LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES SUMMARY The original source for this file is {ERIS}LIBRARY>LISPLIBRARY.TTY. This file is a summary of all files on LIBRARY>, and is a good document to read if you are unfamiliar with the many LIBRARY packages available to you. The paragraphs below summarize each LIBRARY package or auxiliary file in 6 lines or less. A similar library, , contains contributions from members of the lisp community and is documented by LISPUSERS.TTY. Individuals are encouraged to contribute to . LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES SUMMARY APS Used by PCALLSTATS. BIG Function NEWFONT sets up default fonts to be "size", where size is one of the atoms BIG, MEDIUM, STANDARD, SMALL. Changes the prettyprint fonts, the default font for the break window, tyipin, etc. Does this by resetting FONTPROFILE and then setting the fonts for all of the known windows. BITMAPFNS Miscellaneous functions for manipulating BITMAPs. Reading and writing bitmaps, reading certain press files, creating window with image of bitmap. BROWSER Mastersope's SHOW PATHS output is displayed as a directed graph showing calling hiarchy from a function. Buttoning a node of the graph allows user to print, edit, or DESCRIBE the function. BSEARCH ?? CHECKSET Package checks source files against compiled filed in a directory and prompts user to (RE)COMPILE the files which need it. Compares FILECREATED expressions and determines whether a BRECOMPILE with CHANGES will suffice or if it is necessary to BCOMPL the file. CIRCLPRINT Prints circular structures. Described in Interlisp Reference Manual. CLISPENG Clispify into English. Described in Interlisp Reference Manual. CMLARRAY Implements the functionality of arrays in the Common Lisp dialect of Lisp; in particular, permits multi-dimensional arrays, "shared" arrays, and super-fast "open-coded" accessing. See complete documentation in the file CMLARRAY.TTY CMLSPECIALFORMS Provides Interlisp versions of some Common Lisp primitives (essentially MacLisp/Franz compatible). CATCH and THROW, LET and LET*, LIST*, and DEFUN (but &optional and &rest not yet implemented 10/10/83). COLOR Support for color displays attached to Dorados or Dolphins. Color bitmaps, red-green-blue triples. Supports BITBLT and DRAW fns in color as well as other screen operations. COLORDEMO Demos COLOR package. COLORPOLYGONS Demos COLOR package. COMPILEBANG Interface to the compiler that avoids the interview for the common cases of in-core compilation. Call: (COMPILE! X NOSAVE NOREDEFINE PRINTLAP). Also adds LISPXMACRO and editmacro C. COMPMODEREC Enables COMPILEMODE-dependent record declarations to be declared so that access and layout for fields of a given record may be specified in a single declaration for different target implementations (e.g. D vs PDP-10). COPYFILES Functions for copying sets of files from one directory to another COREHAX Two core hacks. Function PRINTVMEM prints out information about what pages are swapped in. Function INCOREP tests if a compiled function is swapped in. (Example: (MAPATOMS '(LAMBDA (X) (AND (INCOREP X) (PRINT X)))).) DATABASEFNS Functions dealing with Masterscope database files. Described in Interlisp Reference Manual. DECL Extends Interlisp to allow user to declare the types of variables and expressions appearing in functions. Described in Interlisp Reference Manual. DLIONFS Dandelion file server. Implements file device access to Dandelion local disk. DSPVTS Provides support Virtual Terminal Service using Interlisp-D's Displaystreams. [VTS is a textline oriented set of commands such as move forward one character position, move backward, move up one line, move down, insert/delete character, insert/delete line, etc.] EVALHOOK Extends Interlisp and makes it easy to step or trace the interpreter. EVALSERVER Communication, over the EtherNet, between two or more D-machines running Interlisp-D. REMOTEVAL is the primary client interface; similar to EVAL, but done on another machine via Ethernet communications. FILEBANGER Tests file devices by transferring files to and from file device and comparing. FILEBROWSER Edit, Delete, Load, Compile, Copy, Rename, See, Hardcopy, & Info on files on any file device through a common graphic interface. Call: (FILEBROWSER FILEPATTERN). FTPSERVER Lisp implementation of PUP FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. Lets others FTP from you while you're running lisp. GATEWAY Make Dolphin with 3MB and 10MB Ethernet into a gateway, routing PUP and NS packets between them. Also runs a PUP name lookup server. GCHAX Garbage collection hacks. Some useful functions for probing "storage leaks" (i.e. sources of garbage using up user's memory). Call: (\SHOWGC FILE TYPES CARLVL CDRLVL). GRAPEVINE Implementation of PUP Grapevine protocols. Used by Lafite, Maintain. HANOI Displays and solves famous Towers of Hanoi problem. Can run as a background process. HANOIWINDOW can be reshaped. Call: (HANOI NRINGS WINDOW FONT ONCE). HASH Hash file package described in Interlisp manual. HLCOLOR Used by COLOR ICONW Package of functions for building icon windows with arbitrary shapes that can be used for shrinking windows. Prebuilt icon windows stored in STOCKICONS. KINETIC Graphics demo. Fast random BITBLTs on a window. Call: (KINETICDEMO). LAFITE Interlisp mail program, a la Laurel/Hardy. LAMBDATRAN Facilitates defining new lambda words (e.g. LAMBDA, NLAMBDA) in such a way that a variety of other system packages will respond to them appropriately. Described in Interlisp Reference Manual. LLCOLOR Used by COLOR. LOADDM Loads "dump" files as generated by Alto Executive/FTP. LOGOCLOCK Analog clock inside Interlisp LOGO window. MAILCLIENT Used by LAFITE. MAINTAIN Lisp implementation of Grapevine MAINTAIN program for adding or deleting names from mail distribution lists. MAKEDSKSAVER Creates two .cm files which FTP files from the local disk to some other place, or vice versa. Used when saving and restoring file across a disk erasure. MENUEDWINDOW Makes it easy to manipulate a window and an associated menu as a unit. Contains heuristics that constrain size and shape of window and menu. MTP Used by LAFITE to read mail files on "MTP" servers. Only one in Xerox now is Maxc, maybe some older IFSes. PCALLSTATS (Doesn't work on DLion) implements DOSTATS, which dumps statistics for every function call, and prints an exact timing summary. Uses APS. POLYGONS Graphics demo: Changing polygons on the screen. Call (POLYGONS). PQUOTE Package causes (QUOTE expression) to print out as 'expression, i.e., with single quote, both to file and to terminal. Also moves T readmacro to FILERDTBL so that such expressions will read in as (QUOTE expression). PRINTER package to do hardcopy of bitmaps and listfiles with multiple fonts for C.ITOH (Cheap!!!) printer connected to Dolphin parallel port. PUPIDSERVER Tell other Dandelions on 10MB what their pup number is (good for running Mesa before machine is registered in the database.) READAIS Read, write, transform AIS (color/grey scale) files. READNUMBER Input a number from digits on the number-pad of some keyboards. RDSYS Used by READSYS. READSYS Facilities for looking at sysout files and machines across the network. Contains function TELERAID(host). If "host" is in TeleRaid state (either via the R command to Raid on Dolphins or Dorados, or via hitting the "Undo" key on Dandelions from micro-breakpoint), can look at its state using RAID-like commands. Can debug anywhere across the internet (e.g., LispSupport.PA can debug YOUR machine.) The "server" end of this is built into every sysout. REMOTEVMEM Used by READSYS. RS232 Basic software drivers for serving the RS232 serial interface. RS232CHAT CHAT-like service through the RS232 port RS232EXEC Inbound server for RS232 dialups; limited "executive" level service. RS232FTP File transfer through the RS232 port; the protocol used is MODEM, which is currently supported for TOPS-20, UNIX, VMS, and a variety of personal computers. RS232LOGIN Used by RS232CHAT and RS232FTP for "automated" login to hosts connected throught the RS232 port. SAMEDIR Advises MAKEFILE so that user can't inadvertently write out a file onto a directory other than the one it came from. Checks FILEDATES property against connected directory. SINGLEFILEINDEX Package for giving user an alphabetical function index on the front of any lisp file listed thru lisp. Index number for a function indicates function's linear occurence within file. Within the lisp source, each function is preceded by it's index number right justified on the page. Simpler but quicker than MULTIFILEINDEX. TEDIT The Interlisp-D text editor. Uses TEXTOFD. Programmable. TEDITFIND Used by TEDIT. TEDITHCPY Used by TEDIT. TEXTOFD Used by TEDIT. UPCSTATS Microcode-PC Sample on Dorado. call (UPCSTATS 'form). When it asks for a ".MB" file, use {PHYLUM}Current>D1Lisp.MB (symbol table for DoradoLispMC.eb). Output to display. UTILPROC Simple utility processes, including hall-of-mirrors demo. VMEM Used by READSYS. WINK Movie of Marilyn Monroe winking. Call: (SHOWMOVIE). Needs BITMAPFNS.