// DisplayIOSubrs.bcpl - Subrs which deal with display // Last change December 13, 1984 12:11 PM by van Melle // Last change May 12, 1981 12:47 AM by Beau Sheil // Last change March 1, 1981 8:56 PM by Beau Sheil // Trill change February 24, 1981 1:58 PM by Beau Sheil // Last change February 3, 1981 4:03 PM by Beau Sheil // More XBitBlt changes January 28, 1981 6:14 PM by Beau Sheil // XBitBlt change December 16, 1980 10:04 AM by Alan Bell get "AltoDefs.d" get "LispBcpl.decl" get "KbdDefs.d" get "Streams.d" external [ // procedures defined here Wc; Ws; DSPBOUT; FlashScreen; SETSCREENCOLOR; SHOWDISPLAY SetScreenColor; BcplDisplay; AddToBcplDisplay // statics defined here @dlispDsp; @DisplayAddrHi; @dspStartAddr; @dspArea @DLispDCB; @dspScanLines ] external [ // procedures used CallSwat; RAIDCode; Zero; CreateDisplayStream; ShowDisplayStream Dismiss SmallUnbox; EqNIL Puts; Closes; CharWidth; EraseBits; GetBitPos; GetLmarg ] external [ // statics used dsp; sysFont; EmulatorSpace; @RMSK ] static [ @dlispDsp; @DisplayAddrHi=0; DisplayPages=0; @dspStartAddr; @DLispDCB @dspArea; @dspScanLines ] structure EDCB: [ // Extended DCB @DCB = [ blank bit offset DCB.height LongPtrFlg bit 1 // Overlaid on DCB.height nScanLines bit 15 ] AddrLo word // to be D0 compatible AddrHi word ] // The following hack allows us to fetch the number of lines from a display // stream. The complete declaration from which this is cribbed is in the OS // source file DspStreamsB.bcpl structure DispStrm [ blank word 29; nl word ] structure String: [ length byte; char^1,255 byte ] manifest [ sourceGray = 3 LongDCBSeal = #177423 // checked by display ucode ] let Ws(str) be for i = 1 to str>>String.length do Puts(dsp,str>>String.char^i) and Wc(ch) be Puts(dsp,ch) and DSPBOUT(lvByte) = valof [ let char = SmallUnbox(lvByte)&RMSK test char eq ERASECHARCODE // Is char an eraser? ifnot Puts(dsp, char) ifso unless GetBitPos(dsp) le GetLmarg(dsp) do EraseBits(dsp, -CharWidth(sysFont, $A), 0) resultis lvByte ] and FlashScreen() be [ SetScreenColor(true) Dismiss(60) // 60 x 10msec = .6 secs SetScreenColor(false) ] and SETSCREENCOLOR(lvVal) = valof [ // was in Lisp but Lisp shouldnt know where bcpl core is SetScreenColor(not EqNIL(lvVal)) resultis lvVal ] and SetScreenColor(flg) be [ let AdrDCB = @displayListHead // change to black/white while AdrDCB do // else end of DCB chain [ AdrDCB>>DCB.background = flg; AdrDCB = AdrDCB>>DCB.next ] ] and SHOWDISPLAY(lvBlk, lvRasterWidth) = valof [ if EqNIL(lvBlk) then // give all the space to dsp [ BcplDisplay(808) // this turns off Lisp Display DisplayAddrHi = 0 // this records that resultis lvBlk ] DisplayAddrHi = lvBlk>>VA.vahi // fix up dcb for DLispDisplay - other fields are OK already DLispDCB>>EDCB.width = SmallUnbox(lvRasterWidth) DLispDCB>>EDCB.LongPtrFlg = true DLispDCB>>EDCB.bitmap = LongDCBSeal DLispDCB>>EDCB.nScanLines = 404 DLispDCB>>EDCB.AddrHi = lvBlk>>VA.vahi DLispDCB>>EDCB.AddrLo = lvBlk>>VA.valo ShowDisplayStream(dlispDsp, DSalone) resultis lvBlk ] and BcplDisplay(nScanLines) be [ // Turns on dsp, giving it nScanLines of display space. If it is running, // the DLisp display is turned off, because we are about to show dsp alone. if DisplayAddrHi then ShowDisplayStream(dlispDsp, DSdelete) dspScanLines = nScanLines let nlines = (nScanLines/(sysFont!-2)) - 1 if (dsp ne 0) & (dsp>>DispStrm.nl ne nlines) then [ ShowDisplayStream(dsp, DSdelete); Closes(dsp); dsp=0 ] if (dsp eq 0) & (nlines gr 0) then [ dsp = CreateDisplayStream(nlines, dspStartAddr, dspArea, sysFont) ShowDisplayStream(dsp, DSalone) ] ]