(FILECREATED "14-Mar-85 16:54:19" {IVY}<TEDIT>TEDITFILE.;48 104335 changes to: (FNS TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB) previous date: "12-Mar-85 05:45:37" {IVY}<TEDIT>TEDITFILE.;47) (* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985 by John Sybalsky & Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT TEDITFILECOMS) (RPAQQ TEDITFILECOMS ((FILES TEXTOFD TEDITABBREV TEDITLOOKS IMAGEOBJ TFBRAVO) (FNS TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB \TEDIT.CONVERT.FOREIGN.FORMAT \TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS.LIST \TEDIT.GET.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS \TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS.LIST \TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP TEDIT.GET TEDIT.INCLUDE TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 TEDIT.PUT TEDIT.PUT.PCTB \TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST TEDIT.PUT.PIECE.DESCRIPTOR \ARBIN \ARBOUT \ATMIN \ATMOUT \DWIN \DWOUT \STRINGIN \STRINGOUT \TEDIT.FORMATTEDP1 \TEDIT.SET.WINDOW TEDIT.RAW.INCLUDE \WATOM \WSTRING) (GLOBALVARS TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS) (INITVARS (TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS NIL)) (COMS (* For converting incoming old-format files (1/27/85 cutover)) (FNS TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB1 TEDIT.GET.PAGEFRAMES1 \TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS1 \TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS1 TEDIT.GET.OBJECT1)) (COMS (* VERSION 0 Compatibility reading functions) (FNS TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB0 TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS0 TEDIT.GET.OBJECT0 TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS0)))) (FILESLOAD TEXTOFD TEDITABBREV TEDITLOOKS IMAGEOBJ TFBRAVO) (DEFINEQ (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB [LAMBDA (TEXT TEXTOBJ START END DEFAULTLOOKS DEFAULTPARALOOKS CLEARGET?) (* jds "14-Mar-85 16:50") (* START = 1st char of file to read from, if specified) (* END = use this as eofptr of file. For use in reading files within files.) (PROG (SEL LINES PCTB PC OLDPC PCCOUNT TYPECODE PCLEN CHLOOKSSEEN NEWPC PARALOOKSSEEN PIECEINFOCH# CACHE CACHE? TTEXTOBJ USER.CMFILE TSTREAM USERFILEFORMAT USERTEMP EXISTINGCHARLOOKS EXLOOK EXISTINGFMTSPECS (CURFILECH# (OR START 0)) (CURCH# 1) (TEXTSTREAM (AND TEXTOBJ (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ))) LOOKSHASH PARAHASH) [SETQ DEFAULTPARALOOKS (OR DEFAULTPARALOOKS (COND (TEXTOBJ (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ)) (T (create FMTSPEC using TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC] (* Set the default paragraph formatting for filling in piece PPARALOOKS fields) (COND (TEXTOBJ (* If there's a TEXTOBJ behind this, set its TXTFILE field to point to the right place.) (replace TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ with TEXT))) (SETQ DEFAULTLOOKS (OR DEFAULTLOOKS (CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT))) (* Set the default CHARLOOKS, for filling in pieces' PLOOKS fields) (SETQ TEXT (\CREATEPIECEORSTREAM TEXT DEFAULTLOOKS DEFAULTPARALOOKS START END)) (* Grab the file, or a single piece (if the text is a string, or such simple cases)) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ with NIL)) (* Start by assuming no page formatting) (COND ((STREAMP TEXT) (* OK, it wasn't a string, so check for cases where we have to cache the file locally.) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ with TEXT)) (COND ((OR [AND TEXTOBJ (SETQ CACHE? (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE CACHE] (NOT (RANDACCESSP TEXT))) (* If the file device isn't rancom access, cache the file locally.) (* Also do this if he asks for a local cache.) (SETQ CACHE (OPENSTREAM (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW))) (* The cache file) (COPYBYTES TEXT CACHE START END) (* Copy the text there) (COND (CACHE? (* for the folx who don't trust the connections, since all their pcs will point to core, we can close the txtfile connection) (CLOSEF TEXT))) (SETQ TEXT CACHE) (* And pretend the cache IS the real file from here on) (SETQ START (SETQ END NIL)) (* Since we only copied the relevant part of the file into the cache, we don't need to remember the limits of interest.) )) (SETQ PCCOUNT (\TEDIT.FORMATTEDP1 TEXT END)) (COND ((AND (NEQ (fetch EOLCONVENTION of TEXT) CR.EOLC) (NOT PCCOUNT)) (* This is an UNFORMATTED file, and it has a foreign EOL convention. Convert it, and save the converted copy locally.) (SETQ CACHE (OPENSTREAM (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW))) (* Build a cache file) (COPYCHARS TEXT CACHE (OR START 0) (OR END -1)) (* Copy the text, converting from the foreign EOL convention into CR as end of line.) (SETQ TEXT CACHE) (* And think of THIS as the cache. At this point, we may have cached twice in succession--no need to clip off START and END.) )) (* Check to see if this is a formatted file, and find out how may pieces we should allocate for it.) )) [COND ((type? PIECE TEXT) (* If this isn't a text stream, build a piece table with the one piece in it.) (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB TEXT)) (replace PLOOKS of TEXT with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of TEXT) TEXTOBJ)) (* And note the CHARLOOKS and PARALOOKS of this text--as well as filling them in.) (replace PPARALOOKS of TEXT with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch PPARALOOKS of TEXT) TEXTOBJ))) (CLEARGET? (* If the user wants an uninterpreted stream onto the file , build a piece table with the one piece in it.) (SETQ TEXT (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ←(COND (START START) (T 0)) PLEN ←(IDIFFERENCE (OR END (GETEOFPTR TEXT)) (COND (START START) (T 0))) PREVPIECE ← NIL PLOOKS ← DEFAULTLOOKS PPARALAST ← NIL PPARALOOKS ← DEFAULTPARALOOKS)) (* A single piece to describe the whole file) (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB TEXT)) (replace PLOOKS of TEXT with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of TEXT) TEXTOBJ)) (* And note the CHARLOOKS and PARALOOKS for later saving. Keep those caches consistent.) (replace PPARALOOKS of TEXT with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch PPARALOOKS of TEXT) TEXTOBJ))) ((NOT PCCOUNT) (* This is an unformatted file) [COND [(SETQ USERFILEFORMAT (for FILETYPE in TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS when (SETQ USERTEMP (APPLY* (CAR FILETYPE) TEXT)) do (RETURN FILETYPE))) (* The input file is in a user-sensible format, which he is willing to convert for TEdit's use.) (* See if there are Bravo headers) (SETQ PCTB (\TEDIT.CONVERT.FOREIGN.FORMAT (CADR USERFILEFORMAT) TEXT USERTEMP TEXTOBJ DEFAULTLOOKS DEFAULTPARALOOKS)) (* Convert the foreign format file, and grab its PCTB) (bind (PC ←(ELT PCTB (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) while PC do (* Run thru the converted pieces, noting their CHARLOOKS and PARALOOKS for the get/put caches.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ)) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ)) (SETQ PC (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC] (T (* Nope--it's straight unformatted text) (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ←(IDIFFERENCE (OR END (GETEOFPTR TEXT)) CURFILECH#) PREVPIECE ← NIL PLOOKS ←(\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS DEFAULTLOOKS TEXTOBJ) PPARALAST ← NIL PPARALOOKS ←(\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS DEFAULTPARALOOKS TEXTOBJ] (* So create a single piece to describe its contents) ) [(LISTP PCCOUNT) (* This is an obsolete version of the TEdit file format.) (SELECTQ (CAR PCCOUNT) (0 (* VERSION 0) (SETQ PCTB (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB0 TEXT TEXTOBJ (CDR PCCOUNT) START END))) (1 (* Version 1; obsoleted at INTERMEZZO release 2/85) (SETQ PCTB (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB1 TEXT TEXTOBJ (CDR PCCOUNT) START END))) (SHOULDNT "Impossible obsolete version ID while trying to convert old TEdit file.")) (bind (PC ←(ELT PCTB (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) while PC do (* Run thru the converted pieces, noting CHARLOOKS and PARALOOKS for the caches.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ)) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ)) (SETQ PC (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC] (T (* This IS a TEdit-format file, so read in all the parts.) (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB NIL PCCOUNT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT (IDIFFERENCE (OR END (GETEOFPTR TEXT)) 8)) (SETQ PIECEINFOCH# (\DWIN TEXT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT PIECEINFOCH#) (bind (OLDPC ← NIL) (OLDPARALOOKS ← DEFAULTPARALOOKS) for I from 1 to PCCOUNT as PCN from \FirstPieceOffset by \EltsPerPiece do (SETQ PC NIL) (* This loop may not really read a piece, so we have to distinguish that case.) (SETQ PCLEN (\DWIN TEXT)) (SETQ TYPECODE (\SMALLPIN TEXT)) (* What kind of piece is it?) (SELECTC TYPECODE (\PieceDescriptorPAGEFRAME (* This is page layout info for the file) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ with (TEDIT.GET.PAGEFRAMES TEXT))) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) ) (\PieceDescriptorCHARLOOKSLIST (* This is the list of CHARLOOKSs used in this document.) (replace TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS.LIST TEXT)) (* Read the list of looks used in this document.) [SETQ LOOKSHASH (ARRAY (FLENGTH (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (* Build an array of the looks, so the reader can index them.) (for I from 1 as LOOKS in (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ) do (SETA LOOKSHASH I LOOKS)) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) (add I -1)) (\PieceDescriptorPARALOOKSLIST (* This is the list of PARALOOKSs used in this document.) (replace TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS.LIST TEXT)) (* Read the list of looks used in this document.) [SETQ PARAHASH (ARRAY (FLENGTH (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (* Build an array of the looks, so the reader can index them.) (for I from 1 as LOOKS in (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ) do (SETA PARAHASH I LOOKS)) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) (add I -1)) (\PieceDescriptorPARA (* Reading a new set of paragraph looks.) (AND OLDPC (replace PPARALAST of OLDPC with T)) (* Mark the end of the preceding paragraph.) (SETQ OLDPARALOOKS (\TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS TEXT PARAHASH)) (* Get the new set of looks, for use by later pieces.) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace FORMATTEDP of TEXTOBJ with T)) (* Mark the document as containing paragraph formatting info) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) ) (\PieceDescriptorLOOKS (* New character looks. Build a piece to describe those characters.) (SETQ PC (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ← PCLEN PREVPIECE ← OLDPC PPARALOOKS ← OLDPARALOOKS)) (* Build the new piece) (COND (OLDPC (* If there's a prior piece, hook this one on the chain.) (replace NEXTPIECE of OLDPC with PC))) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS PC TEXT LOOKSHASH) (* Read the character looks for this guy.) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (* And note the passing of characters.) ) (\PieceDescriptorOBJECT (* It describes an object. Read that, and perhaps some description of the charlooks to go with it.) (SETQ PC (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ← PCLEN PREVPIECE ← OLDPC PPARALOOKS ← OLDPARALOOKS)) (COND (OLDPC (* If there's a prior piece, hook this one on the chain.) (replace NEXTPIECE of OLDPC with PC))) (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT TEXTSTREAM PC TEXT CURFILECH#) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) [COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN TEXT))) (* There are new character looks for this object. Read them in.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with ( \TEDIT.GET.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS TEXT))) (T (* No new looks; steal them from the prior piece.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with (OR (AND OLDPC (fetch PLOOKS of OLDPC)) DEFAULTLOOKS] (replace PLEN of PC with 1) (* OBJECTs are officially one character long.) ) (SHOULDNT "Impossible piece-type code in BUILD.PCTB")) (COND (PC (* If we created a piece, save it in the table.) (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) PC) (add CURCH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (SETQ OLDPC PC))) finally (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) (QUOTE LASTPIECE)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset (ADD1 PCN)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBFreePieces 0] (AND (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ)) (* And make sure that the default and caret looks are reflected in that list.) (AND (fetch CARETLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch CARETLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ)) (AND DEFAULTLOOKS (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS DEFAULTLOOKS TEXTOBJ)) (* And the default looks we used in this function...) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ) (* And make sure the default paralooks are reflected in that list.) [bind (CHARLOOKSLIST ←(fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ)) (PARALOOKSLIST ←(fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ)) for (PC ←(ELT PCTB (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) by (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC) while PC do (* Look at every piece, and assure that its CHARLOOKS and PARALOOKS are in the cache.) [COND ((FMEMB (fetch PLOOKS of PC) CHARLOOKSLIST) (* This piece's CHARLOOKS are known in the cache already. Don't bother doing anything else.) ) (T (* Nope; add these looks to the cache) (replace PLOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ] (COND ((FMEMB (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) PARALOOKSLIST) (* This piece's PARALOOKS are known in the cache already. Don't bother doing anything else.) ) (T (* Nope; add these looks to the cache) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) TEXTOBJ] (RETURN PCTB]) (\TEDIT.CONVERT.FOREIGN.FORMAT [LAMBDA (CONVERSIONFN FILE PREDICATERESULT TEXTOBJ DEFAULTLOOKS DEFAULTPARALOOKS) (* jds "29-Oct-84 12:46") (* Perform the conversion from a foreign file format into TEdit-internal form as an open TextStream.) (PROG (TSTREAM TTEXTOBJ SEL WORKINGSTREAM) (* See if there are Bravo headers) (SETQ WORKINGSTREAM (OPENTEXTSTREAM "")) (RESETLST (RESETSAVE (\TEDIT.SET.WINDOW (CONS (TEXTOBJ WORKINGSTREAM) NIL))) (SETQ TSTREAM (APPLY* CONVERSIONFN FILE PREDICATERESULT WORKINGSTREAM))) (COND (TEXTOBJ (* If we're filling in an existing TEXTOBJ, there are fields that need to be copied.) [OR (fetch TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ) (replace (TEXTOBJ TXTPAGEFRAMES) of TEXTOBJ with (fetch TXTPAGEFRAMES of (TEXTOBJ TSTREAM] (* Such as the page formatting, which the converter may well set.) )) (RETURN (fetch PCTB of (TEXTOBJ TSTREAM]) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS.LIST [LAMBDA (FILE) (* jds "28-Jan-85 17:50") (* Read the list of CHARLOOKSs from the file.) (for I from 1 to (\SMALLPIN FILE) collect (\TEDIT.GET.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS FILE]) (\TEDIT.GET.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS [LAMBDA (FILE) (* jds "26-Feb-85 11:04") (* Read a set of CHARLOOKS from FILE) (PROG (FONT STR NAME NAMELEN SIZE SUPER SUB PROPS STYLESTR USERSTR (LOOKS (create CHARLOOKS))) (SETQ NAME (\ARBIN FILE)) (* The font name) (SETQ SIZE (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Size of the type, in points) (SETQ SUPER (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Superscripting distance) (replace CLSTYLE of LOOKS with (OR (\ARBIN FILE) 0)) (replace CLUSERINFO of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE)) (SETQ PROPS (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (with CHARLOOKS LOOKS [SETQ CLINVERTED (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 1024 PROPS] [SETQ CLBOLD (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 512 PROPS] [SETQ CLITAL (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 256 PROPS] [SETQ CLULINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 128 PROPS] [SETQ CLOLINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 64 PROPS] [SETQ CLSTRIKE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 32 PROPS] [SETQ CLSMALLCAP (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 16 PROPS] [SETQ CLPROTECTED (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 8 PROPS] [SETQ CLINVISIBLE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 4 PROPS] [SETQ CLSELHERE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 2 PROPS] [SETQ CLCANCOPY (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 1 PROPS] (SETQ CLSIZE SIZE) (SETQ CLOFFSET SUPER)) [replace CLFONT of LOOKS with (COND ((LISTP NAME) (* This was a font class. Restore it.) (FONTCLASS (pop NAME) NAME)) ((AND NAME (NOT (ZEROP SIZE))) (FONTCREATE NAME SIZE (COND ((AND (fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (fetch CLITAL of LOOKS)) (QUOTE BOLDITALIC)) ((fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (QUOTE BOLD)) ((fetch CLITAL of LOOKS) (QUOTE ITALIC] (RETURN LOOKS]) (\TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS.LIST [LAMBDA (FILE LOOKSLIST) (* jds " 8-Feb-85 10:42") (* Write the list of FMTSPECs into the font file.) (PROG ((LOOKSHASH (HASHARRAY 50))) (\DWOUT FILE 0) (\SMALLPOUT FILE \PieceDescriptorPARALOOKSLIST) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (FLENGTH LOOKSLIST)) (for I from 1 as LOOKS in LOOKSLIST do (\TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.PARALOOKS FILE LOOKS) (* Write out the description) (PUTHASH LOOKS I LOOKSHASH) (* And save it in the hash table so people can find its index.)) (RETURN LOOKSHASH]) (\TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS [LAMBDA (FILE LOOKS) (* jds "28-Jan-85 17:35") (* Put out a single CHARLOOKS description.) (PROG ((FONT (fetch CLFONT of LOOKS)) STR) [COND ((type? FONTCLASS FONT) (* For font classes, we need to save a list of device-FD sets) (\ARBOUT FILE (FONTCLASSUNPARSE FONT))) (T (* For FONTDESCRIPTORs, do it the easy way) (\ATMOUT FILE (FONTPROP FONT (QUOTE FAMILY] (* The font family) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (OR (FONTPROP FONT (QUOTE SIZE)) 0)) (* Size of the type, in points) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (OR (fetch CLOFFSET of LOOKS) 0)) (* Super/subscripting distance) (COND ([AND (fetch CLSTYLE of LOOKS) (NOT (ZEROP (fetch CLSTYLE of LOOKS] (\ARBOUT FILE (fetch CLSTYLE of LOOKS))) (T (\SMALLPOUT FILE 0))) (COND ((fetch CLUSERINFO of LOOKS) (\ARBOUT FILE (fetch CLUSERINFO of LOOKS))) (T (\SMALLPOUT FILE 0))) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (LOGOR (COND ((fetch CLINVERTED of LOOKS) (* Inverse-video) 1024) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) 512) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLITAL of LOOKS) 256) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLULINE of LOOKS) 128) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLOLINE of LOOKS) 64) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLSTRIKE of LOOKS) 32) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLSMALLCAP of LOOKS) 16) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLPROTECTED of LOOKS) 8) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLINVISIBLE of LOOKS) NIL 4) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLSELHERE of LOOKS) 2) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLCANCOPY of LOOKS) 1) (T 0]) (TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* jds " 6-Feb-85 22:48") (* Test to see if this stream's text would need a TEdit-format file (T) or is just plain text (NIL)) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (TEXTOBJ STREAM)) (FONTFILE 0) OLDPARALOOKS PC OLDLOOKS PREVPC TENTATIVE) (SETQ OLDPARALOOKS (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ)) (SETQ TENTATIVE (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE TEDIT.TENTATIVE))) (* If edits are to be shown) (SETQ PC (\EDITELT (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ) (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) (* First piece in the document) (SETQ OLDLOOKS (OR (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEDIT.DEFAULT.CHARLOOKS)) (while PC do [COND ((fetch POBJ of PC) (* OBJECTS require the special format) (SETQ FONTFILE 3)) ([AND (OR (NOT PREVPC) (fetch PPARALAST of PREVPC)) (NOT (EQUALALL (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ] (* We just hit a paragraph break.) (SETQ FONTFILE (IMAX FONTFILE 2))) ([OR (NOT (EQCLOOKS OLDLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC))) (AND TENTATIVE (OR (AND PREVPC (NEQ (fetch PNEW of PREVPC) (fetch PNEW of PC))) (AND (NOT PREVPC) (fetch PNEW of PC] (* Change in font, size, etc.) (SETQ FONTFILE (IMAX FONTFILE 1] (SETQ PREVPC PC) (SETQ PC (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC))) (RETURN (SELECTQ FONTFILE (0 NIL) (1 (QUOTE CHARLOOKS)) (2 (QUOTE PARALOOKS)) (3 (QUOTE IMAGEOBJ)) NIL]) (TEDIT.GET [LAMBDA (TEXTOBJ FILE UNFORMATTED?) (* jds " 5-Mar-85 17:16") (* Get a new file (overwriting the one being edited.)) (PROG (OFILE OCURSOR LINES USER.CMFILE RESP TITLE FILENAME MENUSTREAM (SEL (fetch SEL of TEXTOBJ)) (PCTB (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ)) (TEDIT.GET.FINISHEDFORMS NIL)) (COND ([AND (fetch \DIRTY of TEXTOBJ) (PROGN (AND (fetch PROMPTWINDOW of TEXTOBJ) (FRESHLINE (fetch PROMPTWINDOW of TEXTOBJ))) (NOT (MOUSECONFIRM "Not saved yet; LEFT go Get anyway." T (fetch PROMPTWINDOW of TEXTOBJ] (* Only do the GET if he knows he'll zorch himself.) (RETURN))) [SETQ OFILE (OR FILE (\TEDIT.MAKEFILENAME (TEDIT.GETINPUT TEXTOBJ "File to GET: "] (COND [(AND OFILE (INFILEP OFILE)) (* Only if there's a file to load and the file exists.) (RESETLST (RESETSAVE (TTYDISPLAYSTREAM (OR (fetch PROMPTWINDOW of TEXTOBJ) PROMPTWINDOW))) (RESETSAVE (CURSOR WAITINGCURSOR)) (\SHOWSEL (fetch SEL of TEXTOBJ) NIL NIL) (\TEXTCLOSEF (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ)) (* CLOSE the old files) (SETQ OFILE (OPENSTREAM OFILE (QUOTE INPUT))) (* And open the new one.) (SETQ PCTB (replace PCTB of TEXTOBJ with (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB OFILE TEXTOBJ NIL NIL (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ) UNFORMATTED?))) (for FORM in TEDIT.GET.FINISHEDFORMS do (EVAL FORM)) (* Do any necessary cleanup for outside packages) (SETQ LINES (fetch LINES of TEXTOBJ)) (replace TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ with OFILE) (replace \DIRTY of TEXTOBJ with NIL) (replace NEXTLINE of LINES with NIL) (replace \INSERTPCVALID of TEXTOBJ with NIL) (* The old cached piece is no longer valid--keep people from stepping on it, to prevent lost type-in and smashing other docuemnts to which it has been moved...) [replace TEXTLEN of TEXTOBJ with (SUB1 (\EDITELT PCTB (SUB1 (\EDITELT PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset] (replace CH# of SEL with (replace CHLIM of SEL with 1)) (replace DCH of SEL with 0) (replace POINT of SEL with (QUOTE LEFT)) (replace SET of SEL with T) (replace SET of (fetch SCRATCHSEL of TEXTOBJ) with NIL) (replace SET of (fetch SHIFTEDSEL of TEXTOBJ) with NIL) (replace SET of (fetch MOVESEL of TEXTOBJ) with NIL) (replace SET of TEDIT.SELECTION with NIL) (replace SET of TEDIT.SHIFTEDSELECTION with NIL) (replace CARETLOOKS of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.GET.INSERT.CHARLOOKS TEXTOBJ SEL)) (\FILLWINDOW (fetch YBOT of LINES) LINES TEXTOBJ NIL (\TEDIT.PRIMARYW TEXTOBJ)) (\FIXSEL SEL TEXTOBJ) (\SHOWSEL SEL NIL T) (SETQ TITLE (TEXTSTREAM.TITLE TEXTOBJ)) (* find and set the title) (\TEDIT.WINDOW.TITLE TEXTOBJ (\TEDIT.ORIGINAL.WINDOW.TITLE TITLE)) (SETQ MENUSTREAM (TEDITMENU.STREAM TEXTOBJ)) (COND ((AND MENUSTREAM (type? LITATOM TITLE)) (* if we have a filename then put it in the GET and PUT fields of the menu) (SETQ FILENAME (PACKFILENAME (QUOTE VERSION) NIL (QUOTE BODY) TITLE)) (MBUTTON.SET.FIELD MENUSTREAM (QUOTE Get) FILENAME) (MBUTTON.SET.FIELD MENUSTREAM (QUOTE Put) FILENAME))) (\TEDIT.SET.WINDOW.EXTENT TEXTOBJ (\TEDIT.PRIMARYW TEXTOBJ)) (\TEDIT.HISTORYADD TEXTOBJ (create TEDITHISTORYEVENT THACTION ←(QUOTE Get] (OFILE (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT TEXTOBJ "[File not found.]")) (T (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT TEXTOBJ "[Get aborted.]" T]) (TEDIT.INCLUDE [LAMBDA (STREAM FILE START END) (* jds "12-Mar-85 05:22") (* Obtain a file name, and include that file's contents at the place where the caret is.) (* Returns T if the insertion happened, NIL if there was no place to put it.) (SETQ STREAM (TEXTOBJ STREAM)) (PROG ((SEL (fetch SEL of STREAM)) PCTB TEXTLEN NFILE NNFILE INSERTCH# INSPC LEN INSPC# PCLST NPC WASOPEN PCCOUNT NSTREAM) (COND ((fetch SET of SEL) (* There is a place to do the include.) [SETQ NFILE (OR FILE (\TEDIT.MAKEFILENAME (TEDIT.GETINPUT STREAM "Name of the file to load: "] (COND ((NOT NFILE) (* If no file was given, don't bother INCLUDEing.) (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT STREAM "[Include aborted.]" T) (RETURN)) ((STREAMP NFILE)) ((NOT (INFILEP NFILE)) (* Can't find the file. Put out a message.) (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT STREAM "[File not found.]") (RETURN))) (SETQ NNFILE (OPENSTREAM (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE OUTPUT) (QUOTE NEW))) (* Create the holding file) [SETQ NFILE (COND ((OPENP NFILE) (SETQ WASOPEN T) NFILE) (T (* Wasn't open -- need to open it for input...) (OPENFILE NFILE (QUOTE INPUT] (* And copy the file-section into it.) (COPYBYTES NFILE NNFILE START END) (* must be copychars to respect eol conventions) (OR WASOPEN (CLOSEF NFILE)) (CLOSEF NNFILE) (SETQ NFILE NNFILE) (SETQ START (SETQ END NIL)) (* Then pretend nothing happened.) (TEDIT.DO.BLUEPENDINGDELETE SEL STREAM) (* Delete any text, if need be) (SETQ TEXTLEN (fetch TEXTLEN of STREAM)) (* We need the POST-deletion text length for later, so this must come after the b-p-d.) (\SHOWSEL SEL NIL NIL) (* Turn off SELs before we go any further) [SETQ NFILE (TEXTOBJ (SETQ NSTREAM (OPENTEXTSTREAM (OPENSTREAM NFILE (QUOTE INPUT)) NIL NIL NIL (LIST (QUOTE FONT) ( \TEDIT.GET.INSERT.CHARLOOKS STREAM SEL] (* Get a textobj to describe the include source file (need NSTREAM so that if we have to convert it to formatted, we won't have lost the textstream--and thus smash the free list.)) (COND ((AND (fetch FORMATTEDP of NFILE) (NOT (fetch FORMATTEDP of STREAM))) (* If the includED text is formatted but this file isn't, let's format it!) (\TEDIT.CONVERT.TO.FORMATTED STREAM)) ((AND (fetch FORMATTEDP of STREAM) (NOT (fetch FORMATTEDP of NFILE))) (* The TARGET document is formatted, but the INCLUDEd text isn't. Better format it before completing the include.) (\TEDIT.CONVERT.TO.FORMATTED NFILE))) (SETQ PCTB (fetch PCTB of STREAM)) (* HERE, because the conversion to formatted will lengthen the pctb) [SETQ INSERTCH# (COND ((EQ (fetch POINT of SEL) (QUOTE LEFT)) (fetch CH# of SEL)) (T (fetch CHLIM of SEL] (* Find the place to make the insertion.) (SETQ INSPC# (OR (\CHTOPCNO INSERTCH# PCTB) (\EDITELT PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset))) (* Likewise, this is affected by the convert-to-formatted) (SETQ INSPC (\EDITELT (fetch PCTB of STREAM) (ADD1 INSPC#))) (* The piece to make the insertion in) [COND ((NEQ INSPC (QUOTE LASTPIECE)) (COND ((IGREATERP INSERTCH# (\EDITELT PCTB INSPC#)) (* Must split the piece.) (SETQ INSPC (\SPLITPIECE INSPC INSERTCH# STREAM INSPC#)) (add INSPC# \EltsPerPiece) (SETQ PCTB (fetch PCTB of STREAM)) (* Refresh the PCTB in case it grew.) ] (SETQ PCLST (fetch PCTB of NFILE)) (* A temporary pctb, holding the pieces which describe the INCLUDEd text) [SETQ LEN (SUB1 (\EDITELT PCLST (SUB1 (\EDITELT PCLST \PCTBLastPieceOffset] (SETQ PCCOUNT (IDIFFERENCE (SUB1 (\EDITELT PCLST \PCTBLastPieceOffset)) \FirstPieceOffset)) (* Remember how many slots in the PCTB we took up (i.e. 2 x # of pieces)) (\TEDIT.INSERT.PIECES STREAM INSERTCH# (SETQ PCLST (\EDITELT PCLST (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) LEN INSPC INSPC# NIL) [COND ((AND (fetch FORMATTEDP of STREAM) (NOT (fetch FORMATTEDP of NFILE))) (* If the includED text is formatted but this file isn't, let's format it!) (\TEDIT.CONVERT.TO.FORMATTED STREAM INSERTCH# (IPLUS INSERTCH# LEN] (\TEDIT.HISTORYADD STREAM (create TEDITHISTORYEVENT THACTION ←(QUOTE Include) THCH# ← INSERTCH# THLEN ← LEN THFIRSTPIECE ← PCLST)) (replace TEXTLEN of STREAM with (IPLUS TEXTLEN LEN)) (AND (fetch \WINDOW of STREAM) (\FIXILINES STREAM SEL INSERTCH# LEN TEXTLEN)) (replace CHLIM of SEL with (IPLUS (replace CH# of SEL with INSERTCH#) LEN)) (* Now fix up the selection to be the included text, point←left, character selection grain.) (replace DCH of SEL with LEN) (replace (SELECTION DX) of SEL with 0) (replace POINT of SEL with (QUOTE RIGHT)) (* So that several things INCLUDED in sequence fall in sequence.) (replace SELKIND of SEL with (QUOTE CHAR)) (replace SELOBJ of SEL with NIL) (COND ((fetch \WINDOW of STREAM) (TEDIT.UPDATE.SCREEN STREAM) (\FIXSEL SEL STREAM) (\SHOWSEL SEL NIL T))) (replace \DIRTY of STREAM with T) (* Mark the document changed) (\SETUPGETCH (create EDITMARK PC ← INSPC PCOFF ← 0 PCNO ←(IPLUS INSPC# PCCOUNT)) STREAM) (* Set the fileptr to the end of the insertion.) T) (T (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT STREAM "Please choose the place for the INCLUDE first." T]) (TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 [LAMBDA (PAGELIST PARENT) (* jds " 1-Feb-85 14:55") (* Take an external pageframe and internalize it.) (PROG (FRAMETYPE PAGEFRAME) (COND ((type? PAGEREGION PAGELIST) (RETURN PAGELIST)) ((NEQ (QUOTE LIST) (SETQ FRAMETYPE (pop PAGELIST))) [SETQ PAGEFRAME (create PAGEREGION REGIONFILLMETHOD ← FRAMETYPE REGIONTYPE ←(pop PAGELIST) REGIONLOCALINFO ←(pop PAGELIST) REGIONSPEC ←(for VAL in (OR (pop PAGELIST) (LIST 0 0 0 0)) collect (\MICASTOPTS VAL] (replace REGIONSUBBOXES of PAGEFRAME with (for ALIST in (pop PAGELIST) collect (TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 ALIST PAGEFRAME))) (RETURN PAGEFRAME)) (T (RETURN (for FRAMESPEC in (CAR PAGELIST) collect (TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 FRAMESPEC NIL]) (TEDIT.PUT [LAMBDA (STREAM FILE FORCENEW UNFORMATTED?) (* jds "11-Feb-85 15:00") (* If the guy was editing a file, make a new updated version; else, ask for a file name) (* If FILE is specd, it's used; else the user must give us one) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (TEXTOBJ STREAM)) (TEDIT.PUT.FINISHEDFORMS NIL) (TEDIT.GET.FINISHEDFORMS NIL) (OUTPUT.FILE.WRITTEN NIL) OCURSOR OFILE FONTFILEUSED PROPS WINDOW PUTFN CACHE MENUSTREAM FILENAME TITLE CH#S PC) [COND (FILE (* We were given a file to use.) (SETQ OFILE FILE)) [FORCENEW (* He insists on a new file. (without giving us one NIL)) (SETQ OFILE (\TEDIT.MAKEFILENAME (TEDIT.GETINPUT TEXTOBJ "File to PUT to: "] (T (* Get a file to put the text into) (SETQ OFILE (\TEDIT.MAKEFILENAME (TEDIT.GETINPUT TEXTOBJ "File to PUT to: " (\TEXTSTREAM.FILENAME TEXTOBJ] (SETQ PUTFN (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE PUTFN))) (SETQ CACHE (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE CACHE))) (COND ((NOT OFILE) (* There's no file to put to; don't bother.) (RETURN)) ((AND PUTFN (EQ (APPLY* PUTFN (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ) (fetch FULLNAME of OFILE) (QUOTE BEFORE)) (QUOTE DON'T))) (* He doesn't want this document put. Bail out.) (RETURN))) (RESETLST [RESETSAVE [SETQ OFILE (OPENSTREAM OFILE (QUOTE OUTPUT) (QUOTE NEW) NIL (COND [UNFORMATTED? (* If the user forced no formatting, respect his wish.) (QUOTE ((TYPE TEXT] [(TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP TEXTOBJ) (* If this file has objects, para looks, or font changes, then we need a binary file.) (QUOTE ((TYPE BINARY] (T (* Otherwise, we can get by with a text file) (QUOTE ((TYPE TEXT] (QUOTE (AND RESETSTATE (DELFILE (CLOSEF? OLDVALUE] (replace DESC of (fetch THISLINE of TEXTOBJ) with NIL) (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT TEXTOBJ (CONCAT "PUTting file " (fetch FULLNAME of OFILE) "...") T) [COND ((IGREATERP (fetch TEXTLEN of TEXTOBJ) 0) (SETQ FONTFILEUSED (TEDIT.PUT.PCTB TEXTOBJ OFILE UNFORMATTED?] (CLOSEF OFILE) (* Close the file, to free it up.) [COND ((NOT CACHE) (* CSLI if caching do not need to reopen the output file anyway) (SETQ OFILE (OPENSTREAM (fetch FULLFILENAME of OFILE) (QUOTE INPUT] (* changed TEMPORary for ns filing with caching. may not work in general) (* And re-open it for INPUT only) (CLOSEF? (fetch TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ)) (* Close the old text file) (replace TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ with OFILE) (* And remember the new one for next time.) (replace \DIRTY of TEXTOBJ with NIL) (* We can safely QUIT now without losing anything.) ) (SETQ CH#S (REVERSE (CDR FONTFILEUSED))) (* The true filepos's of the pieces in the output file.) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (SETQ PC (ELT (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ) (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) (while (AND PC CH#S) do (* Run thru the pieces in the PCTB, pointing them to the new file and their new locations.) (COND ((fetch POBJ of PC)) (T (replace PFPOS of PC with (pop CH#S)) (replace PFILE of PC with OFILE) (replace PSTR of PC with NIL))) (SETQ PC (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC)))) (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT TEXTOBJ "done.") (* Tell him we're finished.) (SETQ TITLE (TEXTSTREAM.TITLE TEXTOBJ)) (* find and set the title) (\TEDIT.WINDOW.TITLE TEXTOBJ (\TEDIT.ORIGINAL.WINDOW.TITLE TITLE)) (SETQ MENUSTREAM (TEDITMENU.STREAM TEXTOBJ)) (COND ((AND MENUSTREAM (type? LITATOM TITLE)) (* if we have a filename then put it in the GET and PUT fields of the menu) (SETQ FILENAME (PACKFILENAME (QUOTE VERSION) NIL (QUOTE BODY) TITLE)) (MBUTTON.SET.FIELD MENUSTREAM (QUOTE Get) FILENAME) (MBUTTON.SET.FIELD MENUSTREAM (QUOTE Put) FILENAME))) (replace \INSERTPCVALID of TEXTOBJ with NIL) (* Make sure any new insertions happen for real, and not as appends. Since all the pieces now point to the file rather than the strings.) (replace \INSERTPC of TEXTOBJ with NIL) (* make sure that TEDIT doesn't try to just add to the \INSERTPC since it will now have a pfile property) (\TEDIT.HISTORYADD TEXTOBJ (create TEDITHISTORYEVENT THACTION ←(QUOTE Put) THCH# ← 0 THLEN ← 0 THFIRSTPIECE ← NIL)) (* Remember we did this.) (AND PUTFN (APPLY* PUTFN (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ) (fetch FULLNAME of (fetch TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ)) (QUOTE AFTER))) (* CSLI changed to not presume ofile is the txtfile anymore) ]) (TEDIT.PUT.PCTB [LAMBDA (TEXTOBJ OFILE UNFORMATTED? SEPARATEFORMAT) (* jds "26-Feb-85 17:02") (* Put a representation of the piece table onto OFILE, preserving font changes and paragraph looks. UNFORMATTED? means write no font or formatting info.) (PROG (OCURSOR CH PC PFILE PSTR POBJ OFILELEN OLDLOOKS (OLDPARALOOKS (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ)) OLDCH# CURCH# PREVPC (FONTFILE NIL) (PCCOUNT 0) TRUEFILE CHARLOOKSLST PARALOOKSLST (TEDIT.PUT.FINISHEDFORMS NIL) (EDITSTENTATIVE (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE TEDIT.TENTATIVE))) (PARALOOKSSEEN NIL) (FORMATTINGLEVEL (TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP TEXTOBJ)) (CACHE (TEXTPROP TEXTOBJ (QUOTE CACHE))) CH#S) (SETQ PC (\EDITELT (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ) (ADD1 \FirstPieceOffset))) (* First piece in the document) (SETQ OLDLOOKS (OR (AND (type? PIECE PC) (fetch PLOOKS of PC)) (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEDIT.DEFAULT.CHARLOOKS)) (* Starting looks) (COND ((NEQ (fetch EOLCONVENTION of OFILE) CR.EOLC) (* This file is on a non-CR host; make a note to cache it) (SETQ TRUEFILE OFILE) (* Remember where the file should wind up.) (SETQ OFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW))) (* And open a temp file to write it to.) )) [SETQ CURCH# (SETQ OLDCH# (ADD1 (GETFILEPTR OFILE] (COND ((fetch TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ) (* There is layout info for this file. Save it) (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW))) (TEDIT.PUT.PAGEFRAMES FONTFILE (fetch TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ)) (add PCCOUNT 1))) (\TEDIT.FLUSH.UNUSED.LOOKS TEXTOBJ PC) (* Run thru the lists of char & para looks and remove any that aren't in use) (COND ([AND (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ) (OR (IGREATERP (FLENGTH (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ)) 1) (NOT (EQFMTSPEC (CAR (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ)) TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC] (* There are paragraph looks in this document that don't match the default -- save the list of them for later retrieval.) [OR FONTFILE (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW] (* Create the font-info file if it doesn't exist yet) (SETQ PARAHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTPARALOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ))) (SETQ PARALOOKSSEEN T))) [COND ((OR PARALOOKSSEEN FORMATTINGLEVEL) (* There are character looks in this document that don't match the default (or paragraph formatting, which forces looks to be saved) -- save the list for later retrieval.) [OR FONTFILE (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW] (SETQ LOOKSHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] [while PC do (COND ([AND (NOT (ZEROP (fetch PLEN of PC))) (OR (NOT PREVPC) (fetch PPARALAST of PREVPC)) (OR PARALOOKSSEEN (NOT (EQUALALL (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ] (* The last piece ended a paragraph, so send out new para looks) [OR FONTFILE (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW] (* Create the formatting-info file, if it didn't exist before.) (COND ((NEQ CURCH# OLDCH#) (* There were prior characters that hadn't been described in a piece yet. Describe them) [OR LOOKSHASH (SETQ LOOKSHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS FONTFILE OLDCH# CURCH# OLDLOOKS PREVPC EDITSTENTATIVE LOOKSHASH) (add PCCOUNT 1) (SETQ OLDCH# CURCH#) (* And now we've described all the characters up to the current one.) )) (\TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS FONTFILE PC PARAHASH) (SETQ PARALOOKSSEEN T) (* Remember that we've seen a foreign paralooks, and must henceforth note para boundaries) (add PCCOUNT 1))) (COND [(fetch POBJ of PC) (* It's an object -- go use its PUTFN) [OR FONTFILE (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW] (* Create the font-info file, if need be.) (COND ((AND (NEQ CURCH# OLDCH#) PREVPC) (* There were prior characters that hadn't been described in a piece yet. Describe them) [OR LOOKSHASH (SETQ LOOKSHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS FONTFILE OLDCH# CURCH# OLDLOOKS PREVPC EDITSTENTATIVE LOOKSHASH) (add PCCOUNT 1) (SETQ OLDCH# CURCH#) (* And now we've described all the characters up to the current one.) )) (* If the prior thing was text, send along its descriptor.) (add CURCH# (TEDIT.PUT.OBJECT PC OFILE FONTFILE CURCH#)) (* Send out the object) (add PCCOUNT 1) (SETQ OLDCH# CURCH#) (COND ([OR (NOT (EQCLOOKS OLDLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC))) [AND EDITSTENTATIVE (NEQ (fetch PNEW of PC) (AND PREVPC (fetch PNEW of PREVPC] (AND (OR (NOT PREVPC) (fetch PPARALAST of PREVPC)) (NOT (EQUALALL (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ] (* The OBJECT has different ooks from before) (\BOUT FONTFILE 1) (\TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS FONTFILE (fetch PLOOKS of PC)) (SETQ OLDLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC))) (T (* No differences. Don't write any charlooks, and mark that fact) (\BOUT FONTFILE 0) (* MAKE BLOODY SURE THAT THE NEXT RUN OF CHARACTERS GETS ITS OWN LOOKS) ] (T (* It's not an object.) (COND ([OR (NOT (EQCLOOKS OLDLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC))) [AND EDITSTENTATIVE (NEQ (fetch PNEW of PC) (AND PREVPC (fetch PNEW of PREVPC] (AND (OR (NOT PREVPC) (fetch PPARALAST of PREVPC)) (NOT (EQUALALL (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ] (* We have a piece with new looks.) [OR FONTFILE (SETQ FONTFILE (OPENFILE (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH) (QUOTE NEW] (COND ((NOT (IEQP OLDCH# CURCH#)) (* If there were looks past, and if the run was not empty, save a piece for its looks) [OR LOOKSHASH (SETQ LOOKSHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS FONTFILE OLDCH# CURCH# OLDLOOKS PREVPC EDITSTENTATIVE LOOKSHASH) (add PCCOUNT 1))) (SETQ OLDLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC)) (SETQ OLDCH# CURCH#))) (* Now dump out the non-object contents of the piece.) [COND [(SETQ PFILE (fetch PFILE of PC)) (* It's on a file. Copy it.) [OR (OPENP PFILE) (replace PFILE of PC with (SETQ PFILE (OPENSTREAM (fetch FULLNAME of PFILE) (QUOTE INPUT] (* Make sure the file is open.) (COPYBYTES PFILE OFILE (fetch PFPOS of PC) (IPLUS (fetch PFPOS of PC) (fetch PLEN of PC] ((SETQ PSTR (fetch PSTR of PC)) (* It's in a string. Just print it.) (for I from 1 to (fetch PLEN of PC) as CH instring PSTR do (\BOUT OFILE CH] [COND ((AND (NOT CACHE) (RANDACCESSP OFILE)) (* CSLI leave the pieces and the pctb alone and just write the file if its cached or not randomaccess) (push CH#S (SUB1 CURCH#] (add CURCH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (* Keep running track of where in the file we are.) )) (SETQ PREVPC PC) (SETQ PC (fetch NEXTPIECE of PC)) finally (* Put out a piece describing the last characters in the file.) (COND ((AND FONTFILE (NEQ OLDCH# CURCH#)) (* Only if there WERE characters, and only if there's a need for font information) [OR LOOKSHASH (SETQ LOOKSHASH (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST FONTFILE (fetch TXTCHARLOOKSLIST of TEXTOBJ] (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS FONTFILE OLDCH# CURCH# OLDLOOKS PREVPC EDITSTENTATIVE LOOKSHASH) (* Put out a description of the characters) (add PCCOUNT 1))) (COND ((AND PARALOOKSSEEN (fetch PPARALAST of PREVPC)) (* The last piece contained the end of a paragraph. Make sure it gets noted.) (\TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS FONTFILE PREVPC PARAHASH) (add PCCOUNT 1] (for FORM in TEDIT.PUT.FINISHEDFORMS do (EVAL FORM)) (* Do any user-specific cleanup) (COND (TRUEFILE (* This file needs to be converted to the right convention) (COND ((AND FONTFILE (NOT UNFORMATTED?) (NOT SEPARATEFORMAT)) (* Formatted file: Copy without converting.) (COPYBYTES OFILE TRUEFILE 0 -1)) (T (* Go ahead and convert the EOLCONVENTION, this is a plain-text file) (COPYCHARS OFILE TRUEFILE 0 -1))) (SETQ OFILE TRUEFILE))) [COND ((AND (OPENP OFILE) FONTFILE) (* We need to write format info.) (\DWOUT FONTFILE (GETEOFPTR OFILE)) (* So remember the end of the plain-text part of the file) (\SMALLPOUT FONTFILE PCCOUNT) (* # OF PIECES WE'' NEED TO RECONSTRUCT THIS FILE) (\SMALLPOUT FONTFILE 31417) (* Now the password for NEW format files: 31416) (COND ((AND (NOT UNFORMATTED?) (NOT SEPARATEFORMAT)) (* Only write fmtg info at the end if we want it there--not if we want plain text or want it kept separate.) (COPYBYTES FONTFILE OFILE 0 (GETEOFPTR FONTFILE)) (* Copy the font information to the file trailer) ) (T)) (CLOSEF FONTFILE) (COND ((NOT SEPARATEFORMAT) (* Unless we want the formatting info separately, delete the file) (* (since FONTFILE is a stream, we should not need to delete it at all) (DELFILE FONTFILE)) ] (replace DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ)) (* Re-add the default and caret looks's to the lists, since they may not have been really saved.) (replace CARETLOOKS of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (fetch CARETLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ)) (replace FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ with (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.PARALOOKS (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ) TEXTOBJ)) (RETURN (CONS (COND (UNFORMATTED? NIL) (T FONTFILE)) CH#S]) (\TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST [LAMBDA (FILE LOOKSLIST) (* jds " 5-Mar-85 15:58") (* Write the list of CHARLOOKSs into the font file.) (* Returns a hasharray that will map from a given CHARLOOKS to that CHARLOOKS' position in the list we wrote on the file. Those position numbers are then written in the individual looks descriptions, and are used to reconstruct the piece looks when the file is read back in.) (PROG ((LOOKSHASH (HASHARRAY 50))) (\DWOUT FILE 0) (* No characters are described by this pseudo-piece entry.) (\SMALLPOUT FILE \PieceDescriptorCHARLOOKSLIST) (* Mark it as containing the list of CHARLOOKSs) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (FLENGTH LOOKSLIST)) (* How many CHARLOOKSs there are in the list) (for I from 1 as LOOKS in LOOKSLIST do (* Write each charlooks, in the order they appear in the list.) (\TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS FILE LOOKS) (* Write out the description) (PUTHASH LOOKS I LOOKSHASH) (* And save it in the hash table so people can find its index.)) (RETURN LOOKSHASH]) (TEDIT.PUT.PIECE.DESCRIPTOR [LAMBDA (FILE CH1 CHLIM LOOKS) (* jds " 1-May-84 11:58") (* Put a description of LOOKS into FILE. LOOKS apply to characters CH1 thru CHLIM-1) (PROG ((FONT (fetch CLFONT of LOOKS)) STR) (SETQ STR (CONCAT "(FONTCREATE " (KWOTE (FONTPROP FONT (QUOTE FAMILY))) " " (FONTPROP FONT (QUOTE SIZE)) " " (KWOTE (FONTPROP FONT (QUOTE FACE))) " )")) (\DWOUT FILE (IDIFFERENCE CHLIM CH1)) (* The length of this run of looks) (\SMALLPOUT FILE (NCHARS STR)) (* The length of the description which follows) (PRIN1 STR FILE) (* Print the form which can EVAL to re-create the font information) (\BOUT FILE (LOGOR (COND ((fetch CLPROTECTED of LOOKS) 8) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLINVISIBLE of LOOKS) NIL 4) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLSELHERE of LOOKS) 2) (T 0)) (COND ((fetch CLCANCOPY of LOOKS) 1) (T 0]) (\ARBIN [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* jds "30-Jan-85 16:29") (* Read an arbitrary object from a file, parse it, and return it.) (PROG ((LEN (\SMALLPIN STREAM)) USERSTR) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP LEN)) (SETQ USERSTR (\STRINGIN STREAM LEN)) (RETURN (PROG1 (READ USERSTR) (CLOSEF? USERSTR]) (\ARBOUT [LAMBDA (STREAM ITEM) (* jds "28-Aug-84 14:44") (* Write an arbitrary MKSTRING-able thing in length-contents form.) (\SMALLPOUT STREAM (OR (AND ITEM (NCHARS ITEM)) 0)) (OR (NOT ITEM) (ZEROP (NCHARS ITEM)) (PRIN3 ITEM STREAM]) (\ATMIN [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* jds " 3-Apr-84 10:41") (PROG ((LEN (\SMALLPIN STREAM))) (RETURN (COND ((ZEROP LEN) NIL) (T (PACK (for I from 1 to LEN collect (CHARACTER (\BIN STREAM]) (\ATMOUT [LAMBDA (STREAM ATOM) (* jds "30-Jan-85 14:46") (* Write an atom's characters in length-contents form.) (\SMALLPOUT STREAM (COND (ATOM (NCHARS ATOM)) (T 0))) (OR (NOT ATOM) (ZEROP (NCHARS ATOM)) (for CH inatom ATOM do (\BOUT STREAM CH]) (\DWIN [LAMBDA (FILE) (* jds " 3-JAN-83 16:08") (IPLUS (LLSH (\BIN FILE) 24) (LLSH (\BIN FILE) 16) (LLSH (\BIN FILE) 8) (\BIN FILE]) (\DWOUT [LAMBDA (FILE NUMBER) (* jds " 3-JAN-83 15:30") (\BOUT FILE (LOGAND 255 (LRSH NUMBER 24))) (\BOUT FILE (LOGAND 255 (LRSH NUMBER 16))) (\BOUT FILE (LOGAND 255 (LRSH NUMBER 8))) (\BOUT FILE (LOGAND 255 NUMBER]) (\STRINGIN [LAMBDA (STREAM SETLEN) (* jds "30-Jan-85 16:29") (* Read a string in length-contents form: One word for the length, and one byte per character contained. However, the length may be specified by the caller instead of being read from the file.) (PROG ((LEN (OR SETLEN)) STR) (SETQ STR (ALLOCSTRING LEN)) [OR (ZEROP LEN) (for I from 1 to LEN do (RPLCHARCODE STR I (\BIN STREAM] (RETURN STR]) (\STRINGOUT [LAMBDA (STREAM STRING LEN) (* jds " 1-May-84 11:58") (* Write a string on a file in length-contents form; one word for the length, and one byte per character contained.) (SETQ LEN (OR LEN (NCHARS STRING))) (\SMALLPOUT STREAM LEN) (OR (ZEROP LEN) (for CH instring STRING as I from 1 to LEN do (\BOUT STREAM CH]) (\TEDIT.FORMATTEDP1 [LAMBDA (FILE LEN) (* jds "27-Jan-85 11:22") (* Checks for a version-1 formatted file) (* Returns NIL if it isn't a formatted file, or the # of pieces needed if it is; leaves file at start of text or of piece descriptions, resp.) (SETQ LEN (OR LEN (GETEOFPTR FILE))) (PROG (DESCPTR NPIECES PASSWORD) (COND ((ILEQ LEN 8) (* Too short to be formatted.) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SETFILEPTR FILE (IDIFFERENCE LEN 8)) (* Move to start of FILEPTR to descriptions) (SETQ DESCPTR (\DWIN FILE)) (* Read the file pos of the descriptions) (SETQ NPIECES (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (SETQ PASSWORD (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (COND ((IEQP PASSWORD 31417) (* VERSION 1 TEDIT FORMAT) (SETFILEPTR FILE DESCPTR) (RETURN NPIECES)) ((IEQP PASSWORD 31416) (* VERSION 1 TEDIT FORMAT) (SETFILEPTR FILE DESCPTR) (RETURN (CONS 1 NPIECES))) ((IEQP PASSWORD 31415) (* VERSION 0 TEDIT FORMAT) (SETFILEPTR FILE DESCPTR) (RETURN (CONS 0 NPIECES))) (T (* NOT A FORMATTED FILE) (SETFILEPTR FILE 0) (RETURN NIL]) (\TEDIT.SET.WINDOW [LAMBDA (TOWIND) (* jds "29-Oct-84 12:21") (* USED IN RESETSAVES TO NULL OUT A TEXTSTREAM'S WINDOW BRIEFLY.) (PROG1 (CONS (CAR TOWIND) (fetch \WINDOW of (CAR TOWIND))) (replace \WINDOW of (CAR TOWIND) with (CDR TOWIND]) (TEDIT.RAW.INCLUDE [LAMBDA (STREAM INFILE START END) (* jds " 6-Mar-85 22:08") (* takes a text stream and an OPEN stream to include. Note: Start and End are inclusive ptrs, unlike in copybytes and friends) (* no interpretation (alternate file type e.g. Bravo) takes place. Simply include the characters) (* Default character and paragraph looks are applied) (* (* Returns T if the insertion happened, NIL if there was no place to put it.) WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? GBN) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (TEXTOBJ STREAM)) (START START) (END END) SEL PCTB TEXTLEN HOLDING.FILE INSERTCH# INSPC LEN INSPC# PCLST NPC WASOPEN) (SETQ SEL (fetch SEL of TEXTOBJ)) (COND ((NOT (fetch SET of SEL)) (SHOULDNT "\TEDIT.INCLUDE.SPAN called with no selection set")) (T (* There is a place to do the include.) (COND (END (* This is the copy-part-of-a-file case, with file liable to be volatile. Copy it to core for protection) (SETQ HOLDING.FILE (OPENSTREAM (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE OUTPUT) (QUOTE NEW))) (* Create the holding file) [SETQ INFILE (COND ((OPENP INFILE) (SETQ WASOPEN T) INFILE) (T (OPENFILE INFILE (QUOTE INPUT] (* And copy the file-section into it.) (COPYBYTES INFILE HOLDING.FILE START END) (* must be copychars to respect eol conventions) (COND ((NOT WASOPEN) (CLOSEF INFILE))) (CLOSEF HOLDING.FILE) (SETQ INFILE HOLDING.FILE) (SETQ START (SETQ END NIL)) (* Then pretend nothing happened.) )) (SETQ TEXTLEN (fetch TEXTLEN of TEXTOBJ)) (SETQ PCTB (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ)) (SETQ INSERTCH# (TEDIT.GETPOINT NIL SEL)) (* Find the place to make the insertion.) (SETQ INSPC# (OR (\CHTOPCNO INSERTCH# PCTB) (\EDITELT PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset))) (SETQ INSPC (\EDITELT (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ) (ADD1 INSPC#))) (* The piece to make the insertion in) [COND ((NEQ INSPC (QUOTE LASTPIECE)) (COND ((IGREATERP INSERTCH# (\EDITELT PCTB INSPC#)) (* Must split the piece.) (SETQ INSPC (\SPLITPIECE INSPC INSERTCH# TEXTOBJ INSPC#)) (add INSPC# \EltsPerPiece) (SETQ PCTB (fetch PCTB of TEXTOBJ)) (* Refresh the PCTB in case it grew.) ] (SETQ PCLST (create PIECE PFILE ← INFILE PFPOS ←(COND (START START) (T 0)) PLEN ←(IDIFFERENCE [COND (END END) (T (* get the eof pointer) (COND ((OPENP INFILE) (GETEOFPTR INFILE)) (T (OPENSTREAM INFILE (QUOTE INPUT)) (PROG1 (GETEOFPTR INFILE) (CLOSEF INFILE] (COND (START START) (T 0))) PREVPIECE ← NIL NEXTPIECE ← NIL PLOOKS ←(\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT) TEXTOBJ) PPARALAST ← NIL PPARALOOKS ←(create FMTSPEC using TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC))) (SETQ LEN (fetch PLEN of PCLST)) (\TEDIT.INSERT.PIECES TEXTOBJ INSERTCH# PCLST LEN INSPC INSPC# NIL) (replace TEXTLEN of TEXTOBJ with (IPLUS TEXTLEN LEN)) (AND (fetch \WINDOW of TEXTOBJ) (\FIXILINES TEXTOBJ SEL INSERTCH# LEN TEXTLEN)) (replace CHLIM of SEL with (IPLUS (replace CH# of SEL with INSERTCH#) LEN)) (* Now fix up the selection to be the included text, point←left, character selection grain.) (replace DCH of SEL with LEN) (replace (SELECTION DX) of SEL with 0) (replace POINT of SEL with (QUOTE RIGHT)) (* So that several things INCLUDED in sequence fall in sequence.) (replace SELKIND of SEL with (QUOTE CHAR)) (replace SELOBJ of SEL with NIL) (COND ((fetch \WINDOW of TEXTOBJ) (TEDIT.UPDATE.SCREEN TEXTOBJ) (\FIXSEL SEL TEXTOBJ) (\SHOWSEL SEL NIL T))) (replace \DIRTY of TEXTOBJ with T) (* Mark the document changed) (\SETUPGETCH (create EDITMARK PC ← INSPC PCOFF ← 0 PCNO ←(IPLUS INSPC# \EltsPerPiece)) TEXTOBJ) (* Set the fileptr to the end of the insertion.) T]) (\WATOM [LAMBDA (STREAM ATOM) (* jds " 1-May-84 11:58") (* Write an atom's characters in length-contents form.) (\SMALLPOUT STREAM (NCHARS ATOM)) (for CH inatom ATOM do (\BOUT STREAM CH]) (\WSTRING [LAMBDA (STREAM STRING LEN) (* jds " 1-May-84 11:58") (* Write a string on a file in length-contents form; one word for the length, and one byte per character contained.) (SETQ LEN (OR LEN (NCHARS STRING))) (\SMALLPOUT STREAM LEN) (for CH instring STRING as I from 1 to LEN do (\BOUT STREAM CH]) ) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS) ) (RPAQ? TEDIT.INPUT.FORMATS NIL) (* For converting incoming old-format files (1/27/85 cutover)) (DEFINEQ (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB1 [LAMBDA (TEXT TEXTOBJ PCCOUNT START END DEFAULTLOOKS) (* jds "13-Feb-85 22:06") (* * READ OBSOLETE FORMATS OF TEDIT FILE) (* START = 1st char of file to read from, if specified) (* END = use this as eofptr of file. For use in reading files within files.) (PROG [SEL LINES PCTB PC OLDPC TYPECODE PCLEN CHLOOKSSEEN NEWPC PARALOOKSSEEN PIECEINFOCH# CACHE CACHE? TTEXTOBJ USER.CMFILE TSTREAM USERFILEFORMAT USERTEMP EXISTINGCHARLOOKS EXLOOK EXISTINGFMTSPECS (CURFILECH# (OR START 0)) (CURCH# 1) (TEXTSTREAM (AND TEXTOBJ (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ] (* Get the number of pieces needed (if AN formatted file), otherwise PCCOUNT will be NIL) [SETQ DEFAULTPARALOOKS (OR DEFAULTPARALOOKS (COND (TEXTOBJ (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ)) (T (create FMTSPEC using TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC] (COND (TEXTOBJ (replace TXTFILE of TEXTOBJ with TEXT))) (SETQ DEFAULTLOOKS (OR DEFAULTLOOKS (CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT))) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ with NIL)) (* Start by assuming no page formatting) (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB NIL PCCOUNT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT (IDIFFERENCE (OR END (GETEOFPTR TEXT)) 8)) (SETQ PIECEINFOCH# (\DWIN TEXT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT PIECEINFOCH#) (bind (OLDPC ← NIL) (OLDPARALOOKS ← DEFAULTPARALOOKS) for I from 1 to PCCOUNT as PCN from \FirstPieceOffset by \EltsPerPiece do (SETQ PC NIL) (* This loop may not really read a piece, so we have to distinguish that case.) (SETQ PCLEN (\DWIN TEXT)) (SETQ TYPECODE (\SMALLPIN TEXT)) (* What kind of piece is it?) (SELECTC TYPECODE (\PieceDescriptorPAGEFRAME (* This is page layout info for the file) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace TXTPAGEFRAMES of TEXTOBJ with (TEDIT.GET.PAGEFRAMES1 TEXT))) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) ) (\PieceDescriptorPARA (* Reading a new set of paragraph looks.) (AND OLDPC (replace PPARALAST of OLDPC with T)) (* Mark the end of the preceding paragraph.) (SETQ OLDPARALOOKS (\TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS1 TEXT)) (* Get the new set of looks, for use by later pieces.) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace FORMATTEDP of TEXTOBJ with T)) (* Mark the document as containing paragraph formatting info) (add PCN (IMINUS \EltsPerPiece)) (* This didn't create a piece -- don't count it in the PCTB placement.) ) (\PieceDescriptorLOOKS (* New character looks. Build a piece to describe those characters.) (SETQ PC (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ← PCLEN PREVPIECE ← OLDPC PPARALOOKS ← OLDPARALOOKS)) (* Build the new piece) (COND (OLDPC (* If there's a prior piece, hook this one on the chain.) (replace NEXTPIECE of OLDPC with PC))) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS1 PC TEXT) (* Read the character looks for this guy.) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (* And note the passing of characters.) ) (\PieceDescriptorOBJECT (* It describes an object. Read that, and perhaps some description of the charlooks to go with it.) (SETQ PC (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ← PCLEN PREVPIECE ← OLDPC PPARALOOKS ← OLDPARALOOKS)) (COND (OLDPC (* If there's a prior piece, hook this one on the chain.) (replace NEXTPIECE of OLDPC with PC))) (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT1 TEXTSTREAM PC TEXT CURFILECH#) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) [COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN TEXT))) (* There are new character looks for this object. Read them in.) (\DWIN TEXT) (\WIN TEXT) (* Skip over the piece-type code we know has to be here.) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS1 PC TEXT)) (T (* No new looks; steal them from the prior piece.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with (OR (AND OLDPC (fetch PLOOKS of OLDPC)) DEFAULTLOOKS] (replace PLEN of PC with 1) (* OBJECTs are officially one character long.) ) (SHOULDNT "Impossible piece-type code in BUILD.PCTB")) (COND (PC (* If we created a piece, save it in the table.) [COND ((SETQ EXLOOK (for LOOK in EXISTINGCHARLOOKS thereis (EQCLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC) LOOK))) (* These charlooks are a duplicate of pre-existing ones. Re-use the old one.) (replace PLOOKS of PC with EXLOOK)) (T (push EXISTINGCHARLOOKS (fetch PLOOKS of PC] [COND ((SETQ EXLOOK (for LOOK in EXISTINGFMTSPECS thereis (EQFMTSPEC (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC) LOOK))) (* These paralooks are a duplicate of pre-existing ones. Re-use the old one.) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with EXLOOK)) (T (push EXISTINGFMTSPECS (fetch PPARALOOKS of PC] (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) PC) (add CURCH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (SETQ OLDPC PC))) finally (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) (QUOTE LASTPIECE)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset (ADD1 PCN)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBFreePieces 0)) (RETURN PCTB]) (TEDIT.GET.PAGEFRAMES1 [LAMBDA (FILE) (* jds " 1-Feb-85 14:55") (* Read a bunch of page frames from the file, and return it.) (TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 (READ FILE]) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS1 [LAMBDA (PC FILE) (* jds " 1-Feb-85 15:26") (* Read a description of PC's CHARLOOKS from FILE.) (PROG (FONT STR NAME NAMELEN SIZE SUPER SUB PROPS STYLESTR USERSTR (LOOKS (create CHARLOOKS))) (replace PLOOKS of PC with LOOKS) (SETQ NAME (\ARBIN FILE)) (* The font name) (SETQ SIZE (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Size of the type, in points) (SETQ SUPER (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Superscripting distance) (SETQ SUB (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* former Subscripting distance) (OR (ZEROP SUB) (SETQ SUPER (IMINUS SUB))) (* If this is an old file, it'll have a subscript value not zero. Let those past and do the right thing.) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN FILE))) (* This text is NEW. Mark it so.) (replace PNEW of PC with T))) [COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN FILE))) (* There is style or user information to be read) (replace CLSTYLE of LOOKS with (OR (\ARBIN FILE) 0)) (replace CLUSERINFO of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE] (SETQ PROPS (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (with CHARLOOKS LOOKS [SETQ CLBOLD (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 512 PROPS] [SETQ CLITAL (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 256 PROPS] [SETQ CLULINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 128 PROPS] [SETQ CLOLINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 64 PROPS] [SETQ CLSTRIKE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 32 PROPS] [SETQ CLSMALLCAP (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 16 PROPS] [SETQ CLPROTECTED (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 8 PROPS] [SETQ CLINVISIBLE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 4 PROPS] [SETQ CLSELHERE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 2 PROPS] [SETQ CLCANCOPY (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 1 PROPS] (SETQ CLSIZE SIZE) (SETQ CLOFFSET SUPER)) (replace CLFONT of LOOKS with (COND ((LISTP NAME) (* This was a font class. Restore it.) (FONTCLASS (pop NAME) NAME)) ((AND NAME (NOT (ZEROP SIZE))) (FONTCREATE NAME SIZE (COND ((AND (fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (fetch CLITAL of LOOKS)) (QUOTE BOLDITALIC)) ((fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (QUOTE BOLD)) ((fetch CLITAL of LOOKS) (QUOTE ITALIC]) (\TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS1 [LAMBDA (FILE) (* jds "17-Aug-84 13:40") (* Read a paragraph format spec from the FILE, and return it for later use.) (PROG ((LOOKS (create FMTSPEC)) TABFLG DEFAULTTAB TABCOUNT TABS TABSPEC) (replace 1STLEFTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Left margin for the first line of the paragraph) (replace LEFTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Left margin for the rest of the paragraph) (replace RIGHTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Right margin for the paragraph) (replace LEADBEFORE of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Leading before the paragraph) (replace LEADAFTER of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Lead after the paragraph) (replace LINELEAD of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* inter-line leading) (replace TABSPEC of LOOKS with (SETQ TABSPEC (CONS NIL NIL))) (* Will be tab specs) (SETQ TABFLG (\BIN FILE)) (replace QUAD of LOOKS with (SELECTC (\BIN FILE) (1 (QUOTE LEFT)) (2 (QUOTE RIGHT)) (3 (QUOTE CENTERED)) (4 (QUOTE JUSTIFIED)) (SHOULDNT))) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND TABFLG 1))) (* There are tabs to read) (SETQ DEFAULTTAB (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (SETQ TABCOUNT (\BIN FILE)) [SETQ TABS (for TAB# from 1 to TABCOUNT collect (create TAB TABX ←(\SMALLPIN FILE) TABKIND ←(SELECTQ (\BIN FILE) (0 (QUOTE LEFT)) (1 (QUOTE RIGHT)) (2 (QUOTE CENTERED)) (3 (QUOTE DECIMAL)) (SHOULDNT] (OR (ZEROP DEFAULTTAB) (RPLACA TABSPEC DEFAULTTAB)) (RPLACD TABSPEC TABS))) [COND ((NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND TABFLG 2))) (* There are other paragraph parameters to be read.) (replace FMTSPECIALX of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Special X location on page for this paragraph) (replace FMTSPECIALY of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (replace FMTUSERINFO of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE)) (replace FMTPARATYPE of LOOKS with (\ATMIN FILE)) (replace FMTPARASUBTYPE of LOOKS with (\ATMIN FILE)) (replace FMTSTYLE of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE)) (replace FMTCHARSTYLES of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE)) (replace FMTNEWPAGEBEFORE of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE)) (replace FMTNEWPAGEAFTER of LOOKS with (\ARBIN FILE] (RETURN LOOKS]) (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT1 [LAMBDA (STREAM PIECE FILE CURCH#) (* jds "22-Feb-85 14:31") (* Get an object from the file) (* CURCH# = fileptr within the text section of the file where the object's text starts.) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (fetch (TEXTSTREAM TEXTOBJ) of STREAM)) FILEPTRSAVE NAMELEN GETFN OBJ) (SETQ GETFN (\ATMIN FILE)) (* The GETFN for this kind of IMAGEOBJ) (SETQ FILEPTRSAVE (GETFILEPTR FILE)) (* Save our file location thru the building of the object) (SETFILEPTR FILE CURCH#) (SETQ OBJ (READIMAGEOBJ FILE GETFN)) (SETFILEPTR FILE FILEPTRSAVE) (replace POBJ of PIECE with OBJ) (replace PFILE of PIECE with NIL) (replace PSTR of PIECE with NIL) [replace PLOOKS of PIECE with (COND ((fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE) (fetch PLOOKS of (fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE))) (T (OR (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT) TEXTOBJ] (RETURN (fetch POBJ of PIECE]) ) (* VERSION 0 Compatibility reading functions) (DEFINEQ (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB0 [LAMBDA (TEXT TEXTOBJ PCCOUNT START END) (* jds "18-May-84 11:50") (* * READ OBSOLETE FORMATS OF TEDIT FILE) (PROG [SEL LINES PCTB PC OLDPC TYPECODE PCLEN CHLOOKSSEEN NEWPC PARALOOKSSEEN PIECEINFOCH# CACHE TTEXTOBJ USER.CMFILE TSTREAM USERFILEFORMAT USERTEMP (CURFILECH# (OR START 0)) (CURCH# 1) (TEXTSTREAM (AND TEXTOBJ (fetch STREAMHINT of TEXTOBJ] (* Get the number of pieces needed (if AN formatted file), otherwise PCCOUNT will be NIL) [SETQ DEFAULTPARALOOKS (OR DEFAULTPARALOOKS (COND (TEXTOBJ (fetch FMTSPEC of TEXTOBJ)) (T (create FMTSPEC using TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC] (SETQ PCTB (\MAKEPCTB NIL PCCOUNT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT (IDIFFERENCE (OR END (GETEOFPTR TEXT)) 8)) (SETQ PIECEINFOCH# (\DWIN TEXT)) (SETFILEPTR TEXT PIECEINFOCH#) (bind (OLDPC ← NIL) for I from 1 to PCCOUNT as PCN from \FirstPieceOffset by \EltsPerPiece do (SETQ PC (create PIECE PFILE ← TEXT PFPOS ← CURFILECH# PLEN ←(SETQ PCLEN (\DWIN TEXT)) PREVPIECE ← OLDPC PPARALOOKS ← DEFAULTPARALOOKS)) [COND (OLDPC (replace NEXTPIECE of OLDPC with PC) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with (fetch PPARALOOKS of OLDPC] (SETQ TYPECODE (\SMALLPIN TEXT)) (SELECTC TYPECODE (\PieceDescriptorLOOKS (TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS0 PC TEXT) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC))) (\PieceDescriptorOBJECT (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT0 TEXTSTREAM PC TEXT CURFILECH#) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (replace PLEN of PC with 1) (* Only object--can't be followed by either ot the others.) ) (\PieceDescriptorPARA (AND OLDPC (replace PPARALAST of OLDPC with T)) (TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS0 PC TEXT) (replace PLEN of PC with (\DWIN TEXT)) (* Set this piece's length from the character looks.) (\SMALLPIN TEXT) (* Skip the piece-type code, since we know what's next) (TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS0 PC TEXT) (* This document is "formatted".) (add CURFILECH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) (AND TEXTOBJ (replace FORMATTEDP of TEXTOBJ with T))) (SHOULDNT "Impossible piece-type code in BUILD.PCTB")) (SETQ OLDPC PC) (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) PC) (add CURCH# (fetch PLEN of PC)) finally (\EDITSETA PCTB PCN CURCH#) (\EDITSETA PCTB (ADD1 PCN) (QUOTE LASTPIECE)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBLastPieceOffset (ADD1 PCN)) (\EDITSETA PCTB \PCTBFreePieces 0)) (RETURN PCTB]) (TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS0 [LAMBDA (PC FILE) (* jds " 3-Apr-84 10:42") (* Put a description of LOOKS into FILE. LOOKS apply to characters CH1 thru CHLIM-1) (PROG (FONT STR NAME NAMELEN SIZE SUPER SUB PROPS STYLESTR USERSTR (LOOKS (create CHARLOOKS))) (replace PLOOKS of PC with LOOKS) (SETQ NAMELEN (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* The length of the description which follows) [SETQ NAME (PACK (for I from 1 to NAMELEN collect (CHARACTER (\BIN FILE] (* The font name) (SETQ SIZE (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Size of the type, in points) (SETQ SUPER (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Superscripting distance) (SETQ SUB (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* former Subscripting distance) (OR (ZEROP SUB) (SETQ SUPER (IMINUS SUB))) (* If this is an old file, it'll have a subscript value not zero. Let those past and do the right thing.) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN FILE))) (* This text is NEW. Mark it so.) (replace PNEW of PC with T))) [COND ((NOT (ZEROP (\BIN FILE))) (* There is style or user information to be read) (SETQ STYLESTR (\STRINGIN FILE)) (SETQ USERSTR (\STRINGIN FILE)) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP (NCHARS STYLESTR))) (* There IS style info) (replace CLSTYLE of LOOKS with (READ STYLESTR))) (T (replace CLSTYLE of LOOKS with 0))) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP (NCHARS USERSTR))) (* There IS user info) (replace CLUSERINFO of LOOKS with (READ USERSTR] (SETQ PROPS (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (with CHARLOOKS LOOKS [SETQ CLBOLD (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 512 PROPS] [SETQ CLITAL (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 256 PROPS] [SETQ CLULINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 128 PROPS] [SETQ CLOLINE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 64 PROPS] [SETQ CLSTRIKE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 32 PROPS] [SETQ CLSMALLCAP (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 16 PROPS] [SETQ CLPROTECTED (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 8 PROPS] [SETQ CLINVISIBLE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 4 PROPS] [SETQ CLSELHERE (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 2 PROPS] [SETQ CLCANCOPY (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND 1 PROPS] (SETQ CLSIZE SIZE) (SETQ CLOFFSET SUPER)) (replace CLFONT of LOOKS with (AND NAME (NOT (ZEROP SIZE)) (FONTCREATE NAME SIZE (COND ((AND (fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (fetch CLITAL of LOOKS)) (QUOTE BOLDITALIC)) ((fetch CLBOLD of LOOKS) (QUOTE BOLD)) ((fetch CLITAL of LOOKS) (QUOTE ITALIC]) (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT0 [LAMBDA (STREAM PIECE FILE CURCH#) (* jds "22-Feb-85 14:31") (* Get an object from the file) (* CURCH# = fileptr within the text section of the file where the object's text starts.) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (fetch (TEXTSTREAM TEXTOBJ) of STREAM)) FILEPTRSAVE NAMELEN GETFN OBJ) (SETQ GETFN (\ATMIN FILE)) (* The GETFN for this kind of IMAGEOBJ) (SETQ FILEPTRSAVE (GETFILEPTR FILE)) (* Save our file location thru the building of the object) (SETFILEPTR FILE CURCH#) (SETQ OBJ (READIMAGEOBJ FILE GETFN)) (SETFILEPTR FILE FILEPTRSAVE) (replace POBJ of PIECE with OBJ) (replace PFILE of PIECE with NIL) (replace PSTR of PIECE with NIL) [replace PLOOKS of PIECE with (COND ((fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE) (fetch PLOOKS of (fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE))) (T (OR (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS (CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT) TEXTOBJ] (RETURN (fetch POBJ of PIECE]) (TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS0 [LAMBDA (PC FILE) (* jds "16-May-84 16:47") (* Put a description of LOOKS into FILE. LOOKS apply to characters CH1 thru CHLIM-1) (PROG ((LOOKS (create FMTSPEC)) TABFLG DEFAULTTAB TABCOUNT TABS TABSPEC) (replace PPARALOOKS of PC with LOOKS) (replace 1STLEFTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Left margin for the first line of the paragraph) (replace LEFTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Left margin for the rest of the paragraph) (replace RIGHTMAR of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Right margin for the paragraph) (replace LEADBEFORE of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Leading before the paragraph) (replace LEADAFTER of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* Lead after the paragraph) (replace LINELEAD of LOOKS with (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (* inter-line leading) (replace TABSPEC of LOOKS with (SETQ TABSPEC (CONS NIL NIL))) (* Will be tab specs) (SETQ TABFLG (\BIN FILE)) (replace QUAD of LOOKS with (SELECTC (\BIN FILE) (1 (QUOTE LEFT)) (2 (QUOTE RIGHT)) (3 (QUOTE CENTERED)) (4 (QUOTE JUSTIFIED)) (SHOULDNT))) (COND ((NOT (ZEROP TABFLG)) (* There are tabs to read) (SETQ DEFAULTTAB (\SMALLPIN FILE)) (SETQ TABCOUNT (\BIN FILE)) [SETQ TABS (for TAB# from 1 to TABCOUNT collect (create TAB TABX ←(\SMALLPIN FILE) TABKIND ←(SELECTQ (\BIN FILE) (0 (QUOTE LEFT)) (1 (QUOTE RIGHT)) (2 (QUOTE CENTERED)) (3 (QUOTE DECIMAL)) (SHOULDNT] (OR (ZEROP DEFAULTTAB) (RPLACA TABSPEC DEFAULTTAB)) (RPLACD TABSPEC TABS]) ) (PUTPROPS TEDITFILE COPYRIGHT ("John Sybalsky & Xerox Corporation" 1983 1984 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1348 77904 (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB 1358 . 20875) (\TEDIT.CONVERT.FOREIGN.FORMAT 20877 . 22238 ) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS.LIST 22240 . 22575) (\TEDIT.GET.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS 22577 . 24788) ( \TEDIT.PUT.PARALOOKS.LIST 24790 . 25542) (\TEDIT.PUT.SINGLE.CHARLOOKS 25544 . 28005) ( TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP 28007 . 30112) (TEDIT.GET 30114 . 34793) (TEDIT.INCLUDE 34795 . 41986) ( TEDIT.PARSE.PAGEFRAMES1 41988 . 43094) (TEDIT.PUT 43096 . 49653) (TEDIT.PUT.PCTB 49655 . 63634) ( \TEDIT.PUT.CHARLOOKS.LIST 63636 . 65066) (TEDIT.PUT.PIECE.DESCRIPTOR 65068 . 66430) (\ARBIN 66432 . 66921) (\ARBOUT 66923 . 67302) (\ATMIN 67304 . 67585) (\ATMOUT 67587 . 68006) (\DWIN 68008 . 68219) ( \DWOUT 68221 . 68500) (\STRINGIN 68502 . 69068) (\STRINGOUT 69070 . 69569) (\TEDIT.FORMATTEDP1 69571 . 71106) (\TEDIT.SET.WINDOW 71108 . 71534) (TEDIT.RAW.INCLUDE 71536 . 77099) (\WATOM 77101 . 77420) ( \WSTRING 77422 . 77902)) (78083 93589 (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB1 78093 . 85564) (TEDIT.GET.PAGEFRAMES1 85566 . 85877) (\TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS1 85879 . 88685) (\TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS1 88687 . 92120) ( TEDIT.GET.OBJECT1 92122 . 93587)) (93644 104229 (TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB0 93654 . 96945) ( TEDIT.GET.CHARLOOKS0 96947 . 100217) (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT0 100219 . 101684) (TEDIT.GET.PARALOOKS0 101686 . 104227))))) STOP