-- hello.cm, taken from Othello.cm
-- ftp ret/>A [idun]<APilot>11.0>DF>Othello.df
-- bringover Othello.df

-- @SubHello.CM

Binder HelloDLion.config/c-s HelloTriDLion.config/c-s

-- need to fetch lots of symbols to make these meaningful
-- BcdSignals HelloDLion
-- BcdSignals HelloTriDLion

-- FixChecksum.bcd is found in Othello>Friends (via FixChecksum.df)
-- If the checksum is not fixed, the boot file will still work, but it will not
-- be accepted by the etherboot servers.

-- Boot switches:
--      8 = PilotSwitches.interruptWatcher
--   \372 = PilotSwitchesExtras.useSpecialMemory
--   \373 = PilotSwitchesExtras.useSpecialMemoryIfNoDisplay (actually no keyboard)

MakeBoot HelloDLion[parm: UtilityPilot, parm: UtilityCommunication, switches: "8\373"]/dhu
// ignore the following warning:
// !Warning: the following modules have code links and unbound imports:
//   PilotControl: RuntimePrograms[4]
//   VMImpl: RuntimeInternal[15]
//   UtilityPilotClientImpl: OthelloDefs[36], OthelloDefs[35], OthelloDefs[34]
//   TTYLearSiegler: TTY[4]

FixChecksum HelloDLion.boot

MakeBoot HelloTriDLion[parm: UtilityPilot, parm: UtilityCommunication, switches: "8\373"]/dhu

FixChecksum HelloTriDLion.boot

-- SModel /a Othello.df
-- VerifyDF Othello.df

// done.