Subject: Harmony Release of Interlisp-D now available To: LispUsers^.pa From: Reply-to: This message announces the availability for testing of the latest release of Interlisp-D. This release is known as the "Harmony" release. The Harmony release is not totally frozen --- it is expected that more changes will be made before Harmony is released to external customers. The Harmony release is a significant improvement over the last Interlisp-D release (Carol), with changes and improvements in a great number of areas. Over 450 ARs have been closed between Carol and Harmony. In addition, the Harmony release is now compatible with Mesa 11.0 (Klamath) on the Dandelion. (this text saved: {eris}Harmony>Doc>HarmonyReleaseMsg.txt) How to Install Harmony ====================== For information on installing the Harmony release of Interlisp-D on your machine, see {eris}Harmony>Doc>GettingStarted.tedit (& .press). VERY IMPORTANT WARNING FOR DLION USERS: The Harmony release of Interlisp-D is compatible with the Mesa 11.0 (Klamath) version of the Pilot DLion file system. While Mesa provides the ability to convert Mesa 10.0 workstations to Mesa 11.0, this "forward scavenge" will NOT convert Interlisp-D disk partitions. The simplest and most fail-safe way of converting your disk is to copy any valuable files from the local file system to a file server or floppies (using Carol Interlisp), upgrade to Klamath, and reload the files. Harmony Release Files ===================== For previous releases of Interlisp, the "current" release was always stored on current>. For the Harmony release, the directory structure has been reorganized. All of the files needed to use the Harmony release are in subdirectories of the directory {eris}Harmony>. Therefore, anyone who has created command files that point to specific directories will have to modify them. For the time being, the Carol release files will continue to be available on {eris}current>, library>, etc. The specific directory organization is: {eris}Harmony>Basics> Contains the Harmony sysouts, initial microcode, sample INIT files (INIT.SAMPLE, INIT.NONET, etc.). {eris}Harmony>Library> Contains all of the supported lisp library packages. Most of these have been revised since the Carol release {eris}Harmony>Lispusers> Contains only a few files. These files are new versions of Lispusers packages which have been updated to run in Harmony. Most of the files on {eris} can run in Harmony unchanged. {eris}Harmony>Mesa> Contains some tools written in Mesa which are useful when running Interlisp on a Dlion (1108). These include tools for partitioning a Dlion disk, and installing Interlisp. These tools are described in {eris}Harmony>Doc>GettingStarted.tedit. {eris}Harmony>CM> Contains the command files used to partition Dlion disks, and install Interlisp onn a Dlion, from Othello or the new "Hello" tool. {eris}Harmony>Doc> Contains documentation files. Important Changes in Harmony ============================ Full documention of the differences between Carol and Harmony is still in preparation. A draft version is stored in {eris}Harmony>Doc>HarmonyReleaseSpecifics.txt. Most of the differences do not effect the average user, but there are some changes which the user should know about when switching from Carol to Harmony. Printing and Fonts: The printing and font mechanisms have been extensively revised and cleaned up. Everything that worked before should still work, plus a lot of new functionality has been added. IMPORTANT CHANGE: The global variables which point at font files and font widths files have been changed. Instead of FONTDIRECTORIES, STARFONTDIRECTORIES, etc., the appropriate variables are DISPLAYFONTDIRECTORIES, DISPLAYFONTEXTENSIONS, PRESSFONTWIDTHSFILES, and INTERPRESSFONTDIRECTORIES. If these variables are not set correctly, you may get FONT NOT FOUND errors when you try to print or display characters in different fonts. The file {eris}Harmony>Basics>INIT.SAMPLE is a sample site-specific init file which contains values for all of the variables needed. This file should be modified for each individual site. Dlion Local File system: Besides incompatible changes in the local file system format, mentioned above, a few of the functions have been renamed (MKDIR => DFSCREATEDIRECTORY, MAKEPILOT => DFSPURGEDIRECTORY). Also, the mechanism for specifying a particular volume on a Dlion has changed: instead of using {FOO}BAR to access the file BAR on the local disk volume FOO, one should use {DSK}BAR. For compatibility, {DSK}FOO will search and use the first local file system volume on the disk after the currently-running Interlisp volume. In the Othello command files provided for partitioning the Dlion disk, the default name of the local file system volume has been changed from DSK to LispFiles. ÃGACHA NILNIL GACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNIL†GACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILxGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNIL(GACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILeGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILoGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILÁGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILúGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNIL„GACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILEGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNIL(GACHA NILNILGACHA NILNILGACHA NILNIL¤GACHA |Sz¸