{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 11XEROX 1108 USERS GUIDE1 XEROX 1108 USERS GUIDESOFTWARE INSTALLATION1SOFTWARE INSTALLATION1 4.SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 62Introduction1The installation of software on the Xerox 1108 is a three-step process:1.The rigid disk must be partitioned into logical volumes.2.The System Tools volume must be loaded with utility software for running diagnostic tests and initi3.Each Lisp volume must be initialized with Interlisp-D in the form of a fresh Interlisp-D sysout.AS THE XEROX 1108 ARRIVES PRE-PARTITIONED AND PRE-LOADED WITH UTILITY SOFTWARE, THE USER IS USUALLY CONCERNEDHowever, under certain circumstances, i.e., an "intentional" disk partitioning or a 'Catastrophic error,' it THIS IS A DUMMY PAGE FOR PAGE LAYOUTLast day of daylight savings time (0-366): 305 press RETURNPlease enter date and time: enter date and time in the from month/day/year hours:minutes:seconds, e.g., 3/15/Set time to March 15, 1985 3:42: PMDo you wish to change the time? respond 'Y' or 'N'2Software Installation Procedure1Partitioning the Rigid Disk1The Xerox 1108 comes with the disk appropriately partitioned for your disk configuration. Only in the event a.DISK/VOLUME INFORMATIONThe Xerox 1108 is equipped with a 10, 29, 43 or 80 Megabyte local rigid disk. The disk is pre-partitioned The System Tools logical volume utilizes 3500 pages (1 page = 512 bytes) and contains the Profile Tool, the O1.Installing Interlisp-D on the local rigid disk and2.Moving between Interlisp-D volumes on the local disk.The logical volumes Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3, and Lisp4 can each contain a complete Interlisp-D environment. Each vSTANDARD DISK CONFIGURATIONS(in pages)SystemLispLispMBTools LispLisp2Lisp3Lisp4FilesFiles210350011189N/AN/AN/A1500N/A29350016200N/AN/AN/A25097N/A2935001620016200N/AN/A8896N/A43350016200162008000N/A21375N/A43350032500162008000N/A5024N/A80350065000162001620080001500070868035003250032500325008000150007086b. NON-STANDARD PARTITIONSYou have the option of specifying non-standard partition volumes and sizes, using the Make Script! command ofCreating Non-Standard Partitions:1.SIZE: The maximum VMEM size is limited by one's disk size up to 65000 pages (available only on an 2.OVERFLOW: Volume boundaries are checked, such that you need not worry about one volume overflowing3.REINITIALIZING A LISPFILES VOLUME: You can erase a LispFiles volume with the Lisp command (PURGEDS c.PARTITIONING INSTRUCTIONS q?` p` q?`p` g_ g_FC f( d c b aL ` ^ ] \p [9 Z X W V]V] U& S R Q PJ O M L KnH J7J79 IIc G GG` Fm E[ E[m D$ D$$ B= Am @ @# ?H2 > < ; :l 95 7 6 5 4Y 3" 1 0m /} /}/} .Fm - -m + ++2 **5 )j (3m & % % $ #W " J" " " $r" )" 1"   f '" / 8 AV   {{{"n{){16{8{@{ DDD"nD)D16D8DAVD    "n +* 2 9 B  "n+*3::CZ "n+*3::B hhh"nh+*h3h;hDh 111"n1+*131;1D1    Um   !  y yc B B Bc  c  q?`I{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 2When it becomes necessary to repartition the disk :1.Boot the floppy labeled Installation Utility (using a 2-boot).- if your 1108 is not on a network, you will be prompted to set the time. See SETTING THE TIME for details.2.Select the menu item appropriate for partitioning you particular rigid disk.3.You will be warned that the PARTITIONING OPERATION DESTROYS THE CONTENTS OF THE DISK When asked to4.When the Installation menu reappears, you may proceed with the next section. Your disk is now repaInstalling Utility Software on the System Tools VolumeThe Xerox 1108 comes with the Utility software, the software needed to operate your 1108, approporiately inst1.IF AN INSTALLATION MENU IS NOT CURRENTLY DISPLAYED, Boot the floppy labeled Installation Utility, u if your 1108 is not on a network, you will be prompted to set the time. See SETTING THE TIME for details.2.Select the Menu item "Initialize System Tools". The LISP microcode will be installed and you will 2.Select the "Copy VMem!" command from the Command Subwindow and confirm with the left mouse button.3.When the window appears, select the source and destination volumes as desired.4.Select the "Start!" command.12Starting Interlisp-D/Choosing a Lisp Volume1There are three methods for starting a logical volume with Interlisp-D software installed.a)Lisp System ToolSet the Volume parameter to the name of the Lisp volume you wish to start. (See the documentation on the Lispb)0-boot0-boot your 1108 to bring up the last Lisp Volume entered. Note: powering up the 1108 is equivalent to a 0-bc)Base stateWhen in the 'Base State' and if the Lisp volume is present on your 1108, pressing the STOP key will boot InteWhen Interlisp-D is started for the first time on any volume, you may be prompted for a PUP host number. ThiIf there is no INIT.LISP file stored on the hard disk file system, you will be asked to supply the name of thThe first time an Interlisp-D logical volume is started, immediately after partitioning the disk, there is noSome suggestions for using the local file system.1.Copy the selcted Lisp Library packages to {DSK}LIBRARY>; e.g.,(COPYFILE '{FLOPPY}GRAPHER.DCOM '{DSK}LIBRARY>GRAPHER.DCOM)2.Copy selected Lisp User packages to {DSK}LISPUSER>; e.g.,(COPYFILE '{FLOPPY}ANIMATE.DCOM '{DSK}LISPUSER>ANIMATE.DCOM)3.Copy selected FONT FILES TO {DSK}FONTS>; e.g.,(COPYFILE '{FLOPPY}GACHA10. DISPLAYFONT '{DSK}FONTS>GACHA10. DISPLAYFONT)(COPYFILE '{FLOPPY}FONTS.WIDTHS '{DSK}FONTS>FONTS. WIDTHS)4.Use the FileBrowser to manipulate files on {DSK}. To use FileBrowser, be sure FILEBROWSER.DCOM is l5.Create a copy of {DSK}INIT.LISP. See the INIT package description in the Lisp Library dThereafter, each time a freshly installed Lisp sysout is started, {DSK}INIT.LISP will be loaded au(LIST ((PAGE NIL NIL (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD RIGHT) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMIL"np` g_FC f( d3 cc> bl aLaLL ``c ^ ^^c ] \p \p64\p9\p [9 Z Xm W V] V]V]c U& U&m S RRc Q QQb PJPJN OO M L+ Kn J7 IZ G FF E[m D$ D$D$ Bm A AA @m ?H ?Hm > >m < DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 3ODERN%p` g_ g_FC f( d] q?`{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 4HELVETICAHELVETICAHELVETICAHELVETICAFdp` g_FC f( dJdd'"d2d  q?`+{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 5HELVETICAHELVETICA  HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA  HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA HRULE.GETFN HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA # #  HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA8dp` g_FC f( dJdd c!%/2c b5> aL5BaL `H ^H ]H] \p [9[9 Z X XX[+X W q?`g{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 6$ HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA!I=d!!%*!]!#! HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA Wp` g_FC f( dZd#d9Fd q?`){DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 7$ HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA$$$$ HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA""69""""mP}9""?dp` g_FC f( dZd#d)d/d5d.CZdNd c c6Nc7cfc&b q?`I{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 80"OWcp` g_FC f( dI q?`{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 9n" GfR  HRULE.GETFN, dp` g_FC f( dV c ;Rc q?`'{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1 2-Apr-85 17:23:11 PSTPage 10$ HRULE.GETFNHELVETICA"["r"r" W"["2MHHI=VG"""$zbcp` g_FC f( dZd#d: c b aL!aLED q?`6~GACHA[j/ Ô +{DANTE}DOC>SOFTWAREINSTALL.TEDIT;1WEXLER28-May-85 14:45:40