-- Star.promscript
-- Edited for Star 3.3OR by Irani       11-Oct-84 10:54:47 

\Partition for Workstation
-- Debug
-- confirm
Confirm Continue?
Pause 4
Confirm Continue?

-- do it
Physical RD0 NYN
Online RD0
Specify System 6700 8000 9000 9000 9000
Create RD0 YStar 2
System  normal
User  normal
-- 2 SP between User & normal for default size  
Check RD0
Comment Disk partitioned

\Install System Software
Comment Ready to Install System Software (Requires 3 floppies: 1 - 3)
Confirm Continue?
Physical RD0 NYN
Online RD0
Erase System

Request 8010 Workstation←#1
Comment Installing System Software (part 1 of 3)...
-- Debug
Initial RD0 SAx000Initial.db
Germ System DLion.germ Y
Pilot System Mesa.db Y
Diagnostic System MoonBoot.db Y
Fetch System StarDLion.boot

Request 8010 Workstation←#2
Comment Installing System Software (part 2 of 3)...
Fetch System StarDLion.boot

Request 8010 Workstation←#3
Comment Installing System Software (part 3 of 3)...
Fetch System StarDLion.boot
Comment System Software Installation Complete

Set Physical System YYYY
Set Boot System Lw{\376

\Install Data Files with Modern Fonts, 6 to 24 Point, Plus Terminal
-- Debug
Online RD0
Comment Ready to Install Data Files (Requires 2 floppies:  4 & 5)  
Confirm Continue

Request 8010 Workstation←#4
Comment Installing Data Files (part 1 of 2)...
Fetch User PrometheusDLion.boot
Set Physical User Y
Save RD0:System

Request 8010 Workstation←#5
Comment Installing Data Files (part 2 of 2)...
Save RD0:System
Boot System bfSl
Comment Installing Data Files 
Online RD0

Delete Boot User
Delete Temporary User
Set Physical System YYYY
Comment Data Files with Modern Fonts, 6 to 24 Point, Plus Terminal Installation Complete

\Install Data Files with Standard Fonts
-- Debug
Online RD0
Comment Ready to Install Data Files (Requires 3 floppies:  4-6 )  
Confirm Continue

Request 8010 Workstation←#4
Comment Installing Data Files (part 1 of 3)...
Fetch User PrometheusDLion.boot
Set Physical User Y
Save RD0:System

Request 8010 Workstation←#5
Save RD0:System
Boot System bfSl
Comment Installing Data Files part 2 of 3)...
Online RD0

Request 8010 Workstation←#6
Save RD0:System
Boot System bf
Comment Installing Data Files (part 3 of 3)...
Online RD0

Delete Boot User
Delete Temporary User
Set Physical System YYYY
Comment Data Files with Standard Fonts Installation Complete

\Install Data Files with Standard Plus Large Modern Fonts
-- Debug
Online RD0
Comment Ready to Install Data Files (Requires 3 floppies: 4 - 6 )  
Confirm Continue

Request 8010 Workstation←#4
Comment Installing Data Files (part 1 of 3)...
Fetch User PrometheusDLion.boot
Set Physical User Y
Save RD0:System
Boot System bfSl
Online RD0

Request 8010 Workstation←#5
Save RD0:System
Boot System bf
Comment Installing Data Files (part 2 of 3)...
Online RD0

Request 8010 Workstation←#6
Save RD0:System
Boot System bf
Comment Installing Data Files (part 3 of 3)...
Online RD0

Delete Boot User
Delete Temporary User
Set Physical System YYYY
Comment Data Files with Standard Plus Large Modern Fonts Installation Complete

\Start Network System
-- Debug 
Online RD0
Set Physical System YYYY
Set Boot System Lw{\376
-- Boot from 0000:

\Set Remote/Standalone Workstation in Halfduplex Mode
-- Debug
Online RD0
Request 8010 Workstation←#1
Set Boot System LwU{\376
Fetch User SetTimeDLion.boot
Set Physical User Y

\Set Remote/Standalone Workstation in Fullduplex Mode
-- Debug
Online RD0
Request 8010 Workstation←#1
Set Boot System LwJU{\376
Fetch User SetTimeDLion.boot
Set Physical User Y

\Start Remote/Standalone Workstation
-- Debug
Online RD0
Set Physical User Y
Boot User   

\Start Remote/Standalone WS to Change WS Administrator in Halfduplex Mode
-- Debug
Online RD0
Boot User UV

\Start Remote/Standalone WS to Change WS Administrator in Fullduplex Mode
-- Debug
Online RD0
Boot User UVJ

\Start Network System with Remote Debugging
-- Debug 
Comment CAUTION - This option should ONLY be used when 
Comment requested by a Xerox Representative.
Confirm Continue?
Pause 4
Confirm Continue?
Online RD0
-- 9 switch simulates 256K memory
Boot System 589dw{\375

\Start Network System with Special Debugging
-- Debug 
Comment CAUTION - This option should ONLY be used when
Comment requested by a Xerox Representative.
Confirm Continue?
Pause 4
Confirm Continue?
Online RD0
-- 9 switch simulates 256K memory
Set Boot System 289dw{\375
Boot System 289dw{\375


-- LOG 
--16-Nov-82 19:02:54 - Thompson - Updated script for OS 4.0.
--19-Nov-82 19:24:24 - Thompson - Deleted the 376 switch (eat germ).
-- 8-Dec-82 11:55:11 - Thompson - Added the q switch to enable product factoring. --13-Dec-82 14:12:00 - Thompson - Added the s switch to shrink transaction log spaces which frees up a good-size hunk of VM.
-- 22-Dec-82 17:28:23 - Thompson - Added the option "Start System with Local Debugging". 
--  5-Jan-83 12:14:29 - Thompson - Added the 2 switch to "Start System with Local Debugging" to prevent customers from by-passing product factoring.
--   7-Jan-83 16:25:47 - Thompson - Edited script so that Prometheus would be installed from the 3rd option, "Install Data Files", allowing the user to install the data files more than once.
-- 13-Jan-83 20:17:51 - Thompson - Deleted the option "Start System with Local Debugging", added the % switch and deleted the 5 switch from Start System with Special Debugging. 
-- 17-Jan-83 18:29:30 - Thompson - Edited script so that when "Start System with Special Debugging" was chose as an option, the boot file default switches would be set to dswW%{.
-- 26-Jan-83 17:38:30 - Thompson - Added 'o switch to first boot of Load System Files command.  The 'o switch will delete the old separate Message files.
--  4-Feb-83 15:44:34 - Thompson - Added 'l switch to first boot of Load System Files command.  The 'l switch will delete all files from the prototype catalog.
-- 18-Feb-83 21:01:17 - Bradshaw - Change for 3.0xr.  System volume = 6100pp, removed W switch, third piece of boot file on floppy#3.
--  1-Mar-83 12:46:02 - Bradshaw - Update for 3.0yr test floppies.  Added S switch, removed o switch.
--  11-Mar-83 17:49:38 - Thompson - Update for 3.0zr floppies.
--  21-Mar-83 18:20:16 - Thompson - Update for 3.0aar floppies.
--   4-Apr-83 12:36:15 - Mason - Add 9q to Remote Debugging boot switches, 9 to Special Remote Debugging boot switches
--  28-Jul-83 10:36:17 - denBraber - Update for 3.1fr floppies.
-- 20-Sep-83 16:19:41 - PThomas - Added two Standalone Star boot options for 3.2.
-- 30-Sep-83 17:32:16 - PThomas - Removed '\ for Prometheus 7.0.
-- 12-Oct-83  9:44:51 - PThomas - Modified set boot switches for Standalone System to Change Administrator to match Standalone System for Star 3.2FR.
-- 15-Nov-83 18:25:28 - PThomas - Removed Standalone Star boot options for 3.2HR.
-- 28-Feb-84 12:53:00 - Yoshimoto - Change System volume size to 7100.
-19-Mar-84 13:19:46 - PThomas - Remove % from boot switches for 3.3ER(Klamath).-
 6-Apr-84 15:02:27 - Kanno - Removed q switch for 3.3FR & uncommented Debug.
24-Apr-84 11:58:55 - Yoshimoto - Updated for 3.3GR. Added standalone WS options.
 4-May-84 11:04:34 - Irani - Added 'V for standalone WS options.
16-May-84  9:28:16 - Irani - Turned Debugging off for 3.3HR
12-Jul-84 16:42:04 - Irani - Added System volume size selection base on Drive.
20-Jul-84 17:34:41 - yuliongsiu - update for 3.3LR to replace AStar.starfont with AStarLargeModern.StarFont AStarSmallModern.StarFont AStarStandard.Starfont AStarTerminal.Starfont. Number of floppies increased from 5 to 6.
24-Jul-84 17:30:46 - Irani - Added additional commenting which is seen by the user.
26-Jul-84 10:57:58 - yuliongsiu - Removed additional comments. Prometheus complained  -- "string too long" .
30-Jul-84 14:41:34 -yuliongsiu - Added "Sl" switches for data file installations.
16-Aug-84 15:54:42 - Irani - Added q switch for product factoring
20-Aug-84 12:44:15 - yuliongsiu - Added "Remote" to Change WS Administrator option in both halfduplex and fullduplex mode.
24-Sep-84 11:33:51 - yuliongsiu - Removed "q" and added the "L" switch.
11-Oct-84 10:55:01 - Irani - Added a Physical Volume Scavenge for the Partition Opition.