;;; Spice Lisp numeric package, SPNUM. -*-Lisp-*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; Author : Brian G. Milnes (Milnes@CMU-20C) ;;; Please report bugs, gripes or comments about this code to both ;;; Scott Fahlman and me. ;;; ;;; I. ABSTRACT ;;; ;;; Spnum is the spice lisp code implementing the non-transcendental ;;; and non-irrational sections of the number chapter (12) of the ;;; common lisp manual. Spnum is used only for the spice lisp implementation on ;;; the perq. This package contains code for ;;; ;;; - fixnum operations that overflow to a bignum, ;;; - integer operations that produce a ratio, ;;; - bignum operations, ;;; - fixnum bignum operations, ;;; - and ratio operations. ;;; ;;; Any functions which end in -escape are designed to be called ;;; by the PERQ micro code whenever it can not handle the arguments, ;;; or result, of an arithmetic operation. ;;; ;;; ;;; CONTENTS ;;; ;;; ;;; I. Abstract ;;; IV. Accessing macros ;;; 1. Random macros ;;; V. Relational operations ;;; VI. Arithmetic operations ;;; 2. Fixnum operations ;;; 3. Bignum operations ;;; 4. Ratio operations ;;; 5. Integer and mixed mode operations ;;; 6. Arithmetic bugout dispatch routines ;;; VII. Logical operations ;;; VIII. Exported routines (other) ;;; ;;; IV. ACCESSING MACROS ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; 1. Random macros ;;; ;;; Cons-a-Bignum generates a bignum, of size n subtype s. (eval-when (compile) (defmacro cons-a-bignum (n) `(%primitive alloc-bignum ,n 3)) (defmacro bignum-length (b) `(%sp-get-vector-length ,b)) (defmacro complement (X) `(if (zerop ,X) 1 0)) ;;; One for negative, zero for positive. (defmacro bignum-sign (b) `(let ((b ,b)) (ldb (byte 1 7) (%sp-v-access b (1- (bignum-length b)))))) (defmacro integerize1 (n) `(let ((n ,n)) (if (fixnump n) n (integerize n (bignum-length n))))) ;;; Fills the field with sign bits, and makes sure that it's large enough. (defmacro create-bignum (n s) `(let ((byte (- ,s)) (size (max 4 ,n))) ;For Brian's code. (do ((res (cons-a-bignum size)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i size) res) (%sp-v-store res i byte)))) (defmacro integer-compare (x y) `(let ((x (integerize1 ,x)) (y (integerize1 ,y))) (typecase x (bignum (typecase y (bignum (bignum-compare x y)) (fixnum (bignum-fixnum-compare x)))) (fixnum (typecase y (bignum (bignum-fixnum-compare y)) (fixnum (fixnum-compare x y))))))) ;;; ;;; Fixnum-Sign returns the sign of a fixnum as the fixnum 0 or 1. ;;; VM:T (defmacro fixnum-sign (X) `(%sp-logldb 1 #,(1- %fixnum-length) ,X)) ;;; ;;; Integer-sign returns the sign of any integer argument. ;;; ;;; VM:T (defmacro integer-sign (x) `(cond ((bignump ,x) (bignum-sign ,x)) ((fixnump ,x) (fixnum-sign ,x)) (t (error "Non integer argument passed to integer-sign macro. ~%")))) ;;; ;;; Get-byte (P S N) returns a field of bytes from the integer ;;; N, whose highest order byte is position P and whose lowest ;;; order bit is in position P - S. Get-byte sign extends, and ;;; fills righthand zeros. ;;; VM:T (defmacro get-byte (p s n) `(if (> (- (1+ ,p) ,s) 0) (%sp-ldb ,s (- (1+ ,p) ,s) ,n) (if (< ,p 0) 0 (%sp-lsh (%sp-ldb (1+ ,p) 0 ,n) (- ,s (1+ ,p)))))) ;;; ;;; Fixable (X) returns true iff X is a number (of any type) ;;; that can be represented as a fixnum. ;;; VM:T (defmacro fixable (X) `(<= max-negative-fixnum ,x max-positive-fixnum)) ;;; ;;; Get-fixnum-byte (P S X) returns right packed the next s bits ;;; whose highest bit is P and whose lowest bit is P-S from the fixnum ;;; X. if the bits run off the right hand side of the fixnum, the spaces ;;; are padded with 0's. if P is too large, then an run time error will occur. ;;; VM:() (defmacro get-fixnum-byte (p s x) `(cond ((< ,p 0) 0) ((< (- ,p ,s) 0) (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb (1+ ,p) 0 ,x) (1+ ,p) (- 7 ,p) 0)) (t (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb ,s (1+ (- ,p ,s)) ,x) ,s (- 8 ,s) 0)))) ) ;Close of eval-when(compile). ;;; ;;; ;;; 4. Not macros, but ... (defun copy-xnum (n) (let ((res (cons-a-bignum (bignum-length n)))) (%sp-byte-blt n 0 res 0 (bignum-length n)) res)) ;;; Byte-bash and friends? ;;; Returns a bignum of the specified size, "equal" to the given integer. (defun sizify (n size) (let ((res (create-bignum size (if (minusp n) 1 0)))) (cond ((fixnump n) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (n n (ash n -8))) ((= i 4)) (%sp-v-store res i n))) (t (bash-bytes n size 0 res))) res)) (defun nsizify (n size) (if (and (bignump n) (>= (bignum-length n) size)) (%sp-shrink-vector n size) (sizify n size))) (defun bash-bytes (f i p n) "Replaces the i bytes at byte p of xnum n with the lower bytes of f." (let* ((i (min i (bignum-length f))) (end (min (+ p i) (bignum-length n)))) (%sp-byte-blt f 0 n p end) n)) ;;; ;;; V. RELATIONAL OPERATIONS ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Fixnum-Compare (X Y) returns '> '< or '= depending upon ;;; whether X = Y or X > Y or X < Y. ;;; VM:T (eval-when (compile) (defmacro fixnum-compare (X Y) `(or (and (= ,x ,y) '=) (and (> ,x ,y) '>) '<)) ) ;;; bignum-fixnum-compare returns > or < but never =. ;;; VM:T (defun bignum-fixnum-compare (b) (if (= 0 (bignum-sign b)) '> '<)) ;;; ;;; Bignum-compare (X Y) returns '= '> or '< depending upon ;;; whether X = Y, X > Y or X < Y. ;;; ;;; VM:T ;;; Returns <, >, or =. (defun bignum-compare (x y) (let ((trap nil) (sign-x (bignum-sign x)) (sign-y (bignum-sign y)) (length-x (bignum-length x)) (length-y (bignum-length y))) (if (not (eq (setq trap (zerop sign-x)) (zerop sign-y))) (if trap '> '<) (if (not (eq '= (setq trap (fixnum-compare length-x length-y)))) (if (zerop sign-x) trap (if (eq trap '>) '< '>)) (do ((byte-counter (1- length-x) (1- byte-counter))) ((or (not (eq '= (setq trap (fixnum-compare (%sp-v-access x byte-counter) (%sp-v-access y byte-counter))))) (eq '= (fixnum-compare byte-counter 0))) trap) ))))) (defun numerator (x) "Returns the numerator of a rational." (%primitive numerator x)) (defun denominator (x) "Returns the denominator of a rational." (%primitive denominator x)) ;;; ratio-compare returns >,< or = as a comparison of ;;; two ratios. ;;; Returns > < or =. (defun ratio-compare (x y) (let* ((numx (%primitive numerator x)) (denx (%primitive denominator x)) (numy (%primitive numerator y)) (deny (%primitive denominator y)) (xsign (minusp numx)) ; Strange way to hold sign, huh ? (ysign (minusp numy))) (cond ((not (eq xsign ysign)) (if xsign '< '>)) ((and (zerop numx) (zerop numy)) '=) ((and (= numx numy) (= denx deny)) '=) ((= numx numy) (cond ((> denx deny) (if xsign '> '<)) (t (if xsign '< '>)))) ((= denx deny) (if (> numx numy) '> '<)) (t (compare-numbers (* numx deny) (* numy denx)))))) ;;; ratio-integer-compare returns >,< or = as a comparison ;;; of the arguments x and y. ;;; vm:T (defun ratio-integer-compare (x y) (let* ((numx (%primitive numerator x)) (denx (%primitive denominator x)) (xsign (minusp numx))) (cond ((not (eq xsign (minusp y))) (if xsign '< '>)) ((and (= 1 denx)) (compare-numbers numx y)) (t (multiple-value-bind (xi xr) (truncate numx denx) (case (compare-numbers xi y) (> '>) (< '<) (= (cond ((zerop xr) '=) ((minusp xr) '<) (t '>))))))))) ;;; 2. FIXNUM OPERATIONS ;;; ;;; ;;; Integerize reduces any vector of type xnum into ;;; it's arithmetically correct integer representation. ;;; VM:T (defun integerize (b v-length) (let* ((bit-length (integer-length b)) (length-needed (1+ (truncate bit-length 8)))) (if (< bit-length %fixnum-length) (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access b 3) 4 24 (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access b 2) 8 16 (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access b 1) 8 8 (%sp-v-access b 0)))) (if (> v-length length-needed) (%sp-shrink-vector b length-needed) b)))) ;;; Add-in-byte multiplies two bytes together and adds ;;; them plus the carry, into the bignum X at I and ;;; returns the carry. The index I is an 8 bit byte index into ;;; the vector. (defun add-in-bytes (b1 b2 x i carry) (let ((sum (+ (%sp-lsh (%sp-v-access x (1+ i)) 8) (%sp-v-access x i) (* b1 b2) (if (zerop carry) 0 256)))) ;; The carry is 16 bit, so I must slide it 8 bits left to get it ;; in the right byte. (%sp-v-store x i sum) (%sp-v-store x (1+ i) (%sp-logldb 8 8 sum)) (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum))) ;;; Add-in-carry adds a carry bit into a bignum at a given byte. ;;; VM:T (defun add-in-carry (v i) (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j)) (sum (zerop (%sp-logldb 1 8 (%sp-v-store v i (1+ (%sp-v-access v i))))) (zerop (%sp-logldb 1 8 (%sp-v-store v j (1+ (%sp-v-access v j)))))) ) (sum))) ;;; %sp-fixnum* multiplies two fixnums and returns the integer result, ;;; be it bignum or fixnum. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-fixnum* (x y) (let* ((xs (fixnum-sign x)) (ys (fixnum-sign y)) (new-s (if (= xs ys) 0 1)) (x (if (zerop xs) x (- x))) (y (if (zerop ys) y (- y)))) (cond ((not (and (fixnump x) (fixnump y))) (if (zerop new-s) (* x y) (- (* x y)))) (t (let ((xl (integer-length x)) (yl (integer-length y))) (cond ((or (zerop xl) (zerop yl)) 0) (t (let* ((xb (1+ (truncate xl 8))) (yb (1+ (truncate yl 8))) (zb (+ xb yb)) (z (cons-a-bignum zb)) (carry 0)) (do ((xi 0 (1+ xi)) (xbyte 0) (xbs 8. (if (= xi 2) 4 8))) ((= xi xb)) (setq xbyte (%sp-ldb xbs (* 8 xi) x)) (unless (zerop xbyte) (do ((yi 0 (1+ yi)) (yi+xi xi (1+ yi+xi)) (ybyte 0) (ybs 8 (if (= yi 2) 4 8))) ((= yi yb) (unless (zerop carry) (add-in-carry z (+ yb xi 1)))) (setq ybyte (%sp-ldb ybs (* 8 yi) y)) (unless (zerop ybyte) (setq carry (add-in-bytes ybyte xbyte z yi+xi carry)))))) (let ((z (integerize z zb))) (if (zerop new-s) z (- z))))))))))) ;;; %sp-fixnum/ builds a ratio of the arguments x and y. ;;; It knows that any arguments the microcode has bugged out ;;; on must be an uneven division, or an fixnum division whose ;;; quotient is a bignum. So if args are most-negative-fixnum and -1, then it ;;; returns (1+ most-positive-fixnum) or it simply builds a ratio of them. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-fixnum/ (x y) (cond ((and (= -1 y) (= x most-negative-fixnum)) (1+ most-positive-fixnum)) (t (let ((gcd-x-y (gcd x y))) (unless (= gcd-x-y 1) (setq x (/ x gcd-x-y) y (/ y gcd-x-y))) (cond ((minusp y) (%primitive make-ratio (- x) (- y))) (t (%primitive make-ratio x y))))))) ;;; %sp-fixnum+ does an integer addition, into a bignum of length 4 ;;; which is integerized into a fixnum or a bignum, or into ;;; a fixnum, which is sign extended. ;;; VM:t (defun %sp-fixnum+ (x y) (let* ((xs (fixnum-sign x)) (ys (fixnum-sign y)) (same-sign (= xs ys))) (cond (same-sign (let* ((z (cons-a-bignum 4)) (sum1 (+ (%sp-logldb 16 0 x) (%sp-logldb 16 0 y))) (sum2 (+ (%sp-logldb 12 16 x) (%sp-logldb 12 16 y) (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum1)))) (unless (zerop xs) (setq sum2 (%sp-logdpb 255 3 13 sum2))) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z 0 sum1) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z 1 sum2) (integerize z 4))) (t (let* ((sum1 (+ (%sp-logldb 16 0 x) (%sp-logldb 16 0 y))) (sum2 (+ (%sp-logldb 12 16 x) (%sp-logldb 12 16 y) (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum1)))) (%sp-logdpb sum2 12 16 sum1)))))) ;;; %sp-fixnum- does a subtraction into a 4 byte xnum, or a fixnum. ;;; VM:t (defun %sp-fixnum- (x y) (let ((xs (fixnum-sign x)) (ys (fixnum-sign y))) (cond ((= xs ys) (let* ((diff1 (- (%sp-logldb 16 0 x) (%sp-logldb 16 0 y))) (diff2 (- (%sp-logldb 12 16 x) (%sp-logldb 12 16 y) (if (minusp diff1) 1 0)))) (%sp-logdpb diff2 12 16 diff1))) (t (let* ((diff1 (- (%sp-logldb 16 0 x) (%sp-logldb 16 0 y))) (diff2 (- (%sp-logldb 12 16 x) (%sp-logldb 12 16 y) (if (minusp diff1) 1 0)))) (cond ((= xs (%sp-logldb 1 11 diff2)) ; No overflow. (%sp-logdpb diff2 12 16 diff1)) (t (let ((z (cons-a-bignum 4))) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z 0 diff1) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z 1 (if (zerop xs) diff2 (%sp-logdpb 255 4 12 diff2))) (integerize z 4))))))))) ;;; 3. Bignum operations ;;; ;;; ;;; Stuff used in bignum printing. ;;; ;;; Differs from previous in that we do not need to check for ;;; leading zeros. The bignum may have any length (including zero). (defun new-integerize (bignum) (let ((len (bignum-length bignum))) (cond ((or (> len 4) (and (= len 4) (>= (%sp-v-access bignum 3) 8))) bignum) (t (do ((i (1- len) (1- i)) (res (- (bignum-sign bignum)) (%sp-logdpb res 19 8 (%sp-v-access bignum i)))) ((minusp i) res)))))) ;;; Special division for printing et al. ;;; ;;; Both divisor and dividend must be positive, and the divisor must ;;; be of integer-length <= 19 (the closer the better). ;;; ;;; This uses two successive loops for convenience, the first collecting ;;; a remainder less than the fixnum divisor (might as well truncate), ;;; then a second to actually put the results back. The bignum ;;; result may still be of fixnum size, and hence must be checked. ;;; Because of the first loop (and the shrink that follows it), this check ;;; is easier than previous ones. (defun bignum-fixnum-divide-inplace (big fix) (do ((byte (1- (bignum-length big)) (1- byte)) (remainder (- (bignum-sign big))) tmp) ((minusp byte) (values (integerize big (bignum-length big)) remainder)) (multiple-value-setq (tmp remainder) (truncate (%sp-logdpb remainder 19 8 (%sp-v-access big byte)) fix)) (%sp-v-store big byte tmp))) ; ;(defun bignum-fixnum-divide-inplace (big fix) ; (do ((tmp 0) ; (remainder 0) ; (byte (1- (bignum-length big)) (1- byte))) ; ((not (zerop tmp)) ;Plusp compares. ; (%sp-shrink-vector big (+ byte 2)) ; (%sp-v-store big (1+ byte) tmp) ; (do ((byte byte (1- byte))) ; ((minusp byte) ; (values (new-integerize big) remainder)) ; (multiple-value-setq (tmp remainder) ; (truncate (%sp-logdpb remainder 19 8 (%sp-v-access big byte)) ; fix)) ; (%sp-v-store big byte tmp))) ; (multiple-value-setq (tmp remainder) ; (truncate (%sp-logdpb remainder 19 8 (%sp-v-access big byte)) ; fix)))) ;;; ;;; More esoterics. Shifting in place. ;;; ;;; The result of a negative shift of ash-in-place may result in a fixnum, ;;; so the result should always be setq'd if it is to be kept ;;; (just like any other destructive operations). (defun byte-ash-in-place (n c) (let* ((length (bignum-length n)) (newlen (max 0 (+ length c)))) (cond ((zerop newlen) (- (bignum-sign n))) (t (%sp-byte-blt n (max 0 (- c)) n (max 0 c) newlen) (%sp-shrink-vector n newlen) (new-integerize n))))) (defun ash-in-place (n i) (if (fixnump n) (ash n i) (let* ((len (bignum-length n)) (sign (- (bignum-sign n))) (top (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access n (1- len)) 8 0 sign))) (cond ((zerop i) n) ((plusp i) (if (> i (- 7 (integer-length top))) (ash n i) (do ((byte 1 (1+ byte)) (remainder (ash (%sp-v-store n 0 (ash (%sp-v-access n 0) i)) -8) (ash (%sp-v-store n byte (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access n byte) 8 i remainder)) -8))) ((= len byte) n)))) (t (multiple-value-bind (bytes bits) (truncate i 8) (setq n (ash n bytes)) (if (fixnump n) (ash n bits) (let ((newlen-1 (1- (bignum-length n))) (-bits (- bits)) (bits+8 (+ 8 bits))) (do ((byte newlen-1 (1- byte)) (previous sign)) ((minusp byte) (if (> (- bits) (integer-length top)) (%sp-shrink-vector n newlen-1) n)) (%sp-v-store n byte (%sp-logdpb previous -bits bits+8 (ash (Setq previous (%sp-v-access n byte)) bits)))))))))))) ;;; %sp-bignum* multiplies two bignums together. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-bignum* (a b) (let* ((as (bignum-sign a)) (bs (bignum-sign b)) (a (if (= as 0) a (- a))) (b (if (= bs 0) b (- b))) (new-sign (if (= as bs) 0 1))) (cond ((or (fixnump a) (fixnump b)) (if (zerop new-sign) (* a b) (- (* a b)))) (t (let* ((length-a (bignum-length a)) (length-b (bignum-length b)) (length-c (+ length-a length-b)) (c (cons-a-bignum length-c))) ;; swap the longer bignum into a. (if (> length-b length-a) (psetq length-a length-b length-b length-a a b b a)) ;; byte by byte multiply with 16 bit add in's to the bignum c. (do ((b_index 0 (1+ b_index)) (byte-in-b 0)) ((= b_index length-b) (if (zerop new-sign) (integerize c length-c) (- (integerize c length-c)))) (setq byte-in-b (%sp-v-access b b_index)) (unless (zerop byte-in-b) (do ((carry 0) (a_index 0 (1+ a_index)) (byte-in-a 0) (A+b_index b_index (1+ a+b_index))) ((= a_index length-a) (unless (zerop carry) (add-in-carry c (+ length-a b_index 1)))) (setq byte-in-a (%sp-v-access a a_index)) (unless (= byte-in-a 0) (setq carry (add-in-bytes byte-in-a byte-in-b c a+b_index carry))))))))))) ;;; Gb16 does a sign extending 16 bit vector access of vector. ;;; Pos is the 8 bit index into vector, length is 1- the number of ;;; 8 bit entries and sign-byte is a 16 bit byte of sign bits. ;;; VM:T (defun gb16 (vector pos length sign-byte) (cond ((> pos length) sign-byte) ((= pos length) (%sp-logdpb sign-byte 8. 8. (%sp-v-access vector pos))) (t (%sp-typed-v-access 4 vector (truncate pos 2))))) (defun gb8 (vector pos length sign-byte) (cond ((> pos length) (%sp-logldb 8 0 sign-byte)) (t (%sp-v-access vector pos)))) ;;; %sp-bignum+ is the internal bignum addition routine. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-bignum+ (a b) (let* ((length-a (bignum-length a)) (length-b (bignum-length b)) (mab (max length-a length-b)) (a-sign (bignum-sign a)) (b-sign (bignum-sign b)) (same-sign (if (= a-sign b-sign) t nil)) (carry 0) (c (cons-a-bignum (if same-sign (1+ mab) mab))) (la-1 (1- length-a)) (lb-1 (1- length-b)) (asb (if (zerop a-sign) 0 65535)) (bsb (if (zerop b-sign) 0 65535))) (do ((1-mab (1- mab)) (i 0 (+ i 2)) (sum 0)) ((>= i 1-mab) (when (= i 1-mab) (setq sum (+ (gb8 a i la-1 asb) (gb8 b i lb-1 bsb) carry)) (%sp-v-store c i sum))) (setq sum (+ (gb16 a i la-1 asb) (gb16 b i lb-1 bsb) carry)) (setq carry (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 c (truncate i 2) sum)) (cond (same-sign (cond ((not (= a-sign (%sp-logldb 1 7 (%sp-v-access c (1- mab))))) (%sp-v-store c mab asb) C) ;SKH. (t (%sp-shrink-vector c mab)))) (t (integerize c mab))))) ;;; %sp-bignum- does a signed subtraction of two bignums. ;;; (defun %sp-bignum- (a b) (let* ((la (bignum-length a)) (lb (bignum-length b)) (mab (max la lb)) (as (bignum-sign a)) (bs (bignum-sign b)) (la-1 (1- la)) (lb-1 (1- lb)) (asb (if (zerop as) 0 65535)) (bsb (if (zerop bs) 0 65535)) (carry 0)) (cond ((eq as bs) (let ((z (cons-a-bignum mab))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (diff 0) (mab-1 (1- mab))) ((>= i mab-1) (when (= i mab-1) (%sp-v-store z mab-1 (- (gb8 a i la-1 asb) (gb8 b i lb-1 bsb) carry))) (integerize z mab)) (setq diff (- (gb16 a i la-1 asb) (gb16 b i lb-1 bsb) carry)) (setq carry (if (minusp diff) 1 0)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) diff)))) (t (let ((z (cons-a-bignum (1+ mab)))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (diff 0)) ((>= i mab) (unless (zerop as) (%sp-v-store z mab 255)) (integerize z (1+ mab))) (setq diff (- (gb16 a i la-1 asb) (gb16 b i lb-1 bsb) carry)) (setq carry (if (minusp diff) 1 0)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) diff))))))) ;;; Bignum-negate returns the negation of any bignum. ;;; VM:T. (defun bignum-negate (X) (let* ((size (bignum-length x)) (xsign (bignum-sign x)) (neg-size (if (zerop xsign) size (1+ size))) (neg (cons-a-bignum neg-size))) ;;; If x is negative, neg must be one byte longer just in case ;;; the negation overflows. (do ((byte 0 (+ byte 2)) (size-1 (1- size)) (carry 1)) ((>= byte size-1) (when (= byte size-1) (%sp-v-store neg byte (+ (- #2r11111111 (%sp-v-access x byte)) carry)))) (setq carry (%sp-logldb 1 16 (%sp-typed-v-store 4 neg (truncate byte 2) (+ (- #2r1111111111111111 (%sp-typed-v-access 4 x (truncate byte 2))) carry))))) (integerize neg neg-size))) ;;; ;;; 4. Ratio operations ;;; Build-ratio takes two integer arguments and builds ;;; the rational number which is thier quotient. ;;; When reduction is implemented, it will go in here. ;;; VM:T (defun build-ratio (x y) (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate x y) (if (zerop r) q (let ((gcd (gcd x y))) (unless (= gcd 1) (setq x (/ x gcd) y (/ y gcd))) (cond ((minusp y) (%primitive make-ratio (- x) (- y))) (t (%primitive make-ratio x y))))))) ;;; Rational produces a rational number for any numeric argument. ;;; Rational assumed that the floating point is completely accurate. (defun rational (x) (typecase x (float (multiple-value-bind (f e) (decode-float x) (let* ((precision (float-precision f)) (f (truncate (scale-float f precision)))) (if (minusp e) (build-ratio f (ash 1 (+ precision (abs e)))) (build-ratio (ash f e) (ash 1 precision)))))) (rational x) (otherwise (error "Argument not a non complex number, ~A." x)))) ;;; Rationalize does a rational, but it assumes that floats ;;; are only accurate to their precision, and generates a good ;;; rational aproximation of them. (eval-when (compile) (remprop 'long-float-epsilon '%constant)) ;;; (defun rationalize (x) (typecase x (rational x) (short-float (rationalize-float x short-float-epsilon)) (long-float (rationalize-float x long-float-epsilon)) (otherwise (error "Argument not a non complex number, ~A." x)))) ;;; Thanks to Kim Fateman, who stole this function rationalize-float ;;; from macsyma's rational. Macsyma'a rationalize was written ;;; by the legendary Gosper (rwg). Gosper is now working for xerox ;;; at parc. Guy Steele said about Gosper, "He has been called the ;;; only living 17th century mathematician and is also the best ;;; pdp-10 hacker I know." So, if you can understand or debug this ;;; code you win big. (defun rationalize-float (x &optional (eps long-float-epsilon)) (cond ((minusp x) (- (rationalize (- x)))) ((zerop x) 0) (t (let ((y ()) (a ())) (do ((xx x (setq y (/ 1.0 (- xx (float a x))))) (num (setq a (truncate x)) (+ (* (setq a (truncate y)) num) onum)) (den 1 (+ (* a den) oden)) (onum 1 num) (oden 0 den)) ((and (not (zerop den)) (not (> (abs (/ (- x (/ (float num x) (float den x))) x)) eps))) (/ num den))))))) ;;; %sp-ratio* does a ratio to ratio multiplication. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio* (x y) (let ((numx (%primitive numerator x)) (numy (%primitive numerator y)) (denx (%primitive denominator x)) (deny (%primitive denominator y))) (let ((gcdnumx (gcd numx deny)) (gcdnumy (gcd numy denx))) (let ((num (* (/ numx gcdnumx) (/ numy gcdnumy))) (den (* (/ denx gcdnumy) (/ deny gcdnumx)))) (if (= 1 den) num (%primitive make-ratio num den)))))) ;;; %sp-ratio/ does a ratio to ratio division. ;;; vm:T (defun %sp-ratio/ (x y) (%sp-ratio* x (%sp-ratio-inverse y))) ;;; %sp-ratio-negate negates the numerator of the ratio. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio-negate (x) (%primitive make-ratio (- (%primitive numerator x)) (%primitive denominator x))) ;;; %sp-ratio+ does a ratio to ratio addition. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio+ (x y) (let ((denx (%primitive denominator x)) (deny (%primitive denominator y))) (build-ratio (+ (* (%primitive numerator x) deny) (* (%primitive numerator y) denx)) (* denx deny)))) ;;; %sp-ratio- does a ratio to ratio subtraction. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio- (x y) (let ((denx (%primitive denominator x)) (deny (%primitive denominator y))) (build-ratio (- (* (%primitive numerator x) deny) (* (%primitive numerator y) denx)) (* denx deny)))) ;;; %sp-ratio-inverse inverts a ratio. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio-inverse (x) (let ((numx (%primitive numerator x)) (denx (%primitive denominator x))) (when (zerop numx) (error "%sp-ratio-inverse : the inverse of zero is not defined.")) (cond ((= 1 numx) denx) ((= -1 numx) (- denx)) ((minusp denx) (%primitive make-ratio (- denx) (- numx))) (t (%primitive make-ratio denx numx))))) ;;; ;;; 5. Integer and mixed mode operations ;;; ;;; %sp-integer/ does a division of two integers. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-integer/ (x y) (when (zerop y) (error "~A / ~A" x y)) (multiple-value-bind (zi zr) (truncate x y) (if (zerop zr) zi (build-ratio x y)))) ;;; %sp-ratio-integer* multiplies a ratio by an integer. ;;; vm:t (defun %sp-ratio-integer* (x y) (let* ((den (%primitive denominator x)) (gcd (gcd den y))) (build-ratio (* (%primitive numerator x) (/ y gcd)) (/ den gcd)))) ;;; %sp-ratio-integer/ divides a ratio by an integer. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio-integer/ (x y) (when (zerop y) (error "Attempt to divide ~A by zero." x)) (let* ((num (%primitive numerator x)) (gcd (gcd num y))) (%primitive make-ratio (/ num gcd) (* (%primitive denominator x) (/ y gcd))))) ;;; %sp-ratio-integer+ adds an integer to a ratio. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ratio-integer+ (x y) (let ((denx (%primitive denominator x))) (build-ratio (+ (%primitive numerator x) (* denx y)) denx))) ;;; %sp-ratio-integer- subtracts an integer from a ratio. (defun %sp-ratio-integer- (x y) (let ((denx (%primitive denominator x))) (build-ratio (- (%primitive numerator x) (* denx y)) denx))) ;;; gfb8 and gfb16 get a sign extended fixnum byte of 8 or 16 bits. ;;; The index, i, is an 8 bit index, and s is a byte of the sign of f. (defun gfb8 (f i s) (case i ((0 1 2) (%sp-logldb 8 (* i 8) f)) (3 (%sp-logdpb s 4 4 (%sp-logldb 4 24 f))) (t (%sp-logldb 8 0 s)))) ;;; I is an 8 bit index. (defun gfb16 (f i s) (case i (0 (%sp-logldb 16 0 f)) (2 (%sp-logdpb s 4 12 (%sp-logldb 12 16 f))) (t (%sp-logldb 16 0 s)))) ;;; %sp-bignum-fixnum* multiplies a bignum by a fixnum. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-bignum-fixnum* (x y) (let* ((xs (bignum-sign x)) (ys (fixnum-sign y)) (zs (eq xs ys)) (x (if (zerop xs) x (- x))) (y (if (zerop ys) y (- y)))) (cond ((or (not (bignump x)) (not (fixnump y))) (if zs (* x y) (- (* x y)))) (t (let* ((lenx (bignum-length x)) (bit-length (integer-length y)) (byte-len (1+ (truncate bit-length 8))) (c (cons-a-bignum (+ byte-len lenx)))) (do ((y_index 0 (1+ y_index)) (byte-in-y 0)) ((= y_index byte-len) (let ((c (integerize c (+ byte-len lenx)))) (if zs c (- c)))) (setq byte-in-y (gfb8 y y_index 0)) (unless (zerop byte-in-y) (do ((carry 0) (x_index 0 (1+ x_index)) (byte-in-x 0) (x+y_index y_index (1+ x+y_index))) ((= x_index lenx) (unless (zerop carry) (add-in-carry c (+ lenx x_index)))) (setq byte-in-x (%sp-v-access x x_index)) (setq carry (add-in-bytes byte-in-x byte-in-y c x+y_index carry)))))))))) ;;; %sp-bignum-fixnum+ adds a bignum to a fixnum, using twos ;;; complement addition. (defun %sp-bignum-fixnum+ (b f) (let* ((bs (bignum-sign b)) (bsign-byte (- bs)) (bl (bignum-length b)) (1-bl (1- bl)) (fs (fixnum-sign f)) (fsign-byte (- fs)) (carry 0)) (cond ((eq bs fs) ; if they have the same sign, (let* ((z (cons-a-bignum (1+ bl)))); make a larger xnum. (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (sum 0)) ((>= i bl) (cond ((= bs (%sp-logldb 1 15 sum)) (%sp-shrink-vector z bl)) (t (unless (zerop bs) (%sp-v-store z bl bsign-byte)) z))) (setq sum (+ (gb16 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) (gfb16 f i fsign-byte) carry)) (setq carry (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) sum)))) (t (let* ((z (cons-a-bignum bl)) (carry 0)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (sum 0)) ((>= i 1-bl) (when (= i 1-bl) (setq sum (+ (gb8 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) (gfb8 f i fsign-byte) carry)) (%sp-v-store z 1-bl sum)) (integerize z bl)) (setq sum (+ (gb16 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) (gfb16 f i fsign-byte) carry)) (setq carry (%sp-logldb 1 16 sum)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) sum))))))) ;;; %sp-fixnum-bignum- subtracts a bignum from a fixnum. (defun %sp-fixnum-bignum- (f b) (let* ((fs (fixnum-sign f)) (fsign-byte (- fs)) (bs (bignum-sign b)) (bsign-byte (- bs)) (bl (bignum-length b)) (1-bl (1- bl))) (cond ((eq fs bs) (let* ((z (cons-a-bignum bl)) (carry 0)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (sum 0)) ((>= i 1-bl) (when (= i 1-bl) (%sp-v-store z 1-bl (- (%sp-logldb 8 0 fsign-byte) (gb8 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) carry))) (integerize z bl)) (setq sum (- (gfb16 f i fsign-byte) (gb16 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) carry)) (setq carry (if (minusp sum) 1 0)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) sum)))) (t (let ((z (cons-a-bignum (1+ bl))) (carry 0)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (sum 0)) ((>= i bl) (unless (zerop fs) (%sp-v-store z bl 255)) (integerize z (1+ bl))) (setq sum (- (gfb16 f i fsign-byte) (gb16 b i 1-bl bsign-byte) carry)) (setq carry (if (minusp sum) 1 0)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 z (truncate i 2) sum))))))) ;;; ;;; Spicelisp Gcd. ;;; Speed is very a important factor in the calculation of ;;; Gcd, because the implementation of rational numbers uses Gcd ;;; very heavily. ;;; Gcd of two nonnegative integers, no type checking. ;;; Based on the Lehman multiple precision algorithm in Knuth vol. 2. (defun gcd2 (u v) (cond ((zerop u) v) ((zerop v) u) ((= 1 u) (if (zerop v) 0 1)) ;For inverses. ((= 1 v) (if (zerop u) 0 1)) (t (let* ((k (do ((k 0 (1+ k))) ((or (oddp u) (oddp v)) k) (setq u (ash u -1)) (setq v (ash v -1)))) (tee 0)) (cond ((oddp u) (setq tee (- v))) ; falls into b4. (t (setq tee (ash u -1)))) ; Setq tee to U/2 and then B4. (do () ; B4 is the test, B3 the body. ((oddp tee)) (Setq tee (ash tee -1))) (if (> tee 0) (setq u tee) (setq v (- tee))) (setq tee (- u v)) ;B6 (do () ((zerop tee) (ash u k)) (setq tee (ash tee -1)) ;B3 again. (do () ((oddp tee)) (setq tee (ash tee -1))) ;B3. (if (> tee 0) (setq u tee) (setq v (- tee))) (setq tee (- u v))))))) (defun gcd (&rest args) "Returns the greatest common divisor of the arguments, which must be integers. Gcd with no arguments is defined to be 0." (do ((args args (cdr args)) (gcd 0 (gcd2 gcd (abs (car args))))) ((null args) gcd) (if (not (integerp (car args))) (error "Gcd - argument not an integer: ~A" (car args))))) ;;; Lcm. ;;; Lcm2 is defined this way so that operations won't unnecessarily bignumify. (defun lcm2 (n m) "Least common multiple of two nonzero integers. No type checking." (* (/ (max n m) (gcd n m)) (min n m))) (defun lcm (&rest args) "Returns the least common multiple of one or more integers." (do ((args args (cdr args)) (lcm 1 (lcm2 lcm (car args)))) ((null args) lcm) (cond ((not (integerp (car args))) (error "Lcm: argument not an integer, ~A" (car args))) ((zerop (car args)) ;Result is zero. (dolist (arg (cdr args)) (if (not (integerp arg)) (error "Lcm: argument not an integer, ~A" arg))) (return 0))))) ;;; %sp-Trunc-escape and its associated division and truncation ;;; routines. ;;; Fixnum-fixnum-divide is passed only positive fixnums, so ;;; it can call the microcode for its answers. (eval-when (compile) (defmacro fixnum-fixnum-divide (x y) `(truncate ,x ,y)) ;;; Converts the integer-length of the number to the byte length. (defmacro bit-to-8-bit-byte (bits) `(multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate ,bits 8) (if (zerop r) q (1+ q)))) ) ;;; Bignum Division ;;; ;;; ;;; Integer-divide takes two integers and returns thier quotient and ;;; remainder. ;;; Divide-with-sign uses the function to divide u by v and checks ;;; usign and vsign to return the correctly signed q and r. (eval-when (compile) (defmacro divide-with-sign (function) `(multiple-value-bind (q r) (,function u v) (if usign (if vsign (values q (- r)) (values (- q) (- r))) (if vsign (values (- q) r) (values q r)))))) (defun integer-divide (u v) (typecase u (fixnum (typecase v (fixnum (truncate u v)) (bignum (values 0 u)) ;WHM 10-18-83 (otherwise (error "~a must be an integer, truncate." v)))) (otherwise (let* ((usign (minusp u)) (u (abs u)) (vsign (minusp v)) (v (abs v))) (typecase u (fixnum (typecase v (fixnum (divide-with-sign truncate)) (bignum (if vsign (values 0 (- v)) (values 0 v))))) (bignum (typecase v (fixnum (divide-with-sign bignum-fixnum-divide)) (bignum (divide-with-sign bignum-divide))))))))) ;;; Implement Knuth's indexing scheme. (defmacro knuth-u (bignum index &optional (length 'ulen)) `(let ((index (- ,length ,index 1))) (if (minusp index) 0 (aref ,bignum index)))) (defsetf knuth-u (bignum index &optional (length 'ulen)) (new) `(let ((index (- ,length ,index 1)) (new ,new)) (if (minusp index) new (setf (aref ,bignum index) new)))) (defmacro knuth-v (bignum index &optional (length 'vlen)) `(aref ,bignum (- ,length ,index)))) ;;; Part of the Knuth algorithm for division. Does step D4, p.258 (vol 2). ;;; Returns the borrow (-1 if there was one). ;;; May not work if u and v are the same byte size. (defun new-multiply-and-subtract (u j v qhat) (let ((vlen (bignum-length v)) (ulen (bignum-length u))) (do ((i vlen (1- i)) (multiply-carry 0) ; Nonnegative. (subtract-carry 0)) ; Nonpositive. ((zerop i) (ash (incf (knuth-u u j ulen) (- subtract-carry multiply-carry)) -8)) (let* ((subtrahend (+ multiply-carry (* qhat (knuth-v v i)))) (difference (- (+ subtract-carry (knuth-u u (+ j i))) (ldb (byte 8 0) subtrahend)))) (setq multiply-carry (ash subtrahend -8) subtract-carry (ash difference -8)) (setf (knuth-u u (+ j i) ulen) difference))))) ;;; Does step D6, except for decrementing qhat. (defun new-add-back (u j v) (let ((n (bignum-length v)) (ulen (bignum-length u)) (carry 0)) (do ((i n (1- i))) ((< i j)) (Setq carry (ash (incf (knuth-u u (+ j i) ulen) (+ carry (knuth-v v i n))) -8))))) ;;; Destructively modifies the new u and v. ;;; U and V are normalized, and d is what we shift the remainder by. ;(proclaim (inline do-bignum-division)) (defun do-bignum-division (u v d) ;; First, really normalize u and v so that indexing works. This may make them ;; look negative. (let ((ulen (bignum-length u)) (vlen (bignum-length v))) ; (if (zerop (aref v (1- vlen))) ; (%primitive shrink-vector v (decf vlen))) ;( (((let ((new-u (%primitive alloc-bignum (1+ ulen) 3))) ; (dotimes (i ulen) (setf (aref new-u i) (aref u i))) ; (setq u new-u ulen (1+ ulen))))) ; ((= vlen (1- ulen))) ; (t (%primitive shrink-vector u (decf ulen)))) (if (= ulen vlen) (let ((new-u (%primitive alloc-bignum (1+ ulen) 3))) (dotimes (i ulen) (setf (aref new-u i) (aref u i))) (setq u new-u ulen (1+ ulen)))) (let ((v1 (knuth-v v 1)) (v2 (knuth-v v 2)) (m (- ulen vlen))) (do ((j 0 (1+ j)) (q (%primitive alloc-bignum (max 4 (1+ m)) 3))) ; For hackish system. ((> j m) (values (integerize q (1+ m)) (ash (integerize u ulen) (- d)))) (let* ((qhat (do ((qhat (if (= (knuth-u u j) v1) 255 (truncate (+ (ash (knuth-u u j) 8) (knuth-u u (1+ j))) v1)) (1- qhat))) ((<= (* qhat v2) (+ (ash (+ (ash (knuth-u u j) 8) (knuth-u u (1+ j)) (- (* qhat v1))) 8) (knuth-u u (+ 2 j)))) qhat))) (borrow (new-multiply-and-subtract u j v qhat))) (cond ((not (zerop borrow)) (setf (knuth-u q j m) (1- qhat)) (new-add-back u j v)) (t (setf (knuth-u q j m) qhat)))))))) (defun bignum-fixnum-divide (u v) (let ((us (bignum-sign u)) (vs (if (plusp v) 0 1))) (if (not (zerop us)) (setq u (- u))) (if (not (zerop vs)) (setq v (- v))) (let ((d (- 31 (integer-length v)))) (multiple-value-bind (div rem) (do-bignum-division (ash u d) (ash v d) d) (values (if (zerop (logxor us vs)) div (- div)) (if (zerop us) rem (- rem))))))) (defun bignum-divide (u v) (if (< u v) (values 0 u) (let ((us (bignum-sign u)) (vs (bignum-sign v))) (if (not (zerop us)) (setq u (- u))) (if (not (zerop vs)) (setq v (- v))) (multiple-value-bind (bytes bits) (truncate (integer-length v) 8) (let ((d (mod (- 8 bits) 8))) (multiple-value-bind (div rem) (do-bignum-division (ash u d) (ash v d) d) (values (if (zerop (logxor us vs)) div (- div)) (if (zerop us) rem (- rem))))))))) ;;; Bignum-divide as above does not work. So here's the Milnes code. ;;; bignum-divide takes two positive bignums u,v of significant length ;;; ul and vl and returns thier quotient, q, of ul - vl bytes and the ;;; remainder, r, of vl bytes. ;;; multiply and subtract subtracts qhat*v from the middle of ;;; u and returns t iff the subtraction took u negative. (defun multiply-and-subtract (u qhat v j ul vl) (let* ((qhat*v (* qhat v)) (qhat*vlength (bignum-length qhat*v))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (carry ())) ((= i qhat*vlength) (if (and carry (<= (+ (- ul j vl) i) ul) (not (zerop (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i))))) (setq carry (minusp (%sp-v-store u (+ (- ul j vl) i) (- (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i)) 1))))) carry) (setq carry (minusp (%sp-v-store u (+ (- ul j vl) i) (if carry (- (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i)) (%sp-v-access qhat*v i) 1) (- (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i)) (%sp-v-access qhat*v i))))))))) ;;; add-back adds v back into u if the quotient guess was too big. (defun add-back (u v j ul vl qhat) (setq qhat (1- qhat)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (carry ())) ((= i vl) (%sp-v-store u (- ul j) (1+ (%sp-v-access u (- ul j)))) u) (setq carry (%sp-logldb 1 8 (%sp-v-store u (+ (- ul j vl) i) (if carry (+ (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i)) (%sp-v-access v i) 1) (+ (%sp-v-access u (+ (- ul j vl) i)) (%sp-v-access v i)))))))) (defun bignum-divide (u v) (let* ((ulength (bignum-length u)) (vlength (bignum-length v)) (ul (if (zerop (%sp-v-access u (1- ulength))) (1- ulength) ulength)) (vl (if (zerop (%sp-v-access v (1- vlength))) (1- vlength) vlength)) (ql (1+ (- ul vl)))) (if (not (plusp ql)) (values 0 u) (let* ((q (cons-a-bignum (max ql 4))) (d (- 8 (integer-length (%sp-v-access v (1- vl))))) ;; d is the number of bits needed to shift v such that v's ;; highest significant bit is in position 7 of its byte. (u (let* ((u* (ash u d)) (u*length (bignum-length u*))) (if (not (zerop (%sp-v-access u* (1- u*length)))) (let ((u** (cons-a-bignum (1+ u*length)))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i u*length) u**) (%sp-v-store u** i (%sp-v-access u* i)))) u*))) (v (ash v d))) (do* ((j 0 (1+ j)) (qhat 0) (v1 (%sp-v-access v (1- vl))) (v2 (%sp-v-access v (- vl 2)))) ((= j ql) (values (integerize q ql) (ash (integerize u (1+ ul)) (- d)))) (let ((uj (%sp-v-access u (- ul j))) (uj+1 (%sp-v-access u (- ul j 1))) (uj+2 (%sp-v-access u (- ul j 2)))) ;;; multiply and subtract subtracts qhat*v from the middle of u ;;; and returns t if and only if qhat*v was larger than the byte chunk ;;; being subtracted from, so that add-back can add back in 1*v to ;;; to the middle of u. (setq qhat (do ((qhat (if (= uj v1) 255 (truncate (+ (ash uj 8) uj+1) v1)) (1- qhat))) ((<= (* v2 qhat) (+ (ash (- (+ (ash uj 8) uj+1) (* qhat v1)) 8) uj+2)) qhat))) (unless (zerop qhat) (if (multiply-and-subtract u qhat v j ul vl) (add-back u v j ul vl qhat))) (%sp-v-store q (- ql j 1) qhat))))))) ;;; Ratio-trunc returns the integer quotient and the ratio remainder. ;;; (defun ratio-trunc (x) (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate (numerator x) (denominator x)) (values q (if (zerop r) 0 (build-ratio r (denominator x)))))) ;;; ;;; VII. LOGICAL OPERATIONS ;;; ;;; ;;; Integer-length returns the number of significant bits in the ;;; representation of the integer. (defun %sp-integerlength-escape (x) (typecase x (bignum (let ((sign (bignum-sign x)) (length (bignum-length x))) (cond ((= sign 0) (do* ((byte (1- length) (1- byte)) (the-byte (%sp-v-access x byte) (%sp-v-access x byte))) ((or (not (zerop the-byte)) (zerop byte)) (%sp-escape-return (+ (integer-length the-byte) (* 8 byte)))))) (t (do* ((byte (1- length) (1- byte)) (the-byte (%sp-v-access x byte) (%sp-v-access x byte))) ((or (not (= 255 the-byte)) (zerop byte)) (%sp-escape-return (+ (integer-length (- 255 the-byte)) (* 8 byte))))))))) (otherwise (error "~A, argument not integer, integer-length" x)))) ;;; Put-in-big takes an 8 bit byte and puts it into a bignum ;;; at rightmost bit position rb. ;;; Used by fix and big lsh. (defun put-in-big (x rb big) (multiple-value-bind (byte0 hmin1) (truncate rb 8) ; (cond ((and (not (zerop hmin1)) (= byte0 (1- (bignum-length big)))) (let ((b0 (%sp-v-access big byte0))) (%sp-v-store big byte0 (%sp-logdpb x (- 8 hmin1) hmin1 b0)) big)) ((zerop hmin1) (%sp-v-store big byte0 x) big) (t (let ((b0 (%sp-v-access big byte0)) (b1 (%sp-v-access big (1+ byte0)))) (%sp-v-store big byte0 (%sp-logdpb x (- 8 hmin1) hmin1 b0)) (%sp-v-store big (1+ byte0) (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb hmin1 (- 8 hmin1) x) hmin1 0 b1)) big))))) ;;; Get-from-big gets a byte of 8 bits starting at rb from X. ;;; Sign extendes if rb + 8 is greater than the highest bit. ;;; Length is the number of bytes in x. ;;; Used only by BigAsh. ;;; VM:T (defun get-from-big (rb x length) (multiple-value-bind (byte0 hmin1) (truncate rb 8) (cond ((< byte0 length) ;; Byte0 is in vector not off the end. (cond ((zerop hmin1) (%sp-v-access x byte0)) ((< (1+ byte0) length) ;; Byte1 is in vector. (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb hmin1 0 (%sp-v-access x (1+ byte0))) hmin1 (- 8 hmin1) (%sp-lsh (%sp-v-access x byte0) (- hmin1)))) (t (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb hmin1 0 (- (bignum-sign x))) hmin1 (- 8 hmin1) (%sp-lsh (%sp-v-access x byte0) (- hmin1)))))) (t (%sp-logldb 8 0 (- (bignum-sign x))))))) ;;; FixAsh arithmetically shifts a fixnum, N, left by B bits. ;;; It uses lsh when possible, otherwise it uses put-in-big. ;;; vm:T (defun fixash (n b) (if (not (fixnump b)) (error "Ash, shift argument is not a fixnum, ~A" b)) (let ((tch (integer-length n))) (cond ((<= (+ tch b) 0) (- (%sp-logldb 1 (1- %fixnum-length) n))) ((minusp b) (%sp-logdpb (%sp-lsh n b) (+ %fixnum-length b) 0 (- (%sp-logldb 1 (1- %fixnum-length) n)))) ((<= (+ tch b) (1- %fixnum-length)) (%sp-lsh n b)) (t (let* ((byte-length (1+ (truncate (+ tch b) 8))) (s (%sp-logldb 1 (1- %fixnum-length) n)) (sign-byte (- s)) (ans (cons-a-bignum byte-length))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 8))) ((> i tch)) (put-in-big (gfb8 n (truncate i 8) sign-byte) (+ i b) ans)) (integerize ans byte-length)))))) ;;; Shifts a bignum into a bignum. (defun big-to-bigash (n b nl) (let* ((byte-length (1+ (truncate (+ nl b) 8))) (ans (cons-a-bignum byte-length)) (bl (bignum-length n))) (do ((i (1- byte-length) (1- i))) ((minusp i) (integerize ans byte-length)) (put-in-big (get-from-big (+ (- b) (* 8 i)) n bl) (* i 8) ans)))) ;;; Shifts a bignum into a fixnum. ;;; (defun big-to-fixash (n b nl) (let* ((size (bignum-length n)) (fix (%sp-logdpb (get-from-big (- nl 7) n size) 8 20 (%sp-logdpb (get-from-big (- nl 15) n size) 8 12 (%sp-logdpb (get-from-big (- nl 23) n size) 8 4 (%sp-logdpb (get-from-big (- nl 27) n size) 4 0 (- (bignum-sign n)))))))) (fixash fix (+ nl b -27)))) ;;; BigAsh arithmetically shifts the bignum N left by B bits. ;;; VM:T (defun nzero-bytes (n c) "Detructively nullifies the bottom c bytes of the xnum n." (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (end (min c (bignum-length n)))) ((= i end) n) (%sp-v-store n i 0))) (defun byte-ash (n c) "Shifts the bignum n by c bytes, by playing with the internal vector." (let* ((length (bignum-length n)) (newlen (max 0 (+ length c)))) (if (zerop newlen) (- (bignum-sign n)) (let* ((start (max 0 (- c))) (dststart (max 0 c)) (res (nzero-bytes (create-bignum newlen (bignum-sign n)) dststart))) ;At least 4, and 0 shifted in (%sp-byte-blt n start res dststart newlen) (integerize1 res))))) ;;; Similar to gb16. c must be valid. (defun Load-two-bytes (n c 1-length sign-byte) "Loads two bytes at position c in bignum n, extending with byte." (%sp-logdpb (if (= c 1-length) sign-byte (%sp-v-access n (1+ c))) 8 8 (%sp-v-access n c))) ;;; Bigash first byte-ashes for coarse adjustments, then ashes each byte the ;;; remaining amount. This is always downward, so we can get 16 bits ;;; and still have the 8 we want to store. (defun bigash (n c) (multiple-value-bind (bytes bits) (ceiling c 8) (let ((res (byte-ash n bytes))) (cond ((fixnump res) (ash res bits)) (t (let ((length (bignum-length res)) (sign-byte (- (bignum-sign res)))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (1-len (1- length))) ((= i length) (integerize1 res)) (%sp-v-store res i (ash (load-two-bytes res i 1-len sign-byte) bits))))))))) ;;; %sp-ash-escape is an arithmetic shift function for any integer. ;;; N is the integer, and B is the number of bits to shift ;;; left. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-ash-escape (n b) (unless (fixnump b) (error "Ash, cannot shift by a non fixnum value, ~A." b)) (%sp-escape-return (cond ((zerop b) n) (t (typecase n (fixnum (%sp-escape-return (fixash n b))) (bignum (%sp-escape-return (bigash n b))) (t (error "Ash, object to shift is not an integer, ~A." n))))))) ;;; Count-bits counts the number of bits equal to s from ;;; bit p to 0. ; (defun count-bits (s p x) (do ((sum (if (= s (%sp-logldb 1 p x)) 1 0) (+ sum (if (= s (%sp-logldb 1 i x)) 1 0))) (i (1- p) (1- i))) ((minusp i) sum) )) ;;; Logcount returns the number of bits that are the complement of ;;; the sign in the integer argument x. (defun logcount (x) (typecase x (fixnum (do* ((s (complement (fixnum-sign x))) (i 0 (1+ i)) (sum (if (= s (%sp-logldb 1 i x)) 1 0) (if (= s (%sp-logldb 1 i x)) (1+ sum) sum))) ((= i (1- %fixnum-length)) sum) )) (bignum (let* ((sum 0) (l (bignum-length x)) (l-1 (1- l)) (s (complement (bignum-sign x)))) (do ((b 0 (+ b 2))) ((>= b l-1) (cond ((= b l-1) (+ sum (count-bits s 7 (%sp-v-access x l-1) ))) (t sum))) (setq sum (+ sum (count-bits s 16 (%sp-typed-v-access 4 x (truncate b 2)))))))) (otherwise (error "Argument not integer, ~A." x)))) ;;; get-from-big-no-extend does a get-from-big with no sign ;;; extend. ;;; Gets a byte of 8 bits, starting at rb, from x. ;;; Does not sign extend, fills with zeros. (defun get-from-big-no-extend (rb x length) (let* ((byte0 (truncate rb 8)) ; The right hand byte's position. (hmin1 (- rb (* byte0 8)))); How many bit's in byte1. (cond ((zerop hmin1) (%sp-v-access x byte0)) ((> (+ rb 8) (* length 8)) (let ((b0 (%sp-lsh (%sp-v-access x byte0) (- hmin1)))) (%sp-logdpb 0 hmin1 (- 8 hmin1) b0))) (t (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access x (1+ byte0)) hmin1 (- 8 hmin1) (%sp-lsh (%sp-v-access x byte0) (- hmin1))))))) ;;; Ldb-a-fixnum, loads a fixnum chunck of bits from either a fixnum or a ;;; bignum. (defun sign-extend-tva (v vl i sign-byte) (cond ((>= i vl) sign-byte) (t (%sp-v-access v i)))) ; (defun ldb-a-fixnum (s p n) (typecase n (fixnum ;; A fixnum sized load can be broken down into two fields: ;; The significant field and the sign field. (let* ((significant-size (if (> p (1- %fixnum-length)) 0 (min s (- %fixnum-length p)))) (sign-field-size (- s significant-size))) (cond ((zerop significant-size) ;; No significant field. (case (fixnum-sign n) (0 0) (1 (%sp-logldb sign-field-size 0 -1)))) ((zerop sign-field-size) ;; No sign field. (%sp-logldb significant-size p n)) (t (case (fixnum-sign n) ;; Both fields. (0 (%sp-logldb significant-size p n)) (1 (%sp-logdpb -1 sign-field-size significant-size (%sp-logldb significant-size p n)))))))) (bignum (let* ((nl (bignum-length n)) (sign-byte (- (bignum-sign n))) ;;; The loading of a fixnum from a bignum can be divided into 3 distinct ;;; parts, the lowest byte, the middle 8 bit bytes and the highest byte. ;;; The lowest byte can be up to 8 bits long; starts at Lbp and is lbs ;;; bits long. There are from 0 to 3 middle 8 bit bytes, and the number ;;; of the highest byte is -1 if it does not exist. (Lb (truncate p 8)) (Lbp (- p (* lb 8))) (Lbs (min s (- 8 lbp))) (num-middle-bytes (truncate (- s lbs) 8)) (Hb (if (zerop (- s lbs (* 8 num-middle-bytes))) -1 (+ 1 Lb num-middle-bytes))) (fix 0)) ;;; Now I deposit the fields into their places in fix. ;;; Lb field (setq fix (%sp-logdpb (%sp-logldb Lbs Lbp (sign-extend-tva n nl Lb sign-byte)) Lbs 0 fix)) ;;; Middle byte fields. (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i num-middle-bytes) t) (setq fix (%sp-logdpb (sign-extend-tva n nl (+ Lb i) sign-byte) 8 (+ (* 8 (1- i)) Lbs) fix))) ;;; High Byte. (unless (= -1 hb) (let* ((bits-in (+ Lbs (* 8 num-middle-bytes))) (hbs (- s bits-in))) (setq fix (%sp-logdpb (sign-extend-tva n nl hb sign-byte) hbs bits-in fix)))) fix)))) ;;; get-from-fix gets a byte of size 8, whose rightmost bit is rb, ;;; from n, where n's signbyte is s. ; (defun get-from-fix (rb n sign) (cond ((> rb (1- %fixnum-length)) (%sp-logldb 8 0 sign)) ((< (+ rb 8) %fixnum-length) (%sp-logldb 8 rb n)) (t (let* ((rbs (max 0 (min (- %fixnum-length rb) 8))) (rb (if (plusp rbs) (%sp-logldb rbs rb n) 0)) (lbs (- 8 rbs)) (lb (%sp-logldb lbs 0 sign))) (cond ((plusp lbs) (%sp-logdpb lb lbs rbs rb)) (t rb)))))) ;;; ldb-a-bignum loads a bignum sized byte from a fixnum or a bignum. ; (defun ldb-a-bignum (s p n) (typecase n ;; The load of a bignum, from a fixnum or a bignum, can ;; be seperated into the loading, and depositing, of ;; the right hand 8 bit bytes which compose the load, ;; and the final byte, of which less than 8 bits are used. (fixnum (let* ((l (bit-to-8-bit-byte s)) (ansl (if (and (zerop (rem s 8)) (not (zerop (logbitp (1- (+ s p)) n)))) (1+ l) l)) (ans (cons-a-bignum ansl)) (sign (- (fixnum-sign n)))) (multiple-value-bind (num-whole-bytes size-of-partial-byte) (truncate s 8) ; (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (pcount p (+ pcount 8))) ((= i num-whole-bytes)) (%sp-v-store ans i (get-from-fix pcount n sign))) (unless (zerop size-of-partial-byte) (%sp-v-store ans num-whole-bytes (%sp-logldb size-of-partial-byte 0 (get-from-fix (+ p (* num-whole-bytes 8)) n sign)))) (integerize ans ansl)))) (bignum (let* ((l (bignum-length n)) (byte-length (multiple-value-bind (b r) (truncate s 8) (cond ((zerop r) (if (logbitp (1- (+ p s)) n) (1+ b) b)) (t (1+ b))))) (bytes (truncate s 8)) (ans (cons-a-bignum byte-length))) (do ((bc p (+ bc 8)) (bytec 0 (1+ bytec))) ((>= bytec bytes) (let ((rem (- s (* bytec 8)))) (when (plusp rem) (%sp-v-store ans bytec (%sp-logldb rem 0 (get-from-big bc n l))))) (integerize ans byte-length)) (%sp-v-store ans bytec (get-from-big bc n l))))))) ;;; %sp-ldb-escape (S P N). S is the size of the byte field, ;;; P is the position it starts at and N is the number to get ;;; the byte field from. (defun %sp-ldb-escape (S P N) (unless (and (fixnump s) (>= s 0)) (error "Size argument must be a positive fixnum, ~A." s)) (unless (and (fixnump p) (>= p 0)) (error "Position argument must be a positive fixnum, ~A." p)) (unless (integerp n) (error "Ldb: source must be an integer, ~A." n)) (%sp-escape-return (cond ((zerop s) 0) ((or (< s %fixnum-length) (and (= s %fixnum-length) (not (logbitp (1- (+ p s)) n)))) (ldb-a-fixnum s p n)) (t (ldb-a-bignum s p n))))) ;;; Fixnum-mask-field does a mask-field when n is a fixnum. (defun fixnum-mask-field (s p n) (when (and (>= n 0) (< (1- %fixnum-length) (+ s p))) (setq s (max 0 (- (1- %fixnum-length) p)))) (cond ((zerop s) 0) ;; Getting sign bits from positive fixnum. ((< (+ s p) %fixnum-length) (%sp-lsh (%sp-logldb s p n) p)) ;; The sign is being masked out, so the result is fixnum. ;; For the next clause to be chosen, n must be negative, ;; and the result will be a bignum. (t (let* ((bit-length (+ 1 p s)) ;; 1+ for the sign. (byte-length (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate bit-length 8) (if (zerop r) q (1+ q))))) (multiple-value-bind (Low LowPos) (truncate p 8) (let* ((LowSize (min s (- 8 LowPos))) (num-middle-bytes (truncate (- s lowsize) 8)) (HighSize (- s lowsize (* 8 Num-middle-bytes))) (ans (cons-a-bignum byte-length))) (%sp-v-store ans low (%sp-lsh (ldb (byte LowSize p) n) lowpos)) (do ((anscount (1+ Low) (1+ anscount)) (num-middle-bytes+low (+ num-middle-bytes low))) ((> anscount num-middle-bytes+low) (unless (zerop HighSize) (%sp-v-store ans anscount (%sp-logldb HighSize 0 (gfb8 n anscount #b11111111)))) ans) (%sp-v-store ans anscount (gfb8 n anscount #b11111111))))))))) ;;; Bignum-mask-field does a mask-field when n is a bignum. (defun bignum-mask-field (s p n) (let* ((nl (bignum-length n)) (nl-1 (1- nl)) (sign-start (- (* 8 nl) (- 8 (integer-length nl))))) (when (and (plusp n) ;; Reduce size if possible to (< sign-start (+ s p))) ;; avoid consing up uneeded bignums. (setq s (max 0 (- sign-start p)))) (cond ((zerop s) 0) ;; Positive bignum, with only sign not masked. (t (let* ((bit-length (+ s p))) (cond ((or (< bit-length %fixnum-length) (and (= bit-length %fixnum-length) (not (logbitp (1- bit-length) n)))) (%sp-lsh (ldb (byte s p) n) p)) (t (let ((byte-length (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate bit-length 8) (if (or (and (zerop r) (logbitp (1- bit-length) n)) (not (zerop r))) (1+ q) q)))) (multiple-value-bind (low lowpos) (truncate p 8) (let ((LowSize (min s (- 8 LowPos)))) (multiple-value-bind (num-middle-bytes Highsize) (truncate (- s lowsize) 8) (let ((sign-byte (%sp-logldb 8 0 (- (bignum-sign n)))) (ans (cons-a-bignum byte-length))) (%sp-v-store ans low (%sp-lsh (ldb (byte LowSize p) n) lowpos)) (do ((bc (1+ low) (+ bc 1)) (bytecount 0 (1+ bytecount))) ((= bytecount num-middle-bytes) (unless (zerop HighSize) (%sp-v-store ans bc (%sp-logldb HighSize 0 (gb8 n bc nl-1 sign-byte)))) ans) (%sp-v-store ans bc (gb8 n bc nl-1 sign-byte))))))))))))))) ;;; Mask-field always returns a positive integer. Bignum arguments ;;; can yield bignum or fixnum arguments but only negative fixnum ;;; arguments can return a bignum. ;;; (defun %sp-maskfield-escape (s p n) (unless (and (fixnump s) (not (minusp s))) (error "Size argument must be a non negative fixnum, ~A." s)) (unless (and (fixnump p) (not (minusp p))) (error "Position argument must be a non negative fixnum, ~A." p)) (%sp-escape-return (typecase n (fixnum (fixnum-mask-field s p n)) (bignum (bignum-mask-field s p n)) (t (error "Argument must be an integer, ~A." n))))) ;;; ;;; Fixnum-dpb is cased by result type : bignum or fixnum, ;;; but called only when n is a fixnum. (defun fixnum-dpb (v s p n) (let ((size (+ s p))) (cond ((<= size 27) (dpb (ldb (byte s 0) v) (byte s p) n)) (t (multiple-value-bind (high-byte high-bits-in) (floor size 8) (multiple-value-bind (low-byte low-bits-out) (floor p 8) (let* ((bytes (ceiling (1+ size) 8)) (res (sizify n bytes)) (workspace-high (- high-byte low-byte)) (workspace (nsizify (ash v low-bits-out) (1+ workspace-high)))) (%sp-v-store workspace 0 (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access res low-byte) low-bits-out 0 (%sp-v-access workspace 0))) (%sp-v-store workspace workspace-high (%sp-logdpb (%sp-v-access workspace workspace-high) high-bits-in 0 (%sp-v-access res high-byte))) (bash-bytes workspace (1+ workspace-high) low-byte res) (integerize1 res)))))))) ;;; Bignum-dpb handles dpb when n is a bignum. (defun bignum-dpb (v s p n) (let* ((nlength (bignum-length n)) (nlength-1 (1- nlength)) (nsign (bignum-sign n)) (nsign-byte (- nsign)) (bit-size (cond ((>= (+ s p) (* 8 nlength)) (if (and (logbitp (1- s) v) (= 1 nsign)) (+ s p) (+ 1 s p))) (t (* 8 nlength)))) (byte-size (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate bit-size 8) (if (zerop r) q (1+ q)))) (answer (cons-a-bignum byte-size))) (multiple-value-bind (low lowpos) (truncate p 8) (multiple-value-bind (high highpos) (truncate (+ p s -1) 8) (let* ((lowsize (min s (- 8 lowpos))) (highsize (1+ highpos))) ;; This assumes that low /= high. (cond ((= low high) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (if (bignump v) (ldb (byte s 0) v) v) lowsize lowpos (gb8 n low nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size)) (t (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (if (bignump v) (ldb (byte lowsize 0) v) v) lowsize lowpos (gb8 n low nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i)) (pc lowsize (+ pc 8))) ((>= i high)) (%sp-v-store answer i (ldb (byte 8 pc) v))) (%sp-v-store answer high (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte highsize (- s highsize)) v) highsize 0 (gb8 n high nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ high) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size)))))))) ;;; %sp-dpb-escape is the bugout for dpb, but it can handle all cases. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-dpb-escape (v s p n) (unless (integerp v) (error "Value argument must be integer, ~A." v)) (unless (integerp n) (error "Argument must be integer, ~A." n)) (unless (and (integerp s) (not (minusp s))) (error "Size argument must be non-negative, ~A." S)) (unless (and (integerp s) (not (minusp s))) (error "Position argument must be non-negative, ~A." s)) (if (zerop s) (%sp-escape-return n) (typecase n (fixnum (%sp-escape-return (fixnum-dpb v s p n))) (bignum (%sp-escape-return (bignum-dpb v s p n)))))) ;;; ;;; Fixnum-deposit-field handles the case where n is a fixnum. (defun fixnum-deposit-field (v s p n) (let* ((nsign (not (zerop (%sp-logldb 1 (1- %fixnum-length) n)))) (bit-size (cond ((> (+ s p) (1- %fixnum-length)) (if (eq (logbitp (1- s) v) nsign) (+ s p) (+ 1 s p))) (t %fixnum-length)))) (cond ((<= bit-size %fixnum-length) (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte s p) v) s p n)) (t (let* ((nsign-byte (if nsign -1 0)) (byte-size (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate bit-size 8) (if (zerop r) q (1+ q)))) (answer (cons-a-bignum byte-size))) (multiple-value-bind (low lowpos) (truncate p 8) ; (multiple-value-bind (high highpos) (truncate (+ p s -1) 8) ; (let* ((lowsize (min s (- 8 lowpos))) (highsize (1+ highpos))) ;; If low is the same byte as high, I use 2 do loops. From 0 to low, ;; then insert the broken byte, and then a do from low+1 to byte-size. (cond ((= low high) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gfb8 n i nsign-byte))) ;; Put in broken byte. (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte s p) v) Lowsize Lowpos (gfb8 n low nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gfb8 n i nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size)) ;; If low is not = to high, then I use 3 do loops, one from 0 to low, ;; then I put in the low byte, one from low + 1 to high -1 , then ;; I put in the high byte and then one from high + 1 to byte size. (t (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gfb8 n i nsign-byte))) ;; Put in low byte. (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte lowsize p) v) lowsize lowpos (gfb8 n low nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i)) (pc (* 8 (1+ low)) (+ 8 pc))) ((>= i high) ;; Put in high byte. (%sp-v-store answer high (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte highsize pc) v) highsize 0 (gfb8 n i nsign-byte)))) (%sp-v-store answer i (ldb (byte 8 pc) v))) (do ((i (1+ high) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gfb8 n i nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size))))))))))) ;;; Bignum-deposit-field handles dpb when n is a bignum. (defun bignum-deposit-field (v s p n) (let* ((nlength (bignum-length n)) (nlength-1 (1- nlength)) (nsign (bignum-sign n)) (nsign-byte (- nsign)) (bit-size (cond ((>= (+ s p) (* 8 nlength)) (if (and (logbitp (1- s) v) (= 1 nsign)) (+ s p) (+ 1 s p))) (t (* 8 nlength)))) (byte-size (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate bit-size 8) (if (zerop r) q (1+ q)))) (answer (cons-a-bignum byte-size))) (multiple-value-bind (low lowpos) (truncate p 8) (multiple-value-bind (high highpos) (truncate (+ p s -1) 8) (let* ((lowsize (min s (- 8 lowpos))) (highsize (1+ highpos))) ;; This assumes that low /= high. (cond ((= low high) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte s p) v) lowsize lowpos (gb8 n low nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size)) (t (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i low)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (%sp-v-store answer low (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte lowsize p) v) lowsize lowpos (gb8 n low nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (do ((i (1+ low) (1+ i)) (pc lowsize (+ pc 8))) ((>= i high) (%sp-v-store answer high (%sp-logdpb (ldb (byte highsize pc) v) highsize 0 (gb8 n high nlength-1 nsign-byte)))) (%sp-v-store answer i (ldb (byte 8 pc) v))) (do ((i (1+ high) (1+ i))) ((>= i byte-size)) (%sp-v-store answer i (gb8 n i nlength-1 nsign-byte))) (integerize answer byte-size)))))))) ;;; %sp-depositfield-escape is the bugout for deposit-field. ;;; VM:T (defun %sp-depositfield-escape (v s p n) (unless (integerp v) (error "Value argument must be integer, ~A." v)) (unless (integerp n) (error "Argument must be integer, ~A." n)) (unless (and (integerp s) (not (minusp s))) (error "Size argument must be non-negative, ~A." S)) (unless (and (integerp s) (not (minusp s))) (error "Position argument must be non-negative, ~A." s)) (if (zerop s) (%sp-escape-return n) (typecase n (fixnum (%sp-escape-return (fixnum-deposit-field v s p n))) (bignum (%sp-escape-return (bignum-deposit-field v s p n)))))) ;;; ;;; ;;; VIII. Exported routines ;;; ;;; Part 12.5 of the laser edition (defun float-sign (float1 &optional (float2 (float 1 float1))) (if (eq (minusp float1) (minusp float2)) float2 (- float2))) (defun float-precision (f) (typecase f (short-float 20) (long-float 53) (t (error "Float-precision: ~A not a float" f)))) (defun integer-decode-float (x) (let ((precision (float-precision x))) (multiple-value-bind (f e s) (decode-float x) (values (truncate (scale-float f precision)) (- e precision) s)))) (defun decode-float (f) (%sp-decode-float f)) (defun scale-float (f e) (%sp-scale-float f e)) ;;; The two macros, bignum-bignum-bitfun and bignum-fixnum-bitfun ;;; are used to implement all of the one logical function bit funs. ;;; The first argument, fun is the micro-instruction name used ;;; (e.g. one of %sp-bit-and, %sp-bit-or or %sp-bit-xor), ;;; the second and third arguments are the numbers. (defmacro bignum-bignum-bitfun (fun b1 b2) `(let* ((b1l (%sp-get-vector-length ,b1)) (b2l (%sp-get-vector-length ,b2)) (b1s (%sp-get-vector-subtype ,b1)) (b2s (%sp-get-vector-subtype ,b2)) (max-length (max b1l b2l)) (r (%sp-alloc-xnum max-length (%sp-logldb 1 0 (,fun b1s b2s)))) (b1sign-byte (- b1s)) (b2sign-byte (- b2s))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (1-b1l (1- b1l)) (1-b2l (1- b2l)) (1-max-length (1- max-length))) ((>= i 1-max-length) (when (= i 1-max-length) (%sp-typed-v-store 3 r 1-max-length (,fun (gb8 ,b1 i 1-b1l b1sign-byte) (gb8 ,b2 i 1-b2l b2sign-byte)))) (integerize r max-length)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 r (truncate i 2) (,fun (gb16 ,b1 i 1-b1l b1sign-byte) (gb16 ,b2 i 1-b2l b2sign-byte)))))) (defmacro bignum-fixnum-bitfun (fun b f) `(let* ((bl (bignum-length ,b)) (bs (bignum-sign ,b)) (fs (%sp-logldb 1 27 ,f)) (r (cons-a-bignum bl)) (bsign-byte (- bs)) (fsign-byte (- fs))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)) (1-bl (1- bl))) ((>= i 1-bl) (when (= i 1-bl) (%sp-typed-v-store 3 r 1-bl (,fun (gb8 ,b i 1-bl bsign-byte) (gfb8 ,f i fsign-byte)))) (integerize r bl)) (%sp-typed-v-store 4 r (truncate i 2) (,fun (gb16 ,b i 1-bl bsign-byte) (gfb16 ,f i fsign-byte)))))) (defun %sp-bitand-escape (a b) (cond ((and (bignump a) (bignump b)) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-bignum-bitfun logand a b))) ((fixnump a) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logand b a))) (t (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logand a b))))) (defun %sp-bitxor-escape (a b) (cond ((and (bignump a) (bignump b)) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-bignum-bitfun logxor a b))) ((fixnump a) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logxor b a))) (t (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logxor a b))))) (defun %sp-bitor-escape (a b) (cond ((and (bignump a) (bignump b)) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-bignum-bitfun logior a b))) ((fixnump a) (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logior b a))) (t (%sp-escape-return (bignum-fixnum-bitfun logior a b)))))