{File name NewBLT.mc Description: new BLT code Author: Charnley Created: 9-Jun-83 11:01:00 Last edit by Charnley: 20-Jul-83 10:44:09 } SetTask[0]; {******************************************************************* BLT {daddr, saddr, nwords} ********************************************************************} { this code uses a two click inner loop to transfer words. the loop is exited when either the source or the dest cross a page boundary {and require remapping} or the required number of words has been moved. a test for pending interrupts is performed whenever the source is remapped {care must be taken to ignore uPCCrossL} AT ENTRY tos : number of words tos-1: virtual address of first source word tos-2: virtual address of first dest word AT INTERRUPT EXIT tos : number of words remaining tos-1: virtual address of first source word tos-2: virtual address of first dest word AT COMPLETION EXIT stkcnt _ stkcnt - 2 } { REGISTER USAGE Within Inner Loop: Q cnt of words to go TOSH Src Real Address TOS Dst Real Address TT Move Data rhTOSH High Src Real Address rhTOS High Dst Real Address } { BLTInnerLoop } BLTS1: MAR _ {SrcRA}TOSH _ [rhTOSH,TOSH - 1], BRANCH[BLTdone, $], c1; BLTS2: BRANCH[$, BLTSrcRemap, 1], c2; BLTS3: {Data}TT _ MD, c3; BLTD1: MAR _ {DstRA}TOS _ [rhTOS, TOS - 1], c1; BLTD2: MDR _ {Data}TT, BRANCH[$, BLTDstRemap, 1], c2; BLTD3: Q{BLTcnt} _ Q - 1, CarryBr, GOTO[BLTS1], c3; { Loop Exits} BLTSrcRemap: {restore state first} uSaveTOS _ TOS, L2 _ 1, c3;{save DstRA, set L2 for Src Remap} { test for interrupt} TOS _ Q + 1, L1 _ L1.NoFixes, c1;{restore TOS} Ybus _ Q and ~0F, ZeroBr, c2;{small counts don't interrupt} TOSH _ smallpl, MesaIntBr, BRANCH[$, BLTnoint0], c3;{restore TOSH} Ybus _ uWDC, NZeroBr, BRANCH[BLTnoint1, $], c1; Ybus _ uWP, ZeroBr, BRANCH[$, BLTnoint2], c2; uWP _ 0, BRANCH[BLTIntNow, BLTnoint3], c3; BLTIntNow: ClrIntErr, Rx _ 1, c1; uWDC _ Rx,{off interrupts} c2; Rx _ KbdFXP, L2 _ 0, GOTO[PUNT], c3; BLTnoint1: CANCELBR[$], c2; BLTnoint2: CANCELBR[BLTRemap], c3; BLTSrc: {BLTRemap returns here} Rx _ rhRx _ MD, XRefBr, c3; Q _ rhRx, BRANCH[BLTSMap, $], c1,at[L0.RedoBLT,10,RxMapFixCaller];{move rhRx,,Rx to rhTOSH,,TOSH} rhTOSH _ Q LRot0, c2; TOSH _ Rx, c3; Q _ TOS - 1, c1;{restore loop count} TOS _ uSaveTOS, c2;{restore DstRA} c3; MAR _ {SrcRA}TOSH _ [rhTOSH, TT + 0], GOTO[BLTS2], c1; BLTSMap: CALL[RLxMapFix], c2; BLTDstRemap: { restore state, prepare for Remap} uSaveTOSH _ TOSH, L2 _ 3, c3;{save SrcRA, set L2 for Dst Remap} uSaveTT _ TT, c1;{save Data} c2; c3; TOS _ Q + 1, L1 _ L1.PushOnly, c1;{restore TOS} TOSH _ smallpl, c2;{restore TOSH} S _ S - 2, GOTO[BLTRemap], c3;{point stack at Dest} BLTDst: {BLTRemap returns here} Rx _ rhRx _ MD, XDirtyDisp, c3; Q _ rhRx, BRANCH[BLTDMap, $, 1], c1,at[L0.RedoBLT,10,WMapFixCaller]; rhTOS _ Q LRot0, c2;{move rhRx,,Rx to rhTOS,,TOS} Q _ TOS - 1, c3;{restore loop count} TOS _ Rx, c1; TOSH _ uSaveTOSH, c2;{restore SrcRA} S _ S + 2, c3;{restore stack} MAR _ {DstRA}TOS _ [rhTOS, TT + 0], c1; MDR _ uSaveTT, GOTO[BLTD3], c2;{store saved data} BLTDMap: CALL[WLMapFix], c2; {****************************************************} BLTnoint0: MAR _ [rhS, S + 0], L0 _ L0.RedoBLT, CANCELBR[BLTReX], c1; BLTnoint3: MAR _ [rhS, S + 0], L0 _ L0.RedoBLT, CANCELBR[BLTReX], c1; { Remap Subroutine } BLTRemap: MAR _ [rhS, S + 0], L0 _ L0.RedoBLT, c1; BLTReX: TOS _ TOS - 1, CarryBr, c2; TT _ MD{addr}, BRANCH[BLTdone1, $], c3; MAR _ [rhS, S - 1], c1; TT _ TT + TOS, CarryBr, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; rhTT _ MD{addrH}, BRANCH[BLT64NoCross, BLT64Cross], c3; BLT64Cross: Q _ rhTT + 1, LOOPHOLE[byteTiming], c1; rhTT _ Q LRot0, c2; GOTO[BLT64NoCross], c3; BLT64NoCross: Map _ [rhTT,TT], L2Disp, c1; TOS _ TOS + 1, BRANCH[BLTSrc, BLTDst, 1], c2;{restore count} {****************************************************} BLTdone1: c1; BLTdone: TOSH _ smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; TOS _ 0, c3; PC _ PC + PC16, MesaIntRq, c1; S _ S - 4, IBDisp, L2 _ L2.0, GOTO[DISPNIonly], c2; BLTufn: Rx _ 304'b, GOTO[ufn2], c1; BLT: uSaveTOS _ 0, L2 _ 1, c1, opcode[304'b]; Ybus _ TOSH xor smallpl, ZeroBr, L1 _ L1.NoFixes, c2; rhTOS _ 0, BRANCH[BLTufn, BLTRemap], c3; { E N D }