Harmony Patches =============== The following patch files on {ERIS}Harmony>Patches> can be loaded into the released Harmony sysout. ADDDIRFIX Solves AR 2867: DIR {GENIE}USER:* works but DIR USER:* sends (DIRECTORY "YONKE>USER:Drawer!3>dir5>filed. [note: only works for 21-Dec-84 sysout, since it does a \PUTBASE to a specific location (to make a patch in an atom-smashed sysout). PRINT7PATCH PRINT8PATCH Solves AR 2978: Symbols print bad when printing to Interpress printers with EITHER Services 7 or 8; Character set encoding off. PRINT7PATCH requires PRINT8PATCH loaded. PRETTYCOM1PATCH Fixes a bug in the filepkg whereby a filepkg com that had a non-list cdr would get that cdr coerced to NIL, even if the command implementation expected to see the tail. I don't know when this bug was introduced, but it's most visible effect was that the recommended way of suppressing decl type checks at compile time (the command (IGNOREDECL . T)) failed to work. (submitted by Kaplan.pa) PROMPTTIMEOUTPATCH Solves AR 3094: PROMPTFORWORD in Harmony times-out when prompting for Tedit file name; should wait forever. TOPS20FTPPATCH Solves AR 2860: DIR to TOPS-20 is worse in Harmony than Carol. WHATISPATCH Fixes a bug in FILES? such that it spelling corrects a new file name to a close old name, without bothering to ask for confirmation. (submitted by Kaplan.pa)