// FtpUserProtFile.bcpl - FTP User file protocol // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 // Last modified July 30, 1983 5:50 PM by van Melle // Last modified July 22, 1982 5:32 PM by Boggs get "FtpProt.decl" external [ // outgoing procedures UserStore; UserRetrieve; UserDirectory; UserDelete; UserRename // incoming procedrues UserGetYesNo; UserProtocolError; UserFlushEOC FTPM; GetCommand; ScanPList; GeneratePList; FreePList Wss; PutTemplate // incoming statics CtxRunning; mt ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let UserDirectory(localPL, Directory) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns: subcode,,mark. 0 means catastrophic error. [ let temp = mt>>MT.ptx^markNo mt>>MT.ptx^markNo = false let res = valof [ FTPM(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.newDirectory? markNewDirectory, markDirectory) GeneratePList(localPL) FTPM(markEndOfCommand) [ let mark = GetCommand() switchon mark<>FtpCtx.newDirectory & mark<>FtpCtx.newDirectory = false; break ] if temp ne 0 then PutTemplate(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.lst, "*N$S", CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.getCmdString) ] case markEndOfCommand: resultis mark //normal end case markHereIsPList: [ let remotePL = ScanPList() if remotePL eq 0 break Directory(remotePL, localPL) FreePList(remotePL) ] repeat ] ] repeat ] repeat mt>>MT.ptx^markNo = temp resultis res ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and UserRename(oldPL, newPL) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns subcode,,mark. 0 means catastrophic error. [ FTPM(markRename) GeneratePList(oldPL) GeneratePList(newPL) FTPM(markEndOfCommand) resultis UserGetYesNo(true) ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and UserDelete(localPL, Delete) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns subcode,,mark. 0 means catastrophic error. [ FTPM(markDelete) GeneratePList(localPL) FTPM(markEndOfCommand) [ let remotePL = 0 [ let mark = GetCommand() switchon mark<>FtpCtx.lst, "*NBad property list - file skipped") endcase ] ] ] repeat let okToDelete = Delete(remotePL, localPL) FreePList(remotePL) test okToDelete ifnot FTPM(markNo, 0, "Please don't delete that file", true) ifso [ FTPM(markYes, 0, "Please delete that file", true) if UserGetYesNo(false) eq 0 resultis 0 ] ] repeat ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and UserStore(localPL, StoreFile) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns subcode,,mark. 0 means catastrophic error. [ let temp = mt>>MT.ptx^markNo mt>>MT.ptx^markNo = false let res = valof [ FTPM(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.newStore? markNewStore, markStore) GeneratePList(localPL) FTPM(markEndOfCommand) let remotePL = 0 let mark = GetCommand() switchon mark<>FtpCtx.newStore & mark<>FtpCtx.newStore = false; loop ] if temp ne 0 then PutTemplate(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.lst, "*N$S", CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.getCmdString) ] case 0: resultis mark case markYes: unless CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.newStore do [ UserFlushEOC(); endcase ] default: resultis UserProtocolError() ] mt>>MT.ptx^markNo = temp if StoreFile(remotePL, localPL) then FTPM(markYes, 0, "Transfer Complete", true) FreePList(remotePL) resultis UserGetYesNo(true) ] repeat mt>>MT.ptx^markNo = temp resultis res ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and UserRetrieve(localPL, WantFile, Cleanup; numargs na) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns subcode,,mark. 0 means catastrophic error. // If Cleanup is supplied, it is called after every call on RetrieveFile. [ FTPM(markRetrieve) GeneratePList(localPL) FTPM(markEndOfCommand) let remotePL = 0 let ok = valof [ [ let mark = GetCommand() switchon mark<>FtpCtx.lst, "*NBad property list - file skipped") endcase ] ] ] repeat let RetrieveFile = WantFile(remotePL, localPL) test RetrieveFile eq 0 ifso FTPM(markNo, 0, "No thanks", true) ifnot [ FTPM(markYes, 0, "File open, ready for data", true) let thismark = GetCommand() switchon thismark<