{  File: RS232CDefs.asm
Modification History:
  Amy Fasnacht :   4-Mar-83 15:59:41: Change TxBufferSize from 600 to 1200
  Chuck Fay :  8-Nov-82 16:52:16: Added FifoOverflowed.
  Jim Frandeen :  May 20, 1982  7:11 PM
  Jim Frandeen :  March 25, 1982  8:31 AM: Created file.

Aborted		EQU	2H
AddressSearchMode	EQU	4H	; 00000100	;SDLC Only
Ascii	EQU	0
AsciiENQ	EQU	05B
AsciiEOT	EQU	04B
AsciiETB	EQU	27B
AsciiNAK	EQU	25B
AsciiSYN	EQU	26B
ASyncOSCMode	EQU	0
AutoEnables	EQU	20H	; 00100000	
BisyncCRC	EQU	4
BreakAbort	EQU	80H	; 10000000	
ChannelReset	EQU	18H	; 00011000	 
ClearToSend	EQU	20H
CommandMask	EQU	0FH
cmcII		EQU	3
CPAsyncMode	EQU	2	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPSDLCMode	EQU	0	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPBisyncMode	EQU	1	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPCharLMask 	EQU	18H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPDTRMask	EQU	8H	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPEvenParity	EQU	40H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPLineSpeedMask 	EQU	0FH	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPLineTypeMask	EQU	3H	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPOddParity	EQU	20H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPOneParity	EQU	60H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPParityMask	EQU	0E0H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPRRHMask	EQU	80H	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPRTSMask	EQU	10H	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPStopBitsMask	EQU	4H	;From RS232CParameter2Hi
CPSyncCntMask 	EQU	7H	;From RS232CParameter2
CPZeroParity	EQU	80H	;From RS232CParameter2
CRC16	EQU	4H	; 00000100	; CRC16/SDLC' ( 1=CRC16 )
CRCError	EQU	20H	;Code to return to head
CTS	EQU	20H	; 00100000	; Clear To Send
DataLost	EQU	1H
DataSetReady	EQU	2
DCD	EQU	8H	; 00001000	; Data Carry Detect
DeviceError 	EQU	80H
DoneMask	EQU	7FH	;Mask to reset FullFlag
DTR	EQU	80H	; 10000000	; Data Terminal ready 
Ebicdic	EQU	1
EbcdicBELL	EQU	77B
EbcdicENQ	EQU	55B
EbcdicEOT	EQU	67B
EbcdicETB	EQU	46B
EbcdicNAK	EQU	75B
EbcdicSYN	EQU	62B
EnterHuntPhase	EQU	10H	; 00010000
ErrorReset	EQU	30H	; 00110000
ExternalIntEnable	EQU	1H	; 00000001	
FifoOverflowed	EQU	2	;ORed into FrameReadyFlag to indicate fifo overflow
Filler	EQU	0FFH
FillerCount	EQU	3
FramingError	EQU	8	;Code to return to head
FullFlag		EQU	80H	; Done Flag of CSB
IBM3270Host	EQU	6
IntOnAllRxCharacters	EQU	10H	;00010000 (parity affects vector)
InvalidCharacter	EQU	4
ModemSYN	EQU	55H
oisSystemElement	EQU	5
oisSystemElementBSC	EQU	11
On		EQU	0H	; On Command
ParityEven	EQU	3
ParityError	EQU	10H	;Return code
ParityOdd	EQU	1
PointToWR0	EQU	0	; Z80-SIO Register Address 0
PointToWR1	EQU	1	; Z80-SIO Register Address 1
PointToWR2	EQU	2	; Z80-SIO Register Address 2
PointToWR3	EQU	3	; Z80-SIO Register Address 3
PointToWR4	EQU	4	; Z80-SIO Register Address 4
PointToWR5	EQU	5	; Z80-SIO Register Address 5
PointToWR6	EQU	6	; Z80-SIO Register Address 6
PointToWR7	EQU	7	; Z80-SIO Register Address 7
OSCCMD	EQU	76H	; i8253 Programmable Interval Timer Counter#1
ResetExternalStatusInterrupts	EQU	10H	;00010000
ResetRxCRCChecker	EQU	40H
ResetTxCRCGenerator	EQU	80H
ResetTxEOM	EQU	0C0H	;11000000
ReturnFromInterrupt	EQU	38H	;00111000

RingHeard	  	EQU	1H
RingIndicator	EQU	1H
ResetExtStatusInterrupts	EQU	10H	; 00010000	; Reset Ext/Status Int Command 
ResetTxIntPending	EQU	28H	; 00101000	
RS366InvMask	EQU	30H
RS366ResetMask	EQU	0C0H
RS366StatusMask	EQU	3FH
RxCRCEnable	EQU	8	;00001000
RxEnable	EQU	1
RxFifoSize	EQU	2000
Rx8BitsPerCharacter	EQU	0C0H	;11000000
RTS	EQU	2H	; 00000010	; Request to Send
SDLCFlag   EQU	7EH		; Opening/Closing Flag of SDLC mode
SendAbort	EQU	8	;00001000
SendBreak	EQU	10H	;00010000
StatusAffectsVector	EQU	4H	; 00000100
SDLCMode	EQU	20H	; 00100000	;(01111110 FLAG)
StopBits1	EQU	4H	; 00000100
StopBits2	EQU	0CH	; 00001100
Success		EQU	80H
SyncCharacter16Bits	EQU	10H	;00010000
SyncCharacterLoadInhibit:	EQU	2
SyncOSCMode	EQU	1
system6	EQU	2
TimeCommand	EQU	0B0H	;i8253 Interval Timer Counter #2
ttyHost	EQU	4
TxBufferEmpty	EQU	4H	; 00000100
TxCRCEnable	EQU	1
TxUnderrun	EQU	40H	;01000000
TimeCMD	EQU	0B0H	; i8253 Programmable Interval Timer Counter#2
TxBufferSize  EQU	1200		; Size Of Tx Buffer(in Byte)
TxEnable	EQU	8H	; 00001000
TxIntEnable	EQU	2H	; 00000010
WaitReadyEnable	EQU	80H	; 10000000	; Wait/Ready Enable
WaitReadyFunction	EQU	40H	; 01000000
X1ClockMode	EQU	0H	; 00000000	
X16ClockMode	EQU	40H	; 01000000	
xerox800		EQU	0
xerox850		EQU	1
xerox860		EQU	10
WaitReadyOnRT	EQU	20H	; 00100000
XferSuccess	EQU	8000H 

TxDmaReady	EQU	WaitReadyEnable+WaitReadyFunction
RxDmaRdy	EQU	WaitReadyEnable+WaitReadyFunction+WaitReadyOnRT
DmaRdy	EQU	WaitReadyEnable+WaitReadyFunction+WaitReadyOnRT

	END	RS232CDefs.asm