Instructions for building Floppies for installing Interlisp-D on 1108s filed on [Eris]Current>MakeLispFloppies.Tedit Note: Before going to all of the trouble of making floppies from scratch, be sure to check whether appropriate floppies have already been made. With each major release, new floppy images should be stored in the files: [eris]current>InstallationUtility.floppy [eris]current>DiagnosticsFiles.floppy This can be transferred to floppies using the function (FILE.TO.FLOPPY ) from within Interlisp-D. Follow these instructions if running in Mesa 10.0 Tajo or Copilot. To execute these commands, make sure the insertion point is in the executive window (by clicking left mouse button in Executive window). Then, while holding the "Copy" key down, select the command you want to execute (including the "return" at the end of line.) When you let up on Copy, the command will be "unread" the Executive input buffer. Getting Started ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you transfer files, you should have approximate 6000 pages in your volume to contain all the files. If you want to keep the files separate, you can work on separate directory to keep files in one place, for example: Create Floppy -- creates a new directory push Floppy -- puts the directory on your search path (like Connect) -- alternatively, you can do this on a separate volume, e.g.: Open Lisp/w -- open Lisp volume Create -- create a directory on Lisp volume push -- put on search path Bring over files for making Installation Utility and Diagnostics Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp Phylum directory/c Mesa>10.0>tools retrieve/a<> MakeDLionBootFloppyTool.bcd ftp Phylum directory/c Mesa>10.0>basics retrieve/a<> TajoDLion.boot -- More Mesa files for installing on floppy. ftp Phylum directory/c Mesa>10.0>Basics retrieve/a<> FloppyInitial.db Mesa.db MoonBoot.db DLion.germ -- Following file is "Prometheus" utility for installing software from floppies. It isn't released and access is controlled. See or JFung.pasa if you have trouble getting access. ftp ERIS directory/c LispCore>next retrieve/a<> PrometheusDLion.boot -- bring over Lisp specific files to be installed on floppies. ftp ERIS directory/c Lisp>current ret/A<> Lisp10SAx000Initial.db prometheus.script LispInstallationTool.bcd -- bring over SYSOUT file ftp ERIS directory/c Lisp>Current ret/A<>S Lisp.SYSOUT -- now start up tool. Execute: MakeDLionBootFloppyTool.bcd -- Insert new floppy -- Make the following settings in MakeDLionBootFloppyTool: -- Drive: 0 -- default is correct -- -- Floppy Name: Installation Utility -- *** CHANGE THIS ONE *** -- -- Initial uCode: FloppyInitial.db -- default is correct -- -- Diagnostic uCode: MoonBoot.db -- default is correct -- -- Pilot uCode: Mesa.db -- default is correct -- -- Germ File: DLion.germ -- default is correct -- -- Boot File: PrometheusDLion.boot -- *** CHANGE THIS ONE *** -- -- Bug the "Format And Install Boot Files!" command -- Now execute the following WITHOUT REMOVING FLOPPY: floppy write prometheus.script LispInstallationTool.bcd floppy info list/v You have now made a "Installation Utility" diskette It can be used to: --configure the disk into one, two or three logical volumes --install Diagnostics onto the disk -- install sysouts on any of three logical volumes To make a "Diagnostics Files" floppy, --------------------------------------------------------------------- Insert a new floppy, and then: floppy format "Diagnostics Files"/n floppy write Lisp10SAx000Initial.db Mesa.db DLion.germ TajoDLion.boot floppy info list/v To make a floppy with a SYSOUT on it: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert a new floppy, then: floppy format "Lisp Sysout '#1"/n floppy write lisp.sysout[0..2250]/s lisp.sysout floppy info list/v -- Insert a new floppy, and then floppy format "Lisp Sysout '#2"/n floppy write lisp.sysout[2251..4500]/s lisp.sysout floppy info list/v -- If SYSOUT>4500 pages, insert a new floppy, and then: floppy format "Lisp Sysout '#3"/n floppy write lisp.sysout[4501..6750]/s lisp.sysout floppy info list/v -- If SYSOUT>6750 pages, insert a new floppy, and then: floppy format "Lisp Sysout '#4"/n 3/f floppy write lisp.sysout[6751..9000]/s lisp.sysout floppy info list/v -- done (extend for sysouts bigger than 11500 pages). If any changes to files were made, back up: -- stop working in the "Floppy" subdirectory pop GACHA G TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN *GACHA Þ TIMESROMAN [GACHA 9 TIMESROMAN GACHA Ä TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN* TIMESROMAN GACHA  TIMESROMAN GACHA | TIMESROMAN GACHA  TIMESROMAN GACHA & TIMESROMAN GACHA TIMESROMAN F TIMESROMANJ TIMESROMAN ”GACHA 0 TIMESROMAN eGACHA Â TIMESROMAN EGACHA B TIMESROMAN nGACHA  TIMESROMAN 7GACHA ! TIMESROMAN GACHA Š TIMESROMAN MGACHA ã TIMESROMAN $ TIMESROMANj TIMESROMAN GACHA  TIMESROMAN $ TIMESROMANj TIMESROMAN eGACHA # TIMESROMAN iGACHA : TIMESROMAN iGACHA : TIMESROMAN lGACHA ” TIMESROMAN GACHA P4z¸