;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.

;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************

;;; Source-level transforms for the Common Lisp Cross Compiler.  These
;;; transforms work like macros, but are only used when compiling.

;;; Written by Scott Fahlman, Dave Dill, Skef Wholey, et al.
;;; Currently maintained by Scott Fahlman.

;;; See also the files MACROS.SLISP (true built-in macros in Common Lisp),
;;; SEQTRAN.SLISP (efficiency transforms for sequence and list functions),
;;; and TYPETRAN.SLISP (implementation-specific transforms for type
;;; predicates).

;;; **********************************************************************


;;; Turn any multiple SETQ forms into a progn of individual SETQs.
;;; Setq of 0 pairs is legal, and returns NIL.

(deftransform setq setq-transform (&rest pairs)
  (let ((n (length pairs)))
    (cond ((zerop n) nil)
	  ((= n 2)
	   (test-varname (car pairs))
	  ((oddp n)
	   (clc-error "Odd number of args to SETQ.")
	  (t (do ((m pairs (cddr m))
		  (l nil))
		 ((null m)
		  `(progn ,@(nreverse l)))
	       (push `(setq ,(car m) ,(cadr m)) l))))))

;;; Handle cases of PSETQ with 0, 2 or odd number of args.

(deftransform psetq psetq-transform (&rest pairs)
  (let ((n (length pairs)))
    (cond ((zerop n) nil)
	  ((= n 2)
	   `(setq ,(car pairs) ,(cadr pairs)))
	  ((oddp n)
	   (clc-error "Odd number of args to PSETQ.")
	  (t '%pass%))))


;;; Just turn NULL into NOT.

(defsynonym null not)

;;; Handle degenerate case of NOT with constant or null argument.

(deftransform not not-transform (x)
  (cond ((or (null x) (equal x '(quote nil))) t)
	((or (eq x t) (equal x '(quote t))) nil)
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transform for EQ.  If one arg is NIL, convert form to NOT test.

(deftransform eq eq-transform (x y)
  (cond ((or (null x) (equal x '(quote nil))) `(not ,y))
	((or (null y) (equal y '(quote nil))) `(not ,x))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transform for EQL.  Convert to EQ where one arg is constant and not
;;; a number.  If one arg is a zero, convert to ZEROP.

(deftransform eql eql-transform (x y)
  (cond ((fixnump x) `(eq ,x ,y))
	((fixnump y) `(eq ,x ,y))
	((numberp x) '%pass%)
	((numberp y) '%pass%)
	((or (constantp x) (constantp y))
	 `(eq ,x ,y))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transform for =.   This only handles the two-arg case.
;;; If one arg is zero, convert to ZEROP.

(deftransform = =-transform (x &rest y)
  (cond ((not (= (length y) 1)) '%pass%)
	((and (numberp x) (zerop x))
	 `(zerop ,(car y)))
	((and (numberp (car y)) (zerop (car y)))
	 `(zerop ,x))
	(t '%pass%)))


(deftransform return return-transform (&optional (value nil))
  `(return-from nil ,value))

(deftransform prog prog-transform (varlist &rest forms)
  (let* ((pb (parse-body2 forms))
	 (decls (car pb))
	 (body (cadr pb)))
    `(let ,varlist
       (declare ,@decls)
       (block nil (tagbody ,@body)))))

(deftransform prog* prog*-transform (varlist &rest forms)
  (let* ((pb (parse-body2 forms))
	 (decls (car pb))
	 (body (cadr pb)))
    `(let* ,varlist
       (declare ,@decls)
       (block nil (tagbody ,@body)))))

(deftransform progv progv-transform (varlist arglist &body body)
  (let ((v (new-internal-variable))
	(a (new-internal-variable))
	(n (new-internal-variable)))
    `(let ((,n 0))
       (do ((,v ,varlist (cdr ,v))
	    (,a ,arglist (cdr ,a)))
	   ((atom ,v))
	 (%sp-bind (car ,a) (car ,v))
	 (setq ,n (1+ ,n)))
       (multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body)
			     (%sp-unbind ,n)))))

(deftransform values values-transform (&rest values)
  (cond ((or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
	 (if (eq for-value 'tail) (setq returns-single-value nil))
	  (do ((v values (cdr v))
	       (n 0 (1+ n))
	       (l nil))
	      ((atom v)
	       `(progn ,@(nreverse l)
		       (%sp-n-to-values ,n)))
	    (push `(%sp-push ,(car v)) l)))
	(t `(prog1 . ,values))))

(deftransform values-list values-list-transform (form)
  (cond ((or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
	 (if (eq for-value 'tail) (setq returns-single-value nil))
	  (once-only ((v form))
	    `(progn (%sp-spread ,v)
		    (%sp-n-to-values (list-length ,v)))))
	(t `(car ,form))))

;;; Throw swaps the order of its args, so transform any case where the
;;; tag is not a constant.

(deftransform throw throw-transform (tag value)
  (cond ((constantp tag) '%pass%)
	((eq tag 'internal-throw-tag) '%pass%)
	(t `(let ((internal-throw-tag ,tag))
	      (throw internal-throw-tag ,value)))))

;;; Catch wants to reference the tag twice, so transform any case where
;;; the tag is not a constant.

(deftransform catch catch-transform (tag &rest forms)
  (cond ((constantp tag) '%pass%)
	((eq tag 'internal-throw-tag) '%pass%)
	(t `(let ((internal-throw-tag ,tag))
	      (catch internal-throw-tag ,@forms)))))

;;; The following transform only gets called on DEFUN forms not at top level.

(deftransform defun defun-transform (name varlist &rest forms)
  (let* ((pb (parse-body1 forms))
	 (decls (car pb))
	 (doc (cadr pb))
	 (body (caddr pb)))
      ,@(if doc `((%put ',name '%fun-documentation ',doc)))
      (remprop ',name 'macro-in-compiler)
      (setf (symbol-function ',name)
	    (function (lambda ,varlist
			(declare ,@decls)
			(block ,name ,@body))))

;;; The following transform catches EVAL-WHEN forms that are not at top level.

(deftransform eval-when eval-when-transform (situations &rest forms)
  (cond ((or (atom situations)
	     (eq 'quote (car situations)))
	 (clc-error "Ill-formed EVAL-WHEN situation list: ~S. ~
		     Ignoring its contents." situations)
	(t (let ((*eval-when-compile* (memq 'compile situations))
		 (*eval-when-load* (memq 'load situations)))
	    (dolist (x forms) (process-form x))
	    (if (memq 'EVAL situations)
		`(progn ,@forms))))))

;;; For Funcall, if the function is #'symbol or 'symbol (and the symbol isn't
;;; functionally bound in the current lexical environment), turn it into the
;;; equivalent form with the symbol in the car.

(deftransform funcall funcall-transform (fn &rest args)
  (if (and (consp fn)
	   (consp (cdr fn))
	   (symbolp (cadr fn))
	   (or (eq (car fn) 'function)
	       (and (eq (car fn) 'quote)
		    (not (assq (cadr fn) *fenv*)))))
      (cons (cadr fn) args)

;;; IDENTITY turns into its arg.

(deftransform identity identity-transform (x) x)

(defprimitive cons cons)

;;; RPLACA and RPLACD, if called for value, need to return the first argument.
;;; %RPLACA and %RPLACD just turn into Replace-Car and Replace-Cdr.

(deftransform rplaca rplaca-transform (a b)
  (if for-value
      (once-only ((aa a))
	  (%primitive replace-car ,aa ,b)
      `(%primitive replace-car ,a ,b)))

(deftransform rplacd rplacd-transform (a b)
  (if for-value
      (once-only ((aa a))
	  (%primitive replace-cdr ,aa ,b)
      `(%primitive replace-cdr ,a ,b)))

(defprimitive %rplaca replace-car)
(defprimitive %rplacd replace-cdr)

(deftransform caar caar-transform (x) `(car (car ,x)))
(deftransform cadr cadr-transform (x) `(car (cdr ,x)))
(deftransform cdar cdar-transform (x) `(cdr (car ,x)))
(deftransform cddr cddr-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr ,x)))
(deftransform caaar caaar-transform (x) `(car (car (car ,x))))
(deftransform caadr caadr-transform (x) `(car (car (cdr ,x))))
(deftransform cadar cadar-transform (x) `(car (cdr (car ,x))))
(deftransform caddr caddr-transform (x) `(car (cdr (cdr ,x))))
(deftransform cdaar cdaar-transform (x) `(cdr (car (car ,x))))
(deftransform cdadr cdadr-transform (x) `(cdr (car (cdr ,x))))
(deftransform cddar cddar-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (car ,x))))
(deftransform cdddr cdddr-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (cdr ,x))))
(deftransform caaaar caaaar-transform (x) `(car (car (car (car ,x)))))
(deftransform caaadr caaadr-transform (x) `(car (car (car (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform caadar caadar-transform (x) `(car (car (cdr (car ,x)))))
(deftransform caaddr caaddr-transform (x) `(car (car (cdr (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform cadaar cadaar-transform (x) `(car (cdr (car (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cadadr cadadr-transform (x) `(car (cdr (car (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform caddar caddar-transform (x) `(car (cdr (cdr (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cadddr cadddr-transform (x) `(car (cdr (cdr (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform cdaaar cdaaar-transform (x) `(cdr (car (car (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cdaadr cdaadr-transform (x) `(cdr (car (car (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform cdadar cdadar-transform (x) `(cdr (car (cdr (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cdaddr cdaddr-transform (x) `(cdr (car (cdr (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform cddaar cddaar-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (car (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cddadr cddadr-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (car (cdr ,x)))))
(deftransform cdddar cdddar-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (cdr (car ,x)))))
(deftransform cddddr cddddr-transform (x) `(cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr ,x)))))

(deftransform first first-transform (x) `(car ,x))
(deftransform second second-transform (x) `(cadr ,x))
(deftransform third third-transform (x) `(caddr ,x))
(deftransform fourth fourth-transform (x) `(cadddr ,x))
(deftransform fifth fifth-transform (x) `(car (cddddr ,x)))
(deftransform sixth sixth-transform (x) `(cadr (cddddr ,x)))
(deftransform seventh seventh-transform (x) `(caddr (cddddr ,x)))
(deftransform eighth eighth-transform (x) `(cadddr (cddddr ,x)))
(deftransform ninth ninth-transform (x) `(car (cddddr (cddddr ,x))))
(deftransform tenth tenth-transform (x) `(cadr (cddddr (cddddr ,x))))

;;; Transform to open code short NTH and NTHCDR.
(deftransform nth nth-transform (n l)
  `(car (nthcdr ,n ,l)))

(deftransform nthcdr nthcdr-transform (n l)
  (if (and (integerp n) (< -1 n *nthcdr-open-code-limit*))
      (do ((x n (1- x))
	   (f l (list 'cdr f)))
	  ((zerop x) f))


;;; MAKUNBOUND and FMAKUNBOUND set the value or definition cell to
;;; the Misc-Trap code.

(deftransform makunbound makunbound-transform (x)
  (once-only ((symbol x))
      (set ,symbol ,unbound-marker)

(deftransform fmakunbound fmakunbound-transform (x)
  (once-only ((symbol x))
      (%primitive set-definition ,symbol ,unbound-marker)

(defprimitive set set-value)
(defprimitive symbol-value get-value)
(defprimitive fset set-definition)
(defprimitive symbol-function get-definition)
(defprimitive boundp boundp)
(defprimitive fboundp fboundp)
(defprimitive symbol-plist get-plist)
(defprimitive %set-plist set-plist)
(defprimitive symbol-name get-pname)
(defprimitive symbol-package get-package)
(defprimitive make-symbol alloc-symbol)

(deftransform fset fset-transform (symbol value)
  (clc-warning "FSET is obsolete, use SETF of SYMBOL-FUNCTION.")
  `(%sp-set-definition ,symbol ,value))

;;; We've got microcoded instructions to do GET, %PUT, GETF, and PUTF.
;;; PUTF is generated by the PUTF macro, so we don't do anything about that here.

(deftransform get get-transform (symbol indicator &optional default)
  (if (null default)
      `(%primitive get ,symbol ,indicator)

(deftransform getf getf-transform (symbol indicator &optional default)
  (if (null default)
      `(%primitive getf ,symbol ,indicator)

(defprimitive %put put)

(deftransform plusp plusp-transform (x)
  `(> ,x 0))

(deftransform minusp minusp-transform (x)
  `(< ,x 0))

(deftransform oddp oddp-transform (x)
  `(not (zerop (logand ,x 1))))

(deftransform evenp evenp-transform (x)
  `(zerop (logand ,x 1)))

;;; Handler for multi-argument comparisons.  Basically, turn things
;;; like (> a b c ... ) to (AND (> a b) (> b c) ... ).  But if an
;;; interior arg is not a number or symbol, have to do a setq to
;;; avoid evaling the arg twice.  If any setqs are needed, have to
;;; make one extra local variable with a LET form.

(defun multi-compare (form)
  (cond ((= (length form) 2) 't)
	((= (length form) 3) '%pass%)
	;; Simple case, args have no side effects.
	((do ((args (cdr form) (cdr args))
	      (result nil))
	     ((atom (cdr args))
	      (cons 'and (nreverse result)))
	   (cond ((trivialp (car args))
		  (push `(,(car form) ,(car args) ,(cadr args)) result))
		 (t (return nil)))))
	;; Bad case, eval all args first, exactly once.
	(t (do ((args (cddr form) (cdr args))
		(oldvar (if (numberp (cadr form))
			    (cadr form)
		(oldarg (cadr form) (car args))
		(newvar nil)
		(varlist nil (if (numberp oldvar)
				 (cons (list oldvar oldarg) varlist)))
		(result nil))
	       ((null args)
		(or (numberp oldvar)
		    (push (list oldvar oldarg) varlist))
		`(let ,(nreverse varlist) (and ,@(nreverse result))))
	     (setq newvar (if (numberp (car args))
			      (car args)
	     (push `(,(car form) ,oldvar ,newvar) result)))))

(push 'multi-compare (get '= 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get '> 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get '< 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get '>= 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get '<= 'clc-transforms))

;;; Convert 2-arg comparisons to equivalents.

(deftransform >= >=-two-arg (x &rest y)
  (if (= (length y) 1)
      `(not (< ,x ,(car y)))

(deftransform <= <=-two-arg (x &rest y)
  (if (= (length y) 1)
      `(not (> ,x ,(car y)))

;;; /= is different, since it requires every element of the arglist to
;;; be compared to every other -- a doubly-nested DO loop.  Only open-code
;;; the one arg and two arg cases, and let the rest go call the actual /=
;;; function.
(deftransform /= /=-transform (x &rest more)
  (cond ((null more) 't)
	((null (cdr more))
	 `(not (= ,x ,(car more))))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transforms for max and min.  Zap one-arg case and open-code
;;; two-arg case.

(deftransform max max-transform (x &rest more)
  (cond ((null more) x)
	((null (cdr more))
	 (once-only ((a x) (b (car more)))
	   `(if (> ,a ,b) ,a ,b)))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform min min-transform (x &rest more)
  (cond ((null more) x)
	((null (cdr more))
	 (once-only ((a x) (b (car more)))
	   `(if (< ,a ,b) ,a ,b)))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transform for multi-arg arithmetic and logical functions.

(defun multi-arith (form)
  (if (< (length form) 4)
      (do ((f form `(,op (,op ,(cadr f) ,(caddr f)) ,@(cdddr f)))
	   (op (car form)))
	  ((< (length f) 4) f))))

(push 'multi-arith (get '+ 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get '- 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get '* 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get '/ 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get 'logior 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get 'logxor 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get 'logand 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-arith (get 'logeqv 'clc-transforms))

;;; Some of the following use EQ on numbers deliberately.  If the number
;;; is merely = to 1 or 0, it might be a float and should cause contagion.

(deftransform + +-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) 0)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	((cddr args) '%pass%)
	((eq (car args) 0) (cadr args))
	((eq (car args) 1) `(1+ ,(cadr args)))
	((eq (cadr args) 0) (car args))
	((eq (cadr args) 1) `(1+ ,(car args)))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform - --transform (x &rest args)
  (cond ((null args) `(%sp-negate ,x))
	((cdr args) '%pass%)
	((eq x 0) `(%sp-negate ,(car args)))
	((eq (car args) 0) x)
	((eq (car args) 1) `(1- ,x))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform * *-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) 1)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	((cddr args) '%pass%)
	((eq (car args) 1) (cadr args))
	((eq (cadr args) 1) (car args))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform / /-transform (x &rest args)
  (cond ((null args) `(/ 1 ,x))
	((cdr args) '%pass%)
	((eql (car args) 0)
	 (clc-warning "Dividing by constant 0.")
	((eq (car args) 1) x)
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Transform one-arg forms to two-arg with 1 as second arg.  Also
;;; if not for value, just eval args for side-effect.

(defun second-arg-is-1 (form)
  ;; All of these guys return multiple values.
  (if (eq for-value 'tail) (setq returns-single-value nil))
  (cond ((cddr form) '%pass%)
	(t `(,(car form) ,(cadr form) 1))))

(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'truncate 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'floor 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'ceiling 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'round 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'ftruncate 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'ffloor 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'fceiling 'clc-transforms))
(push 'second-arg-is-1 (get 'fround 'clc-transforms))

;;; In 1-return case, convert FTRUNCATE and friends to (FLOAT (TRUNCATE ...)).

(deftransform ftruncate ftruncate-transform (x &optional (y 1))
  (if (or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
      `(float (truncate ,x ,y))))

(deftransform ffloor ffloor-transform (x &optional (y 1))
  (if (or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
      `(float (floor ,x ,y))))

(deftransform fceiling fceiling-transform (x &optional (y 1))
  (if (or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
      `(float (ceiling ,x ,y))))

(deftransform fround fround-transform (x &optional (y 1))
  (if (or (eq for-value 'tail) (eq for-value 'multiple))
      `(float (round ,x ,y))))

;;; Handle degenerate 0 and 1 arg cases of logical functions.

(deftransform logior logior-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) 0)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform logxor logxor-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) 0)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform logand logand-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) -1)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Other logical functions.

(deftransform logeqv logeqv-transform (&rest args)
  (cond ((null args) -1)
	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
	((null (cddr args))
	 `(lognot (logxor ,(car args) ,(cadr args))))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform lognand lognand-transform (x y)
  `(lognot (logand ,x ,y)))

(deftransform lognor lognor-transform (x y)
  `(lognot (logior ,x ,y)))

(deftransform logandc1 logandc1-transform (x y)
  `(logand (lognot ,x) ,y))

(deftransform logandc2 logandc2-transform (x y)
  `(logand ,x (lognot ,y)))

(deftransform logorc1 logorc1-transform (x y)
  `(logior (lognot ,x) ,y))

(deftransform logorc2 logorc2-transform (x y)
  `(logior ,x (lognot ,y)))

;;; If control arg to BOOLE is a constant integer, convert to the
;;; appropriate logical function.

(deftransform boole boole-transform (op x y)
  (let ((control (transform op)))
    (cond ((not (integerp control)) '%pass%)
	  (t (case control
	       (0 0)
	       (1 -1)
	       (2 x)
	       (3 y)
	       (4 `(lognot ,x))
	       (5 `(lognot ,y))
	       (6 `(logand ,x ,y))
	       (7 `(logior ,x ,y))
	       (8 `(logxor ,x ,y))
	       (9 `(logeqv ,x ,y))
	       (10 `(lognand ,x ,y))
	       (11 `(lognor ,x ,y))
	       (12 `(logandc1 ,x ,y))
	       (13 `(logandc2 ,x ,y))
	       (14 `(logorc1 ,x ,y))
	       (15 `(logorc2 ,x ,y))
	       (t (clc-error "~S illegal control arg to BOOLE." control)

(deftransform logtest logtest-transform (x y)
  `(not (zerop (logand ,x ,y))))

(deftransform logbitp logbitp-transform (x y)
  `(not (zerop (%primitive ldb 1 ,x ,y))))

;;; Byte specifier is just the cons of Size and Position.
(defsynonym byte cons)
(defsynonym byte-size car)
(defsynonym byte-position cdr)

(deftransform ldb ldb-transform (byte-spec x)
  (let ((bs (convert-byte-spec byte-spec)))
    (cond (bs `(%primitive ldb ,(car bs) ,(cdr bs) ,x))
	  (t (once-only ((b byte-spec))
	       `(%primitive ldb (car ,b) (cdr ,b) ,x))))))

(deftransform mask-field mask-field-transform (byte-spec x)
  (let ((bs (convert-byte-spec byte-spec)))
    (cond (bs `(%primitive mask-field ,(car bs) ,(cdr bs) ,x))
	  (t (once-only ((b byte-spec))
	       `(%primitive mask-field (car ,b) (cdr ,b) ,x))))))

(deftransform dpb dpb-transform (new byte-spec x)
  (let ((bs (convert-byte-spec byte-spec)))
    (cond (bs `(%primitive dpb ,new ,(car bs) ,(cdr bs) ,x))
	  (t (once-only ((b byte-spec))
	       `(%primitive dpb ,new (car ,b) (cdr ,b) ,x))))))

(deftransform deposit-field deposit-field-transform (new byte-spec x)
  (let ((bs (convert-byte-spec byte-spec)))
    (cond (bs `(%primitive deposit-field ,new ,(car bs) ,(cdr bs) ,x))
	  (t (once-only ((b byte-spec))
	       `(%primitive deposit-field ,new (car ,b) (cdr ,b) ,x))))))

(deftransform ldb-test ldb-test-transform (bytespec x)
  `(not (zerop (ldb ,bytespec ,x))))

(deftransform float float-transform (n &optional (other nil otherp))
  (cond ((not otherp) `(%primitive float-short ,n))
	((not (floatp (setq other (transform other)))) '%pass%)
	((typep other 'short-float) `(%primitive float-short ,n))
	((typep other 'single-float) `(%primitive float-short ,n))
	((typep other 'double-float) `(%primitive float-long ,n))
	((typep other 'long-float) `(%primitive float-long ,n))
	(t (error "Unknown float type?"))))

(defprimitive abs abs)
(defprimitive short-float float-short)
(defprimitive single-float float-short)
(defprimitive double-float float-long)
(defprimitive long-float float-long)
(defprimitive ash ash)
(defprimitive integer-length integer-length)


;;; This stuff is filled with millions of bogus pseudo-subprimtives that
;;; should be flushed someday.

;;; Simple accessors:

(defprimitive svref svref)
(defprimitive schar schar)
;(defprimitive sbit sbit);  <-- SBIT works on multi-D things.
(defprimitive saref1 aref1)
(defprimitive %sp-svref svref)
(defprimitive %sp-schar schar)
(defprimitive %sp-sbit sbit)
(defprimitive %sp-saref1 aref1)

;;; Simple setters:

(defprimitive %svset svset)
(defprimitive %scharset scharset)
;(defprimitive %sbitset sbitset);  <-- %SBITSET works on multi-D things.
(defprimitive %saset1 aset1)
(defprimitive %sp-svset svset)
(defprimitive %sp-scharset scharset)
(defprimitive %sp-sbitset sbitset)
(defprimitive %sp-saset1 aset1)

;;; Complex sets and accesses:

(defprimitive aref1 aref1)
(defprimitive %aset1 aset1)

;;; General Lisp-level accessors:

(deftransform aref aref-transform (array &rest indices)
  (let ((index (car indices)))
    (if (and index (null (cdr indices)))
	(case (find-type array)
	  (simple-vector `(svref ,array ,index))
	  (simple-string `(schar ,array ,index))
	  (simple-bit-vector `(%primitive sbit ,array ,index))
	  (simple-array `(saref1 ,array ,index))
	  (t `(aref1 ,array ,index)))

(deftransform char char-transform (array index)
  (if (eq (find-type array) 'simple-string)
      `(schar ,array ,index)
      `(aref1 ,array ,index)))

;;; Bit accessors are special...

(deftransform sbit sbit-transform (array &rest indices)
  (if (and (car indices) (null (cdr indices)))
      `(%primitive sbit ,array ,(car indices))
      `(aref ,array ,@indices)))

(deftransform bit bit-transform (array &rest indices)
  `(aref ,array ,@indices))

;;; General Lisp-level setters:

(deftransform %aset %aset-transform (array &rest stuff)
  (let ((index (car stuff))
	(new (cadr stuff)))
    (if (and new (null (cddr stuff)))
	(case (find-type array)
	  (simple-vector `(%svset ,array ,index ,new))
	  (simple-string `(%scharset ,array ,index ,new))
	  (simple-bit-vector `(%sbitset ,array ,index ,new))
	  (simple-array `(%saset1 ,array ,index ,new))
	  (t `(%aset1 ,array ,index ,new)))

(deftransform %charset %charset-transform (array index new)
  (if (eq (find-type array) 'simple-string)
      `(%scharset ,array ,index ,new)
      `(%aset1 ,array ,index ,new)))

(deftransform %sbitset %sbitset-transform (array &rest stuff)
  (if (and (cadr stuff) (null (cddr stuff)))
      `(%primitive sbitset ,array ,(car stuff) ,(cadr stuff))
      `(%aset ,array ,@stuff)))

(deftransform %bitset %bitset-transform (array &rest stuff)
  `(%aset ,array ,@stuff))

;;; Transforms for MAKE-VECTOR and MAKE-ARRAY.
;;; Since we can handle a specification of :Initial-Element, we'll squeeze
;;; out that special case.

(deftransform make-vector make-vector-transform (n &rest stuff)
  (cond ((null stuff)
	 `(%sp-alloc-b-vector ,n nil))
	((and (eq (car stuff) ':initial-element) (null (cddr stuff)))
	 `(%sp-alloc-b-vector ,n ,(cadr stuff)))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform make-array make-array-transform (n &rest stuff)
  (cond ((not (integerp n)) '%pass%)
	((null stuff)
	 `(%sp-alloc-b-vector ,n nil))
	((and (eq (car stuff) ':initial-element) (null (cddr stuff)))
	 `(%sp-alloc-b-vector ,n ,(cadr stuff)))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform make-string make-string-transform (n &rest stuff)
  (if (null stuff)
      `(%sp-alloc-string ,n)


;;; CHAR= is just EQ in this system.

(deftransform char= char=-transform (char &rest more)
  (cond ((null more) t)
	((null (cdr more)) `(eq ,char ,(car more)))
	(t '%pass%)))

;;; Handle >2 arg cases just like numerical comparisons.

(push 'multi-compare (get 'char= 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get 'char> 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get 'char< 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get 'char>= 'clc-transforms))
(push 'multi-compare (get 'char<= 'clc-transforms))

;;; Like /=, this requires that all chars be compared.

(deftransform char/= char/=-transform (char &rest more)
  (cond ((null more) t)
	((null (cdr more)) `(not (eq ,char ,(car more))))
	(t '%pass%)))

(deftransform char-int char-int-transform (x)
  `(%primitive make-immediate-type ,x 16))

(deftransform char-code char-code-transform (x)
  `(logand 255 (%primitive make-immediate-type ,x 16)))
;;;; Instruction-level transforms.

(defprimitive %sp-cons cons)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-symbol alloc-symbol)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-b-vector alloc-g-vector)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-u-vector alloc-i-vector)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-string alloc-string)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-function alloc-function)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-array alloc-array)
(defprimitive %sp-alloc-xnum alloc-bignum)
(defprimitive %sp-type get-type)
(defprimitive %sp-make-immediate-type make-immediate-type)
(defprimitive %sp-get-vector-subtype get-vector-subtype)
(defprimitive %sp-set-vector-subtype set-vector-subtype)
(defprimitive %sp-get-vector-length vector-length)
(defprimitive %sp-get-value get-value)
(defprimitive %sp-set-value set-value)
(defprimitive %sp-get-definition get-definition)
(defprimitive %sp-set-definition set-definition)
(defprimitive %sp-get-plist get-plist)
(defprimitive %sp-set-plist set-plist)
(defprimitive %sp-get-pname get-pname)
(defprimitive %sp-get-package get-package)
(defprimitive %sp-set-package set-package)
(defprimitive %sp-boundp boundp)
(defprimitive %sp-fboundp fboundp)
(defprimitive %sp-negate negate)
(defprimitive %sp-lsh lsh)
(defprimitive %sp-get-vector-access-type get-vector-access-code)
(defprimitive %sp-logldb logldb)
(defprimitive %sp-logdpb logdpb)
(defprimitive %sp-abs abs)
(defprimitive %sp-subspace get-space)
(defprimitive %sp-typed-v-access typed-vref)
(defprimitive %sp-typed-v-store typed-vset)
(defprimitive %sp-shrink-vector shrink-vector)
(defprimitive %sp-values-to-n values-to-n)
(defprimitive %sp-n-to-values n-to-values)
(defprimitive %sp-arg-in-frame arg-in-frame)
(defprimitive %sp-current-stack-frame active-call-frame)
(defprimitive %sp-set-stack-frame set-call-frame)
(defprimitive %sp-current-open-frame current-open-frame)
(defprimitive %sp-set-open-frame set-open-frame)
(defprimitive %sp-current-stack-pointer current-stack-pointer)
(defprimitive %sp-current-binding-pointer current-binding-pointer)
(defprimitive %sp-read-control-stack read-control-stack)
(defprimitive %sp-write-control-stack write-control-stack)
(defprimitive %sp-read-binding-stack read-binding-stack)
(defprimitive %sp-write-binding-stack write-binding-stack)
(defprimitive %sp-ldb ldb)
(defprimitive %sp-mask-field mask-field)
(defprimitive %sp-dpb dpb)
(defprimitive %sp-deposit-field deposit-field)
(defprimitive %sp-ash ash)
(defprimitive %sp-haulong integer-length)
(defprimitive %sp-v-access aref1)
(defprimitive %sp-svref aref1)
(defprimitive %sp-v-store aset1)
(defprimitive %sp-svset aset1)
(defprimitive %sp-force-values force-values)
(defprimitive %sp-flush-values flush-values)
(defprimitive %sp-get-newspace-bit newspace-bit)
(defprimitive %sp-halt halt)
(defprimitive %sp-escape-return escape-return)
(defprimitive %sp-break-return break-return)
(defprimitive %sp-kernel-trap kernel-trap)
(defprimitive %sp-byte-blt byte-blt)
(defprimitive %sp-find-character find-character)
(defprimitive %sp-find-character-with-attribute find-character-with-attribute)
(defprimitive %sp-sxhash-simple-string sxhash-simple-string)
(defprimitive %sp-short-float float-short)
(defprimitive %sp-long-float float-long)
(defprimitive %sp-single-float float-short)
(defprimitive %sp-double-float float-long)
(defprimitive %sp-scale-float scale-float)
(defprimitive %sp-decode-float decode-float)
(defprimitive %sp-assoc assoc)
(defprimitive %sp-assq assq)
(defprimitive %sp-member member)
(defprimitive %sp-memq memq)
;;; This is the macro that constructs the transforms for string<, string<=, 
;;; string>, and string>=.  Char-fn is the character comparison function that
;;; finished off the job of %sp-string-compare.  String-fn is the * function that
;;; is called when one of the args to the function call that is being transformed
;;; is not simple (i.e. when we are punting on the transform).  These are put
;;; in by ,', at macroexpand time.  The backquoted form that is returned then 
;;; evaluates in all of the six arguments to the string comparison function at
;;; transform time.

(defmacro string<>=-body (string*-fn lessp equalp)
  `(if (and (eq (find-type string1) 'simple-string)
	    (eq (find-type string2) 'simple-string))
       (once-only ((str1 string1)
		   (str2 string2)
		   (s1 start1)
		   (e1 end1)
		   (s2 start2)
		   (e2 end2))
	 (let ((index (new-internal-variable))
	       (end1 (new-internal-variable))
	       (end2 (new-internal-variable)))
	   `(let* ((,end1 (if (not ,e1) (length (the simple-string ,str1)) ,e1))
		   (,end2 (if (not ,e2) (length (the simple-string ,str2)) ,e2))
		   (,index (%sp-string-compare ,str1 ,s1 ,end1 ,str2 ,s2 ,end2)))
	      (if ,index
		  (cond ((= ,index ,(if ,lessp end1 end2)) ,index)
			((= ,index ,(if ,lessp end2 end1)) nil)
			((,(if ,lessp 'char< 'char>)
			  (schar ,str1 ,index)
			  (schar ,str2 (+ ,index (- ,s2 ,s1))))
			(t nil))
		  ,(if ,equalp `(- ,end1 ,s1) 'nil)))))
       `(,',string*-fn ,string1 ,string2 ,start1 ,end1 ,start2 ,end2)))

(deftransform string< string<-transform 
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string<>=-body string<* t nil))

(deftransform string> string>-transform 
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string<>=-body string>* nil nil))
(deftransform string<= string<=-transform 
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string<>=-body string<=* t t))

(deftransform string>= string>=-transform 
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string<>=-body string>=* nil t))
;;; As above, but for string= and string/=.  Compare-fn is the function to call
;;; on the result of %sp-string-compare. *-fn is the * function to call if there
;;; are non-simple strings.

(defmacro string=-body (compare-fn *-fn)
 `(if (and (eq (find-type string1) 'simple-string)
	   (eq (find-type string2) 'simple-string))
      (once-only ((str1 string1)
		  (str2 string2)
		  (e1 end1)
		  (e2 end2))
	`(,',compare-fn (%sp-string-compare ,str1 ,start1
		          (if (not ,e1) (length (the simple-string ,str1)) ,e1)
		          ,str2 ,start2
		          (if (not ,e2) (length (the simple-string ,str2)) ,e2))))
      `(,',*-fn ,string1 ,string2 ,start1 ,end1 ,start2 ,end2)))

(deftransform string= string=-transform
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string=-body not string=*))

(deftransform string/= string/=-transform
  (string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2)
  (string=-body identity string/=*))
;;; A transform for FORMAT, courtesy of Skef.

(deftransform format format-transform (stream control &rest args)
  (if (or (not (simple-string-p control))
	  (not (trivialp stream))
	  (eq stream nil))
      (do* ((index 0)
	    (forms ())
	    (end (length control))
	    (penultimus (1- end))
	    (stream-var (new-internal-variable))
	    (stream-form (if (eq stream t) () `(,stream-var))))
	  ((= index end)
	   `(let (,@(if (eq stream t)
			`((,stream-var ,stream))))
	      ,@(nreverse forms)
	(let* ((command-index (position #\~ (the simple-string control)
					:start index)))
	  (cond (command-index
		 (when (= command-index penultimus)
		   (clc-error "FORMAT control string ends in a ~~: ~S" control)
		   (return '%pass%))
		 ;; Get the format directive.
		 (let ((command-char (schar control (1+ command-index))))
		   ;; Non-command stuff gets write-string'ed out.
		   (if (/= index command-index)
		       (push `(write-string
			       ,(subseq (the simple-string control)
					index command-index)
		   ;; Generate code for the command.
		    (case command-char
		      ((#\b #\B) `(let ((*print-base* 2))
				    (princ ,(pop args) ,@stream-form)))
		      ((#\o #\O) `(let ((*print-base* 8))
				    (princ ,(pop args) ,@stream-form)))
		      ((#\d #\D) `(let ((*print-base* 10))
				    (princ ,(pop args) ,@stream-form)))
		      ((#\x #\X) `(let ((*print-base* 16))
				    (princ ,(pop args) ,@stream-form)))
		      ((#\a #\A) `(princ ,(pop args) ,@stream-form))
		      ((#\s #\S) `(prin1 ,(pop args) ,@stream-form))
		      (#\% `(terpri ,@stream-form))
		      (#\& `(fresh-line ,@stream-form))
		      (#\| `(write-char #\form ,@stream-form)) ; |) for EMACS
		      (#\~ `(write-char #\~ ,@stream-form))
		       (let ((new-pos (position-if-not
				       (the simple-string control)
				       :start (+ command-index 2))))
			 (if new-pos
			     (setq command-index (- new-pos 2)))))
		      (t (return '%pass%)))
		 (setq index (+ command-index 2)))
		 ;; Write out the final part of the string.
		 (push `(write-string ,(subseq (the simple-string control)
					       index end)
		 (setq index end)))))))