The installation of software on the Xerox 1108 is a three-step process:
1.	The rigid disk must be partitioned into logical volumes.
2.	The System Tools volume must be loaded with utility software for running diagnostic tests and initializing the local disk with Lisp software. 
3.	Each Lisp volume must be initialized with Interlisp-D in the form of a fresh Interlisp-D sysout. 
However, under certain circumstances, i.e., an "intentional" disk partitioning or a 'Catastrophic error,' it is necessary to repartition the rigid disk and reinstall utility software on the SystemTools volume.  This chapter describes the entire installation process in detail.?

	-12:	(ocean)
	-11:	Nome, Alaska
	-10:	Honolulu, Hawaii
	-9:	Marquesas Islands
	-8:	Los Angeles, California
	-7:	Denver, Colorado
	-6:	Chicago, Illinois
	-5:	New York, New York
	-4:	Buenes Aires
	-3:	Brazil
	-2:	Greenland
	-1:	Cape Verde Islands
	1:	Paris, France
	2:	Helsinki
	3:	Moscow, U.S.S.R.
	4:	Teheran, Iran
	5:	Sverdlosk
	6:	Tashkent
	7:	Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R.
	8:	Hong Kong
	9:	Tokyo, Japan
	10:	Vladivostoc, U.S.S.R.
	11:	Caroline Islands
	12:	Anadyr, U.S.S.R.
It is necessary for users that are not on a network to set the time after booting the 'Installation Utility' floppy.  The user will be prompted in the following format:
Time zone offset from Greenwich (-12 - 12):  enter the appropriate value.
Minute offset (0..59):  0  press RETURN
First day of daylight savings time (0-366): 121  press RETURN
Last day of daylight savings time (0-366):  305  press RETURN
Please enter date and time: enter date and time in the form month/day/year hours: minutes:seconds, e.g., 3/15/84 15:42:00
Set time to March 15, 1984 3:42 PM
Do you wish to change the time?  respond 'Y' or 'N'
The Xerox 1108 comes with the disk appropriately partitioned for your disk configuration.  Only in the event of a catastrophic error or an alternate disk partitioning will it be necessary to repartition the disk before reloading the Interlisp-D software.
	The Xerox 1108 is equipped with a 10, 29, or 43 Megabyte local rigid disk.  The disk is pre-partitioned with multiple logical volumes, depending on the disk size.  The 10 Mb disk is partitioned into 3 logical volumes named SystemTools, LispFiles and Lisp. The 29 and 43 Mb disks are partitioned into a subset of the following logical volumes:  SystemTools, Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3, and LispFiles.
	The SystemTools logical volume utilizes 3500 pages (1 page = 512 bytes) and contains the Profile Tool, the Online Diagnostics Tool, and the Lisp System Tool for:
	1.	Installing Interlisp-D on the local rigid disk and
	2.	Moving between Interlisp-D volumes on the local disk.
The logical volumes Lisp, Lisp2, and Lisp3 can each contain a complete Interlisp-D environment.  Each volume holds the Lisp virtual memory which is initialized from the floppy disks, file server, or another Lisp volume on the local disk.
	Tools	Lisp	Lisp2	Lisp3	LispFiles
10MB	3500	10689	N/A	N/A	2000
	3500	11689	N/A	N/A	1000
29MB	3500	16200	N/A	N/A	25097
	3500	16200	16200	N/A	8896
43MB	3500	16200	16200	N/A	29376
	3500	16200	16200	16200	13175
	You have the option of specifying non-standard partition volumes and sizes, using the Make Script! command of the Lisp System Tools window.  (see Section 5, System Tools).  This adds an entry to the Installation Utility disk, giving the additional option in the Installation Utility Menu of "USER SPECIFIED PARTITION".  Selecting this option will install the user defined partition.
	Creating Non-Standard Partitions:
	1.	SIZE:  The maximum VMEM size is 16200 pages. There is no reason to create a Lisp volume larger than this.  You may want to create smaller Lisp volumes if you have a 10MB disk, or need more than the standard number of volumes.  Make the volume about 100 pages more than the maximum Vmem size that you expect to run in that volume.?
	2.	OVERFLOW:  If the Lisp volume that you are running is less than 16200 pages long and your volume is not the last on the MakeScript definition list you run the risk of overflowing your volume and spilling over into the next volume.  This could be especially disasterous if you wipe out a LispFiles volume. Thus, be sure to specify any LispFiles volumes BEFORE specifying any small Lisp volumes.  If you only need one small Lisp volume, then specify it last in the MakeScript volume definition list. The only reason to consider having a LispFiles volume follow the Lisp volume or volumes it is associated with is that the default volume when the user just specifies ?DSK? with no logical volume name will be the next logical volume with a LispFiles directory.  (See Section 3)
	3.	REINITIALIZING A LISPFILES VOLUME:  Currently a LispFiles volume which has been initialized with a (DFSCREATEDIRECTORY volume name) can only be erased using the Installation Utility.  However, if the LispFiles volume is not named LispFiles, then there is no way to erase it short of repartitioning the disk.
	When it becomes necessary to repartition the disk =>
	1.	Boot the floppy labeled Installation Utility (using a 2-boot).
		? if your 1108 is not on a network, you will be prompted to set the time.  See SETTING THE TIME for details.
	2.	Select the menu item appropriate for partitioning your particular rigid disk.
	3.	You will be warned that the PARTITIONING OPERATION DESTROYS THE CONTENTS OF THE DISK.  When asked to confirm, respond 'Y'.
	4.	When the Installation menu reappears, you may proceed with the next section. Your disk is now repartitioned.  If you created a LispFiles volume, remember to install a Lisp directory using a (DFSCREATEDIRECTORY  'LispFiles  )  once you have booted your Lisp volume.
The Xerox 1108 comes with the Utility software, the software needed to operate your 1108, appropriately installed on the SystemTools volume.  When it becomes necessary to reinstall the Utility software, and once the rigid disk is partitioned, obtain the floppy disks labeled Installation Utility and System Files distributed with the Interlisp-D software kit.
	1.	IF AN INSTALLATION MENU IS NOT CURRENTLY DISPLAYED, Boot the floppy labeled Installation Utility, using a 2-boot.  After about 2 minutes, a menu of utility options will be displayed.
		? if your 1108 is not on a network, you will be prompted to set the time.  See SETTING THE TIME for details.
	2.	Select the Menu item "Initialize System Tools". The LISP microcode will be installed and you will be prompted to "Insert the Floppy Disk labeled System Files".  Insert the System Files disk and the SystemTools volume will be installed in a few minutes.?
	3.	At this point, you are ready to load the Lisp System Tool software.  Choose the menu option: "Boot System Tools Volume".
	4.	After about 2 minutes, the cursor will change to a pointing arrow.  Activate the Executive window by positioning the cursor over the letters 'cut' within the word 'Executive' in the small window in the bottom left hand corner of the screen and press the left mouse button.  This will cause the small window to expand to a large window. Press any mouse key when the cursor is inside of the large window to activate type-in to that window.
	5.	Unload the floppy drive and insert the Installation Utility floppy selected.
	6.	Type in:     floppy read <CR>.
	7.	Type <CR>.  After about one minute the bouncing white square should appear on your display.  At this point, you are ready to use the Profile Tool to create the necessary site-specific file that provides information used by the Lisp System Tool.
	8.	Press both left and right mouse buttons (or the middle button on an optical mouse) to activate the Profile Tool.  Fill in the appropriate values for the various parameters. If your 1108 is attached to a Xerox NS Clearinghouse, you must set the Domain and Organization para-meters to the names defined in your Clearinghouse database.  Those users without an NS Clearinghouse may set these parameters to any reasonable name or may leave them as they are. You do not have to supply values for all parameters in the window.  In particular, 
		if a password is supplied, it is stored on the disk in an unencrypted form.  The Profile Tool supplies default values for the various fields in the Lisp System Tool.  See the description of the Profile Tool for details.
	9.	After setting the appropriate para-meters, execute the SET PROFILE!  command by positioning the cursor over the command and pressing either mouse button. Confirm with the left mouse button. When the word "Done" appears in the window, select "Quit!".  The Profile Tool window will disappear and you will return to the bouncing white box.  At this point, you are ready to install Interlisp-D software on your Lisp volume(s).
The Lisp System Tool, loaded during the Utility Software Installation phase, allows you to install Interlisp-D software.
The tool is activated when you have a bouncing white square on your CRT, i.e., you're in the 'Base State'.  If you cannot enter the 'Base State' with a 1-boot, then make sure you have installed the Utility software correctly, especially steps 8 and 9.
There are three ways to install Interlisp-D software on a Lisp volume.  You may install from floppy disks, from your file server ?FS,IFS?, or from another logical volume on your local disk.
	You may install Interlisp-D in the form of the Interlisp sysout from the floppies distributed with the Interlisp-D software kit.?
	To do so: 
	1.	From the Base State (bouncing box) press the left mouse button to enter the Lisp SystemTool.
	2.	Point the cursor to Device:  "FLOPPY" and press the left mouse button.  The File: parameter should now contain "Lisp.sysout".  If the sysout on Floppy has another name you can change it by pointing to it, pressing the left mouse button and typing in the correct name.  Sysouts created by the SYSOUT command will have the name "Lisp.sysout" as will the sysout on Interlisp-D floppies provided with the Installation kit.
	3.	Now point the cursor to "Install File!" and press the left mouse button.  Follow the dialogue to load your Interlisp-D floppies.  The system will ask you to confirm with the left mouse button once you have inserted the proper floppy.
	4.	Once the Installation is complete, select "Boot!" to boot your fresh Interlisp-D software.
	1.	From the 'Base State' of the 1108, click the left mouse button to activate the Lisp System Tool.
	2.	Fill in the appropriate parameters in the PARAMETER SUBWINDOW. The "File:" parameter should be filled in with the file name of the Lisp Sysout to be installed. 
		NOTE: The "Max VMem Size:" must be large enough to accommodate the Sysout file being installed.?
		For an IFS, the file name is of the form:
		For an FS file server, the complete file name is of the form:
	3.	Select the "Install File!" command and confirm with the left mouse button. Your Command Subwindow is redis-played with a twiddling graphic symbol, while the Message Subwindow displays the number of bytes which have cur-rently been transferred to your disk. This gives you an idea of the time remaining for the file transfer.  THIS COMMAND IS ABORTABLE BY DEPRESSING THE "STOP" key located on the lower right side of the keyboard.
	4.	When the sysout is installed, "Done" will appear in the Message Subwindow.  Now you may select "Quit!" to stop the process and return to the 'Base State'; or "Boot!" to enter the Lisp volume and begin Interlisp-D.
	The Copy VMem!  command of the Lisp System Tool may be used to install Interlisp-D Software in the form of the Interlisp sysout on a Lisp volume from another Lisp volume already loaded with Interlisp-D.
	1.	From the 'Base State' of the 1108, click the left mouse button to activate the Lisp System Tool.?
	2.	Select the "CopyVMem!" command from the Command Subwindow and confirm with the left mouse button.
	3.	When a new window appears, select the source and destination volumes as desired.
	4.	Select the "Start!" command.
There are three methods for starting a logical volume with Interlisp-D software installed.
	a)	Lisp System Tool
		Set the Volume parameter to the name of the Lisp volume you wish to start. (See the documentation on the Lisp SystemTools in Section 5, SYSTEM TOOLS.) Select the "Boot!" command and and confirm with the left mouse button.
	b)	0-boot
		0-boot your 1108 to bring up the last Lisp Volume entered.  Note: powering up the 1108 is equivalent to a 0-boot.
	c)	Base state
		When in the 'Base State' and if the Lisp volume is present on your 1108, pressing the STOP key will boot Interlisp-D from this volume. If this volume is not present, the STOP key will have no effect.  Click the left mouse button to activate the Lisp System Tool.?
When Interlisp-D is started for the first time on any volume, you may be prompted for a PUP host number. This number is used to identify the 1108 for PUP-based communications of the ethernet. Type in any octal number in the range 1-255, making sure no other machine on the same net has already been assigned the number. (See Section 1, THE ETHERNET, for more detail.)
If there is no INIT.LISP file stored on the hard disk file system, you will be asked to supply the name of the system Init file. The Init file contains information that configures Interlisp-D for your installation. (See the files INIT.SAMPLE and INIT.NONET-1108 distributed on LispLibrary, for an example.) If you prefer not to specify an Init file, type a carriage return.
The first time an Interlisp-D logical volume is started, immediately after partitioning the disk, there is no directory installed on the LispFiles volume so all ?DSK? files will be core files.  To create the directory use a (DFSCREATEDIRECTORY  'LispFiles). See Section 3, THE FILE SYSTEM, for more explanation of the DFSCREATEDIRECTORY function. 
Some sugguestions for using the local file system.
	1.	Copy selected Lisp Library packages to ?DSK?<LISPFILES>LIBRARY>; e.g.,
	2.	Copy selected Lisp User packages to ?DSK?<LISPFILES>LISPUSER>; e.g.,
	3.	Copy selected font files to ?DSK? <LISPFILES>FONTS>; e.g.,
	4.	Use FileBrowser to manipulate files on ?DSK?. To use FileBrowser, be sure FILEBROWSER.DCOM is loaded.  Then do (FILEBROWSER 'LISPUSERS>*) to browse files on subdirectory LISPUSERS>, or (FILEBROWSER '*) to browse all the files on ?DSK?<LISPFILES>.
	5.	Create a copy of ?DSK?<LISPFILES> INIT.LISP.  See the INIT package descrip-tion in the Lisp Library for details.
Thereafter, each time a freshly installed Lisp sysout is started, ?DSK?<LISPFILES>INIT.LISP will be loaded automatically to configure your Xerox 1108.?

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