Using NS Mail with Lafite The Library package NSMAIL.DCOM can be loaded on top of Lafite to enable use of Xerox Network Mail Services. You should have a registered NS name, and a mailbox on some mail server(s). Call (LAFITEMODE 'NS) to inform Lafite that you wish to use NS mail operations, or use the "NS Mode" command on the Middle-button Quit menu. Then use the normal operations of Lafite. "Get Mail" will retrieve your NS mail. "Send Mail" will compose a form that includes your NS name in the "cc" field, and will be sent to an NS mail drop. Caveats: To read your Grapevine mail, call (LAFITEMODE 'GV). The current version of NSMAIL does not permit the use of NS and Grapevine mail services concurrently. The mode switching is such that everything happens in the current mode. You can freely intermix Grapevine and NS mail in the same mail folder if you like, but the Answer command always treats the selected message as if it were one in the current mode. So if you try to answer a Grapevine message while in NS mode, some confusion may result. In order for the "Lisp Report", "Lafite Report" and "TEdit Report" commands to work in NS mode, the variables LISPSUPPORT, LAFITESUPPORT and TEDITSUPPORT must be set appropriately, preferably in your site's init file. The init file for Parc ({Eris}Current>Init.Parc) sets them correctly. Small points: (LAFITEMODE) returns the current mode. When in NS mode, Lafite will want your NS login identity. Normally, if your NS password differs from your default password, you will be prompted to login. You can also call (LOGIN 'NS::) yourself to set your NS login. &&& TIMESROMAN GACHA  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  ¡?$¡n   Ž  Ü]zº