XEROX1108 Users Guide33SECTION 5SYSTEM TOOLSTHE PROFILE TOOL, INSTALL LISP TOOL AND DIAGNOSTICSWhen the Xerox 1108 is in the base state (a bouncing white square on a dark background), theLisp Installation Tool, Profile Tool and Diagnostics can be invoked and the Lisp Volume can bebooted. Base state is entered by doing a 1-boot. If the bouncing white square does not appear,make sure you have correctly preloaded software, as described in Installing Software on theDiagnostics Volume.Each of these tools displays its own window, containing parameters and commands. These areselected with the left mouse button. Parameter menus are available in some cases, and theymay be selected by pressing either both mouse buttons on a two-button mouse, or using themiddle mouse button on a three-button mouse. Hereafter, parameter selection will be referred toas the middle mouse button. The Delete and Next function keys may also be used in the Installation Tool and Profile Toolwindows.5.1THE PROFILE TOOLThe Profile Tool enables the user to select a number of default parameters to be used wheninstalling fresh Interlisp-D sysouts from a FileServer. The defaults will appear in the LispInstallation Tool Window (see below), and may be changed there if necessary.Summary: To activate the tool, click middle mouse buttonSelect the parameters you wish to set or changeSelect Set Profile! commandConfirm the mouse iconSelect Quit!Details:The Profile window is divided into the following regions:A herald name, consisting of Profile Tool date and time of creationA two-line message sub-window, which is blank gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p(;]s&l[ gV(0 gRLtp t4 gP O gM). gK /p gI| t gES gCl D gA82$ g?&3 g< g82' g6 g2sCX g/p!6 g, -tp g* @ g&stC#/p/C m/Cs pCC's gK gop9C gCC -HTVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide34A parameter sub-windowA command sub-windowA file sub-window for messagesPARAMETER ITEMSUser: Your NS/Pup registered user name.Password: Associated with registered name for login. It is not necessary to supply thepassword in the profile tool, it may be entered in the Installation Tool Window. If apassword is supplied it is stored on the disk in an unencryped form.Domain: Name defined in your Xerox NS Clearinghouse database.Organization: Name defined in your Xerox NS Clearinghouse database.If you do not run an NS Clearinghouse, the Domain and Organization names may be names ofyour choice.Device: Selects the type of device on which the Lisp Sysout file is stored. Currently twotypes of file servers, IFS (Interim File Server) and XNS (Xerox Network System) aresupported. For 1108s support for the Floppy device is planned.NSLisp: Complete pathway filename of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from an NS typeFileServer.PUPLisp: Complete pathway filename of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from a PUPtype FileServer.FloppyLisp: The filename on the floppy disketts from which the Lisp Sysout file is to beloaded. This feature is not yet implemented. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)pC]C[CX[ gC !KC 4C+sptp5C= C{sptpA Cs pCs p$)C%TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide355.2THE LISP INSTALLATION TOOLThe tool window is divided into the following regions:A herald name, consisting of Lisp Installation Tool date and time of creationA two-line message sub-window, which is blank when the tool is first invokedA parameter sub-window A command sub-windowA file sub-window for messages relevant to the command selectedCertain parameters are relevant to certain commands. The defaults from the Profile Tool willappear in the Device, File, User, Password, Domain and Organization fields. To override adefault, point to the parameter name and click the right mouse button. Then type in the newparameter value.Using the middle mouse button on Doc, Device, or Volume Menu changes the direction of thearrow to horizontal, and pops up a menu of values which may be selected. Note: DSK volumewill not appear in the Volume menu.Using the middle mouse button on any of the parameters also changes the shape of the arrowto horizontal, and reveals the Window Manager, which may be used to move the Lisp InstallationTool window. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p g]sC gZp3CVnMCSLCPCN(CKf? g'J-tp  g%s$ps ptp g"7 g  gs ps p g6 tp gj gtpT gZA g&0TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide36PARAMETER ITEMSDoc: Used in conjunction with the Help! command. The General doc displays the write-up ofthe Lisp Installation Tool. The ErrorMsg doc displays the meanings of the error messages youmay encounter when selecting a command, in the file sub-window. The file sub-window may bescrolled on the left hand side. You may want to use Zoom (parameter in the Window Manager)to enlarge the window to full-screen size to display the entire General or ErrorMsg document.Device: Selects file server protocol types used with the Install File! command. Only IFS andNS file server protocols are currently supported.File: Complete pathway name of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from the File Server.For example, an NS file might be: [Phylex:XSIS:Xerox]LispClass.sysout.An equivalent but shorter NS File name is:[Phylex:]LispClass.sysoutAn example of an IFS pathway would be:[Rose]Demo.sysoutThe server, domain and organization naming convention restricts these to alphanumerics plusthe following special characters: " - : # SP (SPACE). The first character must be a letter, orelse the error message "scan error on Server:Domain:Organization" will be posted.Volume Menu: The menu selections available with the two-button or center button pop-upmenu are determined when your system is partitioned. The volume named Lisp is the defaultvalue for this field. VMem Size (Pages): Shows the size in pages (1 page = 512 bytes) allocated for Interlisp'svirtual memory on the logical volume named by the Volume parameter.Volume Size: Shows the size of the logical volume specified by the Volume parameter.Free Size: Shows the available number of pages on the logical volume specified by the Volumeparameter.User: NS/Pup registered user name.Password: Associated with registered name for login. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p g]s gZptpsptptp gWtp@ gU'tp gSgtp . gQ3[ gMWsptp"spsp gK#/ gGGsptpGs pCCkRC?*<%C8&5 g12& g/ (tp( g-_M g)sptp; g'O,tptp g% g!?sptpF g < g/s pH gSspR g gCsptp g gsptp*.TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide37Domain: Name defined in your Clearinghouse database.Organization: Name defined in your Clearinghouse database.If you do notrun an NS Clearinghouse, the Domain and Organization names may be names ofyour choice.COMMAND ITEMSInstall File!: Installs the remote file named in the File parameter to the volume named in theVolume parameter. A confirming mouse icon will appear in the file sub-window with the name ofthe volume to which the file will be installed. The file transfer can be aborted with the STOP key.Boot Volume!: Boots the Lisp Volume parameter. There is a confirming mouse icon for thiscommand.Set VMem!: Set VMem command is used to vary the size of Interlisp's virtual memory of aVolume. The command is driven by the size specified in the VMem Size parameter. A warningmessage will be posted if you try to shrink your virtual memory. If no size is specified, the VMemwill be defaulted to 2000 pages less than the volume size.Floppy!: (Not yet Implemented)Erase!: Erase command is used to erase the cotnents of the logical volume specified by theVolume parameter. Erase! should never be used on the DSK volume where user flies are stored.(ERASE DSK option of Installation Utility menu should be used for this purpose. See Section 3on the File System for details). There is a confirming mouse icon for this command.Scavenge!: Scavenges selected volume and produces MSScavenge.log file in that volume.There is a confirming mouse icon for this command. The file sub-window message is:Volume = LispnScavenging...doneVolume repaired, file log completeN files on volumeNo problems foundCopy VMem!: Cross-copies the virtual memory from one logical volume (Source) to anotherlogical volume (Destination). This command does not copy the entire contents of the logicalvolume, but only the number of page specified by the VMem Size parameter of the sourcevolume. Copy VMem! command pops up its own window explained below. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p g]sptp, gZs ptp, gV'U gS gPs gL;ptp&sptp gJspF gG,tp3 gCsptpsp tp gA g=sptp)# g;5 g9D g7K6 g3osptp g/sptp.$ g-_'/ g++2% g(Q g%sptp- g"-tpCR tCpC"CC gsptp7 grM g>K g ;TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide38Details:The Copy VMem Option window is divided into the following regions:A herald name consisting of Copy VMem Option date and time of creationA two line message sub-window, which is blank when first invokedA parameter sub-window for Source and Destination volume namesA command sub-window for Start or QuitA file sub-window for messages.PARAMETER ITEMSSource Volume: The logical volume name (e.g., Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3), from which the InterLispvirtual memory will be copied.Dest.Volume: The logical volume name (e.g., Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3) to which the InterLisp virtualmemory will be copied. COMMAND ITEMSStart!: Does the obvious. File sub-window asks for confirmation of Source and Destination withthe mouse icon. When the virtual memory has been copied, the user can respond to theconfirmation message to boot the Destination volume, or he can cancel the confirmation andQuit! Quit!: Returns you to the bouncing white square. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p g] gZ?CVFCT@CQ>CN&CL: g/s g+p6 g) g%s ptp2 g#qt gs gptpE g tp, gQ (& gsp gAsp+TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide395.3THE ONLINE DIAGNOSTICS TOOLThe programs for these tests are stored on the Diagnostics Volume, and are accessible from thebouncing white square. These tests are for the Display, Keyboard, Echo Test (Ethernet), andFloppy Disk Drive.All of the tests are documented online through the Help! command. Summary:To activate, click the right mouse button from the bouncing white squareSelect the test to be executedSelect the parameter(s) for the testSelect the Start! commandOr select Help! for documentationDetails:To read all of the documentation, you may find it convenient to use the middle mouse button toinvoke the Window Manager, activate Zoom with the horizontal arrow, and then move the topline of the file sub-window upward by using the left mouse button positioning the cursor on thebox on the right hand side of this line. COMMANDSHelp!: Used with parameter "None", displays the complete documentation on how to use theDiagnostics window, including the Window Manager. Used with one of the parameters, displaysthe complete documentation for that test.Start! and Cancel!: Start the test selected or quit the Diagnostics program.PARAMETERSType of test to be executed:Display, Keyboard, Echo, Floppy Disk Drive.For details, please review the online documentation before starting these tests. gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p g]sC gZpR gW tp? gU gQ3spt gMsCJNpHCGCD$CB spC?F sp g;js g7pL g5ZK g3&[ g0%t g-s g):ptp() g' &tp  g$& g spsptp8 gs g>pC+ gP.TVk( XEROX1108 Users Guide40(This page intentionally left blank) gdpXq@p gd*?dF*j)p!a=h$>TVk($ Helvetica Logo Helvetica Helvetica  Helvetica E b h:!j/$ "0M69S5.BXknowlesJuly 2, 1984 8:21 AM