The DLion Low Level Disk Drivers Last revised: 26-Jun-84 23:13:59 by Mitch Lichtenberg This file is an attempt to explain the operation of the Dandelion rigid disk interface, the microcode, and how Lisp constructs and uses disk IOCBs to perform disk operations. DISK DRIVE INTERFACE The Dandelion's central processor divides its time among the high speed I/O devices: the ethernet, the rigid disk, the I/O processor, and the display. The "I/O Page" is located in a well-known (to the microcode and Lisp) area of virtual memory, and it holds locations for communication between the different "micro-tasks." Currently, the Dlion's Disk IOCB is the second word on the I/O page (that is, (\ADDBASE \IOPAGE 1)). Memory locations placed on this page must be up to 16 bits long, which constrains the address to be within the first 256 pages. The IOCB page is used to store parameters and other information that is picked up by the microcode. When one wants to initiate an I/O operation, it can be done by depositing the parameter block onto the IOCB page (somewhere) and then placing the location (16 bits) of the parameter block onto the device's "mailbox" on the I/O page. When the device notices that something has been deposited onto its special I/O page location, it will read in the parameters, execute the operation, and reset the flag to zero to indicate that the operation is complete. (*Note: This is not completely true for the disk.). So, device I/O in Lisp usually looks like the following: (\BLT (\ADDBASE \IOCBPAGE IOCBDisplacement) IOCB IOCBLen) ... or an alteration of an existing IOCB on the IOCB page ... (\PUTBASE \IOPAGE DeviceCSBDisplacement (\LOLOC (\ADDBASE \IOCBPAGE DeviceIOCBDisplacement))) (until (ZEROP (\GETBASE \IOPAGE DeviceCSBDisplacement))) The \PUTBASEs and \GETBASEs usually come in the form of record package macros. The reason why the disk does not follow the usual \IOPAGE convention of resetting its CSB to zero is because the drivers were meant to cause interrupts when disk I/O is finished. Lisp does not currently utilize this feature, so to poll the IOCB to detect when it has been completed, the IOCB status is set with some unused bits activated, and when the IOCB completes, the disk microcode will fill in the status and wipe out those bits as a side effect. DISK IOCBS To make life easier on the Dandelion's disk microcode, the implementors thought it to be a good idea to have the microcode emulate some kind of primitive "instruction set." So, when you want disk I/O, you have to write a little "program" in "IOCB Machine Language" to accomplish it. Fortunately, these IOCBs are still around after booting, and Lisp leaves them in place but changes the fields to do more complicated operations. The entire IOCB page is divided into three sections: 1. The Data Field: This portion of the IOCB page contains mostly scratch space for the microcode and information for the programmer. Of particular interest here are the Header and Label "template" fields. For read operations, these fields are modified by the microcode, whereas on verify and write operations, they are just read. The header field corresponds to the header records that were written on the disk when it was formatted. They contain identification information for the microcode - the sector's track, cylinder, and head numbers. These records are never written to. The usual operation on this field is verify, and it is primarily used to indicate to the microcode which sector is which on a given track, and to provide a security mechanism for the microcode. This template is also used to store the current cylinder number for the disk drive, and it is the place where the cylinder, track, and sector numbers are stored prior to a disk operation. The label field is more general-purpose. In the pilot world, the ID number of a file and the page's relative location within the file are stored in the label field. For booting, a coded pointer is also stored here to lead the boot microcode from one sector to the next. Note that the header and label fields must be in these locations on the IOCB page. (they may not be somewhere else in VM). The pointers to these fields from within the parameter blocks are only 16 bits long, so the headers and labels must be kept here. 2. The Parameter Area The second portion of the IOCB page is the parameter areas for the IOCB programs. There are two of these IOCB parameter areas left over after booting, but Lisp only uses one of them. The information contained in the parameter block includes the run length, the type of operation to use (which operation, read/write/verify, to use on each field), the virtual page number of the disk buffer, and information on how to handle errors. They must be aligned on 16 word boundaries, due to the way that they are loaded into the micro-registers inside the CP. 3. The IOCBs The third portion of the IOCB page is contains the actual IOCBs themselves. There are two basic types of IOCBs: 1. Seek IOCB: The Seek IOCB is complete as it stands. (it has no parameter areas to read in like the transfer IOCB has). The Lisp code fills in the fields for the number of cylinders and the direction to seek, and the IOCB's code steps the drive head in the given direction for the given number of steps. There are no verify operations on seeks, so it is the programmer's responsibility to remember which track number the head is currently positioned at. If a disk drive gets lost, a recalibrate operation is necessary. This can be accomplished by setting up an IOCB to step out one track, and continually running it until the Track00 bit of the disk controller status register becomes T. This register can be read with the function (\DEVICE.INPUT 3) and the fields can be found in the record DLDISK.STATUS on DISKDLION. 2. Transfer IOCB: The Transfer IOCB reads in a parameter area of 17 words, executes the transfer operation, and exits. DISK IOCB MACHINE LANGUAGE As was mentioned before, the disk microcode emulates a very small instruction set (to keep the code size down and increase flexibility). This instruction set is as follows: Opcode Operation 8000 xxxx Send word xxxx to disk controller register KCtl. 0007 ssss Set status bits from ssss 0000 aaaa Increment number in location aaaa, and skip if zero. 0002 aaaa Unconditional jump to location aaaa. 0006 Finish up IOCB. 0400 aaaa Write status to location aaaa. 0005 aaaa Load parameter table from locations starting at aaaa. 0800 Transfer a run of pages, skip of no error Some interesting "8000 xxxx" commands follow: Opcode Operation 8000 0422 Wait for pending seeks to complete. (InsureSeekComplete) 8000 0420 Seek step IN (positive direction) 8000 04A0 8000 0460 Seek step OUT (negative direction) 8000 04E0 Inside the parameter areas, the following "code numbers" are important: Code Meaning 001E Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun, or CRC errors 001C Abort on NotReady. WriteFault, Overrun 001F Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun, CRC, or Verify OTHER NOTES, RESTRICTIONS, ETC. To specify the length of the data field, "8100" is used instead of "0100". Setting the high bit of the data length field causes the microcode to increment the virtual page number after each page is transferred. This is used primarily for multiple page runs. The length of the header and label fields must be decremented for verify operations. It is impossible to follow a write operation with anything other than a write operation. That is, if you write the label field you must write the data field. Otherwise, the tail of the label write operation will trash the data field. (Something in the microcode or disk controller causes this, and it cannot be avoided!) The files [Phylum]Dlion>DiskBootIOCBs.bravo and [Phylum]Dlion> contain many sample IOCBs. They are invaluable anyone tinkering with the Dlion disk system. THE LISP DLION DISK HEAD The heads for the DLion disk are stored on the file DISKDLION in the sources directory. The following is a description of the functions in this file and their purposes: (\DL.DISKINIT) [Function] Determines the shape of the disk drive and sets up variables as follows: \DISKTYPE: One of \SA4000, \SA1000, \Q2040, \Q2080 SEC/HD: Sectors per head on this disk drive SEC/CYL: Sectors per cylinder on this disk drive The data for each drive follows: Drive Sec/Hd Sec/Cyl Heads SA4000 28 224 8 SA1000 16 64 4 Q2040 16 128 8 Q2080 16 112 7 (\DL.RECALIBRATE) [Function] Attempts to find track zero of the disk drive by repeatedly stepping the drive out and checking the status word for Track00 indication. If more than 512 steps are made and Track00 still is not true, a call to RAID is made. (\DL.DISKSEEK CYL) [Function] Seeks disk drive to cylinder CYL, and updates information in the header template. (\DL.TRANSFERPAGE DA BUFFER MODE LABEL [Function] RUNLENGTH NORAIDFLG) "User" entry (that is, DLion file system entry) to the disk head. DA is the disk address, which may be a fixp. The remaining args are the same as those for \DL.XFERDISK, as described below: (\DL.XFERDISK CYL HD SEC BUFFER MODE LABEL [Function] RUNLENGTH NORAIDFLG) Starts a Disk I/O operation. The argument format is meant to be compatible with the old \DL.XFERDISK. This minimizes the confusion with changing the swapper. New features include the ability to work with labels and an error recovery mechanism. If a disk error occurs, the \DL.XFERDISK function will retry the operation up to ten times. If it fails, it will do a (\DL.RECALIBRATE) first and try ten more times before finally calling RAID. Arguments are as follows: CYL Cylinder number of disk address HD Head number of disk address SEC Sector number of disk address Note: These numbers will be normalized automatically. For example, it is permissible to transfer Cylinder 0, Head 440, Sector 1215. \DL.XFERDISK will change that into a meaningful value. This is how the swapper works - see below. BUFFER A pointer to the first page that will be used in the disk operation. Note: The page must be locked down, touched (referenced), and dirty, or else the swapper will not perform properly! MODE One of the following: NIL Read pages , read labels (VRR operation) T Write pages, read labels (VRW operation) VRR Read pages, read labels VVR Read pages, verify labels VVW Write pages, verify labels VWW Write pages, write labels VRW Write pages, read labels (used by swapper) LABEL A pointer to the label record (10 words), or NIL if you don't want to use a label record. The label must be locked down to prevent page faults inside the \DL.XFERDISK routine. RUNLENGTH The number of consecutive pages to transfer, or NIL for one. There are restrictions on multiple page runs: To do a multiple page run, the virtual page numbers of the buffer pages must be sequential, and the run may not cross cylinder boundaries. (See function \CYLBOUNDCROSSP below). NORAIDFLG Normally, \DL.XFERDISK will bomb after failing to do an I/O operation ("failing" does not include verify errors). (It will call RAID). To supress this, set NORAIDFLG to T and disk errors will be returned as status to the caller. (\CYLBOUNDCROSSP DA1 DA2) [Function] Predicate returns T if DA1 and DA2 are on different cylinders, NIL otherwise. Note: This function is not locked down. (\DL.DISKOP IOCB) [Function] Passes IOCB to the disk microcode (which starts the I/O operation), waits for it to complete, and returns the status. (\D2V CYL HDSEC) [Function] Returns the disk address of the page on cylinder CYL and with encoded head and sector information in HDSEC (left byte is head number, right byte is sector number) (\V2HDSEC DA) [Function] Returns encoded head and sector information from disk address. (\V2CYL DA) [Function] Returns cylinder number from disk address. (\DL.ACTONVMEMPAGE FILEPAGE BUFFER WRITEFLG) [Function] Performs a file operation on the virtual memory file. FILEPAGE is a file relative page number to transfer, BUFFER is the page number for the transfer, and WRITEFLG is passed to \DL.XFERDISK as the MODE parameter. It is usually T or NIL. This function is implemented by figuring the starting address triple of the beginning of the VMEM file and computing the number of pages into the disk from there that the page is located (skipping bad pages), then supplying this information as the sector number to \DL.XFERDISK, which normalizes it internally to a real disk address. (\DL.ACTONVMEMFILE FILEPG BUFFER NPGS WRITEFLG) [Function] Performs multiple file operations on the virtual memory file. FILEPG is the starting file page number (relative to the start of the VMem file). BUFFER is a pointer to the first page in the group to be transferred. NPGS is the number of pages to transfer. WRITEFLG passed to \DL.ACTONVMEMPAGE as the WRITEFLG parameter. This function will transfer a run of pages to or from the virtual memory file. (\DLDISK.GETSTATUS) [Macro] Returns the status of the disk controller in a smallp. Use the record definition DLDISK.STATUS to understand its contents. This macro expands to (\DEVICE.INPUT 3) DLDISK.STATUS [Record Definition] Record defintion (access functions) for reading the result of (\DLDISK.GETSTATUS). Contains the followng fields: TRACK00 True if on track zero HEADSELECT Curreny head number SA1000 True if controller is in SA1000 mode DRIVENOTREADY True if drive is not ready WRITEFAULT True if last operation caused a write fault OVERRUN True if last operation caused an overrun CRCERR True if last operation caused a CRC error VERIFYERR True if last operation caused a verify error IOCBPAGE [Record Definition] This record contains the layout of the IOCB page. The fields are as follows: LASTIOCBSTATUS Last status reported while running IOCB NEXTIOCG Short pointer to next IOCB in chained IOCBS. This is not currently used. SEEKIOCBLOC Contains the location of the SEEK IOCB. XFERIOCBLOC Contains the location of the TRANSFER IOCB VRRIOCBLOC Contains the location of the VRR Parameter block VVRIOCBLOC Contains the location of the VVR Parameter block HCYLINDER Header Template: Contains current cylinder number. Changed in all operations. HHEAD Header Template: Contains current head number. Changed in all operations. HSECTOR Header Template: Contains current sector number. Changed in all operations. LID Label Template: 5 words of ID number for the label. LPAGELO Label Template: Low 16 bits of page-within-file information in the label. LPAGEHI Label Template: High 7 bits of page number within file. LFLAGS Label Template: Flag storage for boot code LTYPE Label Template: Type of page (type of file in which the page is a part) (16 bits) LBOOTLINKCHAIN1 Label Template: Boot chain info LBOOTLINKCHAIN2 Label Template: Boot chain info PRUNLENGTH Parameter Block: Run length (number of pages) PLABELCMD Parameter Block: Code for operation on label field PLABELLEN Parameter Block: Length of label field PLABELABORT Parameter Block: Conditions for aborting transfer & error codes to scan for PDATACMD Parameter Block: Code for operation on data field PDATALEN Parameter Block: Length of data field PVPAGE Parameter Block: Virtual page number of memory buffer PDATAABORT Parameter Block: Conditions for aborting transfer & error codes to scan for PTERMCOND1 Code to halt hardware after transfer PTERMCOND2 Code to halt hardware after transfer SCYLINDERDISPLACEMENT Seek IOCB: Number of cylinders to move in seek operation. SSEEKCMD1 Seek IOCB: First part of seek command SSEEKCMD2 Seek IOCB: Second part of seek command DISK IOCB PAGE This section contains the contents of the IOCB page. Displacements are relative to the start of the IOCB page. Lines with asterisks following the opcode indicate fields for the user to fill in. Address Op/Data Comment 0100: 000B ; Special Block Type 0101: 00FE ; Word count 0102: 0000 ; Not used 0103: 0000 ; IOCB Status (filled in by uCode) 0104: 0000 * ; Next IOCB address (or 0 for last one) 0105: 0120 ; Address of seek IOCB 0106: 0132 ; Address of transfer IOCB 0107: 0140 ; Address of verify-read-read parameter area 0108: 0160 ; Address of verify-verify-read parameter area 0109: 0180 ; Address of verify-verify-write parameter area 010A: 01A0 ; Address of verify-write-write parameter area 010B: 0000 * ; Header template: Cylinder number 010C: 0000 * ; Header Template: Head[0..7], Sector[0..7] 010D: 0000 * ; Label Template: Word 0 \ 010E: 0000 * ; Label Template: Word 1 \ 010F: 0000 * ; Label Template: Word 2 > ID Number for page 0110: 0000 * ; Label Template: Word 3 / 0111: 0000 * ; Label Template: Word 4 / 0112: 0000 * ; Label: Page # low [bits 7..22] 0113: 0000 * ; Label: [Pg# Hi 0..6, Pad 7..12, Flags 13..15] 0114: 0000 * ; Label: Type # 0115: 0000 * ; Label: Unused 0116: 0000 * ; Label: Unused 0117: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 0118: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 0119: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011A: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011B: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011C: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011D: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011E: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup 011F: 0000 ; Filler for 16 wrd boundary lineup Parameter Area for Verify-Read-Read IOCB 0140: 0000 * ; Number of sectors to read 0141: 0031 ; Max #+1 of secs that may be skipped searching 0142: 0432 ; Verify header field 0143: 0001 ; word count-1 of header field 0144: 010B ; address of header field 0145: 001C ; Abort on NotReady. WriteFault, Overrun 0146: 0003 ; skip to next sector if CRC/Vrfy err on header 0147: 0430 ; Read label field 0148: 000C ; word count of label field 0149: 010D ; Address of label field in IOCB 014A: 001E ; Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun, CRC 014B: 0430 ; Read Data Field 014C: 8100 ; Length of data field (256 words) 014D: 0000 * ; virtual page # of buffer 014E: 001E ; Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun, CRC 014F: 0420 ; control word to halt hw after each field 0150: 0426 ; control word to find sector mark for header Parameter Area for Verify-Verify-Read IOCB 0140: 0000 * ; Number of sectors to read 0141: 0031 ; Max #+1 of secs that may be skipped searching 0142: 0432 ; Verify header field 0143: 0001 ; word count-1 of header field 0144: 010B ; address of header field 0145: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 0146: 0003 ; skip to next sector if CRC/Vrfy err on header 0147: 0432 ; Verify label field 0148: 000B ; word count of label field (-1 for verify) 0149: 010D ; Address of label field in IOCB 014A: 001F ; Quit on NotRdy, WrtFlt, Ovrrn, CRC, Verif Err 014B: 0430 ; Read Data Field 014C: 8100 ; Length of data field (256 words) 014D: 0000 * ; virtual page # of buffer 014E: 001E ; Quit on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun, or CRC 014F: 0420 ; control word to halt hw after each field 0150: 0426 ; control word to find sector mark for header Parameter Area for Verify-Verify-Write IOCB 0140: 0000 * ; Number of sectors to read 0141: 0031 ; Max #+1 of secs that may be skipped searching 0142: 0432 ; Verify header field 0143: 0001 ; word count-1 of header field 0144: 010B ; address of header field 0145: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 0146: 0003 ; go to next sector if CRC/Verfy err on header 0147: 0432 ; Verify label field 0148: 000B ; word count of label field (-1 for verify) 0149: 010D ; Address of label field in IOCB 014A: 001F ; Stop on NotRdy, WrtFlt, Ovrrn, CRC, Verif Err 014B: 043B ; Write Data Field 014C: 8100 ; Length of data field (256 words) 014D: 0000 * ; virtual page # of buffer 014E: 001C ; Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun 014F: 0420 ; control word to halt hw after each field 0150: 0426 ; control word to find sector mark for header Parameter Area for Verify-Write-Write IOCB 0140: 0000 * ; Number of sectors to read 0141: 0031 ; Max #+1 of secs that may be skipped searching 0142: 0432 ; Verify header field 0143: 0001 ; word count-1 of header field 0144: 010B ; address of header field 0145: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 0146: 0003 ; skip to next sector if CRC/Vrfy err on header 0147: 043B ; Write label field 0148: 000C ; word count of label field 0149: 010D ; Address of label field in IOCB 014A: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 014B: 043B ; Write Data Field 014C: 8100 ; Length of data field (256 words) 014D: 0000 * ; virtual page # of buffer 014E: 001C ; Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun 014F: 0420 ; control word to halt hw after each field 0150: 0426 ; control word to find sector mark for header Parameter Area for Verify-Read-Write IOCB 0140: 0000 * ; Number of sectors to read 0141: 0031 ; Max #+1 of secs that may be skipped searching 0142: 0432 ; Verify header field 0143: 0001 ; word count-1 of header field 0144: 010B ; address of header field 0145: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 0146: 0003 ; skip to next sector if CRC/Vrfy err on header 0147: 0430 ; read label field 0148: 000C ; word count of label field 0149: 010D ; Address of label field in IOCB 014A: 001C ; Abort on Not Ready. Write Fault, Overrun 014B: 043B ; Write Data Field 014C: 8100 ; Length of data field (256 words) 014D: 0000 * ; virtual page # of buffer 014E: 001C ; Abort on NotReady, WriteFault, Overrun 014F: 0420 ; control word to halt hw after each field 0150: 0426 ; control word to find header sector mark Disk IOCB program for Seek 0152: 0000 * ; Number of cylinders to move (negative) 0151: 8000 ; Insure that the seek 0152: 0422 ; completed from before 0153: 0007 ; clear out the status bits that 0154: 0000 ; are not used in a seek operation 0155: 8000 ; send a step pulse 0156: 0000 * ; (direction is filled in) 0157: 8000 ; finish sending step pulse 0158: 0000 * ; (direction is filled in) 0159: 0000 ; increment remaining distance 015A: 0152 ; in IOCB field, and skip if zero 015B: 0002 ; Jump back to the step 015C: 0155 ; loop. 015D: 0006 ; Clean up and finish IOCB 015E: 0000 015F: 0000 0160: 0400 ; quit and write status back 0161: 0103 ; into status word Disk IOCB program for Transfer 0162: 0005 ; Load parameters from 0163: 0000 * ; parameter table 0164: 8000 ; Wait for any pending seeks 0165: 0422 ; to complete. 0166: 0800 ; transfer run of pages 0167: 0002 ; if there was an error, 0168: 0169 ; finish up anyways (we're done!) 0169: 0006 ; Clean up and finish IOCB 016A: 0000 016B: 0000 016C: 0400 ; quit and write status back 016D: 0103 ; into status word. End of file {Eris}Internal>Doc>DLionDiskDriver.TEdit. 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