(FILECREATED "30-Sep-84 15:48:10" {ERIS}<LISPCORE>SOURCES>PMAP.;7 44529 changes to: (FNS \PAGED.GETNEXTBUFFER \SETEOF) previous date: "22-Aug-84 12:45:29" {ERIS}<LISPCORE>SOURCES>PMAP.;6) (* Copyright (c) 1982, 1983, 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PMAPCOMS) (RPAQQ PMAPCOMS ((* Page mapping primitives. This file is shared with VAX.) (FNS ADDMAPBUFFER \ALLOCMAPBUFFER CHECKBUFFERREFVAL CLEARMAP \WRITEOUTBUFFERS \CLEARMAP DOPMAP FINDPTRSBUFFER FORGETPAGES \GETMAPBUFFER LOCKMAP MAPAFTERCLOSE MAPBUFFERCOUNT MAPPAGE MAPWORD \RELEASEBUFFER RELEASINGVMEMPAGE RESTOREMAP UNLOCKMAP \MAPPAGE \COLLECTDIRTYBUFS \SETIODIRTY) (FNS WORDCONTENTS SETWORDCONTENTS /SETWORDCONTENTS WORDOFFSET) (EXPORT (PROP BYTEMACRO WORDCONTENTS SETWORDCONTENTS WORDOFFSET)) (COMS (ADDVARS (DEFAULTMAPFILE) (SYSTEMBUFFERLIST) (MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST)) (GLOBALVARS SYSTEMBUFFERLIST MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST DEFAULTMAPFILE)) [COMS (* Functions for page-mapped devices) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (EXPORT (MACROS \RELEASECPAGE))) (FNS \MAKE.PMAP.DEVICE \PAGEDBACKFILEPTR \PAGEDSETFILEPTR \PAGED.INCFILEPTR \PAGEDGETFILEPTR \PAGEDGETEOFPTR \PAGEDREADP \PAGEDEOFP \PAGED.GETNEXTBUFFER \PAGED.FORCEOUTPUT \UPDATEOF \READPAGES \WRITEPAGES) (FNS \SETEOF \PAGED.SETEOFPTR \NEWLENGTHIS) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY (* For TEXTOFD) (P (PUTD (QUOTE \PAGEDBIN) (GETD (QUOTE \BUFFERED.BIN)) T) (PUTD (QUOTE \PAGEDPEEKBIN) (GETD (QUOTE \BUFFERED.PEEKBIN)) T] (FNS PPBUFS) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (RECORDS BUFFER) EVAL@COMPILE (MACROS GETBUFFERPTR CHECKBUFFERREF CPBUFFERP BUFFERINUSEP UNDIRTY DIRTYP) (I.S.OPRS INBUFS)) (INITRECORDS BUFFER) (LOCALVARS . T))) (* Page mapping primitives. This file is shared with VAX.) (DEFINEQ (ADDMAPBUFFER [LAMBDA (TEMP ERRORFLG) (* rrb "16-DEC-79 15:54") (* old entry left arond for compatibility) NIL]) (\ALLOCMAPBUFFER [LAMBDA NIL (* lmm "10-MAR-83 23:19") (* allocates a new buffer. The new buffer will be put on SYSTEMBUFFERLIST which is used by the GC when releasing a buffer.) (* This should be the only function that creates BUFFERs.) (SETQ SYSTEMBUFFERLIST (create BUFFER VMEMPAGE ←(NCREATE (QUOTE VMEMPAGEP)) SYSNEXT ← SYSTEMBUFFERLIST]) (CHECKBUFFERREFVAL [LAMBDA (BUFF) (* lmm "10-MAR-83 23:23") (* checks the reference bit of a buffer descriptor and sets it if it is off. Also returns the value of the buffer page ptr so that it will be on the stack and therefore not be reset if a gc occurs.) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (COND ((fetch NOREFERENCE of BUFF) (\DELREF (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFF)) (replace NOREFERENCE of BUFF with NIL))) (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFF))]) (CLEARMAP [LAMBDA (FILE PAGES RELEASE) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 19:56") (* Clears the usermapped PAGES of FILE from the buffers. RELEASE is for compatibility with MAXC.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS \OPENFILES)) (COND ((EQ FILE T) (* T denotes all files) (for STREAM in \OPENFILES do (\CLEARMAP STREAM PAGES T))) (T (PROG NIL (\CLEARMAP (OR (\GETSTREAM FILE NIL T) (RETURN)) PAGES T]) (\WRITEOUTBUFFERS [LAMBDA (BUFFER STREAM) (* bvm: "16-May-84 14:32") (* writes the contents of a buffer back out to the file they are mapped from. BUFFER can be a single buffer or a list of buffers containing ascending contiguous pages) (COND ((LISTP BUFFER) (\WRITEPAGES STREAM (fetch FILEPAGE# of (CAR BUFFER)) (for BUF in BUFFER collect (CHECKBUFFERREFVAL BUF))) (for BUF in BUFFER do (UNDIRTY BUF STREAM))) (T (\WRITEPAGES STREAM (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) (CHECKBUFFERREFVAL BUFFER)) (* reset dirty bit.) (UNDIRTY BUFFER STREAM]) (\CLEARMAP [LAMBDA (STREAM PAGES USERFLG) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 16:29") (* clears pages from an ofd writing them out if they are dirty. PAGES is a page# or a list of page#s or NIL. USERFLG is T for user calls and if PAGES is NIL, causes all usermapped pages to get written out.) (* first write out any buffers that are dirty. This is done first to keep the manipulation of buffer pointers away from disk operations and allows the pages to be written out in ascending order.) (COND ((DIRTYABLE STREAM) (FDEVOP (QUOTE FORCEOUTPUT) (fetch DEVICE of STREAM) STREAM))) (PROG ((BUFFER (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) PREVBUFFER) LP (COND ((NULL BUFFER) (RETURN)) ((COND ((NULL PAGES) (COND (USERFLG (* User is asking for all mapped pages to be cleared, Is this a usermapped page?) (fetch USERMAPPED of BUFFER)) (T (* system call, clear all pages) T))) ((NLISTP PAGES) (EQ PAGES (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER))) ((FMEMB (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) PAGES))) (* found a page to clear.) (* this may cause extra IO system buffers to get unallocated. this is ok in that they will get reallocated up to the standard number but not ok in that if the file was opened specifying more that the standard number, the extras will get lost.) (\RELEASEBUFFER [PROG1 BUFFER (COND [PREVBUFFER (* This isn't the first buffer on list.) (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREVBUFFER with (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER] (T (* deleting the first buffer, change the STREAM) (replace BUFFS of STREAM with (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER] STREAM) (GO LP)) (T (SETQ PREVBUFFER BUFFER) (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER)) (GO LP]) (DOPMAP [LAMBDA (PAGE# STREAM VMEMPAGE) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 19:57") (* reads a page from a file into a block of storage. If the protection bits are ever implemented in hardware, this should set them from a new argument.) (\READPAGES STREAM PAGE# VMEMPAGE) (* We return the page pointer to ensure that it remains on the stack to guard against inclement garbage collections) VMEMPAGE]) (FINDPTRSBUFFER [LAMBDA (PTR NOERRORFLG) (* lmm "10-MAR-83 23:20") (* given a pointer to a mapped location, return the buffer which contains that pointer. Causes error if no such buffer (thus this is used as a checking function too)) (COND [(bind (B ← SYSTEMBUFFERLIST) while B do (COND ((EQ PTR (fetch VMEMPAGE of B)) (RETURN B)) (T (SETQ B (fetch SYSNEXT of B] (NOERRORFLG NIL) (T (ERROR PTR "not a MAPPAGE pointer"]) (FORGETPAGES [LAMBDA (STREAM FROMPAGE TOPAGE) (* bvm: "12-NOV-83 16:51") (* cleans pages out of the map. Used only by truncate file to throw away any trancated pages that might be mapped. Pages FROMPAGE to TOPAGE inclusive are forgotten. If FROMPAGE is NIL uses 0, if TOPAGE is NIL, uses last page.) (COND ((OR (NULL TOPAGE) (NULL FROMPAGE) (IGEQ TOPAGE FROMPAGE)) (PROG (REFFED (BUFFER (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) PREVBUFFER) LP (COND ((NULL BUFFER) (RETURN REFFED)) ((AND (OR (NULL FROMPAGE) (IGEQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) FROMPAGE)) (OR (NULL TOPAGE) (ILEQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) TOPAGE))) (* this is a BUFFER to process) [COND ((BUFFERINUSEP BUFFER STREAM) (* if buffer is still referenced, note to return that fact.) (SETQ REFFED (CONS (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) REFFED] [COND (PREVBUFFER (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREVBUFFER with (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER))) (T (replace BUFFS of STREAM with (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER] (* MAPOUTBUFFER changes the structure of BUFFER so make change to BUFFS before it is called.) (\RELEASEBUFFER BUFFER STREAM) [SETQ BUFFER (COND (PREVBUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of PREVBUFFER)) (T (fetch BUFFS of STREAM] (GO LP)) (T (SETQ PREVBUFFER BUFFER) (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER)) (GO LP]) (\GETMAPBUFFER [LAMBDA NIL (* bvm: "12-NOV-83 16:54") (* gets a map buffer from the free list or creates a new one. Some of the ones on the free list may still be referenced by user structure and hence can't be used. the reference counts will actually be behind the real ones because PMAPs only gets updated when a garbage collection occurs. A possible strategy before allocating a new one or if none can be allocated is to force a garbage collection.) (COND [(AND MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST (COND [(OR (NOT (fetch USERMAPPED of MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST)) (fetch NOREFERENCE of MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST)) (* is first empty buffer unreferenced or has it never been user mapped?) (replace IODIRTY of MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST with NIL) (replace USERMAPPED of MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST with NIL) (PROG1 MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST (SETQ MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST (fetch BUFFERNEXT of MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST] (T (* find the first not referenced one and return it.) (PROG ((PREV MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST) (BUF MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST)) LP (COND ((NULL (SETQ BUF (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUF))) (RETURN NIL)) ((OR (NOT (fetch USERMAPPED of BUF)) (fetch NOREFERENCE of BUF)) (* buffer is not referenced or was never user mapped.) (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREV with (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUF)) (replace IODIRTY of BUF with NIL) (replace USERMAPPED of BUF with NIL) (RETURN BUF)) (T (SETQ PREV BUF) (GO LP] (T (* if there isn't one that's not referenced, create a new one.) (\ALLOCMAPBUFFER]) (LOCKMAP [LAMBDA (PTR) (* rrb "15-SEP-79 18:17") (* is a noop on the dorado all buffers are locked until no longer referenced.) PTR]) (MAPAFTERCLOSE [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 20:08") (* this function is called after closing a file.) (\CLEARMAP STREAM) (AND DEFAULTMAPFILE (EQ STREAM (\GETSTREAM DEFAULTMAPFILE)) (SETQ DEFAULTMAPFILE NIL]) (MAPBUFFERCOUNT [LAMBDA (AVAILFLG) (* rrb " 2-JAN-80 15:47") (* counts either the total number of buffers or the number available for use now.) (bind B←SYSTEMBUFFERLIST while B count (PROG1 (OR (NOT AVAILFLG) (fetch NOREFERENCE of B) (NOT (fetch USERMAPPED of B))) (SETQ B (fetch SYSNEXT of B]) (MAPPAGE [LAMBDA (PAGE# FILE READONLY) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 19:55") (* establishes a buffer for a page of a file and (since semantics of 10 require it) checks to make sure file is open for reading.) (* must set the eof pointer if this page is past the current eof and the file is writable, unless user says READONLY in which case we don't guarantee that (accidental) changes to the buffer will get saved in the file.) (PROG ((STREAM (\GETSTREAM FILE))) (OR (fetch PAGEMAPPED of (fetch DEVICE of STREAM)) (ERROR STREAM "not page-mappable")) (RETURN (SELECTQ (fetch ACCESS of STREAM) (INPUT (\MAPPAGE PAGE# STREAM T)) [BOTH (PROG1 (\MAPPAGE PAGE# STREAM T) (OR READONLY (COND ((ILEQ (fetch EPAGE of STREAM) PAGE#) (* user is mapping for write the last page or a page beyond the last one, set the EOF to the zeroth byte of the next page. This assumes that BOUT keeps at least the page part of the EOF up to date with its output.) (\SETEOF STREAM (ADD1 PAGE#) 0] (ERROR STREAM "must be open for input to map."]) (MAPWORD [LAMBDA (FILEADR FILE) (* lmm "10-MAR-83 23:33") (* changed to contain dorado standard page size constants.) (WORDOFFSET (MAPPAGE (FOLDLO FILEADR WORDSPERPAGE) FILE) (MOD FILEADR BYTESPERPAGE]) (\RELEASEBUFFER [LAMBDA (BUFFER STREAM) (* bvm: "12-NOV-83 16:51") (* releases a buffer by moving it from the STREAM to the free list. it will not be taken off the free list if it is still referenced and it has been usermapped.) (* put the buffer on the free list.) (replace BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER with MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST) (SETQ MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST BUFFER]) (RELEASINGVMEMPAGE [LAMBDA (PTR) (* bvm: "24-JUN-82 17:01") (* this function is called by the garbage collector when it determines that PTR is a VMEMPAGE to which there are no pointers. If this function returns T, PTR will not be put on the free list. This function checks to see if PTR is a buffer and if so, marks that buffer's descriptor as available. If not, the user has created and used PTR so zero it before it goes onto free list.) (COND ((SETQ PTR (FINDPTRSBUFFER PTR T)) (replace NOREFERENCE of PTR with T) T]) (RESTOREMAP [LAMBDA (STREAM PAGES) (* bvm: "12-NOV-83 16:51") (* This function is called by LOGOUT after it has returned on any file that has been found to be changed. It remaps any pages that are referenced (LOGOUT calls RECLAIM) and returns a list of their page numbers.) (PROG ((STRM (\GETSTREAM STREAM)) (BUFFER (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) PREVBUFFER REFFED) LP [COND ((NULL BUFFER) (RETURN REFFED)) ([OR (NULL PAGES) (for P inside PAGES thereis (EQ P (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER] (* found a page to restore. If page is not referenced, don't bother to remap it. If it is referenced, map it and return its page number.) (COND ((BUFFERINUSEP BUFFER STRM) (* if r/w bits are ever made accessible to LISP, they should be gotten from the ofd and passed to DOPMAP.) (DOPMAP (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) STRM (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFFER)) (SETQ REFFED (CONS (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUFFER) REFFED))) (T (* this may cause extra IO system buffers to get unallocated. this is ok in that they will get reallocated up to the standard number but not ok in that if the file was opened specifying more that the standard number, the extras will get lost.) (\RELEASEBUFFER [PROG1 BUFFER (COND [PREVBUFFER (* This isn't the first buffer on list.) (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREVBUFFER with (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER] (T (* deleting the first buffer, change the STRM) (replace BUFFS of STRM with (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER] STRM) (GO LP] (SETQ PREVBUFFER BUFFER) (SETQ BUFFER (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUFFER)) (GO LP]) (UNLOCKMAP [LAMBDA (PTR) (* rrb "15-SEP-79 18:18") (* is a noop on the dorado all buffers are locked until no longer referenced.) PTR]) (\MAPPAGE [LAMBDA (FILEPAGE# STREAM USERFLG) (* bvm: "17-May-84 10:39") (* maps a page of a file into a buffer. Assumes its arg is an STREAM and has been checked. Currently mapped pages are maintained in the STREAM. The STREAM specifies a fixed number of buffers which are cycled through the sequential IO and more are added if the user calls MAPPAGE. The oldest available buffer is used for the new page and more are allocated if none is available.) (PROG ((BUF (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) #IOBUFFS PREV PREVAVAIL MOREBUFS) [COND ((NULL BUF) (* no buffers yet) (SETQ BUF (\GETMAPBUFFER)) (GO DOPMAP)) ((EQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUF) FILEPAGE#) (* if usermapped, then set bit in buffer.) (COND (USERFLG (replace USERMAPPED of BUF with T))) (CHECKBUFFERREF BUF) (* page is already on top) (RETURN (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUF] (* * not on top -- walk thru the list, looking for the page and noting the last available buffer in case it is not found.) (SETQ #IOBUFFS (COND ((fetch USERMAPPED of BUF) 0) (T 1))) (* Counts number of non-usermapped buffers) (SETQ PREV BUF) LP [COND ((NULL (SETQ BUF (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUF))) (* not found) [COND ((OR (NULL PREVAVAIL) (ILEQ #IOBUFFS (fetch MAXBUFFERS of STREAM))) (* Fewer than the specified max exist so far, so create a new buffer) (SETQ BUF (\GETMAPBUFFER))) (T (SETQ BUF (fetch BUFFERNEXT of PREVAVAIL)) (* write out the old buffer if necessary and remove it from its place in the list) (COND ((AND (DIRTYABLE STREAM) (OR (fetch USERMAPPED of BUF) (DIRTYP BUF STREAM))) (\WRITEOUTBUFFERS (COND ((AND (fetch MULTIBUFFERHINT of STREAM) (SETQ MOREBUFS (\COLLECTDIRTYBUFS (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUF) STREAM))) (* This device likes multiple buffers, so write out as much as we can) (CONS BUF MOREBUFS)) (T BUF)) STREAM))) (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREVAVAIL with (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUF] (* BUF is not a buffer to be used. If interrupted here a buffer could get dropped.) (GO DOPMAP)) ((EQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUF) FILEPAGE#) (* found the page, move it to front.) (CHECKBUFFERREF BUF) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (replace BUFFERNEXT of PREV with (fetch BUFFERNEXT of BUF)) (replace BUFFERNEXT of BUF with (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) (replace BUFFS of STREAM with BUF)) (RETURN (GETBUFFERPTR BUF))) ((OR (NULL (fetch USERMAPPED of BUF)) (fetch NOREFERENCE of BUF)) (* BUF is available) (SETQ PREVAVAIL PREV) (SETQ #IOBUFFS (ADD1 #IOBUFFS] (* advance to next buffer on list.) (SETQ PREV BUF) (GO LP) DOPMAP (RETURN (PROG1 (DOPMAP FILEPAGE# STREAM (CHECKBUFFERREFVAL BUF)) (* PROG1 holds page pointer) (replace FILEPAGE# of BUF with FILEPAGE#) (replace BUFFERNEXT of BUF with (fetch BUFFS of STREAM)) (* move to front of buffer list) (replace BUFFS of STREAM with BUF) (replace USERMAPPED of BUF with USERFLG]) (\COLLECTDIRTYBUFS [LAMBDA (FIRSTPAGE STREAM) (* bvm: "16-May-84 14:38") (* * Returns a list of buffers that contain contiguously ascending dirty pages in STREAM immediately beyond FIRSTPAGE) (bind NEXTBUF (LASTPAGE ←(ADD1 FIRSTPAGE)) while [SETQ NEXTBUF (find B inbufs (fetch BUFFS of STREAM) suchthat (AND (EQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of B) LASTPAGE) (OR (fetch USERMAPPED of B) (DIRTYP B STREAM] collect (PROGN (add LASTPAGE 1) NEXTBUF]) (\SETIODIRTY [LAMBDA (STREAM PAGENUMBER) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 20:00") (* marks a buffer descriptor as dirty.) (for BUF inbufs (fetch BUFFS of STREAM) when (EQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of BUF) PAGENUMBER) do (replace IODIRTY of BUF with T) (RETURN BUF) finally (SHOULDNT) (* It better be there somewhere)]) ) (DEFINEQ (WORDCONTENTS [LAMBDA (PTR) (* lmm "28-FEB-82 23:24") (CHECK (FINDPTRSBUFFER PTR T)) (\GETBASE PTR 0]) (SETWORDCONTENTS [LAMBDA (PTR N) (* lmm "28-FEB-82 23:21") (* stores into a word in a buffer. Does error checking which is not done by macro.) (OR (FINDPTRSBUFFER PTR T) (ERROR PTR "not a PMAP buffer.")) (\PUTBASE PTR 0 N]) (/SETWORDCONTENTS [LAMBDA (PTR N) (* lmm "18-SEP-78 00:26") [AND LISPXHIST (UNDOSAVE (LIST (FUNCTION /SETWORDCONTENTS) PTR (WORDCONTENTS PTR] (SETWORDCONTENTS PTR N]) (WORDOFFSET [LAMBDA (PTR N) (* lmm "28-FEB-82 23:22") (CHECK (FINDPTRSBUFFER PTR T)) (\ADDBASE PTR N]) ) (* FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS EXPORTED) (PUTPROPS WORDCONTENTS BYTEMACRO ((PTR) (\GETBASE PTR 0))) (PUTPROPS SETWORDCONTENTS BYTEMACRO ((PTR N) (\PUTBASE PTR 0 N))) (PUTPROPS WORDOFFSET BYTEMACRO ((PTR N) (\ADDBASE PTR N))) (* END EXPORTED DEFINITIONS) (ADDTOVAR DEFAULTMAPFILE ) (ADDTOVAR SYSTEMBUFFERLIST ) (ADDTOVAR MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST ) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS SYSTEMBUFFERLIST MAPEMPTYBUFFERLIST DEFAULTMAPFILE) ) (* Functions for page-mapped devices) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (* FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS EXPORTED) (DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (PUTPROPS \RELEASECPAGE MACRO ((STREAM) (PROGN (* Must be under an UNINTERRUPTABLY !) (COND ((fetch CBUFDIRTY of STREAM) (\SETIODIRTY STREAM (fetch CPAGE of STREAM)) (replace CBUFDIRTY of STREAM with NIL))) (replace CBUFSIZE of STREAM with 0) (replace CBUFPTR of STREAM with NIL)))) ) (* END EXPORTED DEFINITIONS) ) (DEFINEQ (\MAKE.PMAP.DEVICE [LAMBDA (DEVICE) (* bvm: "10-Jul-84 13:54") (* * Installs the device ops needed to make DEVICE a pagemapped device. Returns DEVICE) [with FDEV DEVICE (SETQ FDBINABLE T) (SETQ FDBOUTABLE T) (SETQ FDEXTENDABLE T) (SETQ RESETABLE T) (SETQ RANDOMACCESSP T) (SETQ PAGEMAPPED T) (SETQ BUFFERED T) (SETQ BIN (FUNCTION \BUFFERED.BIN)) (SETQ BOUT (FUNCTION \BUFFERED.BOUT)) (SETQ PEEKBIN (FUNCTION \BUFFERED.PEEKBIN)) (SETQ READP (FUNCTION \PAGEDREADP)) (SETQ BACKFILEPTR (FUNCTION \PAGEDBACKFILEPTR)) (SETQ SETFILEPTR (FUNCTION \PAGEDSETFILEPTR)) (SETQ GETFILEPTR (FUNCTION \PAGEDGETFILEPTR)) (SETQ GETEOFPTR (FUNCTION \PAGEDGETEOFPTR)) (SETQ SETEOFPTR (FUNCTION \PAGED.SETEOFPTR)) (SETQ EOFP (FUNCTION \PAGEDEOFP)) (SETQ BLOCKIN (FUNCTION \BUFFERED.BINS)) (SETQ BLOCKOUT (FUNCTION \BUFFERED.BOUTS)) (SETQ GETNEXTBUFFER (FUNCTION \PAGED.GETNEXTBUFFER)) (COND ((OR (NULL FORCEOUTPUT) (EQ FORCEOUTPUT (FUNCTION NILL))) (SETQ FORCEOUTPUT (FUNCTION \PAGED.FORCEOUTPUT] DEVICE]) (\PAGEDBACKFILEPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 16:45") (* also see similar function \DRIBBACKFILEPTR) [COND ((APPENDONLY STREAM) (LISPERROR "ILLEGAL ARG" (fetch FULLNAME of STREAM] (* Checks done separately so we dont take an error with interrupts off) (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (COND ([NOT (AND (ZEROP (fetch COFFSET of STREAM)) (ZEROP (fetch CPAGE of STREAM] (UNINTERRUPTABLY [replace COFFSET of STREAM with (COND ((ZEROP (fetch COFFSET of STREAM)) (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM) (add (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) -1) (SUB1 BYTESPERPAGE)) (T (SUB1 (fetch COFFSET of STREAM] [replace (STREAM CHARPOSITION) of STREAM with (IMAX 0 (SUB1 (fetch (STREAM CHARPOSITION) of STREAM])]) (\PAGEDSETFILEPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM INDX) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 16:32") (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (* Update the EOF in case we have writen thru it) (PROG ((NEWPAGE (fetch (BYTEPTR PAGE) of INDX)) (NEWOFF (fetch (BYTEPTR OFFSET) of INDX))) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (COND ([OR (NEQ NEWPAGE (fetch CPAGE of STREAM)) (AND (APPENDONLY STREAM) (ILESSP NEWOFF (fetch COFFSET of STREAM] (* Force page release if ptr is going off the beaten path) (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM) (replace CPAGE of STREAM with NEWPAGE))) (replace COFFSET of STREAM with NEWOFF))]) (\PAGED.INCFILEPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM AMOUNT) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 22:14") (UNINTERRUPTABLY (PROG ((NEWOFF (IPLUS (fetch COFFSET of STREAM) AMOUNT)) NEWPAGE) (* SETFILEPTR sets CHARPOSITION to zero, but callers of \INCFILEPTR don't care, by fiat) (COND ((IGEQ NEWOFF BYTESPERPAGE) (* New page) (SETQ NEWPAGE (IPLUS (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) (fetch (BYTEPTR PAGE) of NEWOFF))) (SETQ NEWOFF (fetch (BYTEPTR OFFSET) of NEWOFF))) [(ILESSP NEWOFF 0) (* New page going backward) [SETQ NEWPAGE (IDIFFERENCE (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) (fetch (BYTEPTR PAGE) of (SETQ NEWOFF (SUB1 (IDIFFERENCE BYTESPERPAGE NEWOFF] (COND ((ILESSP NEWPAGE 0) (* Probably shouldn't happen; should it be an error?) (SETQ NEWPAGE 0))) (SETQ NEWOFF (SUB1 (IDIFFERENCE BYTESPERPAGE (fetch (BYTEPTR OFFSET) of NEWOFF] (T (* easy case, no page turn) (COND ((ILESSP AMOUNT 0) (* Backing up, may have to set the eof if we have been writing) (\UPDATEOF STREAM))) (replace COFFSET of STREAM with NEWOFF) (RETURN))) (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM) (replace CPAGE of STREAM with NEWPAGE) (replace COFFSET of STREAM with NEWOFF)))]) (\PAGEDGETFILEPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* rmk: " 2-JUL-82 13:07") (create BYTEPTR PAGE ←(fetch CPAGE of STREAM) OFFSET ←(fetch COFFSET of STREAM]) (\PAGEDGETEOFPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* bvm: "26-DEC-81 15:48") (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (* If we have been writing the EOF may not be current) (create BYTEPTR PAGE ←(fetch EPAGE of STREAM) OFFSET ←(fetch EOFFSET of STREAM]) (\PAGEDREADP [LAMBDA (STREAM FLG) (* bvm: "11-Jul-84 22:58") (* The 10 does not do the EOL check on the peeked character.) (* If FLG is NIL, a single EOL as the last character of the file doesn't count.) (AND (NOT (\PAGEDEOFP STREAM)) (OR (NOT (NULL FLG)) (NEQ EOL.TC (\SYNCODE \PRIMTERMSA (\BUFFERED.PEEKBIN STREAM))) (OR (ILESSP (ffetch CPAGE of STREAM) (ffetch EPAGE of STREAM)) (PROGN (* Having done a \PAGEDPEEKBIN above, we won't be in the case where COFFSET is BYTESPERPAGE Thus there are at least two characters in the buffer) (ILESSP (ADD1 (ffetch COFFSET of STREAM)) (ffetch CBUFSIZE of STREAM]) (\PAGEDEOFP [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* JonL "10-JUN-83 00:50") (* Determines if a paged file is at EOF.) (OR (READONLY STREAM) (\UPDATEOF STREAM)) (COND ((ILESSP (IPLUS (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) (FOLDLO (fetch COFFSET of STREAM) BYTESPERPAGE)) (fetch EPAGE of STREAM)) (* Not on last page yet, so not eof. Need to figure in the COFFSET because it is possible for COFFSET to be BYTESPERPAGE before the page is turned) NIL) ((IGREATERP (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) (fetch EPAGE of STREAM))) ((IGEQ (IMOD (fetch COFFSET of STREAM) BYTESPERPAGE) (fetch EOFFSET of STREAM]) (\PAGED.GETNEXTBUFFER [LAMBDA (STREAM WHATFOR NOERRORFLG) (* bvm: "30-Sep-84 15:14") (* Advances STREAM to a new page. Leaves the current page pointer NIL as the new page may never be written, so must update eof. Returns T on success; any other return is a value to use by \BIN) (PROG ((CPAGE# (fetch CPAGE of STREAM)) (COFF (fetch COFFSET of STREAM)) EPAGE# BUF) [COND ((NOT (OPENED STREAM)) (LISPERROR "FILE NOT OPEN" (fetch FULLNAME of STREAM] (COND ((AND (ILESSP COFF (SELECTQ WHATFOR (READ (fetch CBUFSIZE of STREAM)) BYTESPERPAGE)) (fetch CBUFPTR of STREAM)) (* Is ok, why were we called?) (RETURN T))) (* Buffer exhausted or empty) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (* Clean up current page) (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM) (if (EQ COFF BYTESPERPAGE) then (* Change to be first byte of next page instead of beyond last byte of previous page) (replace COFFSET of STREAM with (SETQ COFF 0)) (replace CPAGE of STREAM with (add CPAGE# 1)))) [COND ([AND (IGEQ CPAGE# (SETQ EPAGE# (fetch EPAGE of STREAM))) (OR (NEQ CPAGE# EPAGE#) (IGEQ COFF (fetch EOFFSET of STREAM] (* Current file pointer is at or past end of file) (SELECTQ WHATFOR [READ (RETURN (AND (NULL NOERRORFLG) (\EOF.ACTION STREAM] (WRITE (UNINTERRUPTABLY (replace EPAGE of STREAM with (SETQ EPAGE# CPAGE#)) (replace EOFFSET of STREAM with COFF))) (SHOULDNT] (* * Now fill the buffer -- map in current page) (SETQ BUF (\MAPPAGE CPAGE# STREAM)) (* This is interruptable) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (replace CBUFSIZE of STREAM with (COND ((ILESSP CPAGE# EPAGE#) (* Full page) BYTESPERPAGE) ((EQ CPAGE# EPAGE#) (* Last page) (fetch EOFFSET of STREAM)) (T (* Beyond EOF so no data) 0))) (replace CBUFMAXSIZE of STREAM with BYTESPERPAGE) (replace CBUFPTR of STREAM with BUF)) (RETURN T]) (\PAGED.FORCEOUTPUT [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* bvm: "22-Aug-84 12:44") (* Flushes the contents of any dirty pages back into the file but leaves them available to LISP. As there is no way to know whether or not a usermapped page has been changed, such pages will be written out again when the ofd is closed.) (SETQ STREAM (\GETSTREAM STREAM (QUOTE OUTPUT))) (COND ((DIRTYABLE STREAM) (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM)) (PROG [(BUFFERS (SORT (for B inbufs (fetch BUFFS of STREAM) when (OR (fetch USERMAPPED of B) (DIRTYP B)) collect B) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X Y) (IGREATERP (fetch FILEPAGE# of Y) (fetch FILEPAGE# of X] (* Write out any dirty pages, in ascending order.) (while BUFFERS do (\WRITEOUTBUFFERS (PROG1 BUFFERS (* Write out as many contiguous ones as possible) (bind (B ← BUFFERS) (N ←(fetch FILEPAGE# of (CAR BUFFERS))) while (AND (CDR B) (EQ (fetch FILEPAGE# of (CADR B)) (ADD1 N))) do (SETQ B (CDR B)) (add N 1) finally (SETQ BUFFERS (CDR B)) (RPLACD B NIL))) STREAM))) (\TRUNCATEFILE STREAM) (* Adjusts length on device) )) STREAM]) (\UPDATEOF [LAMBDA (STREAM) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 16:53") (* The EOF needs updating if we have written past the EOF. We check CBUFPTR to detect phony file positions from SETFILEPTR and TURNPAGE that were never actually written thru) (AND (fetch CBUFPTR of STREAM) (PROGN (* Determines if the current file ptr is BEYOND the end of file. Since page is loaded, we can test against the CBUFSIZE. As we are ignoring the equal case, we dont need the test for page numbers used by FASTEOF.) (IGREATERP (fetch COFFSET of STREAM) (fetch CBUFSIZE of STREAM))) (\SETEOF STREAM (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) (fetch COFFSET of STREAM]) (\READPAGES [LAMBDA (STREAM FIRSTPAGE BUFFERLIST) (* bvm: "26-DEC-81 15:44") (* Read data from the file specified by open file descriptor OFD, starting with FIRSTPAGE into the buffers given in BUFFERLIST. If BUFFERLIST is not a list, then it is assumed to be a pointer to a buffer into which a single page is read.) (FDEVOP (QUOTE READPAGES) (fetch DEVICE of STREAM) STREAM FIRSTPAGE BUFFERLIST]) (\WRITEPAGES [LAMBDA (STREAM FIRSTPAGE BUFFERLIST) (* bvm: "26-DEC-81 15:44") (* Write data into the file specified by open file descriptor OFD, starting with FIRSTPAGE from the buffers given in BUFFERLIST. If BUFFERLIST is not a list, then it is assumed to be a pointer to a buffer from which a single page is written.) (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (* Make EOF current) (FDEVOP (QUOTE WRITEPAGES) (fetch DEVICE of STREAM) STREAM FIRSTPAGE BUFFERLIST]) ) (DEFINEQ (\SETEOF [LAMBDA (STREAM EP EO) (* bvm: "30-Sep-84 15:12") (* Sets the end of file. If new end of file is on the current page, resets the character count if necessary.) [COND ((IGEQ EO BYTESPERPAGE) (add EP (fetch (BYTEPTR PAGE) of EO)) (SETQ EO (fetch (BYTEPTR OFFSET) of EO] (UNINTERRUPTABLY (replace EPAGE of STREAM with EP) (replace EOFFSET of STREAM with EO) (COND ((NULL (fetch CBUFPTR of STREAM)) (* nothing mapped, so no fuss) ) ((EQ EP (fetch CPAGE of STREAM)) (replace CBUFSIZE of STREAM with EO)) ((IGREATERP (fetch CPAGE of STREAM) EP) (\RELEASECPAGE STREAM) (* Page no longer exists) ) (T (* If there's a page mapped in, it must not be the last page now, so make sure its CBUFSIZE is maximal. Otherwise we lose when EO was 512) (replace CBUFSIZE of STREAM with BYTESPERPAGE))) NIL)]) (\PAGED.SETEOFPTR [LAMBDA (STREAM NBYTES) (* bvm: " 7-Jun-84 22:55") (PROG ((NEWEP (fetch (BYTEPTR PAGE) of NBYTES)) (NEWEO (fetch (BYTEPTR OFFSET) of NBYTES))) (RETURN (SELECTQ (\NEWLENGTHIS STREAM NEWEP NEWEO) (SHORTER (COND ((OVERWRITEABLE STREAM) (FORGETPAGES STREAM (ADD1 NEWEP) (PROG1 (fetch EPAGE of STREAM) (* Remember the old last page) (\SETEOF STREAM NEWEP NEWEO) (* Shorten the OFD's view of the file) )) (* FORGETPAGES tells PMAP to throw away the extra pages. The \SETEOF is done first so that an interrupt will not leave STREAM pointing to old and possibly partially overwritten pages.) (\ZEROBYTES (\MAPPAGE NEWEP STREAM) NEWEO (CONSTANT (SUB1 BYTESPERPAGE))) (* Zero out the trailing fragment of the last page) (\SETIODIRTY STREAM NEWEP) (* Note that its dirty) (\TRUNCATEFILE STREAM NEWEP NEWEO) (* Shorten the real file) T))) (SAME (* Nothing to do) T) (LONGER (if (APPENDABLE STREAM) then (\SETEOF STREAM NEWEP NEWEO) T)) (SHOULDNT]) (\NEWLENGTHIS [LAMBDA (STREAM PGE OFF) (* bvm: "26-DEC-81 15:49") (* Computes whether PGE OFF pair is longer or shorter than the current end of file) (\UPDATEOF STREAM) (* Before comparing, make it current) (PROG ((TMP (IDIFFERENCE (fetch EPAGE of STREAM) PGE))) (RETURN (COND ((ILESSP TMP 0) (QUOTE LONGER)) [(ZEROP TMP) (SETQ TMP (IDIFFERENCE (fetch EOFFSET of STREAM) OFF)) (COND ((ILESSP TMP 0) (QUOTE LONGER)) ((ZEROP TMP) (QUOTE SAME)) (T (QUOTE SHORTER] (T (QUOTE SHORTER]) ) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOCOPY (PUTD (QUOTE \PAGEDBIN) (GETD (QUOTE \BUFFERED.BIN)) T) (PUTD (QUOTE \PAGEDPEEKBIN) (GETD (QUOTE \BUFFERED.PEEKBIN)) T) ) (DEFINEQ (PPBUFS [LAMBDA (BUF0) (* rmk: " 7-APR-81 20:53") (* Displays a buffer chain) (for B inbufs BUF0 do (printout T "[" (fetch FILEPAGE# of B) ": " B "] ") finally (TERPRI T]) ) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY [DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (DATATYPE BUFFER (FILEPAGE# (VMEMPAGE XPOINTER) BUFFERNEXT SYSNEXT (NOREFERENCE FLAG) (USERMAPPED FLAG) (IODIRTY FLAG))) ] (/DECLAREDATATYPE (QUOTE BUFFER) (QUOTE (POINTER XPOINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG FLAG FLAG))) EVAL@COMPILE (DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (PUTPROPS GETBUFFERPTR MACRO ((BUFF) (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFF))) (PUTPROPS CHECKBUFFERREF MACRO [OPENLAMBDA (BUFF) (* bvm: "24-JUN-82 17:03") (* checks the reference field of a buffer descriptor and if no one is referencing it, it creates a reference and changes the flag. The flag is set by the garbage collector when there are no longer any references to the buffer it describes.) (UNINTERRUPTABLY (COND ((fetch NOREFERENCE of BUFF) (* this is a page the reference to which has been dropped, zero its reference count before returning it.) (\DELREF (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFF)) (replace NOREFERENCE of BUFF with NIL))))]) (PUTPROPS CPBUFFERP MACRO ((BUFFER STREAM) (EQ (fetch CBUFPTR of STREAM) (fetch VMEMPAGE of BUFFER)))) (PUTPROPS BUFFERINUSEP MACRO [OPENLAMBDA (BUFFER STREAM) (AND (NULL (fetch NOREFERENCE of BUFFER)) (OR (fetch USERMAPPED of BUFFER) (CPBUFFERP BUFFER STREAM]) (PUTPROPS UNDIRTY MACRO [OPENLAMBDA (BUFFER STREAM) (replace IODIRTY of BUFFER with NIL) (COND ((CPBUFFERP BUFFER STREAM) (replace CBUFDIRTY of STREAM with NIL]) (PUTPROPS DIRTYP MACRO [OPENLAMBDA (BUFFER STREAM) (* rmk: "25-OCT-83 19:57") (* determines if this buffer has been dirtied by the IO system. It can't determine if the user has done a putbase into the page if he got it from MAPPAGE.) (OR (fetch IODIRTY of BUFFER) (AND STREAM (CPBUFFERP BUFFER STREAM) (fetch CBUFDIRTY of STREAM]) ) (DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE [I.S.OPR (QUOTE INBUFS) NIL (QUOTE (first I.V. ← BODY by (fetch BUFFERNEXT of I.V.) until (NULL I.V.] ) ) (/DECLAREDATATYPE (QUOTE BUFFER) (QUOTE (POINTER XPOINTER POINTER POINTER FLAG FLAG FLAG))) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (LOCALVARS) ) (PUTPROPS PMAP COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1982 1983 1984)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1863 22660 (ADDMAPBUFFER 1873 . 2045) (\ALLOCMAPBUFFER 2047 . 2648) (CHECKBUFFERREFVAL 2650 . 3179) (CLEARMAP 3181 . 3785) (\WRITEOUTBUFFERS 3787 . 4490) (\CLEARMAP 4492 . 6687) (DOPMAP 6689 . 7200) (FINDPTRSBUFFER 7202 . 7737) (FORGETPAGES 7739 . 9429) (\GETMAPBUFFER 9431 . 11400) ( LOCKMAP 11402 . 11605) (MAPAFTERCLOSE 11607 . 11952) (MAPBUFFERCOUNT 11954 . 12393) (MAPPAGE 12395 . 13644) (MAPWORD 13646 . 13925) (\RELEASEBUFFER 13927 . 14435) (RELEASINGVMEMPAGE 14437 . 15081) ( RESTOREMAP 15083 . 17102) (UNLOCKMAP 17104 . 17309) (\MAPPAGE 17311 . 21475) (\COLLECTDIRTYBUFS 21477 . 22136) (\SETIODIRTY 22138 . 22658)) (22661 23498 (WORDCONTENTS 22671 . 22814) (SETWORDCONTENTS 22816 . 23130) (/SETWORDCONTENTS 23132 . 23353) (WORDOFFSET 23355 . 23496)) (24590 37830 ( \MAKE.PMAP.DEVICE 24600 . 25740) (\PAGEDBACKFILEPTR 25742 . 26804) (\PAGEDSETFILEPTR 26806 . 27626) ( \PAGED.INCFILEPTR 27628 . 29297) (\PAGEDGETFILEPTR 29299 . 29527) (\PAGEDGETEOFPTR 29529 . 29876) ( \PAGEDREADP 29878 . 30789) (\PAGEDEOFP 30791 . 31611) (\PAGED.GETNEXTBUFFER 31613 . 34343) ( \PAGED.FORCEOUTPUT 34345 . 35982) (\UPDATEOF 35984 . 36764) (\READPAGES 36766 . 37248) (\WRITEPAGES 37250 . 37828)) (37831 41392 (\SETEOF 37841 . 39034) (\PAGED.SETEOFPTR 39036 . 40623) (\NEWLENGTHIS 40625 . 41390)) (41571 41916 (PPBUFS 41581 . 41914))))) STOP