:TITLE[DisplayDefs]; *Ed Fiala 3 June 1982 * Fixed vSingleDcb def November 21, 1982 van Melle SetTask[DpTask]; *Definitions for Alto-compatible UTVFC Set[vCReg,0]; *Control register Set[vfCReg,Add[LShift[DpTask,4],0]]; *For IOFetch4 to vCReg MC[ClrNC,1]; MC[AllowWU,2]; MC[OddFld,4]; MC[VS,10]; MC[Blank,20]; MC[BlackBackground,100]; MC[IncNC,200]; MC[AllowWU&Blank,AllowWU,Blank]; MC[OddFld&Blank,OddFld,Blank]; MC[ClrNC&Blank,ClrNC,Blank]; MC[IncNC&Blank,IncNC,Blank]; Set[vBufStart,1]; *Buffer Starting Address Set[vHCRam,2]; *Horizontal control ram Set[vLdIAR,3]; *IAR[0:5] ← Start[0:5] (data is ignored) Set[vCursor0,4]; *Channel 0 Cursor control register *Set[vCursor1,5]; *Channel 1 Cursor control register Set[vCursorMem0,6]; *Channel 0 Cursor Memory *Set[vCursorMem1,7]; *Channel 1 Cursor Memory Set[vBuf0,10]; *Channel 0 data buffer - use with Output Set[vfBuf0,Add[LShift[DpTask,4],10]]; *Channel 0 data buffer for IOFetch *Channel 1, 2, and 3 data buffers are 11, 12, and 13 (unused) *Note: because more than 20b registers, DpTask must be even. Set[vRB,LShift[And[DpTask,3],4]]; *enforces register allocation conventions RV4[vDBuf0,vDBuf1,vTemp1,vTemp,Add[vRB,0]]; *general temporaries *(vTemp1 presently unused) RV2[vLink,vNWrds,Add[vRB,4]]; *Holds DCB link word. RV[vSize,Add[vRB,6]]; *vSize used when transmitting a DCB RV2[vDBA,vSLC,Add[vRB,6]]; *vDBA used when picking up a DCB RV2[vBase,vBasehi,Add[vRB,10]]; RV[vCR,Add[vRB,12]]; *Copy of hardware control register RV[vCursorY,Add[vRB,13]]; RV[vCurrentY,Add[vRB,14]]; *Current Display Y RV[vCursorControl,Add[vRB,15]]; RV[vMsg,Add[vRB,16]]; RV[vCnt,Add[vRB,17]]; RV[vMsgStatus,Add[vRB,20]]; RV[vMouseXY,Add[vRB,21]]; *These three needed only for LF keyboard RV[vButtons,Add[vRB,22]]; RV[vKeyBuffer,Add[vRB,23]]; RV[vFieldFill,Add[vRB,24]]; ***Fix Initialize.Mc if any of these move*** RV2[vMDS177400,vMDS177400hi,72]; *base reg containing 177400b RV2[vMDS420,vMDS420hi,74]; *base reg containing 420b RV2[vMDS,vMDShi,76]; *base reg containing 0 RM[vZero,IP[vMDS]]; Set[SingleDCBMode,1]; *1 assembles code that reduces worst-case *task requirements under assumption that *if a DCB is long, it is the only DCB *Needs 4 words on XtraDisplayPage :IF[SingleDCBMode]; *********************** RV[vSingleDCBFlag,Add[vRB,25]]; *1 if working on long dcb, else 0 Set[XtraDisplayPage,0]; MC[WordsPerLine,100]; * 100 (64d) words/scanline for wide screen, :ELSE; ************************************ MC[WordsPerLine,46]; *38d words/scanline Alto compatible :ENDIF; *********************************** Set[vBufSt,Sub[400,LShift[WordsPerLine!,2]]]; Set[vStart,LShift[vBufSt,6]]; MC[lfVSStart,11]; *Nscanlines - 1 before start of vert sync field B *(+1 added for field A). MC[lfSyncLength,11]; *Nscanlines - 10d in which vert sync asserted *Spec is 18 lines of vertical sync/field MC[lfBlankLength,15]; *Nscanlines - 3 after vert sync before starting frame MC[cslVSStart,1]; MC[cslSyncLength,7]; MC[cslBlankLength,14]; *These are the Alto-compatible numbers MC[vMaxYh,400]; *no. visible scan lines per field/2 -1 MC[vMaxYl,223]; *(= 808 visible scanlines/screen Alto compatible)