:TITLE[DisplayDefs]; *Last edited by Fiala 17 August 1981 * Made WordsPerLine be 100 - December 26, 1981 3:51 PM SetTask[DpTask]; *Definitions for Alto-compatible UTVFC Set[vCReg,0]; *Control register Set[vfCReg,Add[LShift[DpTask,4],0]]; *For IOFetch4 to vCReg MC[ClrNC,1]; MC[AllowWU,2]; MC[OddFld,4]; MC[VS,10]; MC[Blank,20]; MC[BlackBackground,100]; MC[IncNC,200]; MC[AllowWU&Blank,AllowWU,Blank]; MC[OddFld&Blank,OddFld,Blank]; MC[ClrNC&Blank,ClrNC,Blank]; MC[IncNC&Blank,IncNC,Blank]; Set[vBufStart,1]; *Buffer Starting Address Set[vHCRam,2]; *Horizontal control ram Set[vLdIAR,3]; *IAR[0:5] ← Start[0:5] (data is ignored) Set[vCursor0,4]; *Channel 0 Cursor control register *Set[vCursor1,5]; *Channel 1 Cursor control register Set[vCursorMem0,6]; *Channel 0 Cursor Memory *Set[vCursorMem1,7]; *Channel 1 Cursor Memory Set[vBuf0,10]; *Channel 0 data buffer - use with Output Set[vfBuf0,Add[LShift[DpTask,4],10]]; *Channel 0 data buffer for IOFetch *Channel 1, 2, and 3 data buffers are 11, 12, and 13 (unused) *Note: because more than 20b registers, DpTask must be even. Set[vRB,LShift[And[DpTask,3],4]]; *enforces register allocation conventions RV4[vDBuf0,vDBuf1,vTemp1,vTemp,Add[vRB,0]]; *general temporaries *(vTemp1 presently unused) RV2[vLink,vNWrds,Add[vRB,4]]; *Holds DCB link word. RV[vSize,Add[vRB,6]]; *vSize used when transmitting a DCB RV2[vDBA,vSLC,Add[vRB,6]]; *vDBA used when picking up a DCB RV2[vBase,vBasehi,Add[vRB,10]]; RV[vCR,Add[vRB,12]]; *Copy of hardware control register RV[vCursorY,Add[vRB,13]]; RV[vCurrentY,Add[vRB,14]]; *Current Display Y RV[vCursorControl,Add[vRB,15]]; RV[vMsg,Add[vRB,16]]; RV[vCnt,Add[vRB,17]]; RV[vMsgStatus,Add[vRB,20]]; RV[vMouseXY,Add[vRB,21]]; *These three needed only for LF keyboard RV[vButtons,Add[vRB,22]]; RV[vKeyBuffer,Add[vRB,23]]; RV[BadEndFlagCnt,Add[vRB,21]]; *These two error counters needed only for RV[MsgType0Cnt,Add[vRB,22]]; *CSL keyboard (can deimplement if desired) ***Fix Initialize.Mc if any of these move*** RV2[vMDS177400,vMDS177400hi,72]; *base reg containing 177400b RV2[vMDS420,vMDS420hi,74]; *base reg containing 420b RV2[vMDS,vMDShi,76]; *base reg containing 0 RM[vZero,IP[vMDS]]; MC[WordsPerLine,100]; *64d words/scanline wide screen Set[vBufSt,Sub[400,LShift[WordsPerLine!,2]]]; Set[vStart,LShift[vBufSt,6]]; %Allowed configurations are LF monitor & Dallas keyboard with 50 mhz crystal (ID code 3); LF monitor and CSL keyboard with 50 mhz crystal (ID code 11b); or CSL monitor and keyboard with 20 mhz crystal (ID code 5). Initialization here handles all combinations; the body of the code has two sections that are conditionally assembled for either the CSL or Dallas keyboard. The Dallas keyboard driver uses a 40b-word table and about 34b mi on lfKBPage in addition to code for the CSL keyboard. A CSL monitor is 608 visible bits/scanline x 808 visible scanlines; the LF monitor is 1088 x 861, but this microcode reduces its capability to compatibility with the CSL display by framing 608 visible bits by equal size blanked areas to the left and right. Monitors require that a certain amount of time be spent per scanline, determined by the vertical sweep rate. It was empirically determined on a LF monitor that sweep rate could be adjusted about +/- 15 percent, so some flexibility in the io microcode is possible. However, all microcode systems must agree on timing. Time/scanline ~ 29 us (77 fields/second) for the LF monitor and 38 us (60 fields/sec) for the CSL monitor. Also, time/scanline has to be divided in a specified ratio between forward scan and horizontal sync--not much variation in this ratio is allowed. For the oscillators we are using, this is (1088+352) bits/scanline for the LF monitor and (652+104) bits/scanline for the CSL monitor. The forward scan area consists of blanked area, image, visible constant, and blanked area. The image+visible constant are limited by the controller to 1024 bits or less. The visible constant would be setup by initializing the pingpong buffers to some pattern, but this isn't done below (i.e., the size of the visible constant is 0). Differences among the monitors appear in initialization for HRam and in the code commencing at vFDone, which controls vertical blank and sync timing; HRam initialization considerations are as follows: vBufStart = 150b, so 230b nibbles (=608 bits =38 words) of data are supplied by the task per scanline, independent of what monitor is used. The midline control bit in HRam should appear half-way through the line. For the LF monitor, there are 1088 bits (= 420b nibbles) in the forward scan, 352 bits (= 130b nibbles) of horizontal sync; ML should appear 1/2 * 550b nibbles after the start of the forward scan. Since data begins at AAR=150b, ML should appear at 150b+264b-number of blanked nibbles following horizontal sync, or at AAR=434b-number of nibbles following horizontal sync. Total vert blanking = xVSStart + xSyncLength + xBlankLength + 14d scanlines. For the LF monitor, lfVSStart may vary between about 11b and 300b, thereby controlling the field rate. At 11b (77 fields/sec), no flicker is noticeable; at 140b (65 fields/sec), flicker is just barely noticeable; at 300b (55 fields/sec) flicker definitely degrades the picture. Increasing the parameter without adjusting the monitor spreads the picture vertically, so not too much dynamic variation is permissible. For the CSL monitor, very little variation in the vertical parameters is possible; the current choice results in 60 fields/second. % MC[lfVSStart,213]; *Nscanlines - 1 before start of vert sync field B *(+1 added for field A). MC[lfSyncLength,11]; *Nscanlines - 10d in which vert sync asserted *Spec is 18 lines of vertical sync/field MC[lfBlankLength,15]; *Nscanlines - 3 after vert sync before starting frame MC[cslVSStart,1]; MC[cslSyncLength,7]; MC[cslBlankLength,14]; *These are the Alto-compatible numbers MC[vMaxYh,400]; *no. visible scan lines per field/2 -1 MC[vMaxYl,223]; *(= 808 visible scanlines/screen Alto compatible)