The ARCHIVEDIR Package Stored on: {Phylum}Library>Archivedir.Tedit, .Press Last Modified: 15 June 84 By: Sybalsky This is a package of functions for archiving files from an IFS, and restoring them. A collection of files is converted to a single .DM-format file, which can then be copied to tape for storage. For recovery, individual files can be extracted from the .DM file. The user entries are: (ARCHIVEDIR DIRECT LOGFILE) Takes all the files from the directory DIRECT, and makes a single .DM-format file named {MAXC}IFS-ARCHIVE.directoryname The original files are left where they are. A listing of the files archived and their sizes is printed on LOGFILE. (ARCHIVELIST DIRS) Performs (ARCHIVEDIR dir {LPT}) for each directory name in DIRS. (RECOVERDIR ARCHIVEFILE PATTERN) Given a .DM-format archive file ARCHIVEFILE, this restores the files which match PATTERN (which is a single file pattern with wildcards, or a list of file name patterns). This displays its progress on the default output device. Files MUST be restored to the same server/directory they came from. [This may change in the future]. (LISTDM DMFILE) Lists all the files that are archived in file DMFILE, along with their file lengths. Ô HELVETICAÔ h HELVETICAÔ$GACHA ÔGACHA ¼íGACHA ÔGACHA ¼AGACHA Ô!GACHA ¼LGACHA ÔGACHA ¼UGACHA Ìz¸