// VMemB.bcpl. D* virtual memory package // Last modified May 25, 1983 10:58 AM by Bill van Melle // Last modified March 14, 1983 5:31 PM by Bill van Melle // Last modified February 4, 1983 10:33 PM by Bill van Melle // Major pruning December 16, 1982 10:27 PM by Bill van Melle // Last modified May 17, 1982 1:58 PM by Bill van Melle get "LispBcpl.decl" get "Stats.decl" get "VMem.decl" get "Streams.d" external // SUBRS [ PageFault // (lvPtr) MOREVMEMFILE // (filepage) WRITEMAPSUBR // (vp rp flags) LISPFINISH // () returns to Alto exec // other entries VirtualPage // (RP) -> VP IGetBase // (offset) IPutBase // (offset, val) LookupPage // (vp) GetPageInCore // (VP, FilePage, NewPageFlg) RemapMemory // () cleans up on exit WriteSwapBuf // () writes any dirty page out to vmem ] external [ // OS procedures CallSwat; Zero CreateDiskStream; PositionPage; FileLength; ReadBlock; Closes // Other procs used LispCleanup; LoadRam; Fault; MachineType BP; @IncMiscStats; VP; VP2; Bytes2; DisplayVMbit WriteStatsX; IndexedPageIO; SmallUnbox @BGetBase; @BPutBase; MkSmallPos; EqNIL; EmUnbox // Raid procs Ws; Wo; Wn; CRLF; RaidReset; PrintPtr; RAIDCode // Statics realPageTableSetup // exported noFaultFlg; SwapBuf; SwapBufVp; SwapBufFileP; SwapBufDirty lvAbortFlag // OS LispFmap; @RMSK @lvNIL; @lvKT; @MiscSTATSbase insideRaid; EmulatorSpace PupZoneStart; PupZoneLength; altoUcodeFp; uCodeLoaded // Other external VMem procs (from VmemA.asm) ReadFlags // (VP) -> oldflags ReadRP // (VP) -> RP SetFlags // (VP, RP, flags) ] static [ @Bpt; @BptLast = 0; BptSize; @BufVp; @BufRP @RPoffset; LispFmap realPageTableSetup = false noFaultFlg = true // if true, non-intrusive fault SwapBuf SwapBufVp = 0 SwapBufFileP = 0 SwapBufDirty = false ] let PageFault(lvPtr, ac2) = valof // page fault handler [ let vp = VP(lvPtr) let flags = ReadFlags(vp) test (flags & VACANT) ne VACANT ifso RAIDCode("Fault on resident page", lvPtr, true) ifnot [ let filep = LookupPage(vp) test filep ifso test noFaultFlg ifnot GetPageInCore(vp, filep, false) ifso [ if not insideRaid then RAIDCode("Non-Raid fault inside Bcpl. ^N to continue", lvPtr) if vp ne SwapBufVp then ReadSwapBuf(vp, filep) if (@ac2)!2 gr Fault then SwapBufDirty = true // write fault ac2!4 = EmulatorSpace // adjust reference to point at core buffer ac2!5 = ((ac2!5) & RMSK) + SwapBuf ] ifnot InvalidAddr (lvPtr) ] resultis lvPtr ] and ReadSwapBuf(vp, filep) be [ if SwapBufDirty then WriteSwapBuf() IndexedPageIO(LispFmap, filep, SwapBuf, 1, false) SwapBufVp = vp SwapBufFileP = filep SwapBufDirty = false ] and WriteSwapBuf() be [ if SwapBufDirty then IndexedPageIO(LispFmap, SwapBufFileP, SwapBuf, 1, true) SwapBufDirty = false ] and InvalidAddr (lvPtr) be [ if insideRaid then [ Ws ("Invalid address: ") PrintPtr (lvPtr!0, lvPtr!1) RaidReset() ] RAIDCode("Invalid address", lvPtr, true) ] repeat and VirtualPage(RP) = BP(RP)>>BPT.VP and GetPageInCore(VP, FilePage, NewPageFlg) be [ let prev = SelectRealPage() let tn = prev>>BPT.NEXT let bp = BP(tn) prev>>BPT.NEXT = bp>>BPT.NEXT // Move page to end of chain test BptLast ge 0 ifso [ // during startup BP(BptLast)>>BPT.NEXT = tn BptLast = tn ] ifnot [ // rest of the time access thru interfacepage BP(IGetBase(IFPRPTLAST))>>BPT.NEXT = tn IPutBase(IFPRPTLAST, tn) ] bp>>BPT.NEXT = 0 bp>>BPT.VP = VP // allocate it to VP (flags are set bp>>BPT.FWORD = FilePage // during transfer by TransferPage) // note: sets LOCK as well TransferPage(VP, FilePage & (not LOCKbit), tn, false, NewPageFlg) ] and SelectRealPage() = valof // Selects a real page to be used as a paging buffer. Returns the // PREVIOUS buffer so the selected buffer can be popped out in unit time! [ let last = Bpt [ let tn = last>>BPT.NEXT unless tn break let bp = BP(tn) if bp>>BPT.STATE eq EMPTY then resultis last if bp>>BPT.STATE eq UNAVAIL then CallSwat("UNAVAIL on chain") if not bp>>BPT.LOCK & ((ReadFlags(bp>>BPT.VP) & REFbit) eq 0) then [ DisplacePage(tn, bp) resultis last ] last = bp ] repeat // It is possible that all the pages are touched between UPDATECHAINs. // If so, we clear the refbits with an UPDATECHAIN and try again. // never run UPDATECHAIN, just find an unlocked page last = Bpt [ let tn = last>>BPT.NEXT unless tn break let bp = BP(tn) if not bp>>BPT.LOCK then [ DisplacePage(tn, bp) resultis last ] last = bp ] repeat [ RAIDCode ("SelectRealPage failed", lvNIL) ] repeat ] and DisplacePage(tn, bp) be // Replace a resident page [ FlushBuf(tn, true) // cannot fault! ClearEntry(tn, bp) ] and ClearEntry(tn, bp) be // Clears the map and bp [ let vp = bp>>BPT.VP SetFlags(vp, tn+RPoffset, VACANT) bp>>BPT.STATE = EMPTY ] and FlushBuf(i, updatekey) be // write out if dirty [ let ip = BP(i) if ip>>BPT.STATE ls EMPTY do // real page is occupied [ let ivp = ip>>BPT.VP let flags = ReadFlags(ivp) if ((flags&DIRTYbit) ne 0) then // write out dirty page [ TransferPage(ivp, ip>>BPT.FILEP, i, true, false) if updatekey & (IGetBase(IFPKey) eq IFPValidKey) then [ // mark vmem invalid IPutBase(IFPKey, not IFPValidKey) TransferPage(InterfacePageVP, FirstVmemBlock, ReadRP(InterfacePageVP)-RPoffset, true, false) ] ] ] ] and TransferPage(vpn, vmp, rpn, wflag, newpage) be [ unless vmp do CallSwat("No file page") let v = vec 3 // space for two times let curs = wflag ? #450, #431 // hiword or loword let newflags = newpage ? DIRTYbit, (wflag ? ReadFlags(vpn) & not DIRTYbit, 0) @curs = not @curs // change cursor during disk action test wflag & BP(rpn)>>BPT.LOCK ifso RAIDCode("Trying to write locked page from Bcpl", MkSmallPos(rpn)) ifnot [ // Map the real page into the space set aside in emulator space for a // paging buffer. Because Dorado won't allow two virtual pages to share // the same real page, we first mark ivp VACANT, then map it to the BufVp. // After we zero, read or write it, we restore the buffer. @lvAbortFlag = @lvAbortFlag + 1 // disallow shift-swat in here SetFlags(vpn, rpn+RPoffset, VACANT) // unmap virtual page SetFlags(BufVp, rpn+RPoffset, OCCUPIED) // map real page onto buff test newpage ifso Zero(BufVp lshift 8, WordsPerPage) // zero a new page ifnot IndexedPageIO(LispFmap, vmp, BufVp lshift 8, 1, wflag) SetFlags(BufVp, BufRP, OCCUPIED) // map buf back @lvAbortFlag = @lvAbortFlag - 1 ] SetFlags(vpn, rpn+RPoffset, newflags) // reset flags // UPCTrace(uPCTraceAddr) // reenable any uPC stats @curs = not @curs // restore cursor ] and LookupPage(vp) = valof [ // Returns page in vmem file or 0 if the page does not exist if (vp𢋠) ne 0 then InvalidVP(vp) let pmpE = BGetBase(PMTspace, PMTbase + vp<>BPT.LOCK = true ] ] and IGetBase(disp) = BGetBase(INTERFACEspace,INTERFACEbase+disp) and IPutBase(disp,val) be BPutBase(INTERFACEspace,INTERFACEbase+disp,val) and InvalidVP(vp) be [ if insideRaid then [ Ws ("Invalid VP: ") Wo(vp, true) RaidReset() ] RAIDCode("Invalid VP", MkSmallPos(vp)) ] repeat and LISPFINISH() be [ LispCleanup() if altoUcodeFp & uCodeLoaded then [ // reload alto microcode let s = CreateDiskStream(altoUcodeFp, ksTypeReadOnly, wordItem) altoUcodeFp = 0 unless s do finish let sl = (FileLength(s) + 1) rshift 1 - WordsPerPage // length of LoadRam buffer we need let buffer = ((PupZoneStart+PupZoneLength) + WordsPerPage-1) & not (WordsPerPage-1) PositionPage(s, 2) ReadBlock(s, buffer, sl) Closes(s) LoadRam((MachineType() eq Dolphin? buffer-1, buffer), 1) ] finish ] and RemapMemory() be [ // restore map to virgin state on exit unless realPageTableSetup do return // I hope the emulator pages are ok, because we don't have a table for them let bp = Bpt+3 let vp = VP2((EmulatorSpace eq 0? 1, 0), 0) // first non-emulator page let rp = RPoffset+1 for i = 1 to BptSize-1 do [ if bp>>BPT.STATE ne UNAVAIL then [ // good page let thisvp = bp>>BPT.STATE eq EMPTY? 0, bp>>BPT.VP if thisvp ge vp then [ // Unmap the page first SetFlags(thisvp, 0, VACANT) ] SetFlags(vp, rp, 0) // map this vp into this page vp = vp+1 ] bp = bp+3 rp = rp+1 ] ] and WRITEMAPSUBR (vp, rp, flags) = valof [ SetFlags (SmallUnbox(vp), SmallUnbox(rp), SmallUnbox(flags)) resultis vp ] and MOREVMEMFILE (filepage) = valof [ let buf = vec WordsPerPage IndexedPageIO (LispFmap, SmallUnbox(filepage), buf, 1, 1) resultis filepage ]