--SystemTools.config --created by -- JFung.pasa 4-Oct-83 10:19:50 -- Integrated package of SystemTools and online-Diangnostics --last edited by -- JFung.pasa 6-Sep-84 13:57:09 SystemTools: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS AccessFloppy, AccessFloppyUtil, --[sun]<aservices> Address, AddressTranslation, Atom, BitBlt, ByeOps, CH, CHLookup, CHStubInternal, CmFile, CommOnlineDiagnostics, Cursor, --DESFace, [sun]<aservices> DiagnosticsOps, DiskChannel, Display, --DLionInputOutput, Environment, Event, Exec, ExtendedString, File, FileName, FileTransfer, Floppy, FloppyChannel, Format, FormSW, Heap, Inline, KernelFile, LispToolOps, LITComSoftOps, MFile, Msg, MStream, NetworkStream, NSString, OnlineDiagnostics, OthelloDefs, OthelloOps, --PhoneNetDriverFriends, [sun]<aservices> PhysicalVolume, Process, ProcessorFace, Profile, Put, RecOps, Runtime, Scavenger, Socket, Space, SpecialMFile, SpecialRuntime, SpecialVolume, Stream, Storage, String, Supervisor, System, TemporaryBooting, TemporarySetGMT, Time, TIP, Token, Tool, ToolFont, ToolDriver, ToolWindow, UserInput, UserTerminal, Version, VM, Volume, Window, WindowFont, WindowOps EXPORTS DiagnosticsOps, LITComSoftOps, ByeOps, LispToolOps CONTROL LITComSoftImplA, LTByeImplA, LTLispToolImpl = BEGIN -- need to compile following uptill AddressImpl whenever LispToolOps is changed. LTByeImplA; -- driver LTLispToolImpl; -- FormSW stuff LTCopyVMemImpl; -- Copy VMem stuff LTEraseImpl; -- Erase stuff LTFloppyImpl; -- Floppy stuff LTHelpImpl; -- documentation stuff LTHelp2Impl; -- more documentation stuff LTInstallImpl; -- Filing Retrieve/Coroutines stuff LTLoginImpl; -- Profile stuff LTScavengeImpl; -- Scavenge stuff LTScriptImpl; -- Prometheus script stuff LTScript2Impl; -- more Prometheus script stuff LTScript3Impl; -- more more Prometheus script stuff LTSetProfileImpl; -- set profile stuff LTVMemImpl; -- VMEM size stuff LITComSoftImplA; -- TIP stuff AddressImpl; -- from Versatec ExtendedStringImpl; DiagnosticsImplA; -- FormSW hacking DiagnosticsImplB; -- Keyboard and LF display tests DiagnosticsImplC; -- Ethernet test DiagnosticsImplD; -- Floppy tests DiagnosticsImplE; -- Help messages DiagnosticsImplF; -- More help messages DiagnosticsImplG; -- Utilities DiagnosticsImplH; -- RS232C Loopback DiagnosticsImplI; -- 290 (GreenStar) Interface --GreenHeadDLion; from Versatec OthelloOpsImpl; OnlineDiagnosticsDLion; --EtherDiagEchoImpl; --FloppyDiagImpl; --FloppyErrorCheckImpl; --FloppyUtilityImpl; --LFandLearSieglerDiagImpl; --RS232CandRS366OnlineDiagnosticImpl; END.....