//  Install Fugue.6 on an 1132 customer disk  << PARTITION 2 >>

//  In the current scheme, all sysouts reside on 
//  Partition 1.  Lisp User and Lisp Library files reside on Parition 2.  INIT.LISP should be set up 
//  to reflect this.

delete dmt.boot dumper.boot // garbage on disk
//install swat
ftp Indigo  ↑
directory/c Alto retrieve/>A InstallSwat.run Sys.Errors 
Delete dumper.boot 

//  Install Lisp fonts

FTP Phylum dir/c lisp>current ret/c InstallFonts.cm

Delete InstallFonts.cm 

//  Install Lisp Library Packages

FTP Phylum dir/c lisp>current ret/c CustomerInstallLispLibrary.cm

Delete CustomerInstallLispLibrary.cm 

//  Install Lisp User Packages

FTP Phylum dir/c lisp>current ret/c CustomerInstallLispUsers.cm

Delete CustomerInstallLispUsers.cm 

//  Install Burn-in test

FTP Phylum Ret/C <Lisp>Test>Test 
FTP Indigo Dir/C Alto Ret/C ↑
Scavenger.run KeyTest.run CopyDisk.run Neptune.run ↑
Peek.run PeekPup.run EtherWatch.run EDP.run PUPTest.run ↑
//Scavenge the disk

Delete MakeDoradoPart2.cm