3-Mar-85 09:03:02 **** Log file for SEQUENTIAL runs of SANNELLA Machine: Forrestal (Dorado) Microcode Version: [26, 22] Lisp System Date: 3-Mar-85 09:00:52 Memory Size: 10000Q Sysout's true MAKESYSDATE = 28-Feb-85 21:53:30 ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* TAK variations -- TAK, CTAK, TAKR, and TAKL Tests fixed-point arithmetic and function-to-function interface CTAK uses CATCH-like control rather than recursion TAKL uses lists instead of integers for 'arithmtic' ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAK.DCOM;2 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAK.DCOM;2 compiled on 14-FEB-83 10:11:48 FILE CREATED 14-FEB-83 10:11:44 TAKCOMS Commenceing on TAK run: (TIMEALL (TAK 18 12 6)) Elapsed Time = .521 seconds SWAP time = .029 seconds CPU Time = .492 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 Value = 7 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = .521 seconds CPU Time = .521 seconds Value = 7 TAK finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAKR.DCOM;2 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAKR.DCOM;2 compiled on 14-FEB-83 10:52:58 FILE CREATED 14-FEB-83 10:52:35 TAKRCOMS Commenceing on TAKR run: (TIMEALL (TAK0 18 12 6)) Elapsed Time = .686 seconds CPU Time = .686 seconds Value = 7 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = .685 seconds CPU Time = .685 seconds Value = 7 TAKR finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAKL.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TAKL.DCOM;1 compiled on 14-FEB-83 11:45:23 FILE CREATED 14-FEB-83 11:45:11 TAKLCOMS Commenceing on TAKL run: (TIMEALL (TAKL 18L 12L 6L)) Elapsed Time = 3.84 seconds CPU Time = 3.84 seconds Value = (7 6 5 4 3 2 1) Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 3.84 seconds CPU Time = 3.84 seconds Value = (7 6 5 4 3 2 1) TAKL finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>CTAK.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>CTAK.DCOM;1 compiled on 5-JUL-83 13:07:11 FILE CREATED 5-JUL-83 13:07:00 CTAKCOMS Commenceing on CTAK run: (TIMEALL (TAK 18 12 6)) Elapsed Time = 18.6 seconds SWAP time = .031 seconds CPU Time = 18.5 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 Value = 7 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 18.6 seconds CPU Time = 18.6 seconds Value = 7 CTAK finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* CONSy BenchMarks -- BOYER, BROWSE, DERIV (and DDERIV), DIV2 BOYER is from a rule-rewrite section of a theorem prover; BROWSE is a plist-based list pattern matcher; DERIV is symbolic differentiation; DDERIV is same, but plist-based; DIV2 'divides' a long list in half by consing up every other element (once iterative, once recursive). ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>BOYER.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>BOYER.DCOM;1 compiled on 5-JUL-83 21:34:56 FILE CREATED 5-JUL-83 21:34:28 BOYERCOMS Initializing BOYER run: (TIMEALL (SETUP)) Elapsed Time = .979 seconds SWAP time = .967 seconds CPU Time = .012 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 34 DISKOPS = 31 LISTP 224 Commenceing on BOYER run: (TIMEALL (TEST)) Elapsed Time = 36.2 seconds GC time = 13.0 seconds CPU Time = 23.1 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 558 FIXP LISTP 2 226469 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 34.8 seconds SWAP time = .034 seconds GC time = 13.2 seconds CPU Time = 21.6 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 DISKOPS = 1 FIXP LISTP 3 226469 BOYER finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>BROWSE.DCOM;11 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>BROWSE.DCOM;11 compiled on 28-Nov-84 19:19:05 FILE CREATED 28-Nov-84 19:18:36 BROWSECOMS Commenceing on BROWSE run: (TIMEALL (BROWSE)) Elapsed Time = 107.0 seconds SWAP time = 6.12 seconds GC time = 42.4 seconds CPU Time = 58.4 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 333 DISKOPS = 222 LISTP STRINGP 488945 2 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 107.0 seconds SWAP time = 2.8 seconds GC time = 43.3 seconds CPU Time = 60.8 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 175 DISKOPS = 102 LISTP 488945 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 106.0 seconds SWAP time = 1.18 seconds GC time = 43.4 seconds CPU Time = 61.1 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 108 DISKOPS = 35 LISTP 488945 Value = NIL BROWSE finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DERIV.DCOM;2 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DERIV.DCOM;2 compiled on 10-FEB-83 13:56:57 FILE CREATED 10-FEB-83 13:56:46 DERIVCOMS Commenceing on DERIV run: (TIMEALL (RUN)) Elapsed Time = 24.5 seconds SWAP time = .201 seconds GC time = 16.7 seconds CPU Time = 7.6 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 57 DISKOPS = 8 LISTP 245000 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 23.8 seconds GC time = 16.4 seconds CPU Time = 7.32 seconds LISTP 245000 Value = NIL DERIV finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DDERIV.DCOM;2 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DDERIV.DCOM;2 compiled on 11-FEB-83 14:22:00 FILE CREATED 11-FEB-83 14:21:49 (RUN redefined) (DERIV redefined) (DER1 redefined) DDERIVCOMS Commenceing on DDERIV run: (TIMEALL (RUN)) Elapsed Time = 27.8 seconds GC time = 18.4 seconds CPU Time = 9.39 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 6 LISTP 260000 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 27.7 seconds GC time = 18.4 seconds CPU Time = 9.35 seconds LISTP 260000 Value = NIL DDERIV finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DIV2.DCOM;3 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DIV2.DCOM;3 compiled on 10-FEB-83 13:34:10 FILE CREATED 10-FEB-83 13:34:00 DIV2COMS Commenceing on DIV2 run: (TIMEALL (TEST1 L)) Elapsed Time = 9.65 seconds GC time = 7.6 seconds CPU Time = 2.05 seconds LISTP 120000 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 9.49 seconds GC time = 7.44 seconds CPU Time = 2.05 seconds LISTP 120000 Commenceing on DIV2 run: (TIMEALL (TEST2 L)) Elapsed Time = 10.2 seconds GC time = 7.52 seconds CPU Time = 2.73 seconds LISTP 120000 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 10.3 seconds GC time = 7.57 seconds CPU Time = 2.69 seconds LISTP 120000 DIV2 finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* RPLACD intensive benchmark: -- DESTRUCTIVE ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DESTRUCTIVE.DCOM;4 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DESTRUCTIVE.DCOM;4 compiled on 9-FEB-83 15:37:41 FILE CREATED 9-FEB-83 15:37:32 DESTRUCTIVECOMS Commenceing on DESTRUCTIVE run: (TIMEALL (DESTRUCTIVE 600 50)) Elapsed Time = 7.04 seconds SWAP time = .24 seconds GC time = 3.05 seconds CPU Time = 3.75 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 42 DISKOPS = 9 LISTP 43105 Value = ((1 1 2) (1 1 1) (1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3)) Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 6.49 seconds GC time = 3.02 seconds CPU Time = 3.46 seconds LISTP 43105 Value = ((1 1 2) (1 1 1) (1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3)) Final GC-collision status: (732 26 .03551913) DESTRUCTIVE finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* ARRAY-intensive BenchMarks -- PUZZLE, FFT, and TRIANG PUZZLE is the famous Baskett bench mark; FFT is fast-fourier transform, and is also floating-point intensive; TRIANG (??) is also cons-intensive. ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>PUZZLE.DCOM;10 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>PUZZLE.DCOM;10 compiled on 2-OCT-83 15:53:19 FILE CREATED 2-OCT-83 15:53:02 PUZZLECOMS {ERIS}<LISP>INTERMEZZO>LIBRARY>CMLARRAY.DCOM;1 compiled on 9-Sep-84 20:31:15 FILE CREATED 9-Sep-84 20:30:38 CMLARRAYCOMS Commenceing on PUZZLE run: (TIMEALL (START)) Success in 2005 trials. Elapsed Time = 15.6 seconds SWAP time = .03 seconds CPU Time = 15.6 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Success in 2005 trials. Elapsed Time = 15.5 seconds CPU Time = 15.5 seconds Value = NIL PUZZLE finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FFT.DCOM;6 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FFT.DCOM;6 compiled on 21-OCT-83 20:48:42 FILE CREATED 21-OCT-83 20:47:56 FFTCOMS {ERIS}<LISP>INTERMEZZO>LIBRARY>CMLARRAY.DCOM;1 compiled on 9-Sep-84 20:31:15 FILE CREATED 9-Sep-84 20:30:38 CMLARRAYCOMS Commenceing on FFT run: (TIMEALL (FFT RE IM)) Elapsed Time = 5.56 seconds SWAP time = .277 seconds GC time = 3.08 seconds CPU Time = 2.2 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 56 DISKOPS = 11 FLOATP 57938 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 4.71 seconds GC time = 3.09 seconds CPU Time = 1.62 seconds FLOATP 57938 FFT finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TRIANG.DCOM;12 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TRIANG.DCOM;12 compiled on 22-May-84 20:53:02 FILE CREATED 22-May-84 20:52:42 TRIANGCOMS {ERIS}<LISP>INTERMEZZO>LIBRARY>CMLARRAY.DCOM;1 compiled on 9-Sep-84 20:31:15 FILE CREATED 9-Sep-84 20:30:38 CMLARRAYCOMS Commenceing on TRIANG run: (TIMEALL (GOGOGO 22)) Elapsed Time = 256.0 seconds SWAP time = .031 seconds GC time = .188 seconds CPU Time = 256.0 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 82 LISTP 11626 Value = NIL Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 256.0 seconds GC time = .242 seconds CPU Time = 256.0 seconds LISTP 11626 Value = NIL TRIANG finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* Datatype creation and Bit-hacking benchmark: TRAVERSE Creates a deeply-nested structure, which is then traced through one component; Flag fields direct the trace; simulates some of the 'Mark' of a GC. ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TRAVERSE.DCOM;8 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TRAVERSE.DCOM;8 compiled on 13-Jan-84 13:40:51 FILE CREATED 9-Jan-84 17:55:36 TRAVERSECOMS Commenceing on TRAVERSE initialization: (TIMEALL (SETQ ROOT (CREATE-STRUCTURE 100))) Elapsed Time = 19.4 seconds SWAP time = .031 seconds GC time = .517 seconds CPU Time = 18.8 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 425 LISTP NODE 36796 100 Commenceing on TRAVERSE run: (TIMEALL (TRAVERSE ROOT) 200) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) Elapsed Time = 50.4 seconds CPU Time = 50.4 seconds TRAVERSE finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* DSK file I/O benchmarks: FPRINT and FREAD Terminal printing (to window): TPRINT ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FPRINT.DCOM;3 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FPRINT.DCOM;3 compiled on 5-JUL-83 14:30:00 FILE CREATED 5-JUL-83 14:29:33 FPRINTCOMS Commenceing on FPRINT: (TIMEALL (FPRINT)) Elapsed Time = 14.8 seconds SWAP time = .031 seconds Disk i/o time = 12.7 seconds CPU Time = 2.02 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 5 DISKOPS = 2362 FIXP LISTP ARRAYP STRINGP VMEMPAGEP STREAM BUFFER 1 241 4 6 5 2 4 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 3.31 seconds Disk i/o time = 1.26 seconds CPU Time = 2.04 seconds DISKOPS = 161 FIXP LISTP ARRAYP STRINGP VMEMPAGEP STREAM 1 239 4 6 1 2 FPRINT finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FREAD.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>FREAD.DCOM;1 compiled on 5-JUL-83 14:36:55 FILE CREATED 5-JUL-83 14:36:33 FREADCOMS Commenceing on FREAD run: (TIMEALL (FREAD)) Elapsed Time = 1.64 seconds Disk i/o time = .404 seconds CPU Time = 1.24 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 18 DISKOPS = 37 FIXP LISTP ARRAYP STRINGP VMEMPAGEP STREAM BUFFER 2 2228 4 3 2 1 1 Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 1.55 seconds Disk i/o time = .353 seconds CPU Time = 1.2 seconds DISKOPS = 37 FIXP LISTP ARRAYP STRINGP VMEMPAGEP STREAM BUFFER 2 2228 4 3 2 1 1 FREAD finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TPRINT.DCOM;6 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TPRINT.DCOM;6 compiled on 26-Jan-84 00:51:31 FILE CREATED 26-Jan-84 00:51:25 (INIT redefined) (INIT1 redefined) TPRINTCOMS Commenceing on TPRINT run: (TIMIT) Elapsed Time = 8.56 seconds CPU Time = 8.56 seconds Repeating the TIMEALL Elapsed Time = 8.56 seconds CPU Time = 8.56 seconds TPRINT finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* Additional (non-Gabriel) benchmarks: DIVTST and TANSPEED DIVTST mimics password computations; once with 16-bit arithmetic and once with 29-bit. TANSPEED tests accuracy of SQRT, LOG, ANTILOG, TAN, and ARCTAN; [result should be 2500.0, but ~2476. is OK for 32-bit floatps] ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DIVTST.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>DIVTST.DCOM;1 compiled on 19-JUL-83 01:18:16 FILE CREATED 19-JUL-83 01:18:00 DIVTSTCOMS Commenceing on DIVTST: (QT1) -- a TIMEALL of HASH.PASSWORD.16 (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) Elapsed Time = .665 seconds SWAP time = .03 seconds CPU Time = .635 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 Value = 9272 Commenceing on DIVTST: (QT2) -- a TIMEALL of HASH.PASSWORD.29 (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 9.43 seconds SWAP time = .074 seconds GC time = 3.44 seconds CPU Time = 5.91 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 32 DISKOPS = 4 FIXP 63001 Value = 48775805 DIVTST finished ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TANSPEED.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>TANSPEED.DCOM;1 compiled on 18-Mar-84 00:24:50 FILE CREATED 18-Mar-84 00:24:47 TANSPEEDCOMS Commenceing on TANSPEED: (TIMEALL (TANSPEED)) Elapsed Time = 94.8 seconds SWAP time = .265 seconds GC time = 33.1 seconds CPU Time = 61.4 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 40 DISKOPS = 12 FLOATP 617248 Value = 2476.246 TANSPEED finished ->->->->->Freshly Loaded<-<-<-<- ******************************************************************* BITBLT benchmark, suggested by L. Peter Deutsch. 1) ScrollUp a 800x512 window by one pixel; 2) ScrollRight a 800x512 window by one pixel; 3) BLTing an 8x7 'character' at 500 random places on the screen; 4) Texturing a 40x40 region at 500 random places on the screen; Tests are all run once with system-level primitives, and once with user-level primitives (those whose name begins with U). Each test has two TIMEALL runs -- once for loop overhead only, and once for real. ******************************************************************* ={PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>INTERMEZZO>BBTEST.DCOM;1 {PHYLUM}<GABRIEL>INTERMEZZO>BBTEST.DCOM;1 compiled on 1-Mar-85 16:00:03 FILE CREATED 15-Apr-84 15:06:41 BBTESTCOMS Commenceing on BBT.SCROLLUP: (BBT.SCROLLUP 100) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) Elapsed Time = .001 seconds SWAP time = .03 seconds CPU Time = -.029 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 1 (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .509 seconds CPU Time = .509 seconds Commenceing on UBBT.SCROLLUP: (UBBT.SCROLLUP 100) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .002 seconds CPU Time = .002 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 1.18 seconds CPU Time = 1.18 seconds Commenceing on BBT.SCROLLRIGHT: (BBT.SCROLLRIGHT 100) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .002 seconds CPU Time = .002 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .509 seconds CPU Time = .509 seconds Commenceing on UBBT.SCROLLRIGHT: (UBBT.SCROLLRIGHT 100) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .002 seconds CPU Time = .002 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 1.26 seconds CPU Time = 1.26 seconds Commenceing on BBT.BLTCHAR: (BBT.BLTCHAR 10) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .139 seconds CPU Time = .139 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 27.3 seconds SWAP time = 1.95 seconds CPU Time = 25.3 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 109 DISKOPS = 109 Commenceing on UBBT.BLTCHAR: (UBBT.BLTCHAR 10) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .115 seconds CPU Time = .115 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 1.86 seconds CPU Time = 1.86 seconds Commenceing on BBT.TEXTURE: (BBT.TEXTURE 10) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .135 seconds CPU Time = .135 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 25.9 seconds SWAP time = .606 seconds CPU Time = 25.3 seconds PAGEFAULTS = 40 DISKOPS = 40 Commenceing on UBBT.TEXTURE: (UBBT.TEXTURE 10) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = .112 seconds CPU Time = .112 seconds (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION NIL) (TIMEDUMMYFUNCTION redefined) Elapsed Time = 2.38 seconds CPU Time = 2.38 seconds 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555