-- HelloTriDLion.config -- Masinter/Lichtenberg 21-Aug-84 17:39:40 -- Johnsson 12-Sep-83 22:52:24 DIRECTORY Communication: FROM "UtilityCommunication", HeapImpl: FROM "UnpackedHeapImpl", PilotKernel: FROM "UtilityPilotKernel"; -- NOTE: UtilityPilot.bootmesa uses UtilityPilotClientImpl to make code -- resident. Either clients must PACK all their modules to -- UtilityPilotClientImpl (and add no packaged code) -- or they must change the bootmesa file or they must add -- parameter files. -- There is a seperate bootmesa file for UtilityCommunication; -- The prototype for the Makeboot command is: -- Makeboot Client[parm: UtilityPilot, parm: UtilityCommunication] PACK HelloDevImplDLion, UtilityPilotClientImpl, FreeAllReservedMemory, TTYPortChannel, TTYLearSiegler, HeapImpl; Othello: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS BitBlt, Inline, Format--for SimpleTTY&TTYLearSiegler (unused) stuff--, TTY--for TTYLearSiegler--, OthelloDefs--[GetCannedScript, SuppressOutput, ThereIsAnError]--, RuntimeInternal, RuntimePrograms --no loader-- = BEGIN AdmConfig: CONFIG LINKS: CODE IMPORTS Heap, Process, RealMemory, SpecialRuntime, Stream, Space, TTY, TTYPortFace EXPORTS TTY CONTROL FreeAllReservedMemory, TTYPortChannel, TTYLearSiegler = { FreeAllReservedMemory; TTYPortChannel; TTYLearSiegler}; OthelloConfig: CONFIG -- required to avoid early start traps!!!!! IMPORTS BitBlt, Buffer, ByteBlt, CommunicationInternal, CommUtil, DiskChannel, Driver, FloppyChannel, Floppy, File, Format, Heap, Inline, KernelFile, OthelloDefs, PhysicalVolume, PilotDiskFace, Process, PupDefs, ProcessorFace, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Scavenger, Socket, Space, SpecialBooting, SpecialRuntime, SpecialSpace, SpecialVolume, SpecialSystem, Stats, Stream, System, TemporaryBooting, TemporarySetGMT, TTY, UserTerminal, VM, Volume, VolumeConversion EXPORTS PilotClient, String CONTROL UtilityPilotClientImpl, HelloFTP, HelloLisp, OthelloPup, EtherBooter, VolumeInitImplA, HelloDevImplDLion = { SubHello; HelloDevImplDLion LINKS: CODE}; BasicHeadsTriDLion; Communication; PilotKernel; HeapImpl LINKS: CODE; OthelloConfig; AdmConfig; END.....