Date: 20 Jul 84 09:50 PDT From: Subject: New lispusers package: SPACEWINDOW To: LispFriends^.pa cc: Reply-to: By popular demand, I am making available a small hack that I created a few weeks ago. Loading {eris}SPACEWINDOW.DCOM puts a small "Space Allocation" window in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen. This window shows a bar-chart of the amounts of the four types of memory space that have been allocated (fixed data, variable data, atoms, pnames). This display will be updated every 60 seconds. It is a graphic version of the last part of the (STORAGE) printout. ------- [bvm 8/22/84: The window is positioned at the value of SPACEWINDOWPOSITION, initially (675 . 0). You can set this variable before loading SPACEWINDOW if you like your window in a different place.] ----- * SPACEWINDOW: Display reorganized for 32MB Interlisp The SPACEWINDOW display has been reorganized to display information useful with the new memory management organization. Now, the display contains four lines: 8MBData, Data, Atoms, and Vmem, each of which contains a bar showing the percentage of storage allocated. "Atoms" displays the percentage of atoms that have been allocated. "Vmem" displays the percentage of the virtual memory backup file that has been used. "Data" displays the percentage of virtual memory space that has been allocated to either fixed or variable length data. "8MBData" displays the the amount of virtual memory space that has been allocated, relative to 8MB. This last line is useful when running Interlisp on 1100s, which do not support more than 8MB of virtual memory. On machines which only support 8MB vmem, the "Data" line is equal to the "8MBData" line. 1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) TIMESROMAN LƒÐz¹