AR Summary
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Numbe  Date:      System:         Subsystem:      Status:     Attn:        Subject:                                            Priority:   Difficulty  Impact:    Problem Type:  

42     17-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Need NS tools like Maintain                         Perhaps     Hard        Annoying   Design - UI    
86     17-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Want auto-subdirectory creation w/ NS file servers  Perhaps     Moderate    Annoying   Design - UI    
115    17-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open  NS filing reliability problems                      Absolutely  Hard        Serious    Performance    
220    21-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Need tool to decipher duplicate names on NS file s  Perhaps     Hard        Serious    Design - UI    
        12:18:09                                                           erver                                                                                                 
284    26-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open  multiple HARDCOPYWs don't interlock                 Hopefully   Easy        Moderate   Bug            
408    31-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        Sybal,Sann,  Upgrade Phylex to Services 8.0, and test Interlisp  Hopefully   Moderate    Moderate   Performance    
        13:47:55                                              lisp         -D against it                                                                                         
409    31-Mar-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Update Interlisp-D to Services 8.0 protocol         Hopefully   Moderate    Moderate   Performance    
541     6-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Should document NS.ECHOUSER                         Perhaps     Easy        Annoying   Documentation  
592    10-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Superfluous "not responding" messages after NS pri  Perhaps     Moderate    Minor      Design - UI    
        11:17:30                                                           nting is done                                                                                         
605    10-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open  Should not need to give password to connect to NS   Perhaps     Moderate    Annoying   Design - UI    
        12:08:00                                                           file server                                                                                           
622    10-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Document new functionality for SHOW.CLEARINGHOUSE   Perhaps                 Minor      Documentation  
641    11-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Want way to turn off XNS broadcast packets          Perhaps     Hard        Annoying   Design - Impl  
721    16-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Writing to NS file server gives many "Filesever:fi  Absolutely  Moderate    Serious    Bug            
        14:34:39                                                           ling#nn not responding" msgs                                                                          
722    16-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     NS Servers ask for password too often if (USERNAME  Absolutely  Easy        Annoying   Bug            
        15:12:40                                                           ) not set                                                                                             
742    17-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Should be able to ↑E out of request to login to NS  Perhaps     Easy        Annoying   Design - UI    
        15:59:24                                                            host                                                                                                 
784    23-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Should redesign Courier to use MesaTypes package    Unlikely    Hard        Moderate   Performance    
824    24-Apr-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     COPYFILE of big sysout to NS fileserver fails       Absolutely  Moderate    Serious    Bug            
974     4-May-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Don't use Obsolete clearinghouse entry modificatio  Absolutely  Easy        Serious    Bug            
        10:24:54                                                           n hacks with Services 8.0                                                                             
979     4-May-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Document meaning of msg BULK DATA STREAM TRUNCATED  Perhaps     Easy        Minor      Documentation  
        11:36:31                                                            when listing to NS printer                                                                           
1078   10-May-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Printing on NS printer gives "Error in Courier pro  Hopefully   Moderate    Annoying   Bug            
        12:14:52                                                           gram PRINTING: Busy                                                                                   
1459   19-Jun-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open  COPYFILE from/to NS fileserver too slow             Hopefully   Hard        Serious    Performance    
1506   26-Jun-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Want quoting convention for special characters in   Perhaps     Moderate    Moderate   Bug            
        17:16:35                                                           NS file names                                                                                         
1599   10-Jul-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     File containing FILESLOAD times-out under NS filin  Hopefully   Hard        Moderate                  
        13:51:36                                                           g                                                                                                     
1618   10-Jul-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open        vanMelle     Want COURIER.OPEN to keep trying, w/ similar inter  Perhaps     Hard        Annoying   Design - Impl  
        15:54:14                                                           face as Leaf                                                                                          
1708   27-Jul-84  Communications  NS Protocols    Open  Can not do SETFILEINFO on FILE.TYPE on NS file ser  Perhaps                 Moderate   Design - Impl  
        21:13:54                                                           ver                                                                                                   
12     16-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Leaf shouldn't print "not responding" for non-visi  Hopefully   Moderate    Annoying   Bug            
        23:55:27                                                           ble operations                                                                                        
165    18-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Can't CHAT with 3mb/10mb uCode                      Perhaps     Moderate    Moderate   Bug            
168    18-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Want uniform terminal emulation for VT1000          Perhaps     Moderate    Moderate   Design - UI    
296    26-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Handle better Leaf error: 1001 (Broken Leaf)        Perhaps     Hard        Annoying   Design - UI    
388    29-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  DELFILE of a file write-protected against owner ha  Perhaps     Moderate    Annoying   Bug            
        14:36:45                                                           ngs                                                                                                   
432    31-Mar-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Leaf after logout activity not interlocked against  Perhaps     Moderate    Minor      Bug            
        16:04:06                                                            other processes                                                                                      
484     3-Apr-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open  Document how Dolphins determine net number          Unlikely                Annoying   Documentation  
542     6-Apr-84  Communications  PUP Protocols   Open        vanmelle     Should document PUP.ECHOUSER                        Unlikely    Easy        Annoying   Documentation  