XEROX1108 Users Guide41SECTION 6INPUT OUTPUTInput Output on the Xerox 1108 is supported in many ways: keyboard, display, mouse, rigid disk,ethernet, floppy disk, and RS232. This section only covers aspects of the last two: floppy diskand RS232.6.1FLOPPY SUPPORTThis documentation describes the Interlisp-D file device {FLOPPY}, used to interact with floppydrives on Xerox 1108 machines. In general, Interlisp-D can be used to read, write, and otherwiseinteract with files on Pilot formatted floppy disks through standard Interlisp input/outputfunctions. All familiar operations such as LOAD, OPENFILE, READ, PRINT, READC,GETFILEINFO, SETFILEINFO, GETFILEPTR, SETFILEPTR, etc. work with file device {FLOPPY}.COPYFILE is commonly used to archive and unarchive files between {FLOPPY} and other filedevices. Files on {FLOPPY} can be compiled, edited, hardcopied, etc,. just as files may be on allother ordinary file devices.The user should be aware that the occurrence of certain events (i.e., opening the floppy drivedoor, performing a (LOGOUT), etc.) while a {FLOPPY} stream is open can result in the files onthe floppy being inaccessible. Recovery techniques are available which attempt to repair suchdamage. See FLOPPY.RESTART and FLOPPY.SCAVENGE described below. (OPENP) can beused to determine if any files are currently open for input or output; (CLOSEALL) will close allopen files except T and the current typescript file, if any, and return a list of the files closed. SeeSection 6.1 of the Interlisp Reference Manual for more information on file manipulationfunctions. The following functions and capabilities are supported in the current software release. (FLOPPY.FORMAT NAME AUTOCONFIRMFLG SLOWFLG)[Function]This function is used to erase and establish track information on floppies, especially floppieswhich are brand new. The NAME arg becomes the name of your floppy. It's a good idea to labelthe outside of your floppies with the same NAME. AUTOCONFIRMFLG controls questioning theuser about destroying floppies that appear to contain valid information. If AUTOCONFIRMFLG isT, the user will not be asked to confirm. SLOWFLG determines how thorough a formatting job isto be done on the floppy you format. If SLOWFLG is T, FLOPPY.FORMAT will completely eraseyour floppy, setting down track information and critical Pilot records on your floppy. WhenSLOWFLG is left NIL, only Pilot records needed to give your floppy an empty directory arewritten. Use SLOWFLG = T with brand new floppies. Your floppies should always be 8" doubleÿî gïdõpôXqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî(;ï]ßsî&¦ï[« î gïV(pô… ô†ðLî gïSôô¨ðVî gïQÀô€î gïMäsîüspsî gïJpô™ôšð?î gïGÔô†ð?ô‡î gïE ô ô ð5î gïCl ôgðDî gïA8 ô  ô¡ð=î gï?ô©ôªð?î gï<ÐôðOô‚ î gï:œô€î gï6Àô¤ðNô¥ î gï4Œô”ðHô•î gï2Xô¬ð=ô­î gï0$ôÈð@ôÉî gï-ðô ð\î gï+¼ô€ôðLî gï)ˆôá tpôâð&î gï'T ô€î gï#xðXî gïœs pupu pusîDìp î gïÀôº ô»ðOî gïŒô†ô‡ð;î gïXôœ ôðJî gï$ôðDôî gïðôˆðTô‰î gï¼ô”ô•ðTî gïˆôØðJôÙ î gï TôËôÌð@î gï ôôðB ìTVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide42sided/double density soft sectored floppy disks. Floppies are inserted into the floppy drive faceup, the edge of the floppy with two 2" long cover holes (one hole per side) going in first. Thewriteprotect notch will be on the same edge as and to the left of a cover hole as you look downon the floppy from above. If you attempt to write on an unformatted floppy a break will occurand the mesage "Floppy: Not a Pilot Floppy" will appear in the Prompt Window. (FLOPPY.SET.NAME NAME)[Function]This function resets the NAME put onto a floppy by FLOPPY.FORMAT. (FLOPPY.GET.NAME)[ Function]This function returns the NAME put onto a floppy by FLOPPY.FORMAT or FLOPPY.SET.NAME. (FLOPPY.CAN.READP) [Function]This predicates tests if there is a floppy in the floppy drive. FLOPPY.CAN.READP does notprotect against not fully closing the floppy drive door. You may wish to useFLOPPY.WAIT.FOR.FLOPPY (see below).(FLOPPY.CAN.WRITEP)[Function] This predicates tests if there is a write-enabled floppy in the floppy drive. It does not checkwhether the floppy has been properly formatted. (The floppy drive can only write on floppieswhose writeprotect notches are covered with tape.)(FLOPPY.WAIT.FOR.FLOPPY NEWFLG)[Function]When NEWFLG = NIL, this command waits until there is a floppy in the floppy drive beforereturning. When NEWFLG = T, the function first waits until the existing floppy in the floppydrive, if any, is removed, and then waits for a floppy to be inserted into the drive beforereturning. (SYSOUT '{FLOPPY})[Function]SYOUTs may be created on floppies with the Interlisp SYSOUT function, and later installed onthe same or other Xerox 1108s by using the "Installation Utility" floppy distributed with yoursoftware set. SYSOUTs may also be taken from other file devices and be put onto floppiesthrough the use of the function FLOPPY.MODE (see below). The user is prompted to insert newfloppies as they are needed. It will generally take 3 to 5 floppies to store a sysout. The floppiesare automatically formatted and named appropriately. Presently the logical names of the sysoutfloppies must be "LispSysout#1". "LispSysout#2", etc. See Section 3 for a description of theÿî gïdõpôXõqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî gï]ß ô˜ô™ðMî gï[«ôžôŸðLî gïYw ôˆô‰ð9î gïWCô¨ð)ô©ð2î gïUô€ðKî gïQ3spusîDìp î gïMWðBî gïI{sîDlp î gïEŸðVî gïAÃspîDì î gï=çôÑðQôÒî gï;³ô™ð+ôšî gï9ô€ î gï5£sîDìp î gï1Çô¿ðIôÀî gï/“ô¹ôºðFî gï-_ô€ð-î gï)ƒspusîDìp î gï%§ô¼ðMô½î gï#s ô¾ô¿ðMî gï!?ôÞðUî gï ô€î gï/sîDìp î gïSô¡ô¢ð6î gïô¾ô¿ðVî gïëôÊð/ôËð!î gï·ôŒôðPî gïƒô”ð[î gï Oô›ôœðCî gï ô—ð9ô˜’TVk(ú XEROX1108 Users Guide43procedure for installing software from floppies. Note that when you return from this functionFLOPPY.MODE is set to SYSOUT. You must use (FLOPPY.MODE 'PILOT) to restore the normalmode of operation for {FLOPPY}. Note: before writing a sysout to unformatted floppies, or tofloppies of suspicious origin, do (FLOPPY.FORMAT NIL NIL T) to ensure the formatting iscomplete and correct.( FLOPPY.MODE MODE) [Function]The normal mode of operation for {FLOPPY} is to be (FLOPPY.MODE 'PILOT). Two otherspecial modes of operation for {FLOPPY}, SYSOUT and HUGEPILOT, are available. In SYSOUTmode, the user may use COPYFILE to move a sysout off another file device onto floppies. To dothis, the user must first set {FLOPPY} into SYSOUT mode, then do the COPYFILE. For example,(FLOPPY.MODE 'SYSOUT)(COPYFILE '{PHYLUM}CURRENT>FULL.SYSOUT '{FLOPPY})would put the current Interlisp-D FULL.SYSOUT onto floppies. The Installation Utility is thenused to load these sysouts onto a Xerox 1108. Similarly, sysouts can be copied off floppies ontoanother file device using COPYFILE when in SYSOUT mode. It is possible to write and read Pilot huge files across multiple floppies in HUGEPILOT mode(FLOPPY.MODE 'HUGEPILOT). This mode is practically identical to SYSOUT mode, with theexception that the user has control over the names of file and floppies. (FLOPPY.TO.FILE TOFILE) & (FLOPPY.FROM.FILE FROMFILE)These two functions support the ability to copy Pilot floppies. FLOPPY.TO.FILE copies thecontents of the current floppy to a file and FLOPPY.FROM.FILE is FLOPPY.TO.FILE's inverse.Typically, you may insert a floppy into the floppy drive, use FLOPPY.TO.FILE to move thecontents of the floppy to a file (on a file server or some logical volume of your machine with2500 free pages), remove your floppy, insert a blank floppy, and use FLOPPY.FROM.FILE tomove the contents of the file onto the blank floppy. The new floppy will automatically beformatted and given the same name as the original floppy. FLOPPY.FROM.FILE can be usedmore than once if you would like to make more than one copy. As an alternative to usingFLOPPY.SCAVENGE (described below), the TOFILE produced by FLOPPY.TO.FILE can beusefully edited to salvage the contents of a floppy that has been damaged.(FLOPPY.FREE.PAGES) [Function]This function returns the number of unallocated free pages on the current floppy. Pilot floppyfiles are contiguously represented on floppy disks. If you are going to use your floppyî gïdõpôXõqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî gï]ßôÂðFôà î gï[« ô•ð4ô–î gïYwô°ð<ô±î gïWCôáð6ôâî gïUô€ î gïQ3s puspîDì î gïMWôÝðOî gïK#ôð!ô‘ð/î gïHïô†ðCô‡î gïF»ô€ðVîCïCùîCïA7ð7î gï=[ôËðSôÌî gï;'ôˆô‰ðAî gï8óô€ð1î gï5ô¹ð/ôºð+î gï2ã ôÌôÍð2î gï0¯ô€ð@î gï,Óspuspspu pî gï(÷ôá ôâðFî gï&Ãô¯ô°ð7î gï$ ôÞðJôßî gï"[ô­ð*ô®ð,î gï 'ôÂð0ôÃð$î gïóôãôäðEî gï¿ô¼ðAô½ î gï‹ôÌ ôÍðIî gïWôú ôûð5î gï#ô€ðBî gïGsîDlp î gï kô¬ð9ô­ð!î gï 7ô ð9ô  ¼TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide44interactively (you are not just doing a simple series of COPYFILEs after a FLOPPY.FORMAT), itis suggested you do not fill the floppy to capacity. Try to keep such a floppy < 75% full. (FLOPPY.COMPACT) [Function]If your floppy is stable--there are no extant {FLOPPY} streams--FLOPPY.COMPACT may be usedto compact your floppy, moving files toward the front of your floppy so that all free blocks onyour floppy can be combined into one free block. (A compactor that works well when there areopen {FLOPPY} streams is in the pipeline.) (FLOPPY.SCAVENGE) [Function]This function attempts to repair a floppy whose critical records have become confused. (FLOPPY.RESTART) [Function] A last resort to try to restart {FLOPPY} if you think {FLOPPY} is smashed. FLOPPY.RESTARTwill recreate all {FLOPPY} internal globals. Be warned that any outstanding {FLOPPY} streamswill be lost if you do (FLOPPY.RESTART). Try switching floppies or opening and then closingthe floppy drive door first. ÿî gïdõpôXõqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî gï]ß ô˜ð+ô™ð%î gï[«ô€ðYî gïWÏspîDì î gïSóô‚ðXî gïQ¿ô¥ô¦ðUî gïO‹ô”ðNô• î gïMWô€ð'î gïI{spîDì î gïEŸðWî gïAÃspîDì î gï=çô¡ðXî gï;³ô™ ôšðKî gï9ô¬ô­ðTî gï7Kô€êTVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide456.2RS232 SUPPORTThis section describes techniques for connecting the Xerox 1108 via the PRINTER/DTB port.Xerox software supports a Chat facility and file transfer to any machine implementing the Modemprotocols.A special cable is required for the PRINTER/DTB port. The 1108 end requires a 25 pin D-shellmale connector with pins 9 and 22 broken off. Pins 4 and 8 must be shorted together. The otherend of the cable depends on the particular device: a Xerox 1100, a Xerox 1108, a modem, or anEpson FX-80 printer.Xerox 1108 to Xerox 1108 (or Modem)Pin 1 to Pin 1 (optional chassis ground)Pin 2 to Pin 3Pin 3 to Pin 2Pin 7 to Pin 7Pin 6 to Pin 20Pin 20 to Pin 6 Xerox 1108 to Xerox 1100, Epson FX-80 Printer, or dumb terminalEpson FX-80 end: 25 pin D-shell maleXerox 1100/dumb terminal end: 25 pin D-shell femalePin 1 to pin 1 (optional chassis ground)Pin 2 to pin 2Pin 3 to pin 3Pin 6 to pin 6Pin 7 to pin 7Pin 20 to pin 20 Testing the connectionTo test for a working RS232 connection between Machine A (a Xerox 1108) and Machine B (aXerox 1108 or a Xerox 1100), proceed as follows:(LOAD 'RS232CHAT.DCOM) on both machines.(RS232INIT 300 8 NIL 1) on both machines.ÿî gïdõpôXõqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî gï]ßsîüô€î gïZpô¶ð0ô·ð%î gïWÏô€ôðAî gïU› î gïQ¿ô›ð.ôœð-î gïO‹ô„ô…ðKî gïMWô‡ôˆðEî gïK#ô€î gïGGsð#îCïD?pð(îCïB îCï?× îCï=£ îCï;oîCï9;î gï5_sð?î gï1ƒpð$î gï/Oð3îCï,ð(îCï*Y îCï(% îCï%ñ îCï#½ îCï!‰î gï­sî gïÑpôžðSôŸî gïô€ð+î‰ïÁð(î‰ïð)¢TVk(² XEROX1108 Users Guide46(RS232CHAT) on both machines. This will prompt you to open a window on each system. Whatyou type on Machine A should be echoed on Machine B, and vice versa. ÿî gïdõpôXõqî@†pî gïd*þ?dFî*jï)pî gï]ß ô‚ðAôƒ î gï[«ô€ðBºTVk(.ÿ Helvetica ÿLogoÿ Helveticaÿ Helvetica ÿ Helvetica ÿ Helvetica ê îNÒÿÿj/ “0ÞÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿM69S6.BXknowlesJuly 2, 1984 8:22 AM