{ File name bbInit1.mc Description: Modified for Lisp, Mesa BitBlt op-code Purcell July 14, 1982 10:38 PM Bit offset correction + PC correct (see ***) Description: Mesa BitBlt op-code Sandman November 2, 1981 2:28 PM New Instruction Set Last edited by Jim August 20, 1981 2:20 PM: Fix for new assembler. Last edited by Jim Frandeen: March 31, 1981 8:39 AM: Change SrcMapRet from Mod 8 to Mod 10. Last edited by Don Charnley: March 6, 1981 1:48 PM: Fixed PageFault/64K cross interaction problem. Last edited by Don Charnley: March 3, 1981 4:08 PM: Moved UWidth into stack, no memory reads after int and pf, stack now has 12'd things. Last edited by Olmstead: February 27, 1981 2:51 PM Last edited by Don Charnley: February 26, 1981 2:35 PM: Add changes for new stack size to save 10 instructions. Author: don charnley Created: January, 1980 }(1764)\f7 @BITBLT: {Save R and RH registers} ULsave _ L, L2 _ 0, CALL[SavebbRegs], ,c1; {SaveRegs subroutine here {2 2/3 Clicks} ,c2-c3;} rhType _ Type.normal, push ,c1, at[0,10,SavebbRegsRet]; Xbus _ ErrnIBnStkp, XDisp ,c2; Noop, DISP4[HowBigStack,06] ,c3; {move BitBltArg to stack and rh} bbNormEntry: {non-interrupts come here} {get real address of BitBltArg} {and insure that it is 0 mod 16} VS _ UBitBltArg, ,c1, at[hbs.2,10,HowBigStack]; {rhVS = rhMDS, so no need to load it} VS _ VS and ~0{F***}, L2 _ sd.spec ,c2; rhRet _ argMap, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; {SrcMapSpec subroutine here {2 Clicks} ,c1-c3;} bbGetArg: {move BitBltArg to U registers} {rtn here} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 8], L0 _ 0 ,c1, at[argMap,10,SrcMapRet]; CANCELBR[$,0], L0Disp ,c2; MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{UWidth}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3; MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 0A], L0 _ 1 ,c1, at[0,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UWidth _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{UFlags}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 3], L0 _ 2 ,c1, at[1,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UFlags _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{UDstBpl}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 7], L0 _ 3 ,c1, at[2,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UDstBpl _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{SrcBpl}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 9], L0 _ 4 ,c1, at[3,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; USrcBpl _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{Height}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 0], L0 _ 5 ,c1, at[4,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UHeight _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{DLo}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 2], L0 _ 6 ,c1, at[5,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UDstVALo _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{DBit}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 4], L0 _ 7 ,c1, at[6,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; UDstBit _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{SLo}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 6], L0 _ 8 ,c1, at[7,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; USrcVALo _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[MDtoRbb0,0], L0Disp ,c2; {MDtoRbb0: Rbb0 _ MD{SBit}, DISP4[MDtoRbb0Ret] ,c3;} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 5] ,c1, at[8,10,MDtoRbb0Ret]; USrcBit _ Rbb0, CANCELBR[$,0] ,c2; VS _ rhVS _ MD{SHi} ,c3; {***correct Src}{assume VD and Q avail} VD _ USrcBit, c1; Q _ VD and 0F, c2; USrcBit _ Q, c3; VD _ VD and ~0F, c1; VD _ VD LRot12, c2; Q _ USrcVALo, c3; VD _ VD + Q, c1; USrcVALo _ VD, c2; Noop, c3; {***correct Dst} VD _ UDstBit, c1; Q _ VD and 0F, c2; UDstBit _ Q, c3; VD _ VD and ~0F, c1; VD _ VD LRot12, c2; Q _ UDstVALo, c3; VD _ VD + Q, c1; UDstVALo _ VD, c2; Noop, c3; {***correct done} MAR _ [rhSrcA,SrcA + 1] ,c1; UrhVS _ VS, CANCELBR[$,0] ,c2; VD _ rhVD _ MD{DHi} ,c3; [] _ UFlags, NegBr ,c1; UrhVD _ VD, BRANCH[FsetUp,$] ,c2; {if direction backward, mod SrcVA and DstVA} {Note: gray is always forward} {Backwards SetUp} TempBpl _ UWidth ,c3; TempBpl _ TempBpl - 1, rhWho _ sdWidth, CALL[DstVAMod] ,c1; {DstVAMod subroutine here {4 clicks} ,c2-c1;} TempBpl _ UWidth ,c2, at[sdWidth,4,DstVAModRet]; TempBpl _ TempBpl - 1, CALL[SrcVAMod] ,c3; {SrcVAMod subroutine here {4 clicks} ,c1-c3;} {interrupt entry goes thru this code} {restore rh from u regs} BandBLTNormEntry: rhVS _ UrhVS, GOTO[rhfromu] ,c1, at[hbs.C,10,HowBigStack]; rhVS _ UrhVS, GOTO[rhfromu] ,c1, at[hbs.D,10,HowBigStack]; rhfromu: rhVD _ UrhVD ,c2; FsetUp: Noop ,c3; TextBltToBitBltEntry: Rbb3{W} _ UWidth ,c1, at[sdWidth,4,SrcVAModRet]; Rbb0{W-1} _ Rbb3{W} - 1, NegBr {test if width = 0} ,c2; Rbb2 _ 0F, BRANCH[$,Widtheq0] ,c3; Rbb2 _ Rbb2 LRot12 ,c1; [] _ Rbb2 and Rbb3, ZeroBr ,c2; Rbb1 _ 8, BRANCH[wnotsmall,wsmall] ,c3; wnotsmall: Q _ 2 ,c1; Q _ Q or rhType ,c2; rhType _ Q LRot0 ,c3; wsmall: Rbb4 _ UFlags, NegBr ,c1; Rbb3 _ Rbb4 LRot4, BRANCH[DirFor,DirBack] ,c2; DirFor: Rbb1 _ 0 ,c3; Rbb2{W-1} _ Rbb0{W-1}, GOTO[uwwpos] ,c1; DirBack: Rbb0 _ 0 - Rbb0, NegBr ,c3; Rbb2{0-(W-1)} _ 0 - Rbb0{W-1}, BRANCH[uwwpos,uwwneg] ,c1; uwwpos: Rbb2 _ Rbb2 and ~0F, GOTO[conL13] ,c2; uwwneg: Rbb2 _ Rbb2 or 0F, GOTO[conL13] ,c2; conL13: Rbb2 _ Rbb2 LRot12{this only used for PgCarry and sign check} ,c3; UWidthM1 _ Rbb0 ,c1; UWidthW _ Rbb2 ,c2; [] _ UHeight, ZeroBr {test if height = 0} ,c3; {L3 _ 0,,gr,,0,,sF} {gr and srcFunc} Rbb0 _ LRot1 Rbb3, BRANCH[$,Heighteq0] ,c1; Rbb0 _ Rbb0 and 3 ,c2; Rbb0 _ Rbb0 + 6 ,c3; [] _ Rbb0 and 5, YDisp ,c1; Xbus _ dtRet.L3, L3 _ 0, XDisp, DISP4[dT] ,c2; {dT subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c3;} {dstFunc and dir} Rbb0 _ Rbb4 LRot8 ,c1, at[dtRet.L3,10,dTRets]; Rbb0 _ Rbb0 and 6 ,c2; [] _ Rbb0 or Rbb1, YDisp ,c3; Xbus _ dtRet.L1, L1 _ 0, XDisp, DISP4[dT] ,c1; {dT subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c2;} Rbb0 _ UDstBpl ,c3, at[dtRet.L1,10,dTRets]; [] _ Rbb0 and 0F, ZeroBr ,c1; Rbb1 _ dbneq0, grDisp, BRANCH[dstwn0,$] ,c2; Rbb0 _ USrcBpl, grDISP[srcgrchk] ,c3; Xbus _ 1, XDisp, GOTO[srcchk] ,c1, at[gr.gray,grM,srcgrchk]; [] _ Rbb0 and 0F, ZeroBr, GOTO[srcchk] ,c1, at[gr.notgray,grM,srcgrchk]; srcchk: Rbb1 _ sbneq0, BRANCH[sbnot0,sbis0] ,c2; sbis0: UrefillType _ dbsb0, GOTO[SetUpAllC1] ,c3; sbnot0: UrefillType _ Rbb1{sbneq0}, GOTO[SetUpAllC1] ,c3; dstwn0: UrefillType _ Rbb1{dbneq0}, CANCELBR[SetUpAllC1,0F] ,c3; { ITEM REFILL } {updateHeight, test if thru} ItemRefill3: Rbb0 _ UHeight, L2 _ sd.src ,c3; Rbb0 _ Rbb0 - 1, ZeroBr ,c1; UHeight _ Rbb0, grDisp, BRANCH[$,bbNormExit] ,c2; rhWho _ sdBpl, grDISP[srcgrayornot] ,c3; {notGray} TempBpl _ USrcBpl, CALL[SrcVAMod] ,c1, at[gr.notgray,grM,srcgrayornot]; {SrcVAMod subroutine {4 clicks} ,c2-c1;} {will return to dstUphere} {update Src address} {gray} Rbb0{max} _ UGray ,c1, at[gr.gray,grM,srcgrayornot]; Rbb1{cur} _ Rbb0 LRot8 ,c2; Rbb0{max} _ Rbb0 and 0F, ZeroBr ,c3; Rbb1{cur} _ Rbb1 and 0F, BRANCH[$,dstUphere] ,c1; Rbb1{cur+1} _ Rbb1{cur} + 1 ,c2; [] _ Rbb0{max} - Rbb1{cur+1}, NegBr ,c3; Rbb1 _ Rbb1 LRot8, BRANCH[$,GrayWrap] ,c1; {not gray wrap} UGray _ Rbb1 xor Rbb0 ,c2; Rbb2{usva} _ USrcVALo ,c3; Rbb2{usva+1} _ Rbb2{usva} + 1, PgCarryBr ,c1; Noop, BRANCH[$,GrayNewPage] ,c2; USrcVALo _ Rbb2{usva+1} ,c3; GOTO[dstUphere] ,c1; GrayNewPage: Noop ,c3; TempBpl _ 10, CALL[SrcVAMod] ,c1; GrayWrap: UGray _ Rbb0 ,c2; Rbb1{maxX10} _ Rbb0{max} LRot4 ,c3; Rbb2{usva} _ USrcVALo ,c1; Rbb2{usva-max} _ Rbb2{usva} - Rbb0{max}, PgCarryBr ,c2; Noop, BRANCH[GrayWrapNewPage,$] ,c3; USrcVALo _ Rbb2{usva-max}, GOTO[dstUphere] ,c1; GrayWrapNewPage: TempBpl _ 0 - Rbb1{maxX10}, CALL[SrcVAMod] ,c1; {update Dst address} dstUphere: TempBpl _ UDstBpl, CALL[DstVAMod] ,c2, at[sdBpl,4,SrcVAModRet]; {DstVAMod subroutine {4 clicks} ,c3-c2;} {will return to IntTest} IntTest: Q _ UWidthM1{, MesaIntBr}{***} ,c3, at[sdBpl,4,DstVAModRet]; wdcTest: [] _ uWDC, ZeroBr, BRANCH[bbNoInt, MaybeInt] ,c1; MaybeInt: [] _ uWP, ZeroBr, BRANCH[bbNoWDC, bbWDC] ,c2; bbWDC: ClrIntErr, BRANCH[bbDoInt, $] ,c3; Noop, GOTO[bbNoInt] ,c1; {no mesa interrupt} bbNoWDC: ClrIntErr, CANCELBR[$] ,c3; Noop ,c1; bbNoInt: Xbus _ UrefillType, XDisp, CANCELBR[SetUpTest] ,c2; SetUpTest: [] _ USrcBit + Q, NibCarryBr, LOOPHOLE[niblTiming], DISP2[SetUpAllC1] ,c3; SetUpAllC1: {Lcount _ number of dest words to be written minus 1 } Rbb1 _ UDstBit, dirDisp, CANCELBR[$] ,c1, at[dbneq0,4,SetUpAllC1]; Lcount _ Rbb1 and 0F, dirDISP[lcx] ,c2; Lcount _ 10 - Lcount ,c3, at[dir.backwards,dirM,lcx]; Rbb0 _ ~UWidthM1, GOTO[lccont] ,c1; Rbb0 _ UWidthM1 ,c3, at[dir.forward,dirM,lcx]; Noop, GOTO[lccont] ,c1; lccont: Lcount _ Lcount + Rbb0 ,c2; Lcount _ Lcount and ~0F ,c3; {Umask1 _ Rmask[0 - DstBit]} [] _ 0F - Rbb1{db}, YDisp ,c1; Xbus _ maskRet.f1, XDisp, DISP4[MaskTbl] ,c2; {MaskTbl subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c3;} Lcount _ Lcount LRot12, dirDisp ,c1, at[maskRet.f1,10,MaskRet]; ULcntsav _ Lcount, dirDISP[m2set] ,c2; {FORWARD MASKS HERE} Umask1 _ Rbb2 ,c3, at[dir.forward,dirM,m2set]; Rbb0{-w+1} _ 0 - Rbb0{w-1} ,c1; [] _ Rbb0{-w+1} - Rbb1{db} - 1, YDisp ,c2; Xbus _ maskRet.f2, XDisp, DISP4[MaskTbl] ,c3; {MaskTbl subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c1;} Rbb2 _ RShift1 ~Rbb2, SE _ 1, GOTO[stum2] ,c2, at[maskRet.f2,10,MaskRet]; {BACKWARDS MASKS HERE} Rbb2 _ RShift1 ~Rbb2, SE _ 1 ,c3, at[dir.backwards,dirM,m2set]; Noop ,c1; Umask1 _ Rbb2 ,c2; {Umask2 _ Rmask[width - DstBit - 1]} [] _ Rbb0{w-2} - Rbb1{db}, YDisp ,c3; Xbus _ maskRet.b2, XDisp, DISP4[MaskTbl] ,c1; {MaskTbl subroutine here ,c2;} stum2: Umask2 _ Rbb2 ,c3, at[maskRet.b2,10,MaskRet]; {L0 _ skew + 2} Rbb0{sb} _ USrcBit, dirDisp, CANCELBR[$] ,c1, at[sbneq0,4,SetUpAllC1]; Rbb1{db} _ UDstBit, dirDISP[WhichMasks] ,c2; {Q _ Rmask[SrcBit - DstBit]} [] _ Rbb0{sb} - Rbb1{db} - 1, YDisp ,c3, at[dir.forward,dirM,WhichMasks]; Xbus _ maskRet.fQ, XDisp, DISP4[MaskTbl] ,c1; {MaskTbl subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c2;} GOTO[setL0] {leave pre-Qmask in Rbb2} ,c3, at[maskRet.fQ,10,MaskRet]; {Q _ Lmask[DstBit - SrcBit]} [] _ Rbb0{sb} - Rbb1{db}, YDisp ,c3, at[dir.backwards,dirM,WhichMasks]; Xbus _ maskRet.bQ, XDisp, DISP4[MaskTbl] ,c1; {MaskTbl subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c2;} Rbb2 _ RShift1 ~Rbb2, SE _ 1, GOTO[setL0] {leave pre-Qmask in Rbb2} ,c3, at[maskRet.bQ,10,MaskRet]; setL0: Rbb0{skew} _ Rbb0{sb} - Rbb1{db} ,c1; []{skew+2} _ Rbb0{skew} + 2, YDisp ,c2; [] _ dtRet.L0, L0 _ 0, XDisp, DISP4[dT] ,c3; {dT subroutine here {1 cycle} ,c1;} scDisp ,c2, at[dtRet.L0,10,dTRets]; Q _ UWidthM1, sc3DISP[FixQ] ,c3; Rbb2 _ LRot1 Rbb2, GOTO[SavQval] ,c1, at[0D,10,FixQ]; Rbb2 _ RRot1 Rbb2, GOTO[SavQval] ,c1, at[0F,10,FixQ]; SavQval: UmaskL _ Rbb2, L2 _ sd.src ,c2; [] _ USrcBit + Q, NibCarryBr, {L2 _ sd.src}, LOOPHOLE[niblTiming] ,c3; TouchSourcePages: Q _ UWidthW, NegBr, BRANCH[oldWords,newWords] ,c1, at[dbsb0,4,SetUpAllC1]; oldWords: BRANCH[oldposchks,oldnegchks] ,c2; newWords: Q _ Q + 1, PgCarryBr, BRANCH[newposchks1,newnegchks1] ,c2; oldposchks: [] _ rhType, XDisp, GOTO[oldposs1] ,c3; oldnegchks: [] _ rhType, XDisp, GOTO[oldnegs1] ,c3; newposchks1: [] _ rhType, XDisp, BRANCH[oldposs1,newposs1] ,c3; newnegchks1: [] _ rhType, XDisp, BRANCH[newnegs1,oldnegs1] ,c3; oldposs1: [] _ USrcVALo + Q, PgCarryBr, DISP3[SrcsmallP,5], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; newposs1: CANCELBR[$,7] ,c1; Noop, CANCELBR[pospgs,1] ,c2, at[type.notsmall,typeM,SrcsmallP]; rhRet _ MapOne, BRANCH[posnopgs,pospgs] ,c2, at[type.small,typeM,SrcsmallP]; newnegs1: [] _ USrcVALo + Q , PgCarryBr, DISP3[SrcsmallN,5], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; oldnegs1: Xbus _ 1, XDisp, DISP3[SrcsmallN,5] ,c1; rhRet _ MapOne, BRANCH[negpgs,negnopgs] ,c2, at[type.small,typeM,SrcsmallN]; Noop, CANCELBR[pospgs,1] ,c2, at[type.notsmall,typeM,SrcsmallN]; pospgs: Q _ USrcVALo, grDisp, GOTO[smapmore] ,c3; negpgs: Q _ USrcVALo, grDisp, GOTO[smapmore] ,c3; smapmore: TempB _ USrcBit, grDISP[schkgray] ,c1; rhRet _ srcTP ,c2, at[gr.notgray,grM,schkgray]; callva: TempBpl _ UWidthM1, CALL[VAMod] ,c3; {VAMod subroutine here {2 or 3 clicks} ,c1-c3;} VS _ rhVS + TempBpl, GOTO[fixrhVS], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1, at[Or[srcTP,1],8,VAModRet]; TempB{old} _ USrcVALo, GOTO[comA] ,c1, at[srcTP,8,VAModRet]; comA: Q{new hi} _ Q and ~0FF, dirDisp ,c2; TempBpl{old hi} _ TempB and ~0FF, dirDISP[comA.1] ,c3; TempBpl{num hi} _ Q{new hi} - TempBpl{old hi}, GOTO[comX] ,c1, at[dir.forward,dirM,comA.1]; TempBpl{num hi} _ TempBpl{old hi} - Q{new hi}, GOTO[comX] ,c1, at[dir.backwards,dirM,comA.1]; comX: TempB{old low} _ TempB{old} and 0FF ,c2; TempB _ TempB{old low} or Q{new hi}, sdDisp ,c3; TempBpl{num low} _ TempBpl LRot8, sdDISP[comB] ,c1; VS _ TempB ,c2, at[sd.src,sdM,comB]; csrc: rhRet _ sdMap, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; sSnonewrhF: VS _ USrcVALoSav, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; sSnonewrhB: VS _ USrcVALoSav, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; { SrcMapSpec subroutine here 2 clicks ,c1-c3;} TempBpl _ TempBpl - 1, NegBr ,c1, at[sdMap,10,SrcMapRet]; VS _ 0FF + 1, dirDisp, BRANCH[srcmore,srcthru] ,c2; srcmore: TempB _ USrcVALoSav, dirDISP[y.f] ,c3; TempB _ TempB - VS, CarryBr ,c1, at[dir.forward,dirM,y.f]; USrcVALoSav _ TempB, BRANCH[sSnewrhF,sSnonewrhF] ,c2; sSnewrhF: VS _ rhVS - 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c3; y.c: rhVS _ VS LRot0 ,c1; CALL[SrcMap] ,c2; TempB _ TempB + VS, CarryBr ,c1, at[dir.backwards,dirM,y.f]; USrcVALoSav _ TempB, BRANCH[sSnonewrhB,sSnewrhB] ,c2; sSnewrhB: VS _ rhVS + 1, GOTO[y.c], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c3; srcthru: CANCELBR[$,Sub[dirM,2]] ,c3; Mask2 _ Umask2 {Mask2 = VS}, GOTO[sss] ,c1; rhRet _ MapOne, GOTO[posnopgs] ,c2, at[gr.gray,grM,schkgray]; posnopgs: VS _ USrcVALo, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; negnopgs: VS _ USrcVALo, CALL[SrcMapSpec] ,c3; { SrcMapSpec subroutine here 2 clicks ,c1-c3;} srcFin: Mask2 _ Umask2 {Mask2 = VS}, GOTO[sss] ,c1, at[MapOne,10,SrcMapRet]; sss: Q _ UWidthM1 ,c2; [] _ UDstBit + Q, NibCarryBr, L2 _ sd.dst, LOOPHOLE[niblTiming] ,c3; TouchDestPages: Q _ UWidthW, NegBr, BRANCH[oldWordd,newWordd] ,c1; oldWordd: BRANCH[oldposchkd,oldnegchkd] ,c2; newWordd: Q _ Q + 1, PgCarryBr, BRANCH[newposchkd1,newnegchkd1] ,c2; oldposchkd: [] _ rhType, XDisp, GOTO[oldposd1] ,c3; oldnegchkd: [] _ rhType, XDisp, GOTO[oldnegd1] ,c3; newposchkd1: [] _ rhType, XDisp, BRANCH[oldposd1,newposd1] ,c3; newnegchkd1: [] _ rhType, XDisp, BRANCH[newnegd1,oldnegd1] ,c3; oldposd1: [] _ UDstVALo + Q, PgCarryBr, DISP3[DstsmallP,5], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; newposd1: CANCELBR[$,7] ,c1; Noop, CANCELBR[pospgd,1] ,c2, at[type.notsmall,typeM,DstsmallP]; rhRet _ MapOne, BRANCH[posnopgd,pospgd] ,c2, at[type.small,typeM,DstsmallP]; newnegd1: [] _ UDstVALo + Q, PgCarryBr, DISP3[DstsmallN,5], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1; oldnegd1: Xbus _ 1, XDisp, DISP3[DstsmallN,5] ,c1; rhRet _ MapOne, BRANCH[negpgd,negnopgd] ,c2, at[type.small,typeM,DstsmallN]; Noop, CANCELBR[pospgd,1] ,c2, at[type.notsmall,typeM,DstsmallN]; pospgd: Q _ UDstVALo, GOTO[dmapmore] ,c3; negpgd: Q _ UDstVALo, GOTO[dmapmore] ,c3; dmapmore: TempB _ UDstBit ,c1; rhRet _ dstTP, GOTO[callva] ,c2; {callva: TempBpl _ UWidthM1, CALL[VAMod] ,c3;} {VAMod subroutine here {2 or 3 clicks} ,c1-c3;} VD _ rhVD + TempBpl, GOTO[fixrhVD], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c1, at[Or[dstTP,1],8,VAModRet]; TempB{old} _ UDstVALo, GOTO[comA] ,c1, at[dstTP,8,VAModRet]; {comA: Q{new hi} _ Q and ~0FF, dirDisp ,c2;} { TempBpl{old hi} _ TempB and ~0FF, sdDisp, dirDISP[comA.1] ,c3;} { TempBpl{num hi} _ Q{new hi} - TempBpl{old hi}, GOTO[comX] ,c1, at[dir.forward,dirM,comA.1];} { TempBpl{num hi} _ TempBpl{old hi} - Q{new hi}, GOTO[comX] ,c1, at[dir.backwards,dirM,comA.1];} {comX: TempB{old low} _ TempB{old} and 0FF ,c2;} { TempB _ TempB{old low} or Q{new hi}, sdDisp ,c3;} { TempBpl{num low} _ TempBpl LRot8, sdDISP[comB] ,c1;} VD _ TempB{first touch address} ,c2, at[sd.dst,sdM,comB]; cdst: rhRet _ sdMap, CALL[DstMapSpec] ,c3; dSnonewrhF: VD _ UDstVALoSav, CALL[DstMapSpec] ,c3; dSnonewrhB: VD _ UDstVALoSav, CALL[DstMapSpec] ,c3; { DstMapSpec subroutine here 2 clicks ,c1-c3;} TempBpl _ TempBpl - 1, NegBr ,c1, at[sdMap,4,DstMapRet]; VD _ 0FF + 1, dirDisp, BRANCH[dstmore,dstthru] ,c2; dstmore: TempB _ UDstVALoSav, dirDISP[y.fx] ,c3; TempB _ TempB - VD, CarryBr ,c1, at[dir.forward,dirM,y.fx]; UDstVALoSav _ TempB, BRANCH[dSnewrhF,dSnonewrhF] ,c2; dSnewrhF: VD _ rhVD - 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c3; y.cx: rhVD _ VD LRot0 ,c1; CALL[DstMap] ,c2; TempB _ TempB + VD, CarryBr ,c1, at[dir.backwards,dirM,y.fx]; UDstVALoSav _ TempB, BRANCH[dSnonewrhB,dSnewrhB] ,c2; dSnewrhB: VD _ rhVD + 1, GOTO[y.cx], LOOPHOLE[byteTiming] ,c3; dstthru: CANCELBR[$,Sub[dirM,2]] ,c3; Lcount _ ULcntsav, GOTO[detLoop] ,c1; posnopgd: VD _ UDstVALo, CALL[DstMapSpec] ,c3; negnopgd: VD _ UDstVALo, CALL[DstMapSpec] ,c3; { DstMapSpec subroutine here 2 clicks ,c1-c3;} dstFin: Lcount _ ULcntsav, GOTO[detLoop] ,c1, at[MapOne,4,DstMapRet]; {determine loop and entry point} detLoop: Mask1 _ Umask1, grDisp ,c2; Q _ UmaskL, grDISP[chooseLoop] ,c3; {if gray then Entry to L1 and L2D at L1I1lsar} {Entry to L4} L4SetUp: dirDisp, Dst _ UDstBit{Dbit} ,c1, at[gr.notgray,grM,chooseLoop]; Src _ USrcBit{Sbit}, dirDISP[CheckL4Init] ,c2; {forward: fetch 1 if Dbit >= Sbit, else fetch 2} [] _ Dst{Dbit} - Src{Sbit}, NibCarryBr, GOTO[L4I1lsar] ,c3, at[dir.forward,dirM,CheckL4Init]; {backwards: fetch 1 if Sbit >= Dbit, else fetch 2} [] _ Src{Sbit} - Dst{Dbit}, NibCarryBr, GOTO[L4I1lsar] ,c3, at[dir.backwards,dirM,CheckL4Init]; {Exits} Heighteq0: Noop ,c2; bbNormExit: CANCELBR[$,Sub[grM,1]] ,c3; Widtheq0: [] _ rhType, XDisp, L0 _ restore.term ,c1; stackP _ 0, DISP3[LSEPReturn,2] ,c2; {will go to RestoreRandRHRegs if not LSEP} {RestoreRandRHRegs subroutine {2 1/3 clicks} ,c3-c3;} BBExit: Xbus _ uPCCross, XRefBr ,c1, at[restore.term,10,RestoreCallers]; Noop, BRANCH[$,BBSetInt] ,c2; Noop, GOTO[BBThru] ,c3; BBSetInt: MesaIntRq, GOTO[BBThru] ,c3; {Mesa Interrupt} bbDoInt: stackP _ 0C ,c1; L0 _ restore.int ,c2; Xbus _ rhType, XDisp ,c3; DISP3[MoverhVToStkandRestore,3] ,c1; {RestoreRandRHRegs subroutine {2 1/3 clicks} ,c2-c2;} Rx _ pInt, push ,c3, at[restore.int,10,RestoreCallers]; TOS _ STK, pop, GOTO[SaveRegs] ,c1; {PAGE FAULTS} DFault: UVSsave _ Q ,c3; uFaultParm0 _ VD ,c1; Q _ rhVD, GOTO[pfCom] ,c2; SFault: UVSsave _ Q ,c3; uFaultParm0 _ VS, sdDisp ,c1; Q _ rhVS, sdDISP[pfCom] ,c2; pfCom: stackP _ 0C, GOTO[bbDoFault] ,c3, at[sd.src,sdM,pfCom]; stackP _ 1, GOTO[bbDoFault] ,c3, at[sd.spec,sdM,pfCom]; bbDoFault: uFaultParm1 _ Q ,c1; L0 _ restore.pf ,c2; Xbus _ rhType, XDisp ,c3; DISP3[MoverhVToStkandRestore,3] ,c1; {RestoreRandRHRegs subroutine {2 1/3 clicks} ,c2-c2;} T _ UVSsave {Trap index} ,c3, at[restore.pf,10,RestoreCallers]; Rx _ pFault, GOTO[SaveRegs] ,c1; {END}(0,5080)(1,5842)(2,15240)(3,16510)(4,17780)\f7 (0,5588)(1,6350)(2,17018)(3,65535)(4,65535)\f7