "15-May-85 11:57") (* * look through registered directories to find the desired one. Stored as an array of (type directoryFileID) pairs.) (bind directories first (SETQ directories (fetch (RootDirectory entries) of rootDir)) for entryNum from 0 to (SUB1 (fetch (RootDirectory countEntries) of rootDir)) thereis (EQ (fetch (RootDirEntry type) of (MESAELT directories RootDirEntryArray entryNum)) type]) ) (PUTPROPS LISPTAJOPATCH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (394 3277 (\PFRemoveDirectoryID 404 . 891) (\PFFindRootDirEntry 893 . 1330) ( \PFAddRootDirEntry 1332 . 1889) (\PFRemoveRootDirEntry 1891 . 2665) (\PFFindRootDirEntryNum 2667 . 3275))))) STOP