March 20, 1984To: Xerox 1108 sitesFrom: 1100SupportSubject: Fugue.6 ReleaseThe Fugue.6 Release of Interlisp-D is a maintenance release. New functionality hasbeen kept at a minimum. The strength of this release lies in the solidifying andruggedizing of floppy and RS232 support, and a substantial improvement in the waymemory management handles large reference counts.This release is a direct response to the Problem Reports received by 1100Support overthe past few months. Most of the floppy and RS232 malfunctions reported by ourusers have been fixed in Fugue.6. We appreciate the time and care you have taken informulating those reports.The Release Notes and accompanying documentation provide a detailed descriptionof improved support for the floppy device and RS232 and the enhancements to majorsubsystems, such as window and display facilities.Fugue.6 is a reflection of our commitment to deliver reliable, powerful Interlispprogramming systems backed by responsive customer support.7Zpi UMqp Qqp N#qp H(r p FQ E-Q Cc1 ?U >O <8T :n 6O 5Q 3C2 /Q -: -<5V TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN j/a RAIM.PASAMarch 20, 1984 9:49 PM